package org.rhq.core.pc.avail; import static org.mockito.Matchers.any; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.Deployment; import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.TargetsContainer; import org.jboss.arquillian.test.api.ArquillianResource; import org.jboss.arquillian.testng.Arquillian; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ShrinkWrap; import org.rhq.core.clientapi.server.discovery.InventoryReport; import org.rhq.core.domain.discovery.AvailabilityReport; import org.rhq.core.domain.discovery.AvailabilityReport.Datum; import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.AvailabilityType; import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementScheduleRequest; import org.rhq.core.domain.resource.InventoryStatus; import org.rhq.core.pc.PluginContainer; import org.rhq.core.pc.PluginContainerConfiguration; import org.rhq.core.pc.inventory.AvailabilityExecutor; import org.rhq.core.pc.inventory.AvailabilityExecutor.Scan; import org.rhq.core.pc.inventory.ForceAvailabilityExecutor; import org.rhq.core.pc.inventory.ResourceContainer; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.ResourceComponent; import org.rhq.plugins.test.avail.AvailDiscoveryComponent; import org.rhq.plugins.test.avail.AvailResourceComponent; import org.rhq.test.arquillian.AfterDiscovery; import org.rhq.test.arquillian.BeforeDiscovery; import org.rhq.test.arquillian.FakeServerInventory; import org.rhq.test.arquillian.MockingServerServices; import org.rhq.test.arquillian.ResourceComponentInstances; import org.rhq.test.arquillian.ResourceContainers; import org.rhq.test.arquillian.RunDiscovery; import org.rhq.test.shrinkwrap.RhqAgentPluginArchive; @RunDiscovery public class AvailTest extends Arquillian { @Deployment(name = "availPlugin") @TargetsContainer("connected-pc") public static RhqAgentPluginArchive getTestPlugin() { RhqAgentPluginArchive pluginJar = ShrinkWrap.create(RhqAgentPluginArchive.class, "avail-plugin-1.0.jar"); return pluginJar .setPluginDescriptor("avail-rhq-plugin.xml") .addClasses(AvailDiscoveryComponent.class, AvailResourceComponent.class); } @ArquillianResource private PluginContainer pluginContainer; @ArquillianResource public MockingServerServices serverServices; private FakeServerInventory fakeServerInventory; @ResourceContainers(plugin = "availPlugin", resourceType = "AvailParentServer1") private Set<ResourceContainer> parentContainers1; @ResourceContainers(plugin = "availPlugin", resourceType = "AvailParentServer2") private Set<ResourceContainer> parentContainers2; @ResourceContainers(plugin = "availPlugin", resourceType = "AvailChildService1") private Set<ResourceContainer> childContainers1; @ResourceContainers(plugin = "availPlugin", resourceType = "AvailChildService2") private Set<ResourceContainer> childContainers2; @ResourceContainers(plugin = "availPlugin", resourceType = "AvailGrandchildService1") private Set<ResourceContainer> grandchildContainers1; @ResourceContainers(plugin = "availPlugin", resourceType = "AvailGrandchildService2") private Set<ResourceContainer> grandchildContainers2; @ResourceComponentInstances(plugin = "availPlugin", resourceType = "AvailParentServer1") private Set<AvailResourceComponent> parentComponents1; @ResourceComponentInstances(plugin = "availPlugin", resourceType = "AvailParentServer2") private Set<AvailResourceComponent> parentComponents2; @ResourceComponentInstances(plugin = "availPlugin", resourceType = "AvailChildService1") private Set<AvailResourceComponent> childComponents1; @ResourceComponentInstances(plugin = "availPlugin", resourceType = "AvailChildService2") private Set<AvailResourceComponent> childComponents2; @ResourceComponentInstances(plugin = "availPlugin", resourceType = "AvailGrandchildService1") private Set<AvailResourceComponent> grandchildComponents1; @ResourceComponentInstances(plugin = "availPlugin", resourceType = "AvailGrandchildService2") private Set<AvailResourceComponent> grandchildComponents2; private FakeServerInventory.CompleteDiscoveryChecker discoveryCompleteChecker; @BeforeDiscovery(testMethods = "testDiscovery") public void resetServerServices() throws Exception { serverServices.resetMocks(); fakeServerInventory = new FakeServerInventory(); discoveryCompleteChecker = fakeServerInventory.createAsyncDiscoveryCompletionChecker(5); // autoimport