/* * RHQ Management Platform * Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ package org.rhq.plugins.apache; import static org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.AvailabilityType.DOWN; import static org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.AvailabilityType.UP; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.File; import java.net.ConnectException; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.rhq.augeas.AugeasComponent; import org.rhq.augeas.node.AugeasNode; import org.rhq.augeas.tree.AugeasTree; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.Configuration; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.ConfigurationUpdateStatus; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.PropertySimple; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.definition.ConfigurationDefinition; import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.AvailabilityType; import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.DataType; import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementDataNumeric; import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementDataTrait; import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementReport; import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementScheduleRequest; import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.calltime.CallTimeData; import org.rhq.core.domain.resource.CreateResourceStatus; import org.rhq.core.domain.resource.ResourceType; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.configuration.ConfigurationFacet; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.configuration.ConfigurationUpdateReport; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.CreateChildResourceFacet; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.CreateResourceReport; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.DeleteResourceFacet; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.InvalidPluginConfigurationException; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.ResourceComponent; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.ResourceContext; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.measurement.MeasurementFacet; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.util.ResponseTimeConfiguration; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.util.ResponseTimeLogParser; import org.rhq.plugins.apache.mapping.ApacheAugeasMapping; import org.rhq.plugins.apache.parser.ApacheDirective; import org.rhq.plugins.apache.parser.ApacheDirectiveTree; import org.rhq.plugins.apache.util.AugeasNodeSearch; import org.rhq.plugins.apache.util.AugeasNodeValueUtil; import org.rhq.plugins.apache.util.ConfigurationTimestamp; import org.rhq.plugins.apache.util.PluginUtility; import org.rhq.plugins.apache.util.RuntimeApacheConfiguration; import org.rhq.plugins.www.snmp.SNMPException; import org.rhq.plugins.www.snmp.SNMPSession; import org.rhq.plugins.www.snmp.SNMPValue; import org.rhq.plugins.www.util.WWWUtils; /** * @author Ian Springer * @author Lukas Krejci */ public class ApacheVirtualHostServiceComponent implements ResourceComponent<ApacheServerComponent>, MeasurementFacet, ConfigurationFacet, DeleteResourceFacet, CreateChildResourceFacet { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ApacheVirtualHostServiceComponent.class); public static final String URL_CONFIG_PROP = "url"; public static final String MAIN_SERVER_RESOURCE_KEY = "MainServer"; public static final String RESPONSE_TIME_LOG_FILE_CONFIG_PROP = ResponseTimeConfiguration.RESPONSE_TIME_LOG_FILE_CONFIG_PROP; public static final String RESPONSE_TIME_URL_EXCLUDES_CONFIG_PROP = ResponseTimeConfiguration.RESPONSE_TIME_URL_EXCLUDES_CONFIG_PROP; public static final String RESPONSE_TIME_URL_TRANSFORMS_CONFIG_PROP = ResponseTimeConfiguration.RESPONSE_TIME_URL_TRANSFORMS_CONFIG_PROP; public static final String SERVER_NAME_CONFIG_PROP = "ServerName"; private static final String RESPONSE_TIME_METRIC = "ResponseTime"; /** Multiply by 1/1000 to convert logged response times, which are in microseconds, to milliseconds. */ private static final double RESPONSE_TIME_LOG_TIME_MULTIPLIER = 0.001; public static final String RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME = "Apache Virtual Host"; private ResourceContext<ApacheServerComponent> resourceContext; private URL url; private ResponseTimeLogParser logParser; private ConfigurationTimestamp lastConfigurationTimeStamp = new ConfigurationTimestamp(); private int snmpWwwServiceIndex = -1; private AvailabilityType lastKnownAvailability; public void start(ResourceContext<ApacheServerComponent> resourceContext) throws Exception { this.resourceContext = resourceContext; Configuration pluginConfig = this.resourceContext.getPluginConfiguration(); String url = pluginConfig.getSimple(URL_CONFIG_PROP).getStringValue(); if (url != null) { try { this.url = new URL(url); if (this.url.getPort() == 0) { throw new InvalidPluginConfigurationException( "The 'url' connection property is invalid - 0 is not a valid port; please change the value to the " + "port this virtual host is listening on. NOTE: If the 'url' property was set this way " + "after autodiscovery, you most likely did not include the port in the ServerName directive for " + "this virtual host in httpd.conf."); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new Exception("Value of '" + URL_CONFIG_PROP + "' connection property ('" + url + "') is not a valid URL."); } } ResponseTimeConfiguration responseTimeConfig = new ResponseTimeConfiguration(pluginConfig); File logFile = responseTimeConfig.getLogFile(); if (logFile != null) { this.logParser = new ResponseTimeLogParser(logFile, RESPONSE_TIME_LOG_TIME_MULTIPLIER); this.logParser.setExcludes(responseTimeConfig.getExcludes()); this.logParser.setTransforms(responseTimeConfig.getTransforms()); } this.lastKnownAvailability = UP; } public void stop() { this.resourceContext = null; this.url = null; this.lastKnownAvailability = null; } public AvailabilityType getAvailability() { if (resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent().getUseBMX()) lastKnownAvailability = getAvailabilityBMXInternal(); else lastKnownAvailability = getAvailabilityInternal(); return lastKnownAvailability; } public AvailabilityType getAvailabilityBMXInternal() { boolean availability = false; HttpURLConnection urlConn = null; try { URL url = new URL(resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent().getBMXUrl()); urlConn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); urlConn.connect(); if(urlConn.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) availability = true; else availability = false; } catch (ConnectException e) { LOG.info("The Apache server is down !"); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { LOG.error("Malformed URL : " + resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent().getBMXUrl()); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("IO Error on : " + resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent().getBMXUrl()); } finally { if (urlConn != null) { try { urlConn.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignored it. } } } if(!availability) return AvailabilityType.DOWN; else return AvailabilityType.UP; } private AvailabilityType getAvailabilityInternal() { if (url != null) { int timeout = PluginUtility.getAvailabilityFacetTimeout(); AvailabilityResult availabilityResult = WWWUtils.checkAvailability(this.url, timeout); if (availabilityResult.getAvailabilityType() == UP) { return UP; } else { if (lastKnownAvailability == UP) { switch (availabilityResult.getErrorType()) { case CANNOT_CONNECT: LOG.warn("Could not connect to Virtual Host " + resourceContext.getResourceDetails() + ", availability will be reported as " + DOWN.name()); break; case CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: LOG.warn("Connection to Virtual Host " + resourceContext.getResourceDetails() + " timed out, availability will be reported as " + DOWN.name()); break; default: } } return DOWN; } } else { try { //we don't need the SNMP connection to figure out the index on which the SNMP //module would report this vhost. So first, let's check if that index is valid //(i.e. check that the vhost is actually still present in the apache configuration) if (getWwwServiceIndex() < 1) { return DOWN; } //ok, so the vhost is present. Now let's just ping the SNMP module to see //if it is reachable and base our availability on that... SNMPSession snmpSession = resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent().getSNMPSession(); return snmpSession.ping() ? UP : DOWN; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.debug("Determining the availability of the vhost [" + resourceContext.getResourceKey() + "] using SNMP failed.", e); return DOWN; } } } public Configuration loadResourceConfiguration() throws Exception { // BZ 858813 - treat Augeas disabled as configuration disabled and just return null, otherwise // we spam the log. if (!isAugeasEnabled()) { LOG.debug(ApacheServerComponent.CONFIGURATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR_MESSAGE); return null; } ApacheServerComponent parent = resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent(); AugeasComponent comp = getAugeas(); try { AugeasTree tree = comp.getAugeasTree(ApacheServerComponent.AUGEAS_HTTP_MODULE_NAME); ConfigurationDefinition resourceConfigDef = resourceContext.getResourceType().getResourceConfigurationDefinition(); ApacheAugeasMapping mapping = new ApacheAugeasMapping(tree); return mapping.updateConfiguration(getNode(tree), resourceConfigDef); } finally { comp.close(); } } public