/* * RHQ Management Platform * Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ package org.rhq.storage.installer; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.BindException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.management.MBeanServerConnection; import javax.management.ObjectName; import javax.management.remote.JMXConnector; import javax.management.remote.JMXConnectorFactory; import javax.management.remote.JMXServiceURL; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor; import org.apache.commons.exec.Executor; import org.apache.commons.exec.PumpStreamHandler; import org.apache.commons.io.output.NullOutputStream; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.rhq.cassandra.Deployer; import org.rhq.cassandra.DeploymentException; import org.rhq.cassandra.DeploymentOptions; import org.rhq.cassandra.DeploymentOptionsFactory; import org.rhq.cassandra.util.ConfigEditor; import org.rhq.core.db.DbUtil; import org.rhq.core.db.upgrade.StorageNodeVersionColumnUpgrader; import org.rhq.core.util.PropertiesFileUpdate; import org.rhq.core.util.StringUtil; import org.rhq.core.util.exception.ThrowableUtil; import org.rhq.core.util.jdbc.JDBCUtil; import org.rhq.core.util.obfuscation.PicketBoxObfuscator; import org.rhq.core.util.stream.StreamUtil; /** * @author John Sanda */ public class StorageInstaller { private static final String STORAGE_BASEDIR = "rhq-storage"; private static final int RPC_PORT = 9160; public static final int STATUS_NO_ERRORS = 0; public static final int STATUS_STORAGE_NOT_RUNNING = 1; public static final int STATUS_FAILED_TO_VERIFY_NODE_UP = 2; public static final int STATUS_INVALID_FILE_PERMISSIONS = 3; public static final int STATUS_DATA_DIR_NOT_EMPTY = 4; public static final int STATUS_SHOW_USAGE = 100; public static final int STATUS_INVALID_UPGRADE = 5; public static final int STATUS_DEPLOYMENT_ERROR = 6; public static final int STATUS_IO_ERROR = 7; public static final int STATUS_JMX_PORT_CONFLICT = 8; public static final int STATUS_CQL_PORT_CONFLICT = 9; public static final int STATUS_GOSSIP_PORT_CONFLICT = 10; public static final int STATUS_UNKNOWN_HOST = 11; public static final int STATUS_VERSION_STAMP_ERROR = 12; static final String STORAGE_LOG_FILE_PATH = "../../logs/rhq-storage.log"; static final String DEFAULT_COMMIT_LOG_DIR = "../../../rhq-data/commit_log"; static final String DEFAULT_DATA_DIR = "../../../rhq-data/data"; static final String DEFAULT_SAVED_CACHES_DIR = "../../../rhq-data/saved_caches"; static private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(StorageInstaller.class); private Options options; private File serverBasedir; private File storageBasedir; private int defaultJmxPort = 7299; private int defaultCqlPort = 9142; private int defaultGossipPort = 7100; private String defaultHeapSize = "512M"; private String defaultHeapNewSize = "128M"; public StorageInstaller() { String basedir = System.getProperty("rhq.server.basedir"); serverBasedir = new File(basedir); storageBasedir = new File(basedir, STORAGE_BASEDIR); Option hostname = new Option("n", StorageProperty.HOSTNAME.property(), true, "The hostname or IP address on which the node will listen for " + "requests. Note that if a hostname is specified, the IP address is used. Defaults to the IP " + "address of the local host (which depending on hostname configuration may not be localhost)."); hostname.setArgName("HOSTNAME"); Option seeds = new Option("s", StorageProperty.SEEDS.property(), true, "A comma-delimited list of hostnames or IP addresses that " + "serve as contact points. Nodes use this list to find each other and to learn the cluster topology. " + "It does not need to specify all nodes in the cluster. Defaults to this node's hostname."); seeds.setArgName("SEEDS"); Option jmxPortOption = new Option("j", StorageProperty.JMX_PORT.property(), true, "The port on which to listen for JMX connections. " + "Defaults to " + defaultJmxPort + "."); jmxPortOption.setArgName("PORT"); Option cqlPortOption = new Option("c", StorageProperty.CQL_PORT.property(), true, "The port on which to " + "listen for client requests. Defaults to " + defaultCqlPort); cqlPortOption.setArgName("PORT"); Option gossipPortOption = new Option(null, StorageProperty.GOSSIP_PORT.property(), true, "The port on which to listen for requests " + " from other nodes. Defaults to " + defaultGossipPort); gossipPortOption.setArgName("PORT"); Option startOption = new Option(null, "start", true, "Start the storage node after installing it on disk. " + "Defaults to true."); startOption.setArgName("true|false"); Option checkStatus = new Option(null, "check-status", true, "Check the node status to verify that it is up " + "after starting it. This option is ignored if the start option is not set. Defaults to true."); checkStatus.setArgName("true|false"); Option commitLogOption = new Option(null, StorageProperty.COMMITLOG.property(), true, "The directory where the storage node keeps " + "commit log files. Defaults to " + getDefaultCommitLogDir() + "."); commitLogOption.setArgName("DIR"); Option dataDirOption = new Option(null, StorageProperty.DATA.property(), true, "The directory where the storage node keeps data files. " + "Defaults to " + getDefaultDataDir() + "."); dataDirOption.setArgName("DIR"); Option savedCachesDirOption = new Option(null, StorageProperty.SAVED_CACHES.property(), true, "The directory where the storage node " + "keeps saved cache files. Defaults to " + getDefaultSavedCachesDir() + "."); savedCachesDirOption.setArgName("DIR"); Option basedirOption = new Option(null, "dir", true, "The directory where the storage node will be installed " + "The default directory will be " + storageBasedir); Option heapSizeOption = new Option(null, StorageProperty.HEAP_SIZE.property(), true, "The value to use for both the min and max heap. " + "This value is passed directly to the -Xms and -Xmx options of the Java executable. Defaults to " + defaultHeapSize); Option heapNewSizeOption = new Option(null, StorageProperty.HEAP_NEW_SIZE.property(), true, "The value to use for the new generation " + "of the heap. This value is passed directly to the -Xmn option of the Java executable. Defaults to " + defaultHeapNewSize); Option noVersionStampOption = new Option(null, "no-version-stamp", false, "If specified the DB will not be " + "updated with a version stamp. This is an advanced option and should not generally be used."); Option stackSizeOption = new Option(null, StorageProperty.STACK_SIZE.property(), true, "The value to use for the thread stack size. " + "This value is passed directly to the -Xss option of the Java executable."); Option undoOption = new Option(null, "undo", true, "An internally used option to undo work performed in " + "a failed upgrade. The directory where the existing RHQ server is installed."); undoOption.setArgName("RHQ_SERVER_DIR"); Option upgradeOption = new Option(null, "upgrade", true, "Upgrades an existing storage node. The directory " + "where the existing RHQ server is installed."); upgradeOption.setArgName("RHQ_SERVER_DIR"); Option verifyDataDirsEmptyOption = new Option(null, StorageProperty.VERIFY_DATA_DIRS_EMPTY.property(), true, "Will cause the installer " + "to abort if any of the data directories is not empty. Defaults to true."); options = new Options().addOption(new Option("h", "help", false, "Show this message.")).addOption(hostname) .addOption(seeds).addOption(jmxPortOption).addOption(startOption).addOption(checkStatus) .addOption(commitLogOption).addOption(dataDirOption).addOption(savedCachesDirOption) .addOption(cqlPortOption).addOption(gossipPortOption).addOption(basedirOption).addOption(heapSizeOption) .addOption(heapNewSizeOption).addOption(noVersionStampOption).addOption(stackSizeOption) .addOption(upgradeOption).addOption(undoOption).addOption(verifyDataDirsEmptyOption); } public int run(CommandLine cmdLine) throws Exception { if (cmdLine.hasOption("h")) { printUsage(); return STATUS_SHOW_USAGE; } InstallerInfo installerInfo; boolean isUpgrade = cmdLine.hasOption("upgrade"); boolean isUndo = cmdLine.hasOption("undo"); boolean noStamp = cmdLine.hasOption("no-version-stamp"); File fromDir = null; try { if (isUpgrade) { fromDir = new File(cmdLine.getOptionValue("upgrade", "")); installerInfo = upgrade(fromDir); } else if (isUndo) { fromDir = new File(cmdLine.getOptionValue("undo", "")); undo(fromDir, noStamp); return STATUS_NO_ERRORS; } else { installerInfo = install(cmdLine); } } catch (StorageInstallerError e) { log.error("An unexpected error occurred", e); log.error("The storage installer will exit due to previous errors"); return e.getErrorCode(); } catch (StorageInstallerException e) { log.warn(e.getMessage()); log.warn("The storage installer will exit due to previous errors"); return e.getErrorCode(); } log.info("Updating rhq-server.properties..."); PropertiesFileUpdate serverPropertiesUpdater = getServerProperties(); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty("rhq.storage.nodes", installerInfo.hostname); properties.setProperty(StorageProperty.CQL_PORT.property(), Integer.toString(installerInfo.cqlPort)); properties.setProperty(StorageProperty.GOSSIP_PORT.property(), Integer.toString(installerInfo.gossipPort)); // carry forward the required db props from the legacy install. We need these to contact the // DB to do a version stamp. if (isUpgrade) { File oldServerPropsFile = new File(fromDir, "bin/rhq-server.properties"); // if the old props file exists then carry forward the props. If we're not doing a version stamp then // don't worry about a missing file, we're not contacting the db anyway (typically a test scenario). if (oldServerPropsFile.exists() || !noStamp) { Properties oldProperties = new Properties(); FileInputStream oldServerPropsFileInputStream = new FileInputStream(oldServerPropsFile); try { oldProperties.load(oldServerPropsFileInputStream); properties.setProperty("rhq.server.database.connection-url", oldProperties.getProperty("rhq.server.database.connection-url")); properties.setProperty("rhq.server.database.user-name", oldProperties.getProperty("rhq.server.database.user-name")); properties.setProperty("rhq.server.database.password", oldProperties.getProperty("rhq.server.database.password")); } finally { oldServerPropsFileInputStream.close(); } } } // update the properties file serverPropertiesUpdater.update(properties); Properties dbProperties = serverPropertiesUpdater.loadExistingProperties(); // when upgrading, mark the upgrade by stamping the new version if (isUpgrade && !noStamp) { try { String version = StorageInstaller.