/* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright terms * detailed in the license directory at the root of the source tree (also * available online at http://fedora-commons.org/license/). */ package org.fcrepo.server.validation; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import org.jrdf.graph.ObjectNode; import org.jrdf.graph.Triple; import org.trippi.RDFFormat; import org.trippi.TripleIterator; import org.fcrepo.common.Constants; import org.fcrepo.common.PID; import org.fcrepo.common.rdf.SimpleLiteral; import org.fcrepo.common.rdf.SimpleTriple; import org.fcrepo.common.rdf.SimpleURIReference; import org.fcrepo.server.errors.GeneralException; import org.fcrepo.server.errors.ServerException; import org.fcrepo.server.errors.ValidationException; import org.fcrepo.server.validation.RelsValidator; import junit.framework.TestCase; /** * Tests the RELS-EXT and RELS-INT datastream deserializer and validation. * * @author Edwin Shin * @author Stephen Bayliss */ public class RelsValidatorTest extends TestCase { private Collection<Triple> triples; private static byte[] RELS_EXT; private static byte[] RELS_INT; private PID pid; static { // create valid RELS-EXT and RELS-INT contents StringBuilder sbRelsExt = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbRelsInt = new StringBuilder(); sbRelsExt .append("<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\"" + " xmlns:rel=\"info:fedora/fedora-system:def/relations-external#\">" + " <rdf:Description rdf:about=\"info:fedora/demo:888\">" + " <rel:isMemberOf rdf:resource=\"info:fedora/demo:X\" />" + " </rdf:Description>" + "</rdf:RDF>"); sbRelsInt .append("<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\"" + " xmlns:relint=\"http://www.example.org/rels-int#\">" + " <rdf:Description rdf:about=\"info:fedora/demo:888/DS1\">" + " <relint:someRelation rdf:resource=\"info:fedora/demo:X\" />" + " </rdf:Description>" + " <rdf:Description rdf:about=\"info:fedora/demo:888/DS2\">" + " <relint:someProperty>value</relint:someProperty>" + " </rdf:Description>" + "</rdf:RDF>"); try { RELS_EXT = sbRelsExt.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"); RELS_INT = sbRelsInt.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { } } @Override public void setUp() { triples = new HashSet<Triple>(); } public void testValidateValidRelsExt() throws Exception { pid = PID.getInstance("demo:888"); InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(RELS_EXT); RelsValidator validator = new RelsValidator(); validator.validate(pid, "RELS-EXT", in); } public void testValidateValidRelsInt() throws Exception { pid = PID.getInstance("demo:888"); InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(RELS_INT); RelsValidator validator = new RelsValidator(); validator.validate(pid, "RELS-INT", in); } public void testValidateInvalidRelsExt() throws Exception { pid = PID.getInstance("demo:888"); // use RELS-INT sample as a RELS-EXT datastream InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(RELS_INT); RelsValidator validator = new RelsValidator(); try { validator.validate(pid, "RELS-EXT", in); fail("Multiple Description elements not allowed for RELS-EXT"); } catch (ValidationException e) {} } public void testEmpty() throws Exception { testEmpty("RELS-EXT"); testEmpty("RELS-INT"); } private void testEmpty(String dsId) throws Exception { pid = PID.getInstance("demo:demo"); InputStream in; String[] empties = {"", " ", "</>"}; for (String s : empties) { in = new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes()); try { new RelsValidator().validate(pid, dsId, in); fail("Empty " + dsId + " datastream incorrectly passed" + " validation: \"" + s + "\""); } catch (ValidationException e) {} } } public void testBadSubjectURI() throws Exception { pid = PID.getInstance("demo:foo"); String s, p, o; s = PID.getInstance("demo:bar").toURI(); p = "urn:p"; o = "urn:o"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, false, null)); try { validateAndClear("RELS-EXT"); fail("RELS-EXT Assertion's subject URI different from digital object URI not allowed"); } catch (ValidationException e) { } s = PID.getInstance("demo:foo").toURI(); triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, false, null)); try { validateAndClear("RELS-INT"); fail("RELS-INT Assertion's subject URI is digital object URI not allowed"); } catch (ValidationException e) { } s = PID.getInstance("demo:bar").toURI() + "/DS1"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, false, null)); try { validateAndClear("RELS-INT"); fail("RELS-INT Assertion's subject URI is datastream in different digital object not allowed"); } catch (ValidationException e) { } s = PID.getInstance("demo:foo").toURI() + "/"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, false, null)); try { validateAndClear("RELS-INT"); fail("RELS-INT Assertion's subject URI zero length datastream ID not allowed"); } catch (ValidationException e) { } s = PID.getInstance("demo:foo") + "/DS1:Test"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, false, null)); try { validateAndClear("RELS-INT"); fail("RELS-INT Assertion's subject URI invalid datastream ID not allowed (colon)"); } catch (ValidationException e) { } } public void testBadAssertions() throws Exception { testBadAssertions("RELS-EXT"); testBadAssertions("RELS-INT"); } // assertions that are invalid for both RELS-EXT and RELS-INT private void testBadAssertions(String dsId) throws Exception { pid = PID.getInstance("demo:foo"); String p, o; // Model namespace p = Constants.MODEL.CONTROL_GROUP.uri; o = "demo:baz"; triples.add(createTriple(pid, p, o, false, null)); try { validateAndClear(dsId); fail(dsId + "Fedora Model namespace assertions not allowed"); } catch (ValidationException e) { } // View namespace p = Constants.VIEW.DISSEMINATES.uri; triples.add(createTriple(pid, p, o, false, null)); try { validateAndClear(dsId); fail(dsId + "Fedora View namespace assertions not