void updateResourceConfiguration(ConfigurationUpdateReport report) { if (!isAugeasEnabled()) { report.setStatus(ConfigurationUpdateStatus.FAILURE); report.setErrorMessage(ApacheServerComponent.CONFIGURATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } AugeasComponent comp = getAugeas(); AugeasTree tree = null; try { tree = comp.getAugeasTree(ApacheServerComponent.AUGEAS_HTTP_MODULE_NAME); ConfigurationDefinition resourceConfigDef = resourceContext.getResourceType().getResourceConfigurationDefinition(); ApacheAugeasMapping mapping = new ApacheAugeasMapping(tree); AugeasNode virtHostNode = getNode(tree); mapping.updateAugeas(virtHostNode, report.getConfiguration(), resourceConfigDef); tree.save(); report.setStatus(ConfigurationUpdateStatus.SUCCESS); LOG.info("Apache configuration was updated"); finishConfigurationUpdate(report); } catch (Exception e) { if (tree != null) { String message = "Augeas failed to save configuration " + tree.summarizeAugeasError(); report.setErrorMessage(message); LOG.error(message); } else { report.setErrorMessageFromThrowable(e); LOG.error("Augeas failed to save configuration", e); } report.setStatus(ConfigurationUpdateStatus.FAILURE); } finally { comp.close(); } } public void deleteResource() throws Exception { if (!isAugeasEnabled()) { throw new IllegalStateException(ApacheServerComponent.CONFIGURATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR_MESSAGE); } ApacheServerComponent parent = resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent(); if (MAIN_SERVER_RESOURCE_KEY.equals(resourceContext.getResourceKey())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot delete the virtual host representing the main server configuration."); } AugeasComponent comp = getAugeas(); try { AugeasTree tree = comp.getAugeasTree(ApacheServerComponent.AUGEAS_HTTP_MODULE_NAME); AugeasNode myNode = getNode(tree); tree.removeNode(myNode, true); tree.save(); deleteEmptyFile(tree, myNode); conditionalRestart(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { //this means we couldn't find the augeas node for this vhost. //that error can be safely ignored in this situation. } finally { comp.close(); } } public void getValues(MeasurementReport report, Set<MeasurementScheduleRequest> schedules) throws Exception { if (resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent().getUseBMX()) getBMXValues(report, schedules); else getSNMPValues(report, schedules); } private void getSNMPValues(MeasurementReport report, Set<MeasurementScheduleRequest> schedules) throws Exception { SNMPSession snmpSession = this.resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent().getSNMPSession(); int primaryIndex = getWwwServiceIndex(); boolean ping = snmpSession.ping(); boolean snmpMetricsSupported = primaryIndex >= 0 && ping; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { if (snmpMetricsSupported) { LOG.debug("SNMP metrics collection supported for VirtualHost service #" + primaryIndex); } else { LOG.debug("SNMP metrics collection unsupported for VirtualHost: primaryIndex[" + primaryIndex + "], session[" + snmpSession + "], ping[" + ping + "]"); } } for (MeasurementScheduleRequest schedule : schedules) { String metricName = schedule.getName(); if (metricName.equals(RESPONSE_TIME_METRIC)) { if (this.logParser != null) { try { CallTimeData callTimeData = new CallTimeData(schedule); this.logParser.parseLog(callTimeData); report.addData(callTimeData); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to retrieve HTTP call-time data.", e); } } else { LOG.error("The '" + RESPONSE_TIME_METRIC + "' metric is enabled for resource '" + this.resourceContext.getResourceKey() + "', but no value is defined for the '" + RESPONSE_TIME_LOG_FILE_CONFIG_PROP + "' connection property."); // TODO: Communicate this error back to the server for display in the GUI. } } else { if (snmpMetricsSupported) { // Assume anything else is an SNMP metric. try { collectSnmpMetric(report, primaryIndex, snmpSession, schedule); } catch (SNMPException e) { LOG.error("An error occurred while attempting to collect an SNMP metric.", e); } } } } LOG.info("Collected " + report.getDataCount() + " metrics for VirtualHost " + this.resourceContext.getResourceKey() + "."); } private void getBMXValues(MeasurementReport report, Set<MeasurementScheduleRequest> schedules) throws Exception { Map<String,String> values = ApacheServerComponent.parseBMXInput(this.resourceContext.getResourceKey(), resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent().getBMXUrl()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Collecting BMX metrics"); } for (MeasurementScheduleRequest schedule : schedules) { /* convert the name like mod_snmp */ String metricName = ApacheServerComponent.convertStringToBMX(schedule.getName()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Collecting