package org.rhq.embeddedagent.extension; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import; import; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; import org.jboss.modules.Module; import org.jboss.modules.Resource; import org.jboss.msc.service.Service; import org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceName; import org.jboss.msc.service.StartContext; import org.jboss.msc.service.StartException; import org.jboss.msc.service.StopContext; import org.jboss.msc.value.InjectedValue; import org.rhq.enterprise.agent.AgentConfigurationConstants; import org.rhq.enterprise.agent.AgentMain; import org.rhq.enterprise.agent.AgentPrintWriter; import org.rhq.enterprise.communications.ServiceContainerConfigurationConstants; public class AgentService implements Service<AgentService> { public static final ServiceName SERVICE_NAME = ServiceName.of("org.rhq").append( AgentSubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME); private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AgentService.class); /** * Our subsystem add-step handler will inject this as a dependency for us. * This service gives us information about the server, like the install directory, data directory, etc. * Package-scoped so the add-step handler can access this. */ final InjectedValue<ServerEnvironment> envServiceValue = new InjectedValue<ServerEnvironment>(); /** * Our subsystem add-step handler will inject this as a dependency for us. * This object will provide the binding address and port for the agent listener. */ final InjectedValue<SocketBinding> agentListenerBinding = new InjectedValue<SocketBinding>(); /** * This service can be configured to be told explicitly about certain plugins to be * enabled or disabled. This map holds that configuration. These aren't necessarily * all the plugins that will be loaded, but they are those plugins this service was * explicitly told about and indicates if they should be enabled or disabled. * TODO: For any plugin not specified will, by default, be WHAT? Disabled??? */ private Map<String, Boolean> plugins = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, Boolean>()); /** * Configuration settings that override the out-of-box configuration file. These are settings * that the user set in the subsystem (e.g. standalone.xml or via AS CLI). */ private Map<String, String> configOverrides = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, String>()); /** * This is the actual embedded agent. This is what handles the plugin container lifecycle * and communication to/from the server. */ private AtomicReference<AgentMain> theAgent = new AtomicReference<AgentMain>(); /** * This is the daemon thread running the agent. */ private Thread agentThread; public AgentService() { } @Override public AgentService getValue() throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException { return this; } @Override public void start(StartContext context) throws StartException {"Embedded agent service starting"); startAgent(); } @Override public void stop(StopContext context) {"Embedded agent service stopping"); stopAgent(); } /** * Returns the set of plugins the service knows about and whether * or not those plugins are to be enabled or disabled. * You get back a copy, not the actual map. * * @return plugins and their enable-flag */ protected Map<String, Boolean> getPlugins() { synchronized (plugins) { return new HashMap<String, Boolean>(plugins); } } /** * Sets the enable flags for plugins. * * @return plugins and their enable-flag (if <code>null</code>, assumes an empty map) */ protected void setPlugins(Map<String, Boolean> pluginsWithEnableFlag) { synchronized (plugins) { plugins.clear(); if (pluginsWithEnableFlag != null) { plugins.putAll(pluginsWithEnableFlag); } }"New plugin definitions: " + pluginsWithEnableFlag); } protected void setConfigurationOverrides(Map<String, String> overrides) { synchronized (configOverrides) { configOverrides.clear(); if (overrides != null) { configOverrides.putAll(overrides); } } } protected boolean isAgentStarted() { AgentMain agent = theAgent.get(); return (agent != null && agent.isStarted()); } protected void startAgent() throws StartException { if (isAgentStarted()) {"Embedded agent is already started."); return; }"Starting the embedded agent now"); try { // make sure we pre-configure the agent with some settings taken from our runtime environment SocketBinding agentListenerBindingValue = agentListenerBinding.getValue(); String agentBindAddress = agentListenerBindingValue.getAddress().getHostAddress(); String agentBindPort = String.valueOf(agentListenerBindingValue.getAbsolutePort()); // just pick one if we weren't given one - we can't bind "to all" if (agentBindAddress.equals("") || agentBindAddress.equals("::/128")) { agentBindAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName(); } configOverrides.put(ServiceContainerConfigurationConstants.CONNECTOR_BIND_ADDRESS, agentBindAddress); configOverrides.put(ServiceContainerConfigurationConstants.CONNECTOR_BIND_PORT, agentBindPort); // if the agent was told to explicitly enable some plugins, add them to the "enabledPlugins" preference. // if the agent was told to explicitly disnable some plugins, add them to the "disabledPlugins" preference. StringBuilder enabledPlugins = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder disabledPlugins = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<String, Boolean> entry : plugins.entrySet()) { String pluginName = entry.getKey(); Boolean enabled = entry.getValue(); if (enabled) { enabledPlugins.append((enabledPlugins.length() > 0) ? "," : "").append(pluginName); } else { disabledPlugins.append((disabledPlugins.length() > 0) ? "," : "").append(pluginName); } } if (enabledPlugins.length() > 0) { configOverrides.put(AgentConfigurationConstants.PLUGINS_ENABLED, enabledPlugins.toString()); } if (disabledPlugins.length() > 0) { configOverrides.put(AgentConfigurationConstants.PLUGINS_DISABLED, disabledPlugins.toString()); } ServerEnvironment env = envServiceValue.getValue(); boolean resetConfigurationAtStartup = true; AgentConfigurationSetup configSetup = new AgentConfigurationSetup( getExportedResource("conf/agent-configuration.xml"), resetConfigurationAtStartup, configOverrides, env); // prepare the agent logging first thing so the agent logs messages using this config configSetup.prepareLogConfigFile(getExportedResource("conf/log4j.xml")); configSetup.preConfigureAgent(); // build the startup command line arguments to pass to the agent String[] args = new String[3]; args[0] = "--daemon"; args[1] = "--pref=" + configSetup.getPreferencesNodeName(); args[2] = "--output=" + new File(env.getServerLogDir(), "embedded-agent.out").getAbsolutePath(); theAgent.set(new AgentMain(args)); agentThread = new Thread("Embedded Agent Start Thread") { public void run() { try { theAgent.get().start(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // agent just exited due to being shutdown, die quietly log.debug("Embedded agent has exited."); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("Embedded agent aborted with exception.", t); } }; }; agentThread.setDaemon(true); agentThread.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StartException(e); } } protected void stopAgent() { try { if (!isAgentStarted()) {"Embedded agent is already stopped."); } else {"Stopping the embedded agent now"); theAgent.get().shutdown(); } } finally { if (agentThread != null) { agentThread.interrupt(); } } theAgent.set(null); } protected String executePromptCommand(String command) throws Exception { AgentMain agent = theAgent.get(); if (agent == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Embedded agent is not available"); } CharArrayWriter listener = new CharArrayWriter(); AgentPrintWriter apw = agent.getOut(); try { apw.addListener(listener); agent.executePromptCommand(command); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExecutionException(listener.toString(), e); // the message is the output, cause is the thrown exception } finally { apw.removeListener(listener); } String output = listener.toString(); return output; } /** * Gets information about a file that is inside our module. Use this to * obtain files locationed in the embedded agent, for example, pass in * "conf/agent-configuration.xml" to get the config file. * * @param name name of the agent file * @return object referencing the file from our module */ private Resource getExportedResource(String name) { Module module = Module.forClass(getClass()); Resource r = module.getExportedResource("rhq-agent", name); return r; } }