everything when(serverServices.getDiscoveryServerService().mergeInventoryReport(any(InventoryReport.class))).then( fakeServerInventory.mergeInventoryReport(InventoryStatus.COMMITTED)); when(serverServices.getDiscoveryServerService().getResourceSyncInfo(any(Integer.class))).then( fakeServerInventory.getResourceSyncInfo()); } @AfterDiscovery public void waitForAsyncDiscoveries() throws Exception { if (discoveryCompleteChecker != null) { discoveryCompleteChecker.waitForDiscoveryComplete(10000); } } @BeforeMethod protected void beforeMethod() throws Exception { System.out.println("\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEFORE METHOD (" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + ")"); scrub(); } private void scrub() throws Exception { if (null == parentContainers1) return; List<Set<ResourceContainer>> containerSets = new ArrayList<Set<ResourceContainer>>(); containerSets.add(parentContainers1); containerSets.add(parentContainers2); containerSets.add(childContainers1); containerSets.add(childContainers2); containerSets.add(grandchildContainers1); containerSets.add(grandchildContainers2); // scrub res containers of avail state and ensure schedules are blanked for (Set<ResourceContainer> cs : containerSets) { for (ResourceContainer c : cs) { c.setAvailabilityScheduleTime(0); c.updateAvailability(null); c.setAvailabilitySchedule(null); // reset state of res component ResourceComponent resourceComponent = c.getResourceComponent(); resourceComponent.stop(); resourceComponent.start(c.getResourceContext()); } } // this is a hack to get this test to pass. If you run this test class on its own, it passes fine. // but if you run it in conjunction with other tests (e.g. mvn -Dtest=AvailTest,DiscoveryCallbackAbortTest) // then it fails. It appears our arquillian test infrastructure is shutting down the PC / ResourceContainer // but the ResourceContainer is not getting reinitialized by the time this test class needs it. What then // happens is the avail thread pool in ResourceContainer is shutdown and will not accept any more tasks, causing failures. // We should try to figure out why the Arquillian infrastructure is doing this, but for now, to get tests // passing again, this one-line fix needs to be here. ResourceContainer.initialize(new PluginContainerConfiguration()); } @Test(groups = "pc.itest.avail", priority = 20) public void testDiscovery() throws Exception { Assert.assertNotNull(pluginContainer); Assert.assertTrue(pluginContainer.isStarted()); Assert.assertTrue(pluginContainer.isRunning()); // make sure we have all the resource containers for all the resources Assert.assertEquals(parentContainers1.size(), 2, "missing parent1"); Assert.assertEquals(parentContainers2.size(), 2, "missing parent2"); Assert.assertEquals(childContainers1.size(), 4, "missing child1"); Assert.assertEquals(childContainers2.size(), 4, "missing child2"); Assert.assertEquals(grandchildContainers1.size(), 8, "missing grandchild1"); Assert.assertEquals(grandchildContainers2.size(), 8, "missing grandchild2"); // make sure we have all the resource components for all the resources Assert.assertEquals(parentComponents1.size(), 2, "missing parent1"); Assert.assertEquals(parentComponents2.size(), 2, "missing parent2"); Assert.assertEquals(childComponents1.size(), 4, "missing child1"); Assert.assertEquals(childComponents2.size(), 4, "missing child2"); Assert.assertEquals(grandchildComponents1.size(), 8, "missing grandchild1"); Assert.assertEquals(grandchildComponents2.size(), 8, "missing grandchild2"); } @Test(groups = "pc.itest.avail", priority = 21) public void testAvailReport() throws Exception { Assert.assertTrue(pluginContainer.isStarted()); Assert.assertTrue(pluginContainer.isRunning()); AvailabilityExecutor executor = new ForceAvailabilityExecutor(this.pluginContainer.getInventoryManager()); dumpContainers("testAvailReport() Start"); AvailabilityReport report =; dumpContainers("testAvailReport() After First Avail Check"); Assert.assertNotNull(report); Assert.assertEquals(report.isChangesOnlyReport(), false, "First report should have been a full report"); List<Datum> availData = report.getResourceAvailability(); for (Datum datum : availData) { assert datum.getResourceId() != 0 : "resource ID should be != zero since it should be