package org.rhq.enterprise.client.commands; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static org.testng.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.script.ScriptContext; import javax.script.ScriptEngine; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import org.rhq.bindings.client.RhqManager; import org.rhq.bindings.output.TabularWriter; import org.rhq.bindings.util.ScriptUtil; import org.rhq.core.domain.auth.Subject; import org.rhq.enterprise.client.ClientMain; import org.rhq.enterprise.clientapi.RemoteClient; public class ScriptCommandTest { ScriptCommand cmd; ClientMain client; @Test(enabled=false) public void executeShouldSetDefaultBindings() throws Exception { client = createClient(); cmd = new ScriptCommand(); String script = "exec var x = 1;"; String[] args = asList(script).toArray(new String[] {}); cmd.execute(client, args); assertSubjectBoundToScript(); assertManagersBoundToScript(); assertPrettyWriterBoundToScript(); assertScriptUtilsBoundToScript(); assertIsDefinedFunctionBoundToScript(); } ClientMain createClient() throws Exception { ClientMain client = new ClientMain(); //client.setSubject(new Subject("rhqadmin", true, true)); client.setRemoteClient(new RemoteClientStub("localhost", 7080)); return client; } void assertSubjectBoundToScript() { ScriptEngine scriptEngine = client.getScriptEngine(); Object subject = scriptEngine.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE).get("subject"); assertNotNull(subject, "Expected variable 'subject' to be bound to script in global scope"); assertTrue( (subject instanceof Subject), "Expected variable 'subject' to be of type " + Subject.class.getName() ); } void assertManagersBoundToScript() { ScriptEngine scriptEngine = client.getScriptEngine(); List<Class<?>> mgrsNotBound = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(); for (RhqManager mgr : RhqManager.values()) { if (!scriptEngine.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE).containsKey( { mgrsNotBound.add(mgr.remote()); } } assertTrue( mgrsNotBound.size() == 0, "Expected the following managers to be bound in global scope to the script, " + mgrsNotBound ); } void assertPrettyWriterBoundToScript() { ScriptEngine scriptEngine = client.getScriptEngine(); Object writer = scriptEngine.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE).get("pretty"); assertNotNull(writer, "Expected variable 'pretty' to be bound to script in global scope"); assertTrue( (writer instanceof TabularWriter), "Expected variable 'pretty' to be of type " + TabularWriter.class.getName() ); } void assertScriptUtilsBoundToScript() { ScriptEngine scriptEngine = client.getScriptEngine(); Object scriptUtil = scriptEngine.get("scriptUtil"); assertNotNull(scriptUtil, "Expected variable 'scriptUtil' to be bound to script in engine scope"); assertTrue( (scriptUtil instanceof ScriptUtil), "Expected variable 'scriptUtil' to be of type " + ScriptUtil.class.getName() ); } void assertIsDefinedFunctionBoundToScript() { ScriptEngine scriptEngine = client.getScriptEngine(); Object function = scriptEngine.get("isDefined"); assertNotNull(function, "Expected function 'isDefined' to be bound to script in engine scope"); } public static class RemoteClientStub extends RemoteClient { public RemoteClientStub(String host, int port) { super(host, port); } } }