/* * RHQ Management Platform * Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ package org.rhq.enterprise.server; import org.rhq.core.domain.common.composite.SystemSetting; /** * Global constants file to be used for config Properties, as well as any other constant used across subsystems * * NOTE: The defaults for these properties can be found in sysconfig-data.xml in the dbutils module. */ public class RHQConstants { public static final String PRODUCT_NAME = "RHQ"; public static final String EAR_NAME = "rhq"; public static final String EAR_FILE_NAME = EAR_NAME + ".ear"; public static final String ENTITY_MANAGER_JNDI_NAME = "java:jboss/RHQEntityManagerFactory"; public static final String DATASOURCE_JNDI_NAME = "java:jboss/datasources/RHQDS"; public static final String NO_TX_DATASOURCE_JNDI_NAME = "java:jboss/datasources/NoTxRHQDS"; public static final String PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME = "rhqpu"; public static final String TRANSACTION_MANAGER_JNDI_NAME = "java:jboss/TransactionManager"; // JAAS settings @Deprecated public static final String JAASProvider = SystemSetting.LDAP_BASED_JAAS_PROVIDER.getInternalName(); // These are values that are actually stored in the DB for the JAASProvider system prop, though // SystemSetting.LDAP_BASED_JAAS_PROVIDER is represented as a boolean (false->"JDBC", true->"LDAP"). public static final String JDBCJAASProvider = "JDBC"; public static final String LDAPJAASProvider = "LDAP"; // LDAP JAAS properties @Deprecated public static final String LDAPFactory = SystemSetting.LDAP_NAMING_FACTORY.getInternalName(); @Deprecated public static final String LDAPUrl = SystemSetting.LDAP_NAMING_PROVIDER_URL.getInternalName(); @Deprecated public static final String LDAPProtocol = SystemSetting.USE_SSL_FOR_LDAP.getInternalName(); // These are values that are actually stored in the DB for the LDAPProtocol system prop, though // SystemSetting.USE_SSL_FOR_LDAP is represented as a boolean (false->"", true->"ssl"). public static final String LDAP_PROTOCOL_UNSECURED = ""; public static final String LDAP_PROTOCOL_SECURED = "ssl"; @Deprecated public static final String LDAPLoginProperty = SystemSetting.LDAP_LOGIN_PROPERTY.getInternalName(); @Deprecated public static final String LDAPFilter = SystemSetting.LDAP_FILTER.getInternalName(); @Deprecated public static final String LDAPGroupFilter = SystemSetting.LDAP_GROUP_FILTER.getInternalName(); @Deprecated public static final String LDAPGroupMember = SystemSetting.LDAP_GROUP_MEMBER.getInternalName(); @Deprecated public static final String LDAPBaseDN = SystemSetting.LDAP_BASE_DN.getInternalName(); @Deprecated public static final String LDAPBindDN = SystemSetting.LDAP_BIND_DN.getInternalName(); @Deprecated public static final String LDAPBindPW = SystemSetting.LDAP_BIND_PW.getInternalName(); // DRIFT Server properties @Deprecated public static final String ACTIVE_DRIFT_PLUGIN = SystemSetting.ACTIVE_DRIFT_PLUGIN.getInternalName(); // Base URL for the application - (i think this is only used for alert emails) @Deprecated public static final String BaseURL = SystemSetting.BASE_URL.getInternalName(); // how long can an agent be quiet (i.e. not send an avail report) before we consider it down and backfill it @Deprecated public static final String AgentMaxQuietTimeAllowed = SystemSetting.AGENT_MAX_QUIET_TIME_ALLOWED.getInternalName(); // Are we allowing automatic AgentUpdate binary download @Deprecated public static final String EnableAgentAutoUpdate = SystemSetting.AGENT_AUTO_UPDATE_ENABLED.getInternalName(); // Are we rendering a special "debug" menu for administrators? @Deprecated public static final String EnableDebugMode = SystemSetting.DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED.getInternalName(); // Are we rendering features which are marked as experimental for this installation? @Deprecated