package org.rhq.cassandra.schema; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement; import com.datastax.driver.core.PreparedStatement; import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet; import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSetFuture; import com.datastax.driver.core.Row; import com.datastax.driver.core.Session; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.Days; import org.joda.time.Duration; import org.joda.time.Period; import org.rhq.core.util.exception.ThrowableUtil; import org.rhq.core.util.jdbc.JDBCUtil; /** * This is a custom step that performs data migration for users migrating to RHQ 4.11 from either 4.9 or 4.10. Before * 4.11 we had the numeric data tables and the metrics_index table which serves as a custom index. In 4.11, two new * tables are being added - metrics_cache and metrics_cache_index. The metrics_index table is being dropped. This * class performs several tasks. * * <ul> * <li>Migrates data from metrics_index to metrics_cache</li> * <li>Delete rows in metrics_index of migrated data</li> * <li>Deactivates the metrics cache (if necessary)</li> * <li>Drops the metrics_index table</li> * </ul> * * A row in metrics_index is deleted only after successfully migrating the data into metrics_cache_index. And at the * end of the process, metrics_index is dropped only if there are no errors. If there are any errors inserting data * into metrics_cache_index, an exception is thrown which will cause the installation/upgrade to fail. This allows * for the upgrade to be retried so that any remaining data in metrics_index can be migrated. * * @author John Sanda */ public class PopulateCacheIndex implements Step { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PopulateCacheIndex.class); private static final int CACHE_INDEX_PARTITION = 0; private static final String INDEX_TABLE = "metrics_index"; private static final String CACHE_INDEX_TABLE = "metrics_cache_index"; private static enum Bucket { RAW("raw_metrics"), ONE_HOUR("one_hour_metrics"), SIX_HOUR("six_hour_metrics"), TWENTY_FOUR_HOUR("twenty_four_hour_metrics"); private String text; private Bucket(String text) { this.text = text; } public String text() { return text; } } private class CacheIndexUpdatedCallback implements FutureCallback<ResultSet> { private Bucket bucket; private int scheduleId; private Date time; private CountDownLatch updatesFinished; public CacheIndexUpdatedCallback(Bucket bucket, int scheduleId, Date time, CountDownLatch updatesFinished) { this.bucket = bucket; this.scheduleId = scheduleId; this.time = time; this.updatesFinished = updatesFinished; } @Override public void onSuccess(ResultSet result) { permits.acquire(); BoundStatement statement = deleteIndexEntry.bind(bucket.text(), time, scheduleId); ResultSetFuture future = session.executeAsync(statement); Futures.addCallback(future, new IndexUpdatedCallback(bucket, scheduleId, updatesFinished), tasks); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { log.warn("Failed to update cache index for {bucket: " + bucket.text() + ", scheduleId: " + scheduleId + "}: ", ThrowableUtil.getRootCause(t)); failedUpdates.incrementAndGet(); updatesFinished.countDown(); } } private class IndexUpdatedCallback implements FutureCallback<ResultSet> { private Bucket bucket; private int scheduleId; private CountDownLatch updatesFinished; public IndexUpdatedCallback(Bucket bucket, int scheduleId, CountDownLatch updatesFinished) { this.bucket = bucket; this.scheduleId = scheduleId; this.updatesFinished = updatesFinished; } @Override public void onSuccess(ResultSet result) { updatesFinished.countDown(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { // If we fail to delete a row in metrics_index, we can just log it and keep going because at the end of the // process we will drop the table assuming there are no errors updating metrics_cache_index."Failed to delete {bucket: " + bucket.text() + ", scheduleId: " + scheduleId + "} from " + INDEX_TABLE + ": " + ThrowableUtil.getRootMessage(t)); updatesFinished.countDown(); } } private Session session; private int cacheBlockSize = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("rhq.metrics.cache.block-size", "5")); private RateLimiter permits = RateLimiter.create(20000); private PreparedStatement