committed"; Assert.assertEquals(datum.getAvailabilityType(), AvailabilityType.UP, "should be UP at the start"); } AvailabilityExecutor.Scan scan = executor.getMostRecentScanHistory(); assertScan(scan, true, true, 29, 29, 29, 28, 0, 0); // do a forced avail check again - nothing changed, so we should have an empty report report =; dumpContainers("testAvailReport() After Second Avail Check"); Assert.assertNotNull(report); Assert.assertEquals(report.isChangesOnlyReport(), true, "Second report should have been changes-only"); Assert.assertEquals(report.getResourceAvailability().isEmpty(), true, "Nothing changed, should be empty"); scan = executor.getMostRecentScanHistory(); assertScan(scan, true, false, 29, 0, 29, 28, 0, 0); // make one of the top parents down and see all other children are down, force a scan of all to make sure we pick // up the changed resource. AvailResourceComponent downParent = this.parentComponents1.iterator().next(); downParent.setNextAvailability(AvailabilityType.DOWN); report =; dumpContainers("testAvailReport() After Third Avail Check"); Assert.assertNotNull(report); Assert.assertEquals(report.isChangesOnlyReport(), true, "report should have been changes-only"); availData = report.getResourceAvailability(); Assert.assertEquals(availData.size(), 7, "Should have 1 parent, its 2 children and 4 grandchildren"); for (Datum datum : availData) { Assert.assertEquals(datum.getAvailabilityType(), AvailabilityType.DOWN); } scan = executor.getMostRecentScanHistory(); // Children shoud defer to newly down parent. assertScan(scan, true, false, 29, 7, 23, 28, 0, 6); } @Test(groups = "pc.itest.avail", priority = 21) public void testScheduling() throws Exception { Assert.assertTrue(pluginContainer.isStarted()); Assert.assertTrue(pluginContainer.isRunning()); AvailabilityExecutor executor = new ForceAvailabilityExecutor(this.pluginContainer.getInventoryManager()); AvailabilityReport report =; Assert.assertNotNull(report); Assert.assertEquals(report.isChangesOnlyReport(), false, "First report should have been a full report"); List<Datum> availData = report.getResourceAvailability(); for (Datum datum : availData) { assert datum.getResourceId() != 0 : "resource IDs should be != zero since it should be committed"; Assert.assertEquals(datum.getAvailabilityType(), AvailabilityType.UP, "should be UP at the start"); } AvailabilityExecutor.Scan scan = executor.getMostRecentScanHistory(); assertScan(scan, true, true, 29, 28, 29, 28, 0, 0); // Servers should have been scheduled within 1 minute long scanTime = scan.getStartTime(); long maxServerSched = scanTime + 60000L + 1; List<Set<ResourceContainer>> containerSets = new ArrayList<Set<ResourceContainer>>(); containerSets.add(parentContainers1); containerSets.add(parentContainers2); for (Set<ResourceContainer> cs : containerSets) { for (ResourceContainer c : cs) { Long schedTime = c.getAvailabilityScheduleTime(); Assert.assertTrue(schedTime > scanTime && schedTime < maxServerSched); } } long maxServiceSched = scanTime + (10 * 60000L) + 1; boolean[] buckets = new boolean[10]; int numBuckets = 0; containerSets.clear(); containerSets.add(childContainers1); containerSets.add(childContainers2); containerSets.add(grandchildContainers1); containerSets.add(grandchildContainers2); for (Set<ResourceContainer> cs : containerSets) { for (ResourceContainer c : cs) { Long schedTime = c.getAvailabilityScheduleTime(); Assert.assertTrue(schedTime > scanTime && schedTime < maxServiceSched); long slice = (maxServiceSched - scanTime) / 10L; int i = (int) ((schedTime - scanTime) / slice); if (!buckets[i]) { buckets[i] = true; ++numBuckets; } } } Assert.assertTrue(numBuckets >= 3, "Random distribution seems wrong, buckets hit= " + numBuckets); } @Test(groups = "pc.itest.avail", priority = 21) // If a parent changes to UP, its children must all be checked as they could legitimately be something // other than UP. public void testForceChildrenOfParentUp() throws Exception { Assert.assertTrue(pluginContainer.isStarted()); Assert.assertTrue(pluginContainer.isRunning()); // don't use a ForceAvailabilityExecutor for this test, we want to manipulate what gets checked AvailabilityExecutor executor = new AvailabilityExecutor(this.pluginContainer.getInventoryManager()); AvailabilityReport report =; Assert.assertNotNull(report); Assert.assertEquals(report.isChangesOnlyReport(), false, "First