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion(); stampStorageNodeVersion(dbProperties, installerInfo.hostname, version); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to update version stamp", e); return STATUS_VERSION_STAMP_ERROR; } } // start node (and install windows service) if necessary File binDir; if (isWindows()) { File basedir = new File(System.getProperty("rhq.server.basedir")); basedir = (null == basedir) ? installerInfo.basedir.getParentFile() : basedir; binDir = new File(basedir, "bin/internal"); } else { binDir = new File(installerInfo.basedir, "bin"); } boolean startNode = Boolean.parseBoolean(cmdLine.getOptionValue("start", "true")); String startupErrors = startNodeIfNecessary(binDir, startNode); if (startupErrors != null) { log.warn("The storage node reported the following errors while trying to start:\n\n" + startupErrors + "\n"); if (startupErrors.contains("Port already in use: " + installerInfo.jmxPort)) { log.warn("There is a conflict with the JMX port that prevented the storage node JVM " + "from starting."); File confDir = new File(storageBasedir, "conf"); File confFile = new File(confDir, "cassandra-jvm.properties"); log.info("Change the jmx_port property in " + confFile + " to have the storage node listen " + "on a different port for JMX connections."); return STATUS_JMX_PORT_CONFLICT; } if (startupErrors.contains("java.net.UnknownHostException")) { int from = startupErrors.indexOf("java.net.UnknownHostException:") + "java.net.UnknownHostException:".length(); String hostname = startupErrors.substring(from, startupErrors.indexOf(':', from)); log.error("Failed to resolve requested binding address. Please check the installation " + "instructions and host DNS settings" + (isWindows() ? "." : " also make sure the hostname alias is set in /etc/hosts.") + " Unknown host: " + hostname); log.error("The storage installer will exit due to previous errors"); return STATUS_UNKNOWN_HOST; } log.warn("Please review your configuration for possible sources of errors such as port " + "conflicts or invalid arguments/options passed to the java executable."); } if (startNode) { boolean checkStatus = Boolean.parseBoolean(cmdLine.getOptionValue("check-status", "true")); if (checkStatus || isWindows()) { // no reliable pid file on windows if (verifyNodeIsUp(installerInfo.jmxPort, 5, 3000)) { log.info("RHQ Storage Node is up and running and ready to service client requests"); log.info("Installation of the storage node has completed successfully."); return STATUS_NO_ERRORS; } else { log.warn("Could not verify that the node is up and running."); log.warn("Check the log file at " + installerInfo.logFile + " for errors."); log.warn("The storage installer will now exit"); return STATUS_FAILED_TO_VERIFY_NODE_UP; } } else { if (isRunning()) { log.info("Installation of the storage node is complete. The node should be up and " + "running"); return STATUS_NO_ERRORS; } else { log.warn("Installation of the storage node is complete, but the node does not appear to " + "be running. No start up errors were reported. Check the log file at " + installerInfo.logFile + " for any other possible errors."); return STATUS_STORAGE_NOT_RUNNING; } } } else { log.info("Installation of the storage node is complete"); return STATUS_NO_ERRORS; } } private InstallerInfo install(CommandLine cmdLine) throws StorageInstallerException { DeploymentOptionsFactory factory = new DeploymentOptionsFactory(); DeploymentOptions deploymentOptions = factory.newDeploymentOptions(); InstallerInfo installerInfo = new InstallerInfo(); if (cmdLine.hasOption("dir")) { installerInfo.basedir = new File(cmdLine.getOptionValue("dir")); deploymentOptions.setBasedir(installerInfo.basedir.getAbsolutePath()); } else { installerInfo.basedir = new File(serverBasedir, "rhq-storage"); deploymentOptions.setBasedir(installerInfo.basedir.getAbsolutePath()); } try { if (cmdLine.hasOption("n")) { installerInfo.hostname = cmdLine.getOptionValue("n"); // Make sure it is a reachable address InetAddress.getByName(installerInfo.hostname); } else { installerInfo.hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); } if (InetAddress.getByName(installerInfo.hostname).isLoopbackAddress()) { log.warn("This Storage Node is bound to the loopback address " + installerInfo.hostname + " . " + "It will not be able to communicate with Storage Nodes on other machines," + " and it can only receive client requests from this machine."); } deploymentOptions.setListenAddress(installerInfo.hostname); deploymentOptions.setRpcAddress(installerInfo.hostname); String seeds = cmdLine.getOptionValue(StorageProperty.SEEDS.property(), installerInfo.hostname); deploymentOptions.setSeeds(seeds); String commitlogDir = cmdLine .getOptionValue(StorageProperty.COMMITLOG.property(), getDefaultCommitLogDir()); String dataDir = cmdLine.getOptionValue(StorageProperty.DATA.property(), getDefaultDataDir()); String savedCachesDir = cmdLine.getOptionValue(StorageProperty.SAVED_CACHES.property(), getDefaultSavedCachesDir()); File commitLogDirFile = new File(commitlogDir); File dataDirFile = new File(dataDir); File savedCachesDirFile = new File(savedCachesDir); boolean verifyDataDirsEmpty = Boolean.valueOf(cmdLine.getOptionValue( StorageProperty.VERIFY_DATA_DIRS_EMPTY.property(), "true")); if (verifyDataDirsEmpty) { // validate the three data directories are empty - if they are not, we are probably stepping on // another storage node if (!isDirectoryEmpty(commitLogDirFile)) { log.error("Commitlog directory is not empty. It should not exist for a new Storage Node [" + commitLogDirFile.getAbsolutePath() + "]"); throw new StorageInstallerException("Installation cannot proceed. The commit log directory " + commitLogDirFile + " is not empty", STATUS_DATA_DIR_NOT_EMPTY); } if (!isDirectoryEmpty(dataDirFile)) { log.error("Data directory is not empty. It should not exist for a new Storage Node [" + dataDirFile.getAbsolutePath() + "]"); throw new StorageInstallerException("Installation cannot proceed. The data directory " + dataDirFile + " is not empty", STATUS_DATA_DIR_NOT_EMPTY); } if (!isDirectoryEmpty(savedCachesDirFile)) { log.error("Saved caches directory is not empty. It should not exist for a new Storage Node [" + savedCachesDirFile.getAbsolutePath() + "]"); throw new StorageInstallerException("Installation cannot proceed. The saved caches directory " + savedCachesDirFile + " is not empty", STATUS_DATA_DIR_NOT_EMPTY); } } verifyPortStatus(cmdLine, installerInfo); deploymentOptions.setCommitLogDir(commitlogDir); // TODO add support for specifying multiple dirs deploymentOptions.setDataDir(dataDirFile.getPath()); deploymentOptions.setSavedCachesDir(savedCachesDir); deploymentOptions.setLogFileName(installerInfo.logFile); deploymentOptions.setLoggingLevel("INFO"); deploymentOptions.setRpcPort(RPC_PORT); deploymentOptions.setCqlPort(installerInfo.cqlPort); deploymentOptions.setGossipPort(installerInfo.gossipPort); deploymentOptions.setJmxPort(installerInfo.jmxPort); deploymentOptions .setHeapSize(cmdLine.getOptionValue(StorageProperty.HEAP_SIZE.property(), defaultHeapSize)); deploymentOptions.setHeapNewSize(cmdLine.getOptionValue(StorageProperty.HEAP_NEW_SIZE.property(), defaultHeapNewSize)); if (cmdLine.hasOption(StorageProperty.STACK_SIZE.property())) { deploymentOptions.setStackSize(cmdLine.getOptionValue(StorageProperty.STACK_SIZE.property())); } // The out of box default for native_transport_max_threads is 128. We default // to 64 for dev/test environments so we need to update it here. deploymentOptions.setNativeTransportMaxThreads(128); deploymentOptions.load(); List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); checkPerms(options.getOption(StorageProperty.SAVED_CACHES.property()), savedCachesDir, errors); checkPerms(options.getOption(StorageProperty.COMMITLOG.property()), commitlogDir, errors); checkPerms(options.getOption(StorageProperty.DATA.property()), dataDir, errors); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { log.error("Problems have been detected with one or more of the directories in which the storage " + "node will need to store data"); for (String error : errors) { log.error(error); } throw new StorageInstallerException( "Installation cannot proceed. There are problems with one or more of " + "the storage data directories.", STATUS_INVALID_FILE_PERMISSIONS); } Deployer deployer = getDeployer(); deployer.setDeploymentOptions(deploymentOptions); storageBasedir.mkdirs(); deployer.unzipDistro(); deployer.applyConfigChanges(); deployer.updateFilePerms(); deployer.updateStorageAuthConf(asSet(installerInfo.hostname)); return installerInfo; } catch (UnknownHostException unknownHostException) { throw new StorageInstallerException( "Failed to resolve requested binding address. Please check the installation instructions and host DNS settings" + (isWindows() ? "." : " also make sure the hostname alias is set in /etc/hosts.") + " Unknown host " + unknownHostException.getMessage(), unknownHostException, STATUS_UNKNOWN_HOST); } catch (IOException e) { throw new StorageInstallerError("The upgrade cannot proceed. An unexpected I/O error occurred", e, STATUS_IO_ERROR); } catch (DeploymentException e) { throw new StorageInstallerException("The installation cannot proceed. An error occurred during storage " + "node deployment.", e, STATUS_DEPLOYMENT_ERROR); } } private void verifyPortStatus(CommandLine cmdLine, InstallerInfo installerInfo) throws StorageInstallerException { installerInfo.jmxPort = getPort(cmdLine, StorageProperty.JMX_PORT.property(), defaultJmxPort); isPortBound(installerInfo.hostname, installerInfo.jmxPort, StorageProperty.JMX_PORT.property(), STATUS_JMX_PORT_CONFLICT); installerInfo.cqlPort = getPort(cmdLine, StorageProperty.CQL_PORT.property(), defaultCqlPort); isPortBound(installerInfo.hostname, installerInfo.cqlPort, StorageProperty.CQL_PORT.property(), STATUS_CQL_PORT_CONFLICT); installerInfo.gossipPort = getPort(cmdLine, StorageProperty.GOSSIP_PORT.property(), defaultGossipPort); isPortBound(installerInfo.hostname, installerInfo.gossipPort, StorageProperty.GOSSIP_PORT.property(), STATUS_GOSSIP_PORT_CONFLICT); } /** * This can be overridden to allow for custom deploy behavior. * @return a Deployer */ protected Deployer getDeployer() { return new Deployer(); } private InstallerInfo upgrade(File upgradeFromDir) throws StorageInstallerException { DeploymentOptionsFactory factory = new DeploymentOptionsFactory(); DeploymentOptions deploymentOptions = factory.newDeploymentOptions(); InstallerInfo installerInfo = new InstallerInfo(); File existingStorageDir; if (!upgradeFromDir.isDirectory()) { log.error("The value passed to the upgrade option is not a directory. The value must be a valid " + "path that points to the base directory of an existing RHQ server installation."); throw new StorageInstallerException("The upgrade cannot proceed. The value passed to the upgrade option " + "is invalid.", STATUS_INVALID_UPGRADE); } existingStorageDir = new File(upgradeFromDir, "rhq-storage"); if (!(existingStorageDir.exists() && existingStorageDir.isDirectory())) { log.error(existingStorageDir + " does not appear to be an existing RHQ storage node installation. " + "Check the value that was passed to the upgrade option and make sure it specifies the base " + "directory of an existing RHQ server installation."); throw new StorageInstallerException("The upgrade cannot proceed. " + existingStorageDir + " is not an " + "existing RHQ storage node installation", STATUS_INVALID_UPGRADE); } try { File oldConfDir = new File(existingStorageDir, "conf"); File oldYamlFile = new File(oldConfDir, "cassandra.yaml"); File newConfDir = new File(storageBasedir, "conf"); File newYamlFile = new File(newConfDir, "cassandra.yaml"); File cassandraEnvFile = new File(oldConfDir, "cassandra-env.sh"); File cassandraJvmPropsFile = new File(newConfDir, "cassandra-jvm.properties"); installerInfo.basedir = storageBasedir; boolean isRHQ48Install; if (cassandraEnvFile.exists()) { isRHQ48Install = true; installerInfo.jmxPort = parseJmxPortFromCassandrEnv(cassandraEnvFile); } else { isRHQ48Install = false; installerInfo.jmxPort = parseJmxPort(new File(oldConfDir, "cassandra-jvm.properties")); } deploymentOptions.setBasedir(storageBasedir.getAbsolutePath()); deploymentOptions.setLogFileName(installerInfo.logFile); deploymentOptions.setLoggingLevel("INFO"); deploymentOptions.setJmxPort(installerInfo.jmxPort); deploymentOptions.setHeapSize(defaultHeapSize); deploymentOptions.setHeapNewSize(defaultHeapNewSize); deploymentOptions.load(); Deployer deployer = new Deployer(); deployer.setDeploymentOptions(deploymentOptions); storageBasedir.mkdirs(); deployer.unzipDistro(); deployer.applyConfigChanges(); deployer.updateFilePerms(); ConfigEditor oldYamlEditor = new ConfigEditor(oldYamlFile); oldYamlEditor.load(); ConfigEditor newYamlEditor = new ConfigEditor(newYamlFile); newYamlEditor.load(); installerInfo.hostname = oldYamlEditor.getListenAddress(); newYamlEditor.setListenAddress(installerInfo.hostname); newYamlEditor.setRpcAddress(installerInfo.hostname); installerInfo.cqlPort = oldYamlEditor.getNativeTransportPort(); newYamlEditor.setNativeTransportPort(installerInfo.cqlPort); installerInfo.gossipPort = oldYamlEditor.getStoragePort(); newYamlEditor.setStoragePort(installerInfo.gossipPort); newYamlEditor.setCommitLogDirectory(oldYamlEditor.getCommitLogDirectory()); newYamlEditor.setSavedCachesDirectory(oldYamlEditor.getSavedCachesDirectory()); newYamlEditor.setDataFileDirectories(oldYamlEditor.getDataFileDirectories()); newYamlEditor.setSeeds(installerInfo.hostname); newYamlEditor.save(); if (isRHQ48Install) { Properties jvmProps = new Properties(); jvmProps.load(new FileInputStream(cassandraJvmPropsFile)); PropertiesFileUpdate propertiesUpdater = new PropertiesFileUpdate( cassandraJvmPropsFile.getAbsolutePath()); jvmProps.setProperty("jmx_port", Integer.toString(installerInfo.jmxPort)); propertiesUpdater.update(jvmProps); deployer.updateStorageAuthConf(asSet(installerInfo.hostname)); } else { File oldStorageAuthConfFile = new File(oldConfDir, "rhq-storage-auth.conf"); File newStorageAuthConfFile = new File(newConfDir, "rhq-storage-auth.conf"); StreamUtil.copy(new FileInputStream(oldStorageAuthConfFile), new FileOutputStream( newStorageAuthConfFile)); } return installerInfo; } catch (UnknownHostException unknownHostException) { throw new StorageInstallerException( "Failed to resolve requested binding address. Please check the installation instructions and host DNS settings" + (isWindows() ? "." : " also make sure the hostname alias is set in /etc/hosts.") + " Unknown host " + unknownHostException.getMessage(), unknownHostException, STATUS_UNKNOWN_HOST); } catch (IOException e) { throw new StorageInstallerError("The upgrade cannot proceed. An unexpected I/O error occurred", e, STATUS_IO_ERROR); } catch (DeploymentException e) { throw new StorageInstallerException("THe upgrade cannot proceed. An error occurred during the storage " + "node deployment", e, STATUS_DEPLOYMENT_ERROR); } } private void undo(File fromDir, boolean noStamp) { // the only undo action is to undo the version stamp, so ignore if we are ignoring version stamping if (noStamp) { return; } try { log.info("Undoing storage node version stamp..."); File existingStorageDir; if (!fromDir.isDirectory()) { log.error("The value passed to the upgrade option is not a directory. The value must be a valid " + "path that points to the base directory of an existing RHQ server installation."); throw new StorageInstallerException( "The upgrade cannot proceed. The value passed to the upgrade option " + "is invalid.", STATUS_INVALID_UPGRADE); } existingStorageDir = new File(fromDir, "rhq-storage"); if (!(existingStorageDir.exists() && existingStorageDir.isDirectory())) { log.error(existingStorageDir + " does not appear to be an existing RHQ storage node installation. " + "Check the value that was passed to the upgrade option and make sure it specifies the base " + "directory of an existing RHQ server installation."); throw new StorageInstallerException("The upgrade cannot proceed. " + existingStorageDir + " is not an " + "existing RHQ storage node installation", STATUS_INVALID_UPGRADE); } File oldConfDir = new File(existingStorageDir, "conf"); File oldYamlFile = new File(oldConfDir, "cassandra.yaml"); ConfigEditor oldYamlEditor = new ConfigEditor(oldYamlFile); oldYamlEditor.load(); String storageNodeAddress = oldYamlEditor.getListenAddress(); Properties dbProperties; File oldServerPropsFile = new File(fromDir, "bin/rhq-server.properties"); dbProperties = new Properties(); FileInputStream oldServerPropsFileInputStream = new FileInputStream(oldServerPropsFile); try { dbProperties.load(oldServerPropsFileInputStream); } finally { oldServerPropsFileInputStream.close(); } String version = "PRE-" + StorageInstaller.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion(); stampStorageNodeVersion(dbProperties, storageNodeAddress, version); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed to undo version stamp (DB Restore recommended unless original problem was applying the version stamp): " + e.getMessage()); } } private boolean isDirectoryEmpty(File dir) { // TODO need to check subdirectories if (dir.isDirectory()) { File[] files = dir.listFiles(); return (files == null || files.length == 0); } else { return true; } } private Set<String> asSet(String string) { TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>(); set.add(string); return set; } private int getPort(CommandLine cmdLine, String option, int defaultValue) { return Integer.parseInt(cmdLine.getOptionValue(option, Integer.toString(defaultValue))); } private void checkPerms(Option option, String path, List<String> errors) { try { log.info("Checking perms for " + path); File dir = new File(path); if (!dir.isAbsolute()) { dir = new File(new File(storageBasedir, "bin"), path); } dir = dir.getCanonicalFile(); if (dir.exists()) { if (dir.isFile()) { errors.add(path + " is not a directory. Use the --" + option.getLongOpt() + " to change this value."); } } else { File parentDir = dir.getParentFile(); while (!parentDir.exists()) { parentDir = parentDir.getParentFile(); } if (!parentDir.canWrite()) { errors .add("The user running this installer does not appear to have write permissions to " + parentDir + ". Either make sure that the user running the storage node has write permissions or use the --" + option.getLongOpt() + " to change this value."); } } } catch (Exception e) { errors .add("The request path cannot be constructed (path: " + path + "). " + "Please use a valid and also make sure the user running the storage node has write permissions for the path."); } } private void isPortBound(String address, int port, String portName, int potentialErrorCode) throws StorageInstallerException { ServerSocket serverSocket = null; try { serverSocket = new ServerSocket(); serverSocket.bind(new InetSocketAddress(address, port)); } catch (BindException e) { throw new StorageInstallerException("The " + portName + " (" + address + ":" + port + ") is already in use. " + "Installation cannot proceed.", potentialErrorCode); } catch (IOException e) { // We only log a warning here and let the installation proceed in case the // exception is something that can be ignored. log.warn("An unexpected error occurred while checking the " + portName + " port", e); } finally { if (serverSocket != null) { try { serverSocket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("An error occurred trying to close the connection to the " + portName, e); } } } } private PropertiesFileUpdate getServerProperties() { String sysprop = System.getProperty("rhq.server.properties-file"); if (sysprop == null) { throw new RuntimeException("The required system property [rhq.server.properties-file] is not defined."); } File file = new File(sysprop); if (!(file.exists() && file.isFile())) { throw new RuntimeException("System property [" + sysprop + "] points to an invalid file."); } return new PropertiesFileUpdate(file.getAbsolutePath()); } private String startNodeIfNecessary(File binDir, boolean startNode) throws Exception { org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine cmdLine; String errOutput; if (isWindows()) { // First, stop the service if it exists cmdLine = new org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine("cmd.exe"); cmdLine.addArgument("/C"); cmdLine.addArgument("rhq-storage.bat"); cmdLine.addArgument("stop"); errOutput = exec(binDir, cmdLine); if (!errOutput.isEmpty()) { return errOutput; } // Second, remove it if it exists cmdLine = new