allowed"); } catch (ValidationException e) { } } // RELS-EXT specific assertions (RELS-INT allows these) public void testAssertionsRelsExt() throws Exception{ pid = PID.getInstance("demo:foo"); String p, o; p = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title"; o = "The God of Small Things"; triples.add(createTriple(pid, p, o, true, null)); try { validateAndClear("RELS-EXT"); fail("RELS-EXT Dublin Core assertions not allowed"); } catch (ValidationException e) { } // specific model relationships are allowed o = "urn:xyz"; p = Constants.MODEL.HAS_SERVICE.uri; triples.add(createTriple(pid, p, o, false, null)); try { validateAndClear("RELS-EXT"); } catch (ValidationException e) { fail("RELS-EXT Model relationship " + p + " should be allowed"); } p = Constants.MODEL.IS_CONTRACTOR_OF.uri; triples.add(createTriple(pid, p, o, false, null)); try { validateAndClear("RELS-EXT"); } catch (ValidationException e) { fail("RELS-EXT Model relationship " + p + " should be allowed"); } p = Constants.MODEL.HAS_MODEL.uri; triples.add(createTriple(pid, p, o, false, null)); try { validateAndClear("RELS-EXT"); } catch (ValidationException e) { fail("RELS-EXT Model relationship " + p + " should be allowed"); } p = Constants.MODEL.IS_DEPLOYMENT_OF.uri; triples.add(createTriple(pid, p, o, false, null)); try { validateAndClear("RELS-EXT"); } catch (ValidationException e) { fail("RELS-EXT Model relationship " + p + " should be allowed"); } } // probably overkill to run these tests for RELS-EXT and RELS-INT, but just in case ... public void testResourceURI() throws Exception { testResourceURI("RELS-EXT"); testResourceURI("RELS-INT"); } private void testResourceURI(String dsId) throws Exception { pid = PID.getInstance("demo:foo"); String s, p, o; if (dsId.equals("RELS-INT")) { s = pid.toURI() + "/DS1"; } else { s = pid.toURI(); } p = "urn:p"; o = "urn:o"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, false, null)); p = "urn:p"; o = "urn:o"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, true, null)); p = "urn:p"; o = "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, true, Constants.RDF_XSD.DATE_TIME.uri)); validateAndClear(dsId); p = "urn:p"; o = s; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, false, null)); try { validateAndClear(dsId); } catch (ValidationException e) { fail(dsId + " Self-referential assertions should be allowed."); } } public void testDatatypes() throws Exception { testDatatypes("RELS-EXT"); testDatatypes("RELS-INT"); } private void testDatatypes(String dsId) throws Exception { pid = PID.getInstance("demo:foo"); String s, p, o; if (dsId.equals("RELS-INT")) { s = pid.toURI() + "/DS1"; } else { s = pid.toURI(); } p = "urn:p"; o = "abc:123"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, false, null)); validateAndClear(dsId); o = "1"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, true, Constants.RDF_XSD.INT.uri)); validateAndClear(dsId); o = "abc"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, true, Constants.RDF_XSD.INT.uri)); try { validateAndClear(dsId); fail("Invalid integer value: " + o); } catch (ValidationException e) { } o = "-0001-01-01T00:00:00"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, true, Constants.RDF_XSD.DATE_TIME.uri)); validateAndClear(dsId); o = "1970-01-01T00:00:00"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, true, Constants.RDF_XSD.DATE_TIME.uri)); validateAndClear(dsId); o = "1970-01-01T00:00:00.1"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, true, Constants.RDF_XSD.DATE_TIME.uri)); validateAndClear(dsId); o = "1970-01-01T00:00:00.01"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, true, Constants.RDF_XSD.DATE_TIME.uri)); validateAndClear(dsId); o = "1970-01-01T00:00:00.001"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, true, Constants.RDF_XSD.DATE_TIME.uri)); validateAndClear(dsId); o = "-0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, true, Constants.RDF_XSD.DATE_TIME.uri)); validateAndClear(dsId); o = "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, true, Constants.RDF_XSD.DATE_TIME.uri)); validateAndClear(dsId); o = "1970-01-01T00:00:00.1Z"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, true, Constants.RDF_XSD.DATE_TIME.uri)); validateAndClear(dsId); o = "1970-01-01T00:00:00.01Z"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, true, Constants.RDF_XSD.DATE_TIME.uri)); validateAndClear(dsId); o = "1970-01-01T00:00:00.001Z"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, true, Constants.RDF_XSD.DATE_TIME.uri)); validateAndClear(dsId); o = "abc"; triples.add(createTriple(s, p, o, true, Constants.RDF_XSD.DATE_TIME.uri)); try { validateAndClear(dsId); fail("Invalid dateTime value: " + o); } catch (ValidationException e) { } } private void validateAndClear(String dsId) throws Exception { try { TripleIterator iter = new MockTripleIterator(triples); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); iter.toStream(out, RDFFormat.RDF_XML, false); new RelsValidator().validate(pid, dsId, new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())); } finally { triples.clear(); } } private static Triple createTriple(PID pid, String predicate, String object, boolean isLiteral, String datatype) throws ServerException { return createTriple(pid.toURI(), predicate, object, isLiteral, datatype); } private static Triple createTriple(String subject, String predicate, String object, boolean isLiteral, String datatype) throws ServerException { ObjectNode o = null; try { if (isLiteral) { if (datatype == null || datatype.length() == 0) { o = new SimpleLiteral(object); } else { o = new SimpleLiteral(object, new URI(datatype)); } } else { o = new SimpleURIReference(new URI(object)); } return new SimpleTriple(new SimpleURIReference(new URI(subject)), new SimpleURIReference(new URI(predicate)), o); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new GeneralException(e.getMessage(), e); } } }