BMX metric [" + metricName + "]"); } if (values.containsKey(metricName)) { if (schedule.getDataType()== DataType.TRAIT) { String val = values.get(metricName); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Collected BMX metric [" + metricName + "], value = " + val); } MeasurementDataTrait mdt = new MeasurementDataTrait(schedule,val); report.addData(mdt); } else { Double val = Double.valueOf(values.get(metricName)); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Collected BMX metric [" + metricName + "], value = " + val); } MeasurementDataNumeric mdn = new MeasurementDataNumeric(schedule,val); report.addData(mdn); } } else if (metricName.equals(RESPONSE_TIME_METRIC)) { /* a special handling for ResponseTime */ if (this.logParser != null) { try { CallTimeData callTimeData = new CallTimeData(schedule); this.logParser.parseLog(callTimeData); report.addData(callTimeData); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to retrieve HTTP call-time data.", e); } } else { LOG.error("The '" + RESPONSE_TIME_METRIC + "' metric is enabled for resource '" + this.resourceContext.getResourceKey() + "', but no value is defined for the '" + RESPONSE_TIME_LOG_FILE_CONFIG_PROP + "' connection property."); // TODO: Communicate this error back to the server for display in the GUI. } } else { LOG.warn("BMX metric [" + metricName + "] not found"); } } LOG.info("Collected " + report.getDataCount() + " metrics for VirtualHost " + this.resourceContext.getResourceKey() + "."); } public CreateResourceReport createResource(CreateResourceReport report) { if (!isAugeasEnabled()) { report.setStatus(CreateResourceStatus.FAILURE); report.setErrorMessage(ApacheServerComponent.CONFIGURATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR_MESSAGE); return report; } ResourceType resourceType = report.getResourceType(); AugeasComponent comp = null; try { comp = getAugeas(); if (resourceType.equals(getDirectoryResourceType())) { Configuration resourceConfiguration = report.getResourceConfiguration(); Configuration pluginConfiguration = report.getPluginConfiguration(); String directoryName = report.getUserSpecifiedResourceName(); //fill in the plugin configuration //get the directive index AugeasTree tree = comp.getAugeasTree(ApacheServerComponent.AUGEAS_HTTP_MODULE_NAME); AugeasNode myNode = getNode(tree); List<AugeasNode> directories = myNode.getChildByLabel("<Directory"); int seq = 1; /* * myNode will be parent node of the new Directory node. * We need to create a new node for directory node which will contain child nodes. * To create a node we can call method from AugeasTree which will create a node. In this method is * parameter sequence, if we will leave this parameter empty and there will be more nodes with * the same label, new node will be created but the method createNode will return node with index 0 resp 1. * If that will happen we can not update the node anymore because we are updating wrong node. * To avoid this situation we need to know what is the last sequence nr. of virtual host's child (directory) nodes. * We can not just count child nodes with the same label because some of the child nodes * could be stored in another file. So that in httpd configurationstructure they are child nodes of virtual host, * but in augeas configuration structure they can be child nodes of node Include[];. */ for (AugeasNode n : directories) { String param = n.getFullPath(); int end = param.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar); if (end != -1) if (myNode.getFullPath().equals(param.substring(0, end))) seq++; } //pluginConfiguration.put(new PropertySimple(ApacheDirectoryComponent.DIRECTIVE_INDEX_PROP, seq)); //we don't support this yet... need to figure out how... pluginConfiguration.put(new PropertySimple(ApacheDirectoryComponent.REGEXP_PROP, false)); String dirNameToSet = AugeasNodeValueUtil.escape(directoryName); //now actually create the data in augeas try { ApacheAugeasMapping mapping = new ApacheAugeasMapping(tree); AugeasNode directoryNode = tree.createNode(myNode, "<Directory", null, seq); String myNodeKey = AugeasNodeSearch.getNodeKey(myNode, tree.getRootNode()); tree.createNode(directoryNode, "param", dirNameToSet, 0); mapping.updateAugeas(directoryNode, resourceConfiguration, resourceType.getResourceConfigurationDefinition()); tree.save(); comp.close(); tree = comp.getAugeasTree(ApacheServerComponent.AUGEAS_HTTP_MODULE_NAME); AugeasNode parentNode; if (myNodeKey.equals("")) { parentNode = tree.getRootNode(); } else parentNode = AugeasNodeSearch.findNodeById(tree.getRootNode(), myNodeKey); List<AugeasNode> nodes = parentNode.getChildByLabel("<Directory"); if (nodes.size() < seq) { report.setStatus(CreateResourceStatus.FAILURE); report.setErrorMessage("Could not create directory node."); } AugeasNode nd = nodes.get(seq - 1); String