org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine("cmd.exe"); cmdLine.addArgument("/C"); cmdLine.addArgument("rhq-storage.bat"); cmdLine.addArgument("remove"); errOutput = exec(binDir, cmdLine); if (!errOutput.isEmpty()) { return errOutput; } // Third install the service cmdLine = new org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine("cmd.exe"); cmdLine.addArgument("/C"); cmdLine.addArgument("rhq-storage.bat"); cmdLine.addArgument("install"); errOutput = exec(binDir, cmdLine); if (!errOutput.isEmpty()) { return errOutput; } // Fourth, start the service if necessary if (startNode) { log.info("Starting RHQ Storage Node"); cmdLine = new org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine("cmd.exe"); cmdLine.addArgument("/C"); cmdLine.addArgument("rhq-storage.bat"); cmdLine.addArgument("start"); errOutput = exec(binDir, cmdLine); if (!errOutput.isEmpty()) { return errOutput; } } } else if (startNode) { log.info("Starting RHQ Storage Node"); cmdLine = new org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine("./cassandra"); cmdLine.addArgument("-p"); cmdLine.addArgument(new File(binDir, "cassandra.pid").getAbsolutePath()); errOutput = exec(binDir, cmdLine); if (!errOutput.isEmpty()) { return errOutput; } } return null; } private String exec(File workingDir, org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine cmdLine) throws Exception { Executor executor = new DefaultExecutor(); org.apache.commons.io.output.ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new org.apache.commons.io.output.ByteArrayOutputStream(); NullOutputStream nullOs = new NullOutputStream(); PumpStreamHandler streamHandler = new PumpStreamHandler(nullOs, buffer); executor.setWorkingDirectory(workingDir); executor.setStreamHandler(streamHandler); String result = ""; try { exec(executor, cmdLine); result = buffer.toString(); } finally { try { buffer.close(); nullOs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // best effort } } return result; } // This is just a test hook protected void exec(Executor executor, org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine cmdLine) throws IOException { executor.execute(cmdLine); } private boolean isWindows() { String operatingSystem = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase(Locale.US); return operatingSystem.contains("windows"); } private boolean isRunning() { File binDir = new File(storageBasedir, "bin"); return new File(binDir, "cassandra.pid").exists(); } boolean verifyNodeIsUp(int jmxPort, int retries, long timeout) throws Exception { String address = ""; String url = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://" + address + ":" + jmxPort + "/jmxrmi"; JMXServiceURL serviceURL = new JMXServiceURL(url); JMXConnector connector; MBeanServerConnection serverConnection; // Sleep a few seconds to work around https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-5467 try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < retries; ++i) { try { connector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(serviceURL, env); serverConnection = connector.getMBeanServerConnection(); ObjectName storageService = new ObjectName("org.apache.cassandra.db:type=StorageService"); Boolean nativeTransportRunning = (Boolean) serverConnection.getAttribute(storageService, "NativeTransportRunning"); if(!nativeTransportRunning) { throw new RuntimeException("Storage node reported native transport is not running"); } return nativeTransportRunning; } catch (Exception e) { if (i < retries) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("The storage node is not up.", e); } else { Throwable rootCause = ThrowableUtil.getRootCause(e); log.info("The storage node is not up: " + rootCause.getClass().getName() + ": " + rootCause.getMessage()); } log.info("Checking storage node status again in " + (timeout * (i + 1)) + " ms..."); } Thread.sleep(timeout * (i + 1)); } } return false; } // private void replaceFile(File oldFile, File newFile) throws IOException { // log.info("Copying " + oldFile + " to " + newFile); // if (!oldFile.exists()) { // log.warn(oldFile + " does not exist. " + newFile.getName() + " will be created."); // } else { // newFile.delete(); // try { // FileUtil.copyFile(oldFile, newFile); // } catch (IOException e) { // log.error("There was an error while copying " + oldFile + " to " + " " + newFile, e); // throw e; // } // } // } private int parseJmxPortFromCassandrEnv(File cassandraEnvFile) { Integer port = null; if (isWindows()) { // TODO return defaultJmxPort; } else { BufferedReader reader = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(cassandraEnvFile)); String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { if (line.startsWith("JMX_PORT")) { int startIndex = "JMX_PORT=\"".length(); int endIndex = line.lastIndexOf("\""); if (startIndex == -1 || endIndex == -1) { log.error("Failed to parse the JMX port. Make sure that you have the JMX port defined on its " + "own line as follows, JMX_PORT=\"<jmx-port>\""); throw new RuntimeException("Cannot determine JMX port"); } try { port = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(startIndex, endIndex)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error("The JMX port must be an integer. [" + port + "] is an invalid value"); throw new RuntimeException("The