updateCacheIndex; private PreparedStatement findIndexTimeSlice; private PreparedStatement findIndexEntries; private PreparedStatement deleteIndexEntry; private AtomicInteger failedUpdates = new AtomicInteger(); private ListeningExecutorService tasks; private DBConnectionFactory dbConnectionFactory; @Override public void setSession(Session session) { this.session = session; } @Override public void bind(Properties properties) { dbConnectionFactory = (DBConnectionFactory) properties.get(SchemaManager.RELATIONAL_DB_CONNECTION_FACTORY_PROP); } @Override public void execute() { // dbConnectionFactory can be null in test environments which is fine because we start tests with a brand // new schema and cluster. In this case, we do not need to do anything since it is not an upgrade scenario. if (dbConnectionFactory == null) {"The relational database connection factory is not set. No data migration necessary"); } else { tasks = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3, new SchemaUpdateThreadFactory())); initPreparedStatements(); Date mostRecent1HourTimeSlice = findMostRecentRawDataSinceLastShutdown(); try { if (mostRecent1HourTimeSlice == null) {"The " + CACHE_INDEX_TABLE + " table will not be updated. No raw data was found."); } else { log.debug("The most recent hour with raw data is " + mostRecent1HourTimeSlice); Date mostRecent6HourTimeSlice = get6HourTimeSlice(mostRecent1HourTimeSlice).toDate(); Date mostRecent24HourTimeSlice = get24HourTimeSlice(mostRecent1HourTimeSlice).toDate(); Date day = mostRecent24HourTimeSlice; updateCacheIndex(fetchRawIndexEntries(mostRecent1HourTimeSlice), Bucket.RAW, day, current1HourTimeSlice().toDate()); updateCacheIndex(fetch1HourIndexEntries(mostRecent6HourTimeSlice), Bucket.ONE_HOUR, day, mostRecent6HourTimeSlice); updateCacheIndex(fetch6HourIndexEntries(mostRecent24HourTimeSlice), Bucket.SIX_HOUR, day, mostRecent24HourTimeSlice); if (failedUpdates.get() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot complete upgrade step due to previous errors. There were " + failedUpdates.get() + " failed updates."); } deactivateCacheIfNecessary(mostRecent24HourTimeSlice); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("The " + CACHE_INDEX_TABLE + " updates have not completed due to an " + "interrupt. The schema upgrade will have to be run again to complete the updates.", e); } } dropIndex(); } private void initPreparedStatements() { findIndexEntries = session.prepare("SELECT schedule_id FROM rhq." + INDEX_TABLE + " WHERE bucket = ? AND time = ?"); updateCacheIndex = session.prepare( "UPDATE rhq." + CACHE_INDEX_TABLE + " " + "SET schedule_ids = schedule_ids + ? " + "WHERE bucket = ? AND day = ? AND partition = ? AND collection_time_slice = ? AND " + " start_schedule_id = ? AND insert_time_slice = ?"); findIndexTimeSlice = session.prepare("SELECT time FROM rhq." + INDEX_TABLE + " WHERE bucket = ? AND time = ?"); deleteIndexEntry = session.prepare( "DELETE FROM rhq." + INDEX_TABLE + " WHERE bucket = ? AND time = ? AND schedule_id = ?"); } private void updateCacheIndex(ResultSet resultSet, Bucket bucket, Date day, Date timeSlice) throws InterruptedException { List<Row> rows = resultSet.all(); CountDownLatch updatesFinished = new CountDownLatch(rows.size());"Preparing to update " + CACHE_INDEX_TABLE + " for " + rows.size() + " schedules from the " + bucket.text() + " bucket"); // We need collectionTimeSlice != insertTimeSlice to make sure that data is pulled // from the historical tables during aggregation. The METRICS_CACHE_ACTIVATION_TIME // sys config property is set to the start of the next day to indicate that the // cache table should not be used until then. There is an edge case though that can // occur if the data for which updates are being made does not get aggregated until // after METRICS_CACHE_ACTIVATION_TIME has passed. This could happen if the server // is shutdown for a while after upgrading. We therefore need to use a different // value for the insertTimeSlice column to ensure the data gets pulled from the // historical tables during aggregation. Date insertTimeSlice = new Date(timeSlice.getTime() + 100); for (Row row : rows) { permits.acquire(); int scheduleId = row.getInt(0); BoundStatement statement = updateCacheIndex.bind(ImmutableSet.of(scheduleId), bucket.text(), day, CACHE_INDEX_PARTITION, timeSlice, startId(scheduleId), insertTimeSlice); ResultSetFuture future = session.executeAsync(statement); Futures.addCallback(future, new CacheIndexUpdatedCallback(bucket, scheduleId, timeSlice, updatesFinished), tasks); } updatesFinished.await();"Finished updating " + CACHE_INDEX_TABLE + " for " + bucket.text() + " bucket"); } private Date findMostRecentRawDataSinceLastShutdown() {"Searching for most recent hour having raw data"); DateTime previousHour = current1HourTimeSlice(); DateTime oldestRawTime = previousHour.minus(Days.days(7)); ResultSet resultSet = getIndexTimeSlice(Bucket.ONE_HOUR, previousHour); Row row =; while (row == null && previousHour.compareTo(oldestRawTime) > 0) { previousHour = previousHour.minusHours(1); resultSet = getIndexTimeSlice(Bucket.ONE_HOUR, previousHour); row =; } if (row == null) {"No data found in metrics_index table"); return null; } else { Date date = row.getDate(0);"The latest hour with raw data is " + date); return date; } } private ResultSet getIndexTimeSlice(Bucket bucket, DateTime time) { BoundStatement statement = findIndexTimeSlice.bind(bucket.text(), time.toDate()); return session.execute(statement); } private ResultSet fetchRawIndexEntries(Date timeSlice) { return queryMetricsIndex(Bucket.ONE_HOUR, timeSlice); } private ResultSet fetch1HourIndexEntries(Date timeSlice) { return queryMetricsIndex(Bucket.SIX_HOUR, timeSlice); } private ResultSet fetch6HourIndexEntries(Date timeSlice) { return queryMetricsIndex(Bucket.TWENTY_FOUR_HOUR, timeSlice); } private ResultSet queryMetricsIndex(Bucket bucket, Date timeSlice) { BoundStatement statement = findIndexEntries.bind(bucket.text(), timeSlice); return session.execute(statement); } private DateTime current1HourTimeSlice() { return getTimeSlice(, Duration.standardHours(1)); } private DateTime get6HourTimeSlice(Date date) { return getTimeSlice(new DateTime(date.getTime()), Duration.standardHours(6)); } private DateTime get24HourTimeSlice(Date date) { return getTimeSlice(new DateTime(date.getTime()), Duration.standardHours(24)); } private DateTime getTimeSlice(DateTime dt, Duration duration) { Period p = duration.toPeriod(); if (p.getYears() != 0) { return dt.yearOfEra().roundFloorCopy().minusYears(dt.getYearOfEra() % p.getYears()); } else if (p.getMonths() != 0) { return dt.monthOfYear().roundFloorCopy().minusMonths((dt.getMonthOfYear() - 1) % p.getMonths()); } else if (p.getWeeks() != 0) { return dt.weekOfWeekyear().roundFloorCopy().minusWeeks((dt.getWeekOfWeekyear() - 1) % p.getWeeks()); } else if (p.getDays() != 0) { return dt.dayOfMonth().roundFloorCopy().minusDays((dt.getDayOfMonth() - 1) % p.getDays()); } else if (p.getHours() != 0) { return dt.hourOfDay().roundFloorCopy().minusHours(dt.getHourOfDay() % p.getHours()); } else if (p.getMinutes() != 0) { return dt.minuteOfHour().roundFloorCopy().minusMinutes(dt.getMinuteOfHour() % p.getMinutes()); } else if (p.getSeconds() != 0) { return dt.secondOfMinute().roundFloorCopy().minusSeconds(dt.getSecondOfMinute() % p.getSeconds()); } return dt.millisOfSecond().roundCeilingCopy().minusMillis(dt.getMillisOfSecond() % p.getMillis()); } private int startId(int scheduleId) { return (scheduleId / cacheBlockSize) * cacheBlockSize; } private void deactivateCacheIfNecessary(Date mostRecent24HourTimeSlice) { Connection connection = null; Statement statement = null; try { DateTime current24HourTimeSlice = get24HourTimeSlice(new Date()); if (current24HourTimeSlice.isAfter(mostRecent24HourTimeSlice.getTime())) {"The metrics cache will not be deactivated since the most recent raw data is from before today - " + mostRecent24HourTimeSlice); } else { DateTime next24HourTimeSlice = current24HourTimeSlice.plusDays(1);"The metrics cache will be come active at " + next24HourTimeSlice); connection = dbConnectionFactory.newConnection(); statement = connection.createStatement(); statement.executeUpdate("UPDATE rhq_system_config SET property_value = '" + next24HourTimeSlice.getMillis() + "' WHERE property_key = 'METRICS_CACHE_ACTIVATION_TIME'"); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to deactivate metrics cache", e); } finally { JDBCUtil.safeClose(statement); JDBCUtil.safeClose(connection); } } private void dropIndex() { session.execute("DROP TABLE rhq.metrics_index"); } }