/* * RHQ Management Platform * Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ package org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.HOURS; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; import static org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.AvailabilityType.DOWN; import static org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.AvailabilityType.UP; import static org.rhq.core.pluginapi.bundle.BundleHandoverResponse.FailureType.EXECUTION; import static org.rhq.core.pluginapi.bundle.BundleHandoverResponse.FailureType.INVALID_PARAMETER; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jboss.sasl.util.UsernamePasswordHashUtil; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.Configuration; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.PropertySimple; import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.AvailabilityType; import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementDataTrait; import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementReport; import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementScheduleRequest; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.bundle.BundleHandoverFacet; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.bundle.BundleHandoverRequest; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.bundle.BundleHandoverResponse; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.event.log.LogFileEventResourceComponentHelper; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.InvalidPluginConfigurationException; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.ResourceComponent; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.ResourceContext; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.measurement.MeasurementFacet; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.operation.OperationResult; import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.util.StartScriptConfiguration; import org.rhq.core.system.ProcessExecutionResults; import org.rhq.core.system.ProcessInfo; import org.rhq.core.util.PropertiesFileUpdate; import org.rhq.core.util.StringUtil; import org.rhq.core.util.file.FileUtil; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.helper.HostConfiguration; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.helper.HostPort; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.helper.JBossCliConfiguration; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.helper.ServerPluginConfiguration; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.json.Address; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.json.ComplexResult; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.json.ExpressionResolver; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.json.Operation; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.json.ReadAttribute; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.json.ReadResource; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.json.Result; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.json.ResultFailedException; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.json.SecurityRealmNotReadyException; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.json.UnauthorizedException; import org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.util.ProcessExecutionLogger; /** * Base component for functionality that is common to Standalone Servers and Host Controllers. * * @author Heiko W. Rupp * @author Ian Springer */ public abstract class BaseServerComponent<T extends ResourceComponent<?>> extends BaseComponent<T> implements MeasurementFacet, BundleHandoverFacet { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(BaseServerComponent.class); protected static final long MAX_TIMEOUT_FAILURE_WAIT = 5 * 60 * 1000L; /** * timeout (seconds) used in bundle:handover deployment action to make sure server is running */ protected static final Integer BUNDLE_HANDOVER_SERVER_CHECK_TIMEOUT = Integer.getInteger( "as7.plugin.handover-deployment.server-check-timeout.seconds", 120); protected static final String BUNDLE_HANDOVER_SERVER_CHECK_TIMEOUT_PARAM = "waitForServer"; private ASConnection connection; private LogFileEventResourceComponentHelper logFileEventDelegate; private StartScriptConfiguration startScriptConfig; private ServerPluginConfiguration serverPluginConfig; private AvailabilityType previousAvailabilityType; private String releaseVersion; private String aSHostName; private long lastManagementInterfaceReply = 0; private ExpressionResolver expressionResolver; @Override public void start(ResourceContext<T> resourceContext) throws Exception { super.start(resourceContext); serverPluginConfig = new ServerPluginConfiguration(pluginConfiguration); serverPluginConfig.validate(); if ("".equals(serverPluginConfig.getHostname())) { LOG.warn("Management host is set to on server " + resourceContext.getResourceKey() + ". Please change this to avoid operation failures"); } connection = new ASConnection(ASConnectionParams.createFrom(serverPluginConfig)); setASHostName(findASDomainHostName()); getAvailability(); logFileEventDelegate = new LogFileEventResourceComponentHelper(context); logFileEventDelegate.startLogFileEventPollers(); startScriptConfig = new StartScriptConfiguration(pluginConfiguration); expressionResolver = new ExpressionResolver(connection, getHostAddress()); } @Override public void stop() { connection.shutdown(); logFileEventDelegate.stopLogFileEventPollers(); previousAvailabilityType = null; } @Override public AvailabilityType getAvailability() { AvailabilityType availabilityType; boolean securityRealmReady = true; boolean accessPermission = true; try { try { readAttribute(getHostAddress(), "name", AVAIL_OP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS); availabilityType = UP; lastManagementInterfaceReply = new Date().getTime(); } catch (ResultFailedException e) { LOG.warn("Domain host name seems to be changed"); setASHostName(findASDomainHostName()); LOG.info("Detected domain host name [" + getASHostName() + "]"); readAttribute(getHostAddress(), "name"); availabilityType = UP; } catch (SecurityRealmNotReadyException e) { previousAvailabilityType = DOWN; availabilityType = DOWN; securityRealmReady = false; } catch (UnauthorizedException e) { previousAvailabilityType = DOWN; availabilityType = DOWN; accessPermission = false; } } catch (TimeoutException e) { long now = new Date().getTime(); if (now - lastManagementInterfaceReply > MAX_TIMEOUT_FAILURE_WAIT) { availabilityType = DOWN; } else { ProcessInfo processInfo = context.getNativeProcess(); if (processInfo != null && processInfo.priorSnaphot().isRunning()) { availabilityType = previousAvailabilityType; } else { availabilityType = DOWN; } } } catch (InvalidPluginConfigurationException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(getResourceDescription() + ": exception while checking availability", e); } availabilityType = DOWN; } if (!securityRealmReady) { throw new InvalidPluginConfigurationException("The security realm of the HTTP management interface" + " is not ready to process requests. This usually indicates that no user is configured"); } if (!accessPermission) { throw new InvalidPluginConfigurationException("User authenticated via HTTP management interface does" + " not have sufficient permissions. This can be fixed by either choosing different credential" + " or assigning roles in EAP Administration Console."); } if (availabilityType == DOWN) { releaseVersion = null; } else if (previousAvailabilityType != UP) { onAvailGoesUp(); } previousAvailabilityType = availabilityType; return availabilityType; } /** * this method get's called when availability was DOWN and now is UP. * When overriding, don't forget to call super impl. */ protected void onAvailGoesUp() { validateServerAttributes(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(getResourceDescription() + " has just come UP."); } } private void validateServerAttributes() throws InvalidPluginConfigurationException { // Validate the base dir (e.g. /opt/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone). File runtimeBaseDir; File baseDir = null; try { String runtimeBaseDirString = readAttribute(getEnvironmentAddress(), getBaseDirAttributeName()); // Canonicalize both paths before comparing them! runtimeBaseDir = new File(runtimeBaseDirString).getCanonicalFile(); File baseDirTmp = serverPluginConfig.getBaseDir(); if (baseDirTmp != null) { // may be null for manually added servers baseDir = baseDirTmp.getCanonicalFile(); } } catch (Exception e) { runtimeBaseDir = null; baseDir = null; LOG.error("Failed to validate base dir for " + getResourceDescription() + ".", e); } if ((runtimeBaseDir != null) && (baseDir != null)) { if (!runtimeBaseDir.equals(baseDir)) { throw new InvalidPluginConfigurationException("The server listening on " + serverPluginConfig.getHostname() + ":" + serverPluginConfig.getPort() + " has base dir [" + runtimeBaseDir + "], but the base dir we expected was [" + baseDir + "]. Perhaps the management hostname or port has been changed for the server with base dir [" + baseDir + "]."); } } // Validate the config dir (e.g. /opt/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/configuration). File runtimeConfigDir; File configDir = null; try { String runtimeConfigDirString = readAttribute(getEnvironmentAddress(), getConfigDirAttributeName()); // Canonicalize both paths before comparing them! runtimeConfigDir = new File(runtimeConfigDirString).getCanonicalFile(); File configDirTmp = serverPluginConfig.getConfigDir(); if (configDirTmp != null) { // may be null for manually added servers configDir = configDirTmp.getCanonicalFile(); } } catch (Exception e) { runtimeConfigDir = null; configDir = null; LOG.error("Failed to validate config dir for " + getResourceDescription() + ".", e); } if ((runtimeConfigDir != null) && (configDir != null)) { if (!runtimeConfigDir.equals(configDir)) { throw new InvalidPluginConfigurationException("The server listening on " + serverPluginConfig.getHostname() + ":" + serverPluginConfig.getPort() + " has config dir [" + runtimeConfigDir + "], but the config dir we expected was [" + configDir + "]. Perhaps the management hostname or port has been changed for the server with config dir [" + configDir + "]."); } } // Validate the mode (e.g. STANDALONE or DOMAIN). String runtimeMode; try { runtimeMode = readAttribute("launch-type"); } catch (Exception e) { runtimeMode = null; LOG.error("Failed to validate mode for " + getResourceDescription() + ".", e); } if (runtimeMode != null) { String mode = getMode().name(); if (!runtimeMode.equals(mode)) { throw new InvalidPluginConfigurationException("The original mode discovered for this server was " + getMode() + ", but the server is now reporting its mode is [" + runtimeMode + "]."); } } // Validate the product type (e.g. AS or EAP). String expectedRuntimeProductName = pluginConfiguration.getSimpleValue("expectedRuntimeProductName"); String runtimeProductName; try { runtimeProductName = readAttribute(getHostAddress(), "product-name"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidPluginConfigurationException("Failed to validate product type for " + getResourceDescription(), e); } if (!runtimeProductName.equals(expectedRuntimeProductName)) { if(serverPluginConfig.getProductType() != JBossProductType.WILDFLY) { throw new InvalidPluginConfigurationException("The original product type discovered for this server was " + expectedRuntimeProductName + ", but the server is now reporting its product type is [" + runtimeProductName + "]"); } } } public ServerPluginConfiguration getServerPluginConfiguration() { return serverPluginConfig; } public StartScriptConfiguration getStartScriptConfiguration() { return startScriptConfig; } @Override public ASConnection getASConnection() { return connection; } @Override public void setConnection(ASConnection connection) { this.connection = connection; } @NotNull protected abstract AS7Mode getMode(); /** * Restart the server by first executing a 'shutdown' operation via the management API and then calling * the {@link #startServer} method to start it again. * * @param parameters Parameters to pass to the (recursive) invocation of #invokeOperation * @return State of execution * @throws Exception If anything goes wrong */ protected OperationResult restartServer(Configuration parameters) throws Exception { OperationResult operationResult = new OperationResult(); if (isManuallyAddedServer(operationResult, "Restarting")) { return operationResult; } List<String> errors = validateStartScriptPluginConfigProps(); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { OperationResult result = new OperationResult(); setErrorMessage(result, errors); return result; } OperationResult tmp = invokeOperation("shutdown", parameters); if (tmp.getErrorMessage() != null) { tmp.setErrorMessage("Restart failed while attempting to shut down: " + tmp.getErrorMessage()); return tmp; } context.getAvailabilityContext().requestAvailabilityCheck(); return startServer(); } protected boolean waitUntilDown() throws InterruptedException { boolean notAnswering = false; while (!notAnswering) { Operation op = new ReadAttribute(new Address(), "release-version"); try { Result res = getASConnection().execute(op); if (!res.isSuccess()) { // If op succeeds, server is not down notAnswering = true; } } catch (Exception e) { notAnswering = true; } if (!notAnswering) { if (context.getComponentInvocationContext().isInterrupted()) { // Operation canceled or timed out throw new InterruptedException(); } Thread.sleep(SECONDS.toMillis(1)); } } // BZ 893802: wait until server (the process) is really down HostConfiguration hostConfig = getHostConfig(); // commandLine instance is not important for determining whether the HostPort is local or not AS7CommandLine commandLine = new AS7CommandLine(new String[] { "java", "foo.Main", "org.jboss.as.host-controller" }); HostPort hostPort = hostConfig.getDomainControllerHostPort(commandLine); if (hostPort.isLocal) { // lets be paranoid here for (ProcessInfo processInfo = context.getNativeProcess();; processInfo = context.getNativeProcess()) { if (processInfo == null) { // Process not found, so it died, that's fine break; } if (!processInfo.priorSnaphot().isRunning()) { // Process info says process is no longer running, that's fine break; } if (context.getComponentInvocationContext().isInterrupted()) { // Operation canceled or timed out throw new InterruptedException(); } // Process is still running, wait a second and check again Thread.sleep(SECONDS.toMillis(1)); } } return true; } /** * Start the server by calling the start script defined in the plugin configuration. * * @return the result of the operation */ protected OperationResult startServer() throws InterruptedException { OperationResult operationResult = new OperationResult(); if (isManuallyAddedServer(operationResult, "Starting")) { return operationResult; } List<String> errors = validateStartScriptPluginConfigProps(); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { setErrorMessage(operationResult, errors); return operationResult; } ProcessExecutionResults results = ServerControl .onServer(context.getPluginConfiguration(), getMode(), context.getSystemInformation()) .lifecycle().startServer(); ProcessExecutionLogger.logExecutionResults(results); if (results.getError() != null) { operationResult.setErrorMessage(results.getError().getMessage()); } else if (results.getExitCode() != null && results.getExitCode() != 0) { operationResult.setErrorMessage("Start failed with error code " + results.getExitCode() + ":\n" + results.getCapturedOutput()); } else { // Try to connect to the server - ping once per second, timing out after 20s. boolean up = waitForServerToStart(); if (up) { operationResult.setSimpleResult("Success"); } else { operationResult.setErrorMessage("Was not able to start the server"); } } context.getAvailabilityContext().requestAvailabilityCheck(); return operationResult; } protected OperationResult setupCli(Configuration parameters) { OperationResult result = new OperationResult(); ServerPluginConfiguration serverConfig = getServerPluginConfiguration(); File jbossCliXml = new File(new File(serverConfig.getHomeDir(), "bin"), "jboss-cli.xml"); try { JBossCliConfiguration config = new JBossCliConfiguration(jbossCliXml, serverConfig); StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); boolean madeChanges = false; if (Boolean.parseBoolean(parameters.getSimpleValue("defaultController", "false"))) { String m = config.configureDefaultController(); madeChanges |= m == null; response.append(m == null ? "Setting up Default Controller" : "Default Controller skipped : " + m); response.append("\n"); } if (Boolean.parseBoolean(parameters.getSimpleValue("security", "false"))) { String storeMethod = parameters.getSimpleValue("storePasswordMethod", "PLAIN"); String m = null; String message = "Setting up Security"; if ("PLAIN".equals(storeMethod)) { message += " (using plain text)"; m = config.configureSecurity(); } else { message += " (using vault)"; m = config.configureSecurityUsingVault(getHostConfig()); } madeChanges |= m == null; response.append(m == null ? message : "Security skipped: " + m); response.append("\n"); } if (madeChanges) { config.writeToFile(); response.append("Wrote changes to " + jbossCliXml); result.setSimpleResult(response.toString()); } else { result.setSimpleResult(jbossCliXml + " was not updated"); } } catch (Exception e) { getLog().error("Failed to setup CLI", e); result.setErrorMessage("Failed to setup CLI : " + e.getMessage()); } return result; } /** * runs jboss-cli executable and returns its output * @param parameters input configuration (either commands or file sipmle-property is expected) * @return the result of the operation * @throws InterruptedException */ protected OperationResult runCliCommand(Configuration parameters) throws InterruptedException { OperationResult result = new OperationResult(); if (isManuallyAddedServer(result, "Executing jboss-cli")) { return result; } long waitTime = Integer.parseInt(parameters.getSimpleValue("waitTime", "3600")); if (waitTime <= 0) { result.setErrorMessage("waitTime parameter must be positive integer"); return result; } ServerControl.Cli cli = ServerControl .onServer(context.getPluginConfiguration(), getMode(), context.getSystemInformation()) .waitingFor(waitTime * 1000) .killingOnTimeout(Boolean.parseBoolean(parameters.getSimpleValue("killOnTimeout", "false"))).cli(); ProcessExecutionResults results; String commands = parameters.getSimpleValue("commands"); if (commands != null) { results = cli.executeCliCommand(commands); } else { File script = new File(parameters.getSimpleValue("file")); if (!script.isAbsolute()) { script = new File(serverPluginConfig.getHomeDir(), script.getPath()).getAbsoluteFile(); } results = cli.executeCliScript(script); } ProcessExecutionLogger.logExecutionResults(results); result.setSimpleResult(results.getCapturedOutput()); if (results.getError() != null) { result.setErrorMessage(results.getError().getMessage()); return result; } if (results.getExitCode() == null) { result.setErrorMessage("jboss-cli execution timed out"); return result; } if (results.getExitCode() != 0) { result.setErrorMessage("jboss-cli execution failed with error code " + results.getExitCode()); return result; } if (Boolean.parseBoolean(parameters.getSimpleValue("triggerAvailability", null))) { context.getAvailabilityContext().requestAvailabilityCheck(); } if (Boolean.parseBoolean(parameters.getSimpleValue("triggerDiscovery", null))) { context.getInventoryContext().requestDeferredChildResourcesDiscovery(); } return result; } public boolean isManuallyAddedServer() { return pluginConfiguration.get("manuallyAdded") != null; } private boolean isManuallyAddedServer(OperationResult operationResult, String operation) { if (isManuallyAddedServer()) { operationResult.setErrorMessage(operation + " is not enabled for manually added servers"); return true; } return false; } private void setErrorMessage(OperationResult operationResult, List<String> errors) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("This Resource's connection properties contain errors: "); for (int i = 0, errorsSize = errors.size(); i < errorsSize; i++) { if (i != 0) { buffer.append(", "); } String error = errors.get(i); buffer.append('[').append(error).append(']'); } operationResult.setErrorMessage(buffer.toString()); } private List<String> validateStartScriptPluginConfigProps() { List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); File startScriptFile = getStartScriptFile(); if (!startScriptFile.exists()) { errors.add("Start script '" + startScriptFile + "' does not exist."); } else { if (!startScriptFile.isFile()) { errors.add("Start script '" + startScriptFile + "' is not a regular file."); } else { if (!startScriptFile.canRead()) { errors.add("Start script '" + startScriptFile + "' is not readable."); } if (!startScriptFile.canExecute()) { errors.add("Start script '" + startScriptFile + "' is not executable."); } } } return errors; } private File getStartScriptFile() { File startScriptFile = startScriptConfig.getStartScript(); File homeDir = serverPluginConfig.getHomeDir(); if (startScriptFile != null) { if (!startScriptFile.isAbsolute()) { startScriptFile = new File(homeDir, startScriptFile.getPath()); } } else { // Use the default start script. String startScriptFileName = getMode().getStartScriptFileName(); File binDir = new File(homeDir, "bin"); startScriptFile = new File(binDir, startScriptFileName); } return startScriptFile; } private boolean waitForServerToStart() throws InterruptedException { boolean up = false; while (!up) { Operation op = new ReadAttribute(new Address(), "release-version"); try { Result res = getASConnection().execute(op); if (res.isSuccess()) { // If op succeeds, server is not down up = true; } } catch (Exception e) { //do absolutely nothing //if an exception is thrown that means the server is still down, so consider this //a single failed attempt, equivalent to res.isSuccess == false } if (!up) { if (context.getComponentInvocationContext().isInterrupted()) { // Operation canceled or timed out throw new InterruptedException(); } Thread.sleep(SECONDS.toMillis(1)); } } return true; } /** * Do some post processing of the Result - especially the 'shutdown' operation needs a special * treatment. * @param name Name of the operation * @param res Result of the operation vs. AS7 * @return OperationResult filled in from values of res */ protected OperationResult postProcessResult(String name, Result res) { OperationResult operationResult = new OperationResult(); if (res == null) { operationResult.setErrorMessage("No result received from server"); return operationResult; } if (name.equals("shutdown") || name.equals("restart") || name.equals("reload")) { /* * Shutdown, restart and reload need a special treatment, because after sending the operation, event if * it succeeds, the server connection is sometimes closed and we can't read from it. */ if (!res.isSuccess()) { if (StringUtil.isNotBlank(res.getFailureDescription()) && res.getFailureDescription().startsWith(ASConnection.FAILURE_NO_RESPONSE)) { operationResult.setSimpleResult("Success"); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Got no response for operation '" + name + "'. " + "This is considered ok, as the remote server sometimes closes the communications " + "channel before sending a reply"); } } else { operationResult.setErrorMessage(res.getFailureDescription()); } } else { operationResult.setSimpleResult("Success"); } } else { if (res.isSuccess()) { if (res.getResult() != null) operationResult.setSimpleResult(res.getResult().toString()); else operationResult.setSimpleResult("-None provided by server-"); } else operationResult.setErrorMessage(res.getFailureDescription()); } return operationResult; } protected OperationResult installManagementUser(Configuration parameters, Configuration pluginConfig) { String user = parameters.getSimpleValue("user", ""); String password = parameters.getSimpleValue("password", ""); OperationResult result = new OperationResult(); PropertySimple remoteProp = pluginConfig.getSimple("manuallyAdded"); if (remoteProp != null && remoteProp.getBooleanValue() != null && remoteProp.getBooleanValue()) { result .setErrorMessage("This is a manually added server. This operation can not be used to install a management user. Use the server's 'bin/add-user.sh'"); return result; } if (user.isEmpty() || password.isEmpty()) { result.setErrorMessage("User and Password must not be empty"); return result; } File baseDir = serverPluginConfig.getBaseDir(); if (baseDir == null) { result.setErrorMessage("'" + ServerPluginConfiguration.Property.BASE_DIR + "' plugin config prop is not set."); return result; } HostConfiguration hostConfig = getHostConfig(); String realm = pluginConfig.getSimpleValue("realm", "ManagementRealm"); File propertiesFile = hostConfig.getSecurityPropertyFile(serverPluginConfig, realm); if (!propertiesFile.canWrite()) { result.setErrorMessage("Management users properties file [" + propertiesFile + "] is not writable."); return result; } String encryptedPassword; try { UsernamePasswordHashUtil hashUtil = new UsernamePasswordHashUtil(); encryptedPassword = hashUtil.generateHashedHexURP(user, realm, password.toCharArray()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to encrypt password.", e); } boolean userAlreadyExisted; try { PropertiesFileUpdate propsFileUpdate = new PropertiesFileUpdate(propertiesFile.getPath()); userAlreadyExisted = propsFileUpdate.update(user, encryptedPassword); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to update management users properties file [" + propertiesFile + "].", e); } String verb = (userAlreadyExisted) ? "updated" : "added"; result.setSimpleResult("Management user [" + user + "] " + verb + "."); LOG.info("Management user [" + user + "] " + verb + " for " + context.getResourceType().getName() + " server with key [" + context.getResourceKey() + "]."); context.getAvailabilityContext().requestAvailabilityCheck(); context.getInventoryContext().requestDeferredChildResourcesDiscovery(); return result; } /** * Requests a deferred child resource discovery for sub-resources of this server. */ public void requestDeferredChildResourcesDiscovery() { this.context.getInventoryContext().requestDeferredChildResourcesDiscovery(); } @Override public void getValues(MeasurementReport report, Set<MeasurementScheduleRequest> requests) throws Exception { Set<MeasurementScheduleRequest> skmRequests = new HashSet<MeasurementScheduleRequest>(requests.size()); Set<MeasurementScheduleRequest> leftovers = new HashSet<MeasurementScheduleRequest>(requests.size()); String tempDirAttributeName = getTempDirAttributeName(); for (MeasurementScheduleRequest request : requests) { String requestName = request.getName(); if (requestName.equals("startTime")) { collectStartTimeTrait(report, request); } else { if ("active-patches".equals(requestName)) { String patches = collectPatches(); if (patches != null) { report.addData(new MeasurementDataTrait(request, patches)); } } else if (tempDirAttributeName != null && requestName.equals(tempDirAttributeName)) { collectEnvironmentTrait(report, request); } else if (requestName.startsWith("_skm:")) { // handled below skmRequests.add(request); } else { leftovers.add(request); // handled below } } } // Now handle the server kind traits. if (skmRequests.size() > 0) { collectServerKindTraits(report, skmRequests); } // Finally let our superclass handle the leftovers. super.getValues(report, leftovers); } /** * The release version as returned by the "release-version" attribute of the root node in the management model. */ public String getReleaseVersion() { if (releaseVersion == null) { releaseVersion = (String) getASConnection().execute(new ReadAttribute(new Address(), "release-version")) .getResult(); } return releaseVersion; } private void collectStartTimeTrait(MeasurementReport report, MeasurementScheduleRequest request) { Address address = new Address(getHostAddress()); address.add("core-service", "platform-mbean"); address.add("type", "runtime"); Long startTime; try { startTime = readAttribute(address, "start-time", Long.class); } catch (Exception e) { startTime = null; } if (startTime != null) { MeasurementDataTrait data = new MeasurementDataTrait(request, new Date(startTime).toString()); report.addData(data); } } protected BundleHandoverResponse handleExecuteScript(BundleHandoverRequest handoverRequest) throws IOException { Map<String, String> params = handoverRequest.getParams(); long waitTime; String waitTimeParam = params.get("waitTime"); if (waitTimeParam != null) { try { waitTime = Long.parseLong(waitTimeParam); if (waitTime <= 0) { return BundleHandoverResponse.failure(INVALID_PARAMETER, "waitTime must greater than 0"); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return BundleHandoverResponse.failure(INVALID_PARAMETER, "waitTime is not a number"); } } else { waitTime = HOURS.toMillis(1); } boolean killOnTimeout = Boolean.parseBoolean(params.get("killOnTimeout")); File scriptFile = null; try { scriptFile = File.createTempFile(handoverRequest.getFilename(), ".tmp", context.getTemporaryDirectory()); FileUtil.writeFile(handoverRequest.getContent(), scriptFile); ProcessExecutionResults results = ServerControl // .onServer( // getServerPluginConfiguration().getPluginConfig(), // getMode(), // context.getSystemInformation() // ) // .waitingFor(waitTime) // .killingOnTimeout(killOnTimeout) // .cli() // .executeCliScript(scriptFile.getAbsoluteFile()); ProcessExecutionLogger.logExecutionResults(results); Throwable error = results.getError(); if (error != null) { return BundleHandoverResponse.failure(EXECUTION, error.getMessage(), error); } Integer exitCode = results.getExitCode(); if (exitCode == null) { return BundleHandoverResponse.failure(EXECUTION, "Timeout waiting for completion of the CLI process"); } if (exitCode != 0) { return BundleHandoverResponse.failure(EXECUTION, "CLI process exit code is " + exitCode); } return BundleHandoverResponse.success(); } finally { if (scriptFile != null) { scriptFile.delete(); } } } @NotNull protected abstract Address getEnvironmentAddress(); @NotNull protected abstract Address getHostAddress(); @NotNull protected abstract String getBaseDirAttributeName(); @NotNull protected abstract String getConfigDirAttributeName(); /** * Default implentation. Override in concrete subclasses and return the the temporary directory attribute name, * found on the node at {@link #getEnvironmentAddress()}. * * @return the temp dir attribute name or null if no such attribute exists */ protected String getTempDirAttributeName() { return null; } protected void collectConfigTrait(MeasurementReport report, MeasurementScheduleRequest request) { String value = readEnvironmentAttribute(request); if (value != null) { MeasurementDataTrait data = new MeasurementDataTrait(request, new File(value).getName()); report.addData(data); } } protected void collectEnvironmentTrait(MeasurementReport report, MeasurementScheduleRequest request) { String value = readEnvironmentAttribute(request); if (value != null) { MeasurementDataTrait data = new MeasurementDataTrait(request, value); report.addData(data); } } private String readEnvironmentAttribute(MeasurementScheduleRequest request) { try { return readAttribute(getEnvironmentAddress(), request.getName(), String.class); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to read attribute [" + request.getName() + "]: " + e, e); return null; } } private synchronized void setASHostName(String aSHostName) { this.aSHostName = aSHostName; } /** * gets AS domain host name (defult is master for HC) null for standalone; * @return AS domain host name */ protected synchronized String getASHostName() { return aSHostName; } /** * @see #findASDomainHostName(ASConnection) */ protected String findASDomainHostName() { if (getMode().equals(AS7Mode.STANDALONE)) { return null; } return findASDomainHostName(getASConnection()); } protected ExpressionResolver getExpressionResolver() { return expressionResolver; } /** * Reads local-host-name attribute * * @return name current host within EAP domain or null if we failed to read it */ public static String findASDomainHostName(ASConnection connection) { ReadAttribute op = new ReadAttribute(new Address(), "local-host-name"); op.includeDefaults(true); Result result = connection.execute(op); if (result.isSuccess()) { return result.getResult().toString(); } return null; } private HostConfiguration getHostConfig() { File configFile; HostConfiguration hostConfig; try { String config = readAttribute(getEnvironmentAddress(), getMode().getHostConfigAttributeName()); configFile = new File(config); } catch (Exception e) { // This probably means the server is not running and/or authentication is not set up. Fallback to the // host config file set in the plugin config during discovery. // TODO (ips, 05/05/12): This is not ideal, because the user could have restarted the server with a // different config file, since the time it was imported into inventory. The better // thing to do here is to find the current server process and parse its command line // to find the current config file name. configFile = serverPluginConfig.getHostConfigFile(); if (configFile == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to determine config file path.", e); } } try { hostConfig = new HostConfiguration(configFile); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse configuration file [" + configFile + "].", e); } return hostConfig; } private void collectServerKindTraits(MeasurementReport report, Set<MeasurementScheduleRequest> skmRequests) { Address address = new Address(); ReadResource op = new ReadResource(address); op.includeRuntime(true); ComplexResult res = getASConnection().executeComplex(op); if (res.isSuccess()) { Map<String, Object> props = res.getResult(); for (MeasurementScheduleRequest request : skmRequests) { String requestName = request.getName(); String realName = requestName.substring(requestName.indexOf(':') + 1); String val = null; if (props.containsKey(realName)) { val = getStringValue(props.get(realName)); } MeasurementDataTrait data = new MeasurementDataTrait(request, val); report.addData(data); } } else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("getSKMRequests failed: " + res.getFailureDescription()); } } /** * Checks for server's response until server returns valid response or timeout is reached. * Check period is 1/60 of timeout but not less than 1s. This method does not use {@link #getAvailability()} to check * availability because it may change component's state * @param timeout in seconds ( <= 0 to disable check) * @return true iff Server responded to simple http request within given timeout, false otherwise */ protected boolean ensureServerUp(Integer timeout) { if (timeout <= 0) { // invalid/disabled return true; } if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) { getLog().debug("Ensuring server " + context.getResourceDetails() + " is responding"); } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long timedOut = now + (timeout * 1000L); // wait 1/60 of timeout, but at least 1s, for default timeout (120s) we'll wait 2s between checks long waitTime = Math.max(timeout * 1000L / 60, 1000L); int check = 0; while (now < timedOut) { check++; if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) { getLog().debug("Server check attempt #" + check); } try { readAttribute(getHostAddress(), "name", AVAIL_OP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS); return true; } catch (Exception e) { } now = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { Thread.currentThread().join(waitTime); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return false; } } // one last check before we give up try { readAttribute(getHostAddress(), "name", AVAIL_OP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS); return true; } catch (Exception e) { } return false; } protected String collectPatches() { String cliCommand = "patch info --json-output"; ProcessExecutionResults results = ServerControl.onServer(context.getPluginConfiguration(), getMode(), context.getSystemInformation()) .cli().disconnected(true).executeCliCommand(cliCommand); if (results.getError() != null) { LOG.info("Failed to determine the list of installed patches on " + context.getResourceDetails() + ". The execution of JBoss CLI failed.", results.getError()); return null; } else if (results.getExitCode() == null) { LOG.info("Failed to determine the list of installed patches on " + context.getResourceDetails() + ". The execution of JBoss CLI timed out."); return null; } else if (results.getExitCode() != 0) { LOG.info("Failed to determine the list of installed patches on " + context.getResourceDetails() + ". The execution of JBoss CLI exited with code " + results.getExitCode() + "."); return null; } else { String json = results.getCapturedOutput(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); Result result; try { result = mapper.readValue(json, Result.class); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to parse the output of the 'patch info' command with message '" + e.getMessage() + "'.", e); return null; } if (!result.isSuccess()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("'patch info' command didn't succeed: " + result); } return null; } if (!(result.getResult() instanceof Map)) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Unexpected patch info results. Expected map but found " + (result.getResult() == null ? "null" : result.getResult().getClass().toString())); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> info = (Map<String, Object>) result.getResult(); if (info.isEmpty()) { return null; } String cp = (String) info.get("cumulative-patch-id"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> oneOffs = (List<String>) info.get("patches"); StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(cp); for (String oneOff : oneOffs) { ret.append(", ").append(oneOff); } return ret.toString(); } } }