package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.fcrepo.common.Constants; import org.fcrepo.common.MalformedPIDException; import org.fcrepo.common.PID; import org.fcrepo.server.Server; import org.fcrepo.server.resourceIndex.ResourceIndex; import; import org.jrdf.graph.Node; import org.jrdf.graph.ObjectNode; import org.jrdf.graph.PredicateNode; import org.jrdf.graph.SubjectNode; import org.jrdf.graph.Triple; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.trippi.TripleIterator; import org.trippi.TripleMaker; import org.trippi.TrippiException; import org.trippi.TupleIterator; public class RIRelationshipResolver extends RelationshipResolverBase implements RelationshipResolver { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RIRelationshipResolver.class); private final ResourceIndex RI; private boolean spoTriples = false; private boolean sparqlTuples = false; private boolean itqlTuples = false; // Because the FESL beans are created outside the Fedora module context, // they can't both share a PDP with the Authorization impl and have a post-init // ResourceIndex impl without circular dependencies, so the RI module's config // is checked lazily protected List<String> tripleLanguages; protected List<String> tupleLanguages; private static final String SPO = "spo"; private static final String SPARQL = "sparql"; private static final String ITQL = "itql"; public RIRelationshipResolver(Server server, Map<String, String> options) throws MelcoeXacmlException { super(options); try { RI = (ResourceIndex) server.getModule("org.fcrepo.server.resourceIndex.ResourceIndex"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MelcoeXacmlException("Error getting resource index.", e); } if (RI == null) { throw new MelcoeXacmlException("No Resource Index Module is available to the Server."); } } @Override public Map<String, Set<String>> getRelationships(String subject) throws MelcoeXacmlException { return getRelationships(subject, null); } @Override public Map<String, Set<String>> getRelationships(String subject, String relationship) throws MelcoeXacmlException { Map<String, Set<String>> rels = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); if (subject == null) { logger.warn("Subject cannot be null"); return rels; } SubjectNode s; PredicateNode p; try { s = TripleMaker.createResource(getFedoraResourceURI(subject)); if (relationship != null) { p = TripleMaker.createResource(relationship); } else { p = null; } } catch (TrippiException e) { throw new MelcoeXacmlException("Error creating nodes for trippi query " + e.getMessage(), e); } try { TripleIterator it = RI.findTriples(s, p, null, 0); while (it.hasNext()) { Triple t =; String pred = t.getPredicate().toString(); Set<String> values = rels.get(pred); if (values == null) { values = new HashSet<String>(); } values.add(t.getObject().stringValue()); rels.put(pred, values); } } catch (TrippiException e) { throw new MelcoeXacmlException("Error finding relationships " + e.getMessage(), e); } return rels; } protected Map<String, Set<String>> getReverseRelationships(String object) throws MelcoeXacmlException { return getReverseRelationships(object, null); } protected Map<String, Set<String>> getReverseRelationships(String object, String relationship) throws MelcoeXacmlException { Map<String, Set<String>> rels = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); if (object == null) { logger.warn("Object cannot be null"); return rels; } PredicateNode p; ObjectNode o; try { o = TripleMaker.createResource(getFedoraResourceURI(object)); if (relationship != null) { p = TripleMaker.createResource(relationship); } else { p = null; } } catch (TrippiException e) { throw new MelcoeXacmlException("Error creating nodes for trippi query " + e.getMessage(), e); } try { TripleIterator it = RI.findTriples(null, p, o, 0); while (it.hasNext()) { Triple t =; String pred = t.getPredicate().toString(); Set<String> values = rels.get(pred); if (values == null) { values = new HashSet<String>(); } values.add(t.getSubject().stringValue()); rels.put(pred, values); } } catch (TrippiException e) { throw new