/* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright terms * detailed in the license directory at the root of the source tree (also * available online at http://fedora-commons.org/license/). */ package org.fcrepo.client.batch; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Properties; import org.fcrepo.common.Constants; /** * @author Bill Niebel */ class BatchAdditions implements Constants { static final String FS = File.separator; private final Properties dataProperties; private final Properties metadataProperties; //set by arguments to constructor private boolean mediaFileContainsUrl = false; private String mediaPath = null; private String keyPath = null; private String metadataPath = null; private String stringPrefix = null; private String additionsPath = null; private String objectNameSpace = null; private String namespaceDeclarations = null; private int startObject = 0; //populated in constructor String[] datastreams = null; String[] objectnames = null; private static final String getPath(File file) { //<=================== String temp; try { temp = file.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (Exception eCaughtFiles) { temp = ""; } return temp; } static final int BUFFERLENGTH = 1024; private static final String getContents(String filePrefix) { String contents = null; try { File file = new File(filePrefix); FileInputStream fileInputStream = null; if (!file.canRead()) { throw new Exception("Missing or unreadable file: " + getPath(file)); } long lFileLength; try { lFileLength = file.length(); } catch (Exception eCaughtStatFile) { //<== make specific throw new Exception("file " + getPath(file) + "couldn't be statted for reading"); } if (lFileLength > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new Exception("file " + getPath(file) + "too large for reading"); } fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file); byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFERLENGTH]; int bytesRead = 0; StringBuffer sbuffer = new StringBuffer(); while ((bytesRead = