/* * RHQ Management Platform * Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ package org.rhq.enterprise.server.plugins.cobbler; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.fedorahosted.cobbler.CobblerConnection; import org.fedorahosted.cobbler.CobblerObject; import org.fedorahosted.cobbler.Finder; import org.fedorahosted.cobbler.ObjectType; import org.fedorahosted.cobbler.autogen.Distro; import org.fedorahosted.cobbler.autogen.Profile; import org.rhq.core.domain.cloud.Server; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.Configuration; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.PropertyList; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.PropertyMap; import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.PropertySimple; import org.rhq.core.domain.content.Distribution; import org.rhq.core.domain.content.Repo; import org.rhq.core.domain.util.PageControl; import org.rhq.core.domain.util.PageList; import org.rhq.enterprise.server.content.RepoManagerLocal; import org.rhq.enterprise.server.plugin.pc.ControlFacet; import org.rhq.enterprise.server.plugin.pc.ControlResults; import org.rhq.enterprise.server.plugin.pc.ScheduledJobInvocationContext; import org.rhq.enterprise.server.plugin.pc.ServerPluginComponent; import org.rhq.enterprise.server.plugin.pc.ServerPluginContext; import org.rhq.enterprise.server.util.LookupUtil; public class CobblerServerPluginComponent implements ServerPluginComponent, ControlFacet { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CobblerServerPluginComponent.class); /** * This string is placed at the start of all distro comments created in Cobbler. * When we see this marker at the start of a distro comment, we know its a distro we created. */ private static final String COMMENT_MARKER = "[rhq]"; private ServerPluginContext context; /** * Used to avoid having an operation running at the same time as a sync. */ private boolean syncInProgress; public void initialize(ServerPluginContext context) throws Exception { this.context = context; log.info("initialized: " + this); } public void start() { log.info("started: " + this); } public void stop() { log.info("stopped: " + this); } public void shutdown() { log.info("shutdown: " + this); } public ControlResults invoke(String name, Configuration parameters) { ControlResults controlResults = new ControlResults(); try { if (name.equals("getCobblerDistros")) { String searchRegex = parameters.getSimpleValue("searchRegex", null); Pattern pattern = null; if (searchRegex != null) { pattern = Pattern.compile(searchRegex); } Configuration results = controlResults.getComplexResults(); PropertyList list = new PropertyList("distros"); results.put(list); Collection<Distro> distros = getAllCobblerDistros().values(); for (Distro d : distros) { if (pattern == null || pattern.matcher(d.getName()).matches()) { PropertyMap map = new PropertyMap("distro"); map.put(new PropertySimple("name", d.getName())); map.put(new PropertySimple("breed", d.getBreed())); map.put(new PropertySimple("osversion", d.getOsVersion())); map.put(new PropertySimple("arch", d.getArch())); map.put(new PropertySimple("initrd", d.getInitrd())); map.put(new PropertySimple("kernel", d.getKernel())); list.add(map); } } } else if (name.equals("getCobblerProfiles")) { String searchRegex = parameters.getSimpleValue("searchRegex", null); Pattern pattern = null; if (searchRegex != null) { pattern = Pattern.compile(searchRegex); } Configuration results = controlResults.getComplexResults(); PropertyList list = new PropertyList("profiles"); results.put(list); List<Profile> profiles = getAllCobblerProfiles(); for (Profile p : profiles) { if (pattern == null || pattern.matcher(p.getName()).matches()) { PropertyMap map = new PropertyMap("profile"); map.put(new PropertySimple("name", p.getName())); map.put(new PropertySimple("distro", p.getDistro())); map.put(new PropertySimple("kickstart", p.getKickstart())); list.add(map); } } } else if (name.equals("removeCobblerDistros")) { String searchRegex = parameters.getSimpleValue("searchRegex", null); Pattern pattern = null; if (searchRegex != null) { pattern = Pattern.compile(searchRegex); } if (!this.syncInProgress) { Collection<Distro> distros = getAllCobblerDistros().values(); for (Distro d : distros) { if (pattern == null || pattern.matcher(d.getName()).matches()) { if (d.getComment().startsWith(COMMENT_MARKER)) { d.remove(); } } } } else { controlResults.setError("A synchronize is currently in progress - please wait for it to finish"); } } else { controlResults.setError("Unknown operation name: " + name); } } catch (Exception e) { controlResults.setError(e); } return controlResults; } public void synchronizeContent(ScheduledJobInvocationContext invocation) throws Exception { log.info("Synchronizing content to the local Cobbler server: " + this); try { this.syncInProgress = true; Server server = LookupUtil.getServerManager().getServer(); String rootUrl = "http://" + server.getAddress() + ":" + server.getPort() + "/content/"; Map<String, Distro> cobblerDistros = getAllCobblerDistros(); // Cobbler distros Map<Repo, Map<String, Distribution>> reposDistributions = getAllDistributions(); // RHQ distros CobblerConnection conn = getConnection(); for (Map.Entry<Repo, Map<String, Distribution>> repoEntry : reposDistributions.entrySet()) { Repo repo = repoEntry.getKey(); String repoName = repo.getName(); for (Distribution distribution : repoEntry.getValue().values()) { Distro existingCobblerDistro = cobblerDistros.get(distribution.getLabel()); Distro desiredCobblerDistro = instantiateCobblerDistro(conn, distribution, repoName, rootUrl); if (existingCobblerDistro != null) { // cobbler already has a distro with the name we are looking for. // let's make sure its data is the same, otherwise, we need to upgrade it. // but first, we need to take it out of our map, because whatever is left in this map will be removed from Cobbler later. cobblerDistros.remove(existingCobblerDistro.getName()); if (!compareCobblerDistros(existingCobblerDistro, desiredCobblerDistro)) { // the one Cobbler has is old and needs to be updated with the latest data. updateCobblerDistro(existingCobblerDistro, desiredCobblerDistro); existingCobblerDistro.commit(); log.info("Updated existing Cobbler distro [" + distribution.getLabel() + "]"); } else { log.debug("Cobbler already has distro [" + distribution.getLabel() + "]; keeping it"); } } else { desiredCobblerDistro.commit(); log.info("Added new distro to Cobbler: [" + distribution.getLabel() + "]"); } } } // now remove those RHQ distros that we no longer have, only remove RHQ distros though for (Distro doomed : cobblerDistros.values()) { if (doomed.getComment().startsWith(COMMENT_MARKER)) { doomed.remove(); log.info("Removed obsolete distro from Cobbler: [" + doomed.getName() + "]"); } } } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("Failed to synchronize distributions to Cobbler server", t); } finally { this.syncInProgress = false; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void updateCobblerDistro(Distro existingCobblerDistro, Distro desiredCobblerDistro) { existingCobblerDistro.setName(desiredCobblerDistro.getName()); existingCobblerDistro.setComment(desiredCobblerDistro.getComment()); existingCobblerDistro.setKernel(desiredCobblerDistro.getKernel()); existingCobblerDistro.setInitrd(desiredCobblerDistro.getInitrd()); Map<String, String> ksMetaDesired = desiredCobblerDistro.getKsMeta(); if (ksMetaDesired != null) { Map<String, String> ksMetaExisting = existingCobblerDistro.getKsMeta(); if (ksMetaExisting == null) { ksMetaExisting = new HashMap<String, String>(ksMetaDesired.size()); existingCobblerDistro.setKsMeta(ksMetaExisting); } ksMetaExisting.clear(); ksMetaExisting.putAll(ksMetaDesired); } else { existingCobblerDistro.setKsMeta(null); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean compareCobblerDistros(Distro cobblerDistro1, Distro cobblerDistro2) { if (!compareObjects(cobblerDistro1.getName(), cobblerDistro2.getName())) { return false; } if (!compareObjects(cobblerDistro1.getComment(), cobblerDistro2.getComment())) { return false; } if (!compareObjects(cobblerDistro1.getKernel(), cobblerDistro2.getKernel())) { return false; } if (!compareObjects(cobblerDistro1.getInitrd(), cobblerDistro2.getInitrd())) { return false; } Map<String, String> ksMeta1 = cobblerDistro1.getKsMeta(); Map<String, String> ksMeta2 = cobblerDistro2.getKsMeta(); String tree1 = null; String tree2 = null; if (ksMeta1 != null) { tree1 = ksMeta1.get("tree"); } if (ksMeta2 != null) { tree2 = ksMeta2.get("tree"); } if (!compareObjects(tree1, tree2)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Given a RHQ distribution domaon object, this instantiates a Cobbler Distro object * that can allow Cobbler to access the distribution content. * NOTE: this does NOT create the Distro on the Cobbler server, this only instantiates * a Distro class object and returns it. * * @param conn a connection to the Cobbler server * @param distribution the RHQ distribution data * @param repoName the name of the repository that the distribution is associated with * @param rootUrl the root URL where the distribution content can be found * @return an instance of a Cobbler Distro object */ private Distro instantiateCobblerDistro(CobblerConnection conn, Distribution distribution, String repoName, String rootUrl) { Distro cobblerDistro; String distroRootUrl = rootUrl + repoName + "/distributions/" + distribution.getLabel(); String kernel = distroRootUrl + "/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz"; // TODO what about other arches String initrd = distroRootUrl + "/images/pxeboot/initrd.img"; // TODO what about other arches String ksTree = distroRootUrl; cobblerDistro = new Distro(conn); cobblerDistro.setName(distribution.getLabel()); cobblerDistro.setComment(COMMENT_MARKER + " " + distribution.getLabel()); cobblerDistro.setKernel(kernel); cobblerDistro.setInitrd(initrd); Map<String, String> ksmeta = new HashMap<String, String>(); ksmeta.put("tree", ksTree); cobblerDistro.setKsMeta(ksmeta); return cobblerDistro; } @Override public String toString() { if (this.context == null) { return "<no context>"; } StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.append("plugin-key=").append(this.context.getPluginEnvironment().getPluginKey()).append(","); str.append("plugin-url=").append(this.context.getPluginEnvironment().getPluginUrl()).append(","); str.append("plugin-config=[").append(getPluginConfigurationString()).append(']'); // do not append , return str.toString(); } private Map<String, Distro> getAllCobblerDistros() { Map<String, Distro> distros = new HashMap<String, Distro>(); CobblerConnection conn = getConnection(); Finder finder = Finder.getInstance(); List<? extends CobblerObject> objs = finder.listItems(conn, ObjectType.DISTRO); for (CobblerObject obj : objs) { if (obj instanceof Distro) { distros.put(((Distro) obj).getName(), (Distro) obj); } else { log.error("Instead of a distro, Cobbler returned an object of type [" + obj.getClass() + "]: " + obj); } } return distros; } private List<Profile> getAllCobblerProfiles() { List<Profile> profiles = new ArrayList<Profile>(); CobblerConnection conn = getConnection(); Finder finder = Finder.getInstance(); List<? extends CobblerObject> objs = finder.listItems(conn, ObjectType.PROFILE); for (CobblerObject obj : objs) { if (obj instanceof Profile) { profiles.add((Profile) obj); } else { log.error("Instead of a profile, Cobbler returned an object of type [" + obj.getClass() + "]: " + obj); } } return profiles; } private Map<Repo, Map<String, Distribution>> getAllDistributions() { final int repoPageSize = 10; final int distroPageSize = 10; Map<Repo, Map<String, Distribution>> reposDistros = new HashMap<Repo, Map<String, Distribution>>(); RepoManagerLocal repoMgr = LookupUtil.getRepoManagerLocal(); PageControl repoPC = new PageControl(0, repoPageSize); int totalReposProcessed = 0; while (true) { PageList<Repo> repoPage = repoMgr.findRepos(LookupUtil.getSubjectManager().getOverlord(), repoPC); if (repoPage.size() <= 0) { break; } for (Repo repoPageItem : repoPage) { if (!repoPageItem.isCandidate()) { Map<String, Distribution> distrosMap = reposDistros.get(repoPageItem); if (distrosMap == null) { distrosMap = new HashMap<String, Distribution>(); reposDistros.put(repoPageItem, distrosMap); } PageControl distroPC = new PageControl(0, distroPageSize); int totalDistrosProcessed = 0; while (true) { PageList<Distribution> distroPage = repoMgr.findAssociatedDistributions(LookupUtil .getSubjectManager().getOverlord(), repoPageItem.getId(), distroPC); if (distroPage.size() <= 0) { break; } for (Distribution distroPageItem : distroPage) { distrosMap.put(distroPageItem.getLabel(), distroPageItem); } totalDistrosProcessed += distroPage.size(); if (totalDistrosProcessed >= distroPage.getTotalSize()) { break; // the previous page that was processed was the last one } distroPC.setPageNumber(distroPC.getPageNumber() + 1); // advance to the next distro page } } } totalReposProcessed += repoPage.size(); if (totalReposProcessed >= repoPage.getTotalSize()) { break; // the previous page that was processed was the last one } repoPC.setPageNumber(repoPC.getPageNumber() + 1); // advance to the repo page } return reposDistros; } private CobblerConnection getConnection() { Configuration pc = this.context.getPluginConfiguration(); String url = pc.getSimpleValue("url", ""); String username = pc.getSimpleValue("username", ""); String password = pc.getSimpleValue("password", ""); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Connecting to Cobbler at [" + url + "] as user [" + username + "]"); } CobblerConnection conn = new CobblerConnection(url, username, password); return conn; } private String getPluginConfigurationString() { String results = ""; Configuration config = this.context.getPluginConfiguration(); for (PropertySimple prop : config.getSimpleProperties().values()) { if (results.length() > 0) { results += ", "; } results = results + prop.getName() + "=" + prop.getStringValue(); } return results; } private boolean compareObjects(Object o1, Object o2) { // this ensures we don't throw an NPE if either is null if (o1 != null) { return o1.equals(o2); } else { return o2 == null; } } }