MelcoeXacmlException("Error finding relationships " + e.getMessage(), e); } return rels; } @Override public Set<String> getAttributesFromQuery(String query, String queryLang, String variable) throws MelcoeXacmlException { Set<String> res = new HashSet<String>(); // support tql = itql for the language if (queryLang.equals("tql")) queryLang = ITQL; // tuple queries if (queryLang.equals(ITQL) || queryLang.equals(SPARQL)) { // check lang supported if (!verifyTupleLanguage(queryLang)) { logger.warn("RI query language " + queryLang + " is not supported"); return res; } // FIXME: should we limit? try { TupleIterator tuples = RI.findTuples(queryLang, query, 0, true); if (tuples != null) { while (tuples.hasNext()) { Map<String, Node> tuple =; Node variableValue = tuple.get(variable); if (variableValue != null) { res.add(variableValue.stringValue()); } else { logger.error("Attribute query does not contain a result variable " + variable); return res; } } } } catch (TrippiException e) { logger.error("Error running " + queryLang + " query " + query + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } } else if (queryLang.equals(SPO)) { // triple query // check lang supported if (!(spoTriples || verifyTripleLanguage(queryLang))) { logger.warn("RI query language " + queryLang + " is not supported"); return res; } // check variable is s, p, o if (variable.length() == 1 && "spo".contains(variable)) { try { TripleIterator triples = RI.findTriples(queryLang, query, 0, true); if (triples != null ) { while (triples.hasNext()) { Triple triple =; switch(variable.charAt(0)) { case 's': res.add(triple.getSubject().stringValue()); break; case 'p': res.add(triple.getPredicate().stringValue()); break; case 'o': res.add(triple.getObject().stringValue()); break; } } } } catch (TrippiException e) { logger.error("Error running " + queryLang + " query " + query + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } } else { logger.error("spo query must specify s, p or o as output variable binding"); } } else { logger.error("Query language not supported: " + queryLang); } return res; } @Override public String buildRESTParentHierarchy(String pid) throws MelcoeXacmlException { Set<String> parents = getParents(pid); if (parents == null || parents.size() == 0) { return "/" + pid; } String[] parentArray = parents.toArray(new String[parents.size()]); // FIXME: always uses the first parent. If/when we allow multiple hierarchies this needs changing to return all hierarchies return buildRESTParentHierarchy(parentArray[0]) + "/" + pid; } // get parent/child query based on parent and child relationships // note: single variable in result, variable must be "parent" protected String getTQLQuery(String pidUri) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("select $parent from <#ri> where "); // outward sb.append("("); // start outward sb.append("<" + pidUri + "> $rel1 $parent "); sb.append(" and ("); // start var bindings // bind outward relationship variable for (int i = 0; i < parentRelationships.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(" or "); } sb.append("$rel1 <> <" + parentRelationships.get(i) + "> "); } sb.append(")"); // end var bindings sb.append(")"); // end outward // inward if (parentRelationships != null && !parentRelationships.isEmpty()) { sb.append(" or ("); // start inward sb.append("$parent $rel2 <" + pidUri + "> "); sb.append(" and ("); // start inward var bindings // bind inward relationship variable for (int i = 0; i < childRelationships.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(" or "); } sb.append("$rel2 <> <" + childRelationships.get(i) + "> "); } sb.append(")"); // end inward var bindings sb.append(")"); // end inward } return sb.toString(); } protected String getSPARQLQuery(String pidUri) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("SELECT ?parent FROM <#ri> WHERE "); sb.append(" { "); // outward relationships for (int i = 0; i < parentRelationships.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(" UNION "); } sb.append(" { "); sb.append(" <" + pidUri + "> <" + parentRelationships.get(i) + "> ?parent."); sb.append(" } "); } // inward relationships if present if (childRelationships != null && !childRelationships.