package org.rhq.etc.ircbot; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import com.atlassian.util.concurrent.Effect; import com.atlassian.util.concurrent.Promise; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import org.pircbotx.PircBotX; import org.pircbotx.User; import org.pircbotx.hooks.Listener; import org.pircbotx.hooks.ListenerAdapter; import; import; import; import; /** * An IRC bot for doing helpful stuff on the Freenode #rhq channel. * * @author Ian Springer * @author Jiri Kremser */ public class RhqIrcBotListener extends ListenerAdapter<RhqIrcBot> { private static final Pattern BZ_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?i)(bz|bug)[ ]*(\\d{6,7})"); private static final String JIRA_PROJECT = "JON3-"; private static final Pattern JIRA_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?i)(" + JIRA_PROJECT + "\\d{1,5})"); private static final Pattern COMMIT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?i)(\\!commit|cm)[ ]*([0-9a-f]{3,40})"); private static final Pattern ECHO_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?i)echo[ ]+(.+)"); private static final String COMMIT_LINK = ""; private static final String PTO_LINK = ""; private static final DateFormat monthFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM"); private static final DateFormat dayInMonthFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("d"); private static enum Command { FORUM("Our forum is available from", true), HELP( "You can use one of the following commands: ", true), LISTS( "Feel free to enroll to the user list" + " or the devel list", true), LOGS( "IRC logs are available from", true), PTO, SOURCE( "The code could be viewed/cloned on or", true), SUPPORT, WIKI("Our wiki is available from", true); public static final String PREFIX = "!"; private final String staticRespond; private final boolean includeInHelp; Command(String staticRespond, boolean includeInHelp) { this.staticRespond = staticRespond; this.includeInHelp = includeInHelp; } Command() { this(null, false); } } private static final Set<String> JON_DEVS = new HashSet<String>(); static { JON_DEVS.add("theute"); JON_DEVS.add("jkremser"); JON_DEVS.add("jsanda"); JON_DEVS.add("jshaughn"); JON_DEVS.add("lkrejci"); JON_DEVS.add("lzoubek"); JON_DEVS.add("mazz"); JON_DEVS.add("mtho11"); JON_DEVS.add("pilhuhn"); JON_DEVS.add("spinder"); JON_DEVS.add("stefan_n"); JON_DEVS.add("tsegismont"); JON_DEVS.add("lzoubek"); JON_DEVS.add("Yak"); } private final String server; private final String channel; private final BugResolver bzResolver = new BugzillaResolver(); private final JiraResolver jiraResolver = new JiraResolver(); private final boolean isRedHatChannel; private final Map<String, String> names = new HashMap<String, String>(); private final Map<String, String> ptoCache = new HashMap<String, String>(); private final Map<String, String> supportCache = new HashMap<String, String>(); private final Pattern commandPattern; public RhqIrcBotListener(String server, String channel) { this.server = server; = channel; isRedHatChannel = "".equals(server) || "".equals(server); if (isRedHatChannel) System.out.print("Red Hat channel"); StringBuilder commandRegExp = new StringBuilder(); commandRegExp.append("^(?i)[ ]*").append(Command.PREFIX).append("("); for (Command command : Command.values()) { commandRegExp.append('|'); } commandRegExp.deleteCharAt(commandRegExp.length() - 1); commandRegExp.append(')'); commandPattern = Pattern.compile(commandRegExp.toString()); } @Override public void onMessage(final MessageEvent<RhqIrcBot> event) throws Exception { if (event.getUser().getNick().toLowerCase().contains("bot")) { return; // never talk with artificial forms of life } final PircBotX bot = event.getBot(); if (!bot.getNick().equals(bot.getName())) { bot.changeNick(bot.getName()); } String message = event.getMessage(); // react to BZs in the messages Matcher bzMatcher = BZ_PATTERN.matcher(message); while (bzMatcher.find()) { final String response = bzResolver.resolve(; bot.sendMessage(event.getChannel(), response); } // react to Jira bugs in the messages Matcher jiraMatcher = JIRA_PATTERN.matcher(message); while (jiraMatcher.find()) { // final String response = jiraResolver.resolve(; // bot.sendMessage(event.getChannel(), response); final String bugId =; final Promise<Issue> issuePromise = jiraResolver.resolveAsync(bugId); issuePromise.done(new Effect<Issue>() { @Override public void apply(Issue a) { bot.sendMessage(event.getChannel(), bugId + ": " + Color.RED + a.getSummary() + Color.NORMAL + ", priority: " + Color.GREEN + a.getPriority().getName() + Color.NORMAL + ", created: " + a.getCreationDate().toString("YYYY-MM-DD") + " [ " + JiraResolver.JIRA_URL + "/browse/" + bugId + " ]"); } }); Effect<Throwable>() { @Override public void apply(Throwable e) { bot.sendMessage(event.getChannel(), "Failed to access bug " + bugId + " Cause: " + shorten(e.getMessage())); } }); } // react to the commit hashs included in the messages Matcher commitMatcher = COMMIT_PATTERN.matcher(message); while (commitMatcher.find()) { String shaHash =; String response = String.format(COMMIT_LINK, shaHash); bot.sendMessage(event.getChannel(), event.getUser().getNick() + ": " + response); } if (message.startsWith(event.getBot().getNick())) { // someone asked bot directly, we have to remove that from message message = message.substring(event.getBot().getNick().length()); message = message.replaceFirst("[^ ]*", ""); } // react to commands included in the messages Matcher commandMatcher = commandPattern.matcher(message); while (commandMatcher.find()) { Command command = Command.valueOf(; String response = prepareResponseForCommand(command); if (response != null) { bot.sendMessage(event.getChannel(), event.getUser().getNick() + ": " + shorten(response)); } } // ping JON devs if (message.matches(".