key = AugeasNodeSearch.getNodeKey(nd, parentNode); report.setResourceKey(key); report.setResourceName(directoryName); report.setStatus(CreateResourceStatus.SUCCESS); resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent().finishChildResourceCreate(report); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Could not create httpd virtual host child resource.", e); report.setException(e); report.setStatus(CreateResourceStatus.FAILURE); } } else { report.setErrorMessage("Unable to create resources of type " + resourceType.getName()); report.setStatus(CreateResourceStatus.FAILURE); } } finally { if (comp != null) comp.close(); } return report; } public AugeasComponent getAugeas() { return resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent().getAugeas(); } /** * Returns a node corresponding to this component in the Augeas tree. * * @param tree * @return * @throws IllegalStateException if none or more than one nodes found */ public AugeasNode getNode(AugeasTree tree) { String resourceKey = resourceContext.getResourceKey(); int snmpIdx = getWwwServiceIndex(); ApacheServerComponent server = resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent(); if (snmpIdx < 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not determine the index of the virtual host [" + resourceKey + "] in the runtime configuration. This is very strange."); } if (snmpIdx == 1) { return tree.getRootNode(); } final List<AugeasNode> allVhosts = new ArrayList<AugeasNode>(); RuntimeApacheConfiguration.walkRuntimeConfig(new RuntimeApacheConfiguration.NodeVisitor<AugeasNode>() { public void visitOrdinaryNode(AugeasNode node) { if ("<VirtualHost".equalsIgnoreCase(node.getLabel())) { allVhosts.add(node); } } public void visitConditionalNode(AugeasNode node, boolean isSatisfied) { } }, tree, server.getCurrentProcessInfo(), server.getCurrentBinaryInfo(), server.getModuleNames(), false); //transform the SNMP index into the index of the vhost int idx = allVhosts.size() - snmpIdx + 1; AugeasNode vhost = allVhosts.get(idx); //now check if there are any If* directives underneath this vhost. //we don't support configuring such beasts. if (vhost.getChildByLabel("<IfDefine").isEmpty() && vhost.getChildByLabel("<IfModule").isEmpty() && vhost.getChildByLabel("<IfVersion").isEmpty()) { return vhost; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Configuration of the virtual host [" + resourceKey + "] contains conditional blocks. This is not supported by this plugin."); } } /** * Returns a directive corresponding to this component in the Apache directive tree. * * @param keepConditionalDirectives whether to keep conditional directives in the tree (true) or whether to * transparently include/ignore their children based on runtime config info (false) * @throws IllegalStateException if none or more than one directives found */ public ApacheDirective getDirective(boolean keepConditionalDirectives) { ApacheDirectiveTree tree = resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent().parseRuntimeConfiguration(true, keepConditionalDirectives); String resourceKey = resourceContext.getResourceKey(); int snmpIdx = getWwwServiceIndex(); if (snmpIdx < 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not determine the index of the virtual host [" + resourceKey + "] in the runtime configuration. This is very strange."); } if (snmpIdx == 1) { return tree.getRootNode(); } final List<ApacheDirective> allVhosts = tree.findByName("<VirtualHost", true); //transform the SNMP index into the index of the vhost int idx = allVhosts.size() - snmpIdx + 1; return allVhosts.get(idx); } /** * @see ApacheServerComponent#finishConfigurationUpdate(ConfigurationUpdateReport) */ public void finishConfigurationUpdate(ConfigurationUpdateReport report) { resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent().finishConfigurationUpdate(report); } /** * @see ApacheServerComponent#conditionalRestart() * * @throws Exception */ public void conditionalRestart() throws Exception { resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent().conditionalRestart(); } public void deleteEmptyFile(AugeasTree tree, AugeasNode deletedNode) { resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent().deleteEmptyFile(tree, deletedNode); } private void collectSnmpMetric(MeasurementReport report, int primaryIndex, SNMPSession snmpSession, MeasurementScheduleRequest schedule) throws SNMPException { SNMPValue snmpValue = null; String metricName = schedule.getName(); int dotIndex = metricName.indexOf('.'); String mibName; if (dotIndex == -1) { // it's a service metric (e.g. "wwwServiceName") or a summary metric (e.g. "wwwSummaryInRequests") mibName = metricName; List<SNMPValue> snmpValues = snmpSession.getColumn(mibName); // NOTE: We assume SNMPValue's are returned in index-order. snmpValue = snmpValues.get(primaryIndex - 1); } else { // it's a request or response metric (e.g. "wwwRequestInRequests.GET" or "wwwResponseOutResponses.200") mibName = metricName.substring(0, dotIndex); String mibSecondaryIndex = metricName.substring(dotIndex + 1); String oid; try { Integer.parseInt(mibSecondaryIndex); oid = mibSecondaryIndex; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // OID must be encoded as a string (e.g. == "GET") - decode it oid = convertStringToOid(mibSecondaryIndex); } boolean found = false; Map<String, SNMPValue> table = snmpSession.getTable(mibName, primaryIndex); if (table != null) { snmpValue = table.get(oid); if (snmpValue != null) { found = true; } } if (!found) { LOG.error("Entry '" + oid + "' not found for " + mibName + "[" + primaryIndex + "]."); LOG.error("Table:\n" + table); return; } } LOG.debug("Collected SNMP metric [" + metricName + "], value = " + snmpValue); boolean valueIsTimestamp = false; ApacheServerComponent.addSnmpMetricValueToReport(report, schedule, snmpValue, valueIsTimestamp); } private String convertStringToOid(String string) { String oid; StringBuilder strBuf = new StringBuilder(); strBuf.append(string.length()); // first digit in OID is the length of the string for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++) { // remaining digits are the integer values of each of the characters in the string strBuf.append('.').append((byte) string.charAt(i)); } oid = strBuf.toString(); return oid; } public static int getWwwServiceIndex(ApacheServerComponent parent, String resourceKey) { //figure out the servername and addresses of this virtual host //from the resource key. String vhostServerName = null; String[] vhostAddressStrings = null; int pipeIdx = resourceKey.indexOf('|'); if (pipeIdx >= 0) { vhostServerName = resourceKey.substring(0, pipeIdx); if (vhostServerName.isEmpty()) { vhostServerName = null; } } vhostAddressStrings = resourceKey.substring(pipeIdx + 1).split(" "); int foundIdx = 0; //only look for the vhost entry if the vhost we're looking for isn't the main server if (!MAIN_SERVER_RESOURCE_KEY.equals(vhostAddressStrings[0])) { ApacheDirectiveTree tree = parent.parseRuntimeConfiguration(false); //find the vhost entry the resource key represents List<ApacheDirective> vhosts = tree.search("/<VirtualHost"); for (ApacheDirective vhost : vhosts) { List<ApacheDirective> serverNames = vhost.getChildByName("ServerName"); String serverName = serverNames.size() > 0 ? serverNames.get(0).getValuesAsString() : null; List<String> addrs = vhost.getValues(); boolean serverNamesMatch = (serverName == null && vhostServerName == null) || (serverName != null && serverName.equals(vhostServerName)); boolean addrsMatch = true; if (addrs.size() != vhostAddressStrings.length) { addrsMatch = false; } else { for (int i = 0; i < vhostAddressStrings.length; ++i) { if (!addrs.contains(vhostAddressStrings[i])) { addrsMatch = false; break; } } } if (serverNamesMatch && addrsMatch) { break; } ++foundIdx; } if (foundIdx == vhosts.size()) { LOG.debug("The virtual host with resource key [" + resourceKey + "] doesn't seem to be present in the apache configuration anymore."); return -1; } else { //httpd vhosts are internally (in httpd internal data structures) ordered like this: //1) the main server entry is always first //2) all the vhosts are ordered from the last to appear in the joined config files to the first one //we now have an index to the list of the vhosts in the order they are defined. //so let's swap it over. //just subtracting from the size will give us the "room" for the first index //being the main host. In another words the below subtraction is correct even though //you might think there's a 1-off bug there. foundIdx = vhosts.size() - foundIdx; } } //the snmp indices are 1-based return foundIdx + 1; } /** * @return the index of the virtual host that identifies it in SNMP * @throws Exception on SNMP error */ private int getWwwServiceIndex() { ConfigurationTimestamp currentTimestamp = resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent().getConfigurationTimestamp(); if (!lastConfigurationTimeStamp.equals(currentTimestamp)) { snmpWwwServiceIndex = -1; //don't go through this configuration again even if we fail further below.. we'd fail again. lastConfigurationTimeStamp = currentTimestamp; //configuration has changed. re-read the service index of this virtual host snmpWwwServiceIndex = getWwwServiceIndex(resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent(), resourceContext.getResourceKey()); } return snmpWwwServiceIndex; } private ResourceType getDirectoryResourceType() { return resourceContext.getResourceType().getChildResourceTypes().iterator().next(); } public boolean isAugeasEnabled() { ApacheServerComponent parent = resourceContext.getParentResourceComponent(); return parent.isAugeasEnabled(); } }