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < childRelationships.size(); i++) { sb.append(" UNION "); sb.append(" { "); sb.append(" ?parent <" + parentRelationships.get(i) + "> <" + pidUri + ">."); sb.append(" } "); } } sb.append(" } "); return sb.toString(); } protected Set<String> getParents(String pid) throws MelcoeXacmlException { logger.debug("Obtaining parents for: {}", pid); Set<String> parentPIDs = new HashSet<String>(); if (pid.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.FEDORA_REPOSITORY_PID.uri)) { return parentPIDs; } // build query using query language in following preferences // tuple itql // tuple sparql // triple SPO String pidUri = getFedoraResourceURI(pid); // tuple query if (verifyTupleLanguage(ITQL) || verifyTupleLanguage(SPARQL)) { String query = ""; String lang = ""; if (itqlTuples) { lang = ITQL; query = getTQLQuery(pidUri); } else if (sparqlTuples){ lang = SPARQL; query = getSPARQLQuery(pidUri); } else { throw new MelcoeXacmlException("RI supports no expected query languages for parent queries."); } logger.debug("{} query: {}", lang, query); TupleIterator tuples; try { tuples = RI.findTuples(lang, query,0, false); if (tuples != null) { while (tuples.hasNext()) { Node parent ="parent"); if (parent != null) { if (parent.isURIReference()) { try { PID parentPID = new PID(parent.stringValue()); logger.debug("Found parent " + parentPID.toString()); parentPIDs.add(parentPID.toString()); } catch (MalformedPIDException e) { logger.warn("parent/child relationship target is not a Fedora object" + parent.stringValue()); } } else { logger.warn("parent/child query result is not a Fedora object " + parent.stringValue()); } } else { logger.error("parent/child tuple result did not contain parent variable"); } } logger.debug("Query result count: " + tuples.count()); } else { logger.debug("Query returned 0 results"); } } catch (TrippiException e) { logger.error("Error running TQL query " + e.getMessage(), e); return parentPIDs; } } else if (spoTriples || verifyTripleLanguage(SPO)) { // gets all relationships for pid, then filters results // rather than executing separate queries for each relationship // parent relationships Map<String, Set<String>> pRels = null; if (parentRelationships.size() == 1) { pRels= getRelationships(pidUri, parentRelationships.get(0)); } else { pRels = getRelationships(pidUri); } for (String rel : pRels.keySet()) { if (parentRelationships.contains(rel)) { for (String parent : pRels.get(rel)) { PID parentPid; try { parentPid = new PID(parent); parentPIDs.add(parentPid.toString()); } catch (MalformedPIDException e) { logger.warn("Parent of " + pid + " through relationship " + rel + " is not a Fedora resource"); } } } } // child relationships if (childRelationships != null && !childRelationships.isEmpty()) { Map<String, Set<String>> cRels = null; if (childRelationships.size() == 1) { cRels= getReverseRelationships(pidUri, childRelationships.get(0)); } else { cRels = getReverseRelationships(pidUri); } for (String rel : cRels.keySet()) { if (childRelationships.contains(rel)) { for (String parent : cRels.get(rel)) { PID parentPid; try { parentPid = new PID(parent); parentPIDs.add(parentPid.toString()); } catch (MalformedPIDException e) { logger.warn("Parent of " + pid + " through relationship " + rel + " is not a Fedora resource"); } } } } } } else { logger.error("Can't get parents: Resource index implementation must support SPARQL tuple queries or SPO triple queries"); return parentPIDs; } return parentPIDs; } private boolean verifyTripleLanguage(String lang) { if (tripleLanguages == null){ tripleLanguages = Arrays.asList(RI.listTripleLanguages()); spoTriples = tripleLanguages.contains(SPO); } return tripleLanguages.contains(lang); } private boolean verifyTupleLanguage(String lang){ if (tupleLanguages == null){ tupleLanguages = Arrays.asList(RI.listTupleLanguages()); sparqlTuples = tupleLanguages.contains(SPARQL); itqlTuples = tupleLanguages.contains(ITQL); } return tupleLanguages.contains(lang); } }