JMX port has an invalid value"); } return port; } line = reader.readLine(); } log.error("Failed to parse the JMX port. Make sure that you have the JMX port defined on its " + "own line as follows, JMX_PORT=\"<jmx-port>\""); throw new RuntimeException("Cannot determine JMX port"); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to parse JMX port. There was an unexpected IO error", e); throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse JMX port due to IO error: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("An error occurred closing the " + BufferedReader.class.getName() + " used to " + "parse the JMX port", e); } else { log.warn("There was error closing the reader used to parse the JMX port: " + e.getMessage()); } } } } } private int parseJmxPort(File cassandraJvmOptsFile) { if (isWindows()) { // TODO return defaultJmxPort; } else { try { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(new FileInputStream(cassandraJvmOptsFile)); String jmxPort = properties.getProperty("jmx_port"); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(jmxPort)) { log.error("The property [jmx_port] is undefined."); throw new RuntimeException("Cannot determine JMX port"); } jmxPort = jmxPort.replaceAll("\"", ""); return Integer.parseInt(jmxPort); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to parse JMX port. There was an unexpected IO error", e); throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse JMX port due to IO error: " + e.getMessage()); } } } // /** // * @return The parent directory of the server // */ // private File getInstallationDir() { // return serverBasedir.getParentFile(); // } // private File getDefaultBaseDataDir() { // return new File(getInstallationDir(), "rhq-data"); // } private String getDefaultCommitLogDir() { return DEFAULT_COMMIT_LOG_DIR; } private String getDefaultDataDir() { return DEFAULT_DATA_DIR; } private String getDefaultSavedCachesDir() { return DEFAULT_SAVED_CACHES_DIR; } private static void stampStorageNodeVersion(Properties dbProperties, String storageNodeAddress, String version) throws Exception { final String dbUrl = dbProperties.getProperty("rhq.server.database.connection-url"); final String dbUsername = dbProperties.getProperty("rhq.server.database.user-name"); String obfuscatedDbPassword = dbProperties.getProperty("rhq.server.database.password"); String clearTextDbPassword = PicketBoxObfuscator.decode(obfuscatedDbPassword); updateStorageNodeVersion(dbUrl, dbUsername, clearTextDbPassword, storageNodeAddress, version); } /** * Update server version stamp with the install version. * * For two reasons we add the column here, as opposed to db-upgrade.xml. First, a SN upgrade may * happen before a Server upgrade, so db-upgrade may not have yet run. Second, we can limit the * setting of the version to the row in question, db-upgrade would not know which row to set. * * @param connectionUrl * @param username * @param password * @param storageNodeAddress * * @throws Exception if failed to communicate with the database or failed to stamp version */ private static void updateStorageNodeVersion(String connectionUrl, String username, String password, String storageNodeAddress, String version) throws Exception { Connection connection = null; try { connection = DbUtil.getConnection(connectionUrl, username, password); StorageNodeVersionColumnUpgrader versionColumnUpgrader = new StorageNodeVersionColumnUpgrader(); versionColumnUpgrader.upgrade(connection, version); int rowsUpdated = versionColumnUpgrader.setVersionForNodeWithAddress(connection, version, storageNodeAddress); if (1 != rowsUpdated) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected [1] StorageNode update but updated [" + rowsUpdated + "]."); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to update Storage Node [" + storageNodeAddress + "] to version [" + version + "]. Make sure the rhq-server.properties file has the correct database property settings! Cause: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { JDBCUtil.safeClose(connection); } } public void printUsage() { HelpFormatter helpFormatter = new HelpFormatter(); String syntax = "rhq-storage-installer.sh|bat [options]"; String header = ""; helpFormatter.printHelp(syntax, header, getHelpOptions(), null); } public Options getHelpOptions() { Options helpOptions = new Options(); for (Option option : (Collection<Option>) options.getOptions()) { if (option.getLongOpt().equals(StorageProperty.VERIFY_DATA_DIRS_EMPTY)) { continue; } helpOptions.addOption(option); } return helpOptions; } public Options getOptions() { return options; } private static class InstallerInfo { File basedir; String logFile = STORAGE_LOG_FILE_PATH; int jmxPort; int cqlPort; int gossipPort; String hostname; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { StorageInstaller installer = new StorageInstaller(); StorageInstaller.log.info("Running RHQ Storage Node installer..."); try { CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); CommandLine cmdLine = parser.parse(installer.getOptions(), args); int status = installer.run(cmdLine); System.exit(status); } catch (ParseException parseException) { installer.printUsage(); System.exit(STATUS_SHOW_USAGE); } } }