public static final String EnableExperimentalFeatures = SystemSetting.EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES_ENABLED.getInternalName(); // How long do we keep data compressed in hourly intervals? @Deprecated public static final String DataPurge1Hour = SystemSetting.DATA_PURGE_1H_PERIOD.getInternalName(); // How long do we keep data compressed in 6 hour intervals? @Deprecated public static final String DataPurge6Hour = SystemSetting.DATA_PURGE_6H_PERIOD.getInternalName(); // How long do we keep data compressed in 1 day intervals? @Deprecated public static final String DataPurge1Day = SystemSetting.DATA_PURGE_1D_PERIOD.getInternalName(); // How often to perform database maintenance @Deprecated public static final String DataMaintenance = SystemSetting.DATA_MAINTENANCE_PERIOD.getInternalName(); // Whether or not to reindex nightly @Deprecated public static final String DataReindex = SystemSetting.DATA_REINDEX_NIGHTLY.getInternalName(); // How long do we keep rt data @Deprecated public static final String RtDataPurge = SystemSetting.RT_DATA_PURGE_PERIOD.getInternalName(); // How long do we keep alerts @Deprecated public static final String AlertPurge = SystemSetting.ALERT_PURGE_PERIOD.getInternalName(); // How long do we keep event data @Deprecated public static final String EventPurge = SystemSetting.EVENT_PURGE_PERIOD.getInternalName(); // How long do we keep orphaned drift files @Deprecated public static final String DriftFilePurge = SystemSetting.DRIFT_FILE_PURGE_PERIOD.getInternalName(); // How long do we keep trait data @Deprecated public static final String TraitPurge = SystemSetting.TRAIT_PURGE_PERIOD.getInternalName(); // How long do we keep availability data @Deprecated public static final String AvailabilityPurge = SystemSetting.AVAILABILITY_PURGE_PERIOD.getInternalName(); // How long do we keep operation history data @Deprecated public static final String OperationHistoryPurge = SystemSetting.OPERATION_HISTORY_PURGE_PERIOD.getInternalName(); // Baseline config options // The frequency to run auto-baselines, if 0, never auto-calculate baselines @Deprecated public static final String BaselineFrequency = SystemSetting.BASE_LINE_FREQUENCY.getInternalName(); // How much data to include @Deprecated public static final String BaselineDataSet = SystemSetting.BASE_LINE_DATASET.getInternalName(); //allow plugin initiated resource name & description upgrades (resource key is always upgradable) @Deprecated public static final String AllowResourceGenericPropertiesUpgrade = SystemSetting.ALLOW_RESOURCE_GENERIC_PROPERTIES_UPGRADE.getInternalName(); @Deprecated public static final String StorageRegularSnapshots = SystemSetting.STORAGE_REGULAR_SNAPSHOTS.getInternalName(); @Deprecated public static final String StorageRegularSnapshotsSchedule = SystemSetting.STORAGE_REGULAR_SNAPSHOTS_SCHEDULE .getInternalName(); @Deprecated public static final String StorageRegularSnapshotsRetention = SystemSetting.STORAGE_REGULAR_SNAPSHOTS_RETENTION .getInternalName(); @Deprecated public static final String StorageRegularSnapshotsRetentionCount = SystemSetting.STORAGE_REGULAR_SNAPSHOTS_RETENTION_COUNT .getInternalName(); @Deprecated public static final String StorageRegularSnapshotsDeletion = SystemSetting.STORAGE_REGULAR_SNAPSHOTS_DELETION .getInternalName(); @Deprecated public static final String StorageRegularSnapshotsDeletionLocation = SystemSetting.STORAGE_REGULAR_SNAPSHOTS_DELETION_LOCATION .getInternalName(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the settings below are not used today and can probably be removed at some point // Help related public static final String HelpUser = "CAM_HELP_USER"; public static final String HelpUserPassword = "CAM_HELP_PASSWORD"; // Syslog Actions enabled public static final String SyslogActionsEnabled = "CAM_SYSLOG_ACTIONS_ENABLED"; }