*\\b(jon-team|jboss-on-team)\\b.*")) { Set<User> users = bot.getUsers(event.getChannel()); StringBuilder presentJonDevs = new StringBuilder(); for (User user : users) { String nick = user.getNick(); if (JON_DEVS.contains(nick) && !nick.equals(event.getUser().getNick())) { presentJonDevs.append(nick).append(' '); } } bot.sendMessage(event.getChannel(), presentJonDevs + ": see message from " + event.getUser().getNick() + " above"); } } @Override public void onPrivateMessage(PrivateMessageEvent<RhqIrcBot> privateMessageEvent) throws Exception { PircBotX bot = privateMessageEvent.getBot(); String message = privateMessageEvent.getMessage(); Matcher echoMatcher = ECHO_PATTERN.matcher(message); if (echoMatcher.matches()) { if (!JON_DEVS.contains(privateMessageEvent.getUser().getNick())) { privateMessageEvent.respond("You're not my master, I am your master, go away"); } else { String echoMessage =; bot.sendMessage(, echoMessage); } } else if (message.equalsIgnoreCase(Command.PREFIX + "listrenames")) { //Generate a list of renames in the form of old1 changed to new1, old2 changed to new2, etc StringBuilder users = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> curUser : names.entrySet()) { users.append(curUser.getKey()).append(" changed to ").append(curUser.getValue()).append(", "); } String usersString = users.substring(0, users.length() - 3); privateMessageEvent.respond("Renamed users: " + usersString); } else { boolean isCommand = false; // react to commands included in the messages Matcher commandMatcher = commandPattern.matcher(message); while (commandMatcher.find()) { isCommand = true; Command command = Command.valueOf(; String response = prepareResponseForCommand(command); if (response != null) { bot.sendMessage(privateMessageEvent.getUser(), response); } } if (!isCommand) { bot.sendMessage(privateMessageEvent.getUser(), "Hi, I am " + bot.getFinger() + ".\n" + prepareResponseForCommand(Command.HELP)); } } } @Override public void onDisconnect(DisconnectEvent<RhqIrcBot> disconnectEvent) throws Exception { boolean connected = false; while (!connected) { Thread.sleep(60 * 1000L); // 1 minute try { PircBotX newBot = new RhqIrcBot(this); newBot.connect(this.server); newBot.joinChannel(; connected = true; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Failed to reconnect to " + disconnectEvent.getBot().getServer() + " IRC server: " + e); } } // Try to clean up the old bot, so it can release any memory, sockets, etc. it's using. PircBotX oldBot = disconnectEvent.getBot(); Set<Listener> oldListeners = new HashSet<Listener>(oldBot.getListenerManager().getListeners()); for (Listener oldListener : oldListeners) { oldBot.getListenerManager().removeListener(oldListener); } } @Override public void onNickChange(NickChangeEvent<RhqIrcBot> event) throws Exception { //Store the result names.put(event.getOldNick(), event.getNewNick()); } private String prepareResponseForCommand(Command command) { if (command.staticRespond != null) { String response = command.staticRespond; if (command == Command.HELP) { for (Command com : Command.values()) { if (com.includeInHelp) { response += Command.PREFIX + com.toString().toLowerCase() + " "; } } } return response; } switch (command) { case SUPPORT: if (isRedHatChannel) return whoIsOnSupport(); case PTO: if (isRedHatChannel) return whoIsOnPto(PTO_LINK); default: System.err.println("Unknown command:" + command); break; } return null; } private String whoIsOnSupport() { String month = monthFormat.format(new Date()); String dayInMonth = dayInMonthFormat.format(new Date()); String cachedValue = supportCache.get(month + "#" + dayInMonth); if (cachedValue != null) { return cachedValue; } String onSupport = GDocParser.onSupport1(); String value = doNotNotify(onSupport + " is on support this week"); supportCache.put(month + "#" + dayInMonth, value); return value; } private String whoIsOnPto(String link) { String month = monthFormat.format(new Date()); String dayInMonth = dayInMonthFormat.format(new Date()); String cachedValue = ptoCache.get(month + "#" + dayInMonth); if (cachedValue != null) { return cachedValue; } try { String onPto = ""; Document doc = Jsoup.connect(link).ignoreContentType(true).get(); Elements titles ="rss channel item title"); for (Element title : titles) { onPto += doNotNotify(title.text()) + ", "; } if (!onPto.isEmpty()) { String value = doNotNotify(onPto.substring(0, onPto.length() - 2)); ptoCache.put(month + "#" + dayInMonth, value); return value; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return "no one is on PTO today"; } private String doNotNotify(String nick) { //replace all vowels with unicode chars that look same not to spam users with notifications return nick.toLowerCase().replaceFirst("a", "\u0430").replaceFirst("e", "\u0435").replaceFirst("i", "\u0456") .replaceFirst("o", "\u043E").replaceFirst("u", "\u222A").replaceFirst("y", "\u028F"); } private String shorten(String message) { if (message != null && message.length() > 300) { return message.substring(0, 300) + "..."; } else return message; } }