report should have been a full report"); List<Datum> availData = report.getResourceAvailability(); int numUp = 0; for (Datum datum : availData) { assert datum.getResourceId() != 0 : "resource IDs should be != zero since it should be committed"; if (datum.getAvailabilityType() == AvailabilityType.UP) { ++numUp; } } Assert.assertEquals(numUp, 1); // only the platform should have been checked, all others should only have been scheduled for a check AvailabilityExecutor.Scan scan = executor.getMostRecentScanHistory(); assertScan(scan, false, true, 29, 0, 1, 28, 0, 0); // At this point all of the non-platform resources are scheduled but still at NULL avail // Manipulate the scheduled time of the "1" servers so they are checked List<Set<ResourceContainer>> containerSets = new ArrayList<Set<ResourceContainer>>(); containerSets.add(parentContainers1); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Set<ResourceContainer> cs : containerSets) { for (ResourceContainer c : cs) { c.setAvailabilityScheduleTime(now); } } // make sure nothing else is scheduled to be checked containerSets.clear(); containerSets.add(childContainers1); containerSets.add(grandchildContainers1); containerSets.add(parentContainers2); containerSets.add(childContainers2); containerSets.add(grandchildContainers2); long later = now + 10000000L; for (Set<ResourceContainer> cs : containerSets) { for (ResourceContainer c : cs) { c.setAvailabilityScheduleTime(later); } } // a changes-only report, even though only 2 checks are scheduled, we should see checks for half // the resources, as the children will be forced. (they should change from null to UP). The scheduled // checks should see their schedules pushed out, but the forced checks should be rescheduled randomly report =; Assert.assertNotNull(report); Assert.assertEquals(report.isChangesOnlyReport(), true, "Second report should have been changes-only"); Assert.assertEquals(report.getResourceAvailability().size(), 14, "should report half the resources"); availData = report.getResourceAvailability(); for (Datum datum : availData) { assert datum.getResourceId() != 0 : "resource IDs should be != zero since it should be committed"; Assert.assertEquals(datum.getAvailabilityType(), AvailabilityType.UP, "should be UP at the start"); } scan = executor.getMostRecentScanHistory(); assertScan(scan, false, false, 29, 14, 15, 12, 2, 0); } @Test(groups = "pc.itest.avail", priority = 21) // If a parent changes to DOWN, its children should all defer to being DOWN as well. public void testDeferToParentDown() throws Exception { Assert.assertTrue(pluginContainer.isStarted()); Assert.assertTrue(pluginContainer.isRunning()); // don't use a ForceAvailabilityExecutor for this test, we want to manipulate what gets checked AvailabilityExecutor executor = new AvailabilityExecutor(this.pluginContainer.getInventoryManager()); AvailabilityReport report =; Assert.assertNotNull(report); Assert.assertEquals(report.isChangesOnlyReport(), false, "First report should have been a full report"); List<Datum> availData = report.getResourceAvailability(); int numUp = 0; for (Datum datum : availData) { assert datum.getResourceId() != 0 : "resource IDs should be > zero since it should be committed"; if (datum.getAvailabilityType() == AvailabilityType.UP) { ++numUp; } } Assert.assertEquals(numUp, 1); // only the platform should have been checked, all others should only have been scheduled for a check AvailabilityExecutor.Scan scan = executor.getMostRecentScanHistory(); assertScan(scan, false, true, 29, 0, 1, 28, 0, 0); // At this point all of the non-platform resources are scheduled but still at NULL avail // Manipulate the scheduled time of the "1" servers so they are checked List<Set<ResourceContainer>> containerSets = new ArrayList<Set<ResourceContainer>>(); containerSets.add(parentContainers1); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Set<ResourceContainer> cs : containerSets) { for (ResourceContainer c : cs) { c.setAvailabilityScheduleTime(now); } } // make sure nothing else is scheduled to be checked containerSets.clear(); containerSets.add(childContainers1); containerSets.add(grandchildContainers1); containerSets.add(parentContainers2); containerSets.add(childContainers2); containerSets.add(grandchildContainers2); long later = now + 10000000L; for (Set<ResourceContainer> cs : containerSets) { for (ResourceContainer c : cs) { c.setAvailabilityScheduleTime(later); } } // make the "1" servers return DOWN and ensure all other children are down, even though their schedules // are not yet met. for (AvailResourceComponent downParent : this.parentComponents1) { downParent.setNextAvailability(AvailabilityType.DOWN); } // a changes-only report, even though only 2 checks are scheduled, we should see checks for half // the resources, as the children should defer to the DOWN parent. (they should change from null to DOWN). // The scheduled checks should see their schedules pushed out but the deferred checks should not, their // schedules remain unchanged in this scenario. report =; Assert.assertNotNull(report); Assert.assertEquals(report.isChangesOnlyReport(), true, "Second report should have been changes-only"); Assert.assertEquals(report.getResourceAvailability().size(), 14, "should report half the resources"); availData = report.getResourceAvailability(); for (Datum datum : availData) { assert datum.getResourceId() != 0 : "resource IDs should be != zero since it should be committed"; Assert.assertEquals(datum.getAvailabilityType(), AvailabilityType.DOWN, "should be DOWN"); } scan = executor.getMostRecentScanHistory(); // Children should defer to newly down parent. assertScan(scan, false, false, 29, 14, 3, 0, 2, 12); } @Test(groups = "pc.itest.avail", priority = 21) public void testCheckOnlyEligible() throws Exception { Assert.assertTrue(pluginContainer.isStarted()); Assert.assertTrue(pluginContainer.isRunning()); // Force all the avails to UP to start so we can avoid the scenario in testForceChildrenOfParentUp() AvailabilityExecutor executor = new ForceAvailabilityExecutor(this.pluginContainer.getInventoryManager()); AvailabilityReport report =; Assert.assertNotNull(report); Assert.assertEquals(report.isChangesOnlyReport(), false, "First report should have been a full report"); List<Datum> availData = report.getResourceAvailability(); for (Datum datum : availData) { assert datum.getResourceId() != 0 : "resource IDs should be != zero since it should be committed"; Assert.assertEquals(datum.getAvailabilityType(), AvailabilityType.UP, "should be UP at the start"); } AvailabilityExecutor.Scan scan = executor.getMostRecentScanHistory(); assertScan(scan, true, true, 29, 28, 29, 28, 0, 0); // don't use a ForceAvailabilityExecutor for this scan, we want to manipulate what gets checked. // by default new executors always do a full scan to start, we don't want that executor = new AvailabilityExecutor(this.pluginContainer.getInventoryManager()); executor.sendChangesOnlyReportNextTime(); // Manipulate the scheduled times such that the "1" resources should be checked and the "2"s should not List<Set<ResourceContainer>> containerSets = new ArrayList<Set<ResourceContainer>>(); containerSets.add(parentContainers1); containerSets.add(childContainers1); containerSets.add(grandchildContainers1); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Set<ResourceContainer> cs : containerSets) { for (ResourceContainer c : cs) { c.setAvailabilityScheduleTime(now); } } containerSets.clear(); containerSets.add(parentContainers2); containerSets.add(childContainers2); containerSets.add(grandchildContainers2); long later = now + 10000000L; for (Set<ResourceContainer> cs : containerSets) { for (ResourceContainer c : cs) { c.setAvailabilityScheduleTime(later); } } // a changes-only report, check half the resources, no changes - should all be UP already. push out scheds for each report =; Assert.assertNotNull(report); Assert.assertEquals(report.isChangesOnlyReport(), true, "Second report should have been changes-only"); Assert.assertEquals(report.getResourceAvailability().size(), 0, "no changes, everything was already up"); availData = report.getResourceAvailability(); for (Datum datum : availData) { assert datum.getResourceId() != 0 : "resource IDs should be != zero since it should be committed"; Assert.assertEquals(datum.getAvailabilityType(), AvailabilityType.UP, "should be UP at the start"); } scan = executor.getMostRecentScanHistory(); assertScan(scan, false, false, 29, 0, 15, 0, 14, 0); // another quick scan should see no calls, check times should be pushed out at least a minute report =; Assert.assertNotNull(report); Assert.assertEquals(report.isChangesOnlyReport(), true, "Third report should have been changes-only"); Assert.assertEquals(report.getResourceAvailability().isEmpty(), true, "Nothing changed, should be empty"); scan = executor.getMostRecentScanHistory(); assertScan(scan, false, false, 29, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); } @Test(groups = "pc.itest.avail", priority = 21) public void testDeferToParent() throws Exception { Assert.assertTrue(pluginContainer.isStarted()); Assert.assertTrue(pluginContainer.isRunning()); AvailabilityExecutor executor = new ForceAvailabilityExecutor(this.pluginContainer.getInventoryManager()); AvailabilityReport report =; Assert.assertNotNull(report); Assert.assertEquals(report.isChangesOnlyReport(), false, "First report should have been a full report"); List<Datum> availData = report.getResourceAvailability(); for (Datum datum : availData) { assert datum.getResourceId() != 0 : "resource IDs should be != zero since it should be committed"; Assert.assertEquals(datum.getAvailabilityType(), AvailabilityType.UP, "should be UP at the start"); } AvailabilityExecutor.Scan scan = executor.getMostRecentScanHistory(); assertScan(scan, true, true, 29, 28, 29, 28, 0, 0); // disable the schedules for all "1" children List<Set<ResourceContainer>> containerSets = new ArrayList<Set<ResourceContainer>>(); containerSets.add(childContainers1); containerSets.add(grandchildContainers1); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Set<ResourceContainer> cs : containerSets) { for (ResourceContainer c : cs) { MeasurementScheduleRequest sched = c.getAvailabilitySchedule(); sched.setEnabled(false); c.setAvailabilitySchedule(sched); } } // a changes-only report, force checks, no changes, ensure 1/2 children defer to parent report =; Assert.assertNotNull(report); Assert.assertEquals(report.isChangesOnlyReport(), true, "Second report should have been changes-only"); Assert.assertEquals(report.getResourceAvailability().size(), 0, "no changes, everything was already up"); availData = report.getResourceAvailability(); for (Datum datum : availData) { assert datum.getResourceId() != 0 : "resource IDs should be != zero since it should be committed"; Assert.assertEquals(datum.getAvailabilityType(), AvailabilityType.UP, "should be UP at the start"); } scan = executor.getMostRecentScanHistory(); assertScan(scan, true, false, 29, 0, 17, 16, 0, 12); } private void assertScan(Scan scan, boolean isForced, boolean isFull, int numResources, int numChanges, int numCalls, int numSched, int numPushed, int numDeferred) { Assert.assertEquals(scan.isForced(), isForced, "Unexpected isForced"); Assert.assertEquals(scan.isFull(), isFull, "Unexpected isFull"); Assert.assertEquals(scan.getNumResources(), numResources, "Unexpected numResources, remember to include the implied platform?"); Assert.assertEquals(scan.getNumAvailabilityChanges(), numChanges, "Unexpected numChanges, remember to include the implied platform"); Assert.assertEquals(scan.getNumGetAvailabilityCalls(), numCalls, "Unexpected numGetAvailCalls, remember to include the implied platform"); Assert.assertEquals(scan.getNumScheduledRandomly(), numSched, "Unexpected numSched, remember to omit the implied platform"); Assert.assertEquals(scan.getNumPushedByInterval(), numPushed, "Unexpected numPushed"); Assert.assertEquals(scan.getNumDeferToParent(), numDeferred, "Unexpected numDeferred, remember to include disabled and implied (when parent goes DOWN)"); } private void dumpContainers(String title) { List<Set<ResourceContainer>> containerSets = new ArrayList<Set<ResourceContainer>>(); containerSets.add(parentContainers1); containerSets.add(parentContainers2); containerSets.add(childContainers1); containerSets.add(childContainers2); containerSets.add(grandchildContainers1); containerSets.add(grandchildContainers2); System.out.println("---------> " + title); for (Set<ResourceContainer> cs : containerSets) { for (ResourceContainer c : cs) { String name = c.getResource().getName(); AvailabilityType availType = c.getAvailability().getAvailabilityType(); String avail = (null == availType) ? null :; Long time = c.getAvailabilityScheduleTime(); System.out.println("----------> " + name + " " + avail + " " + time); } } System.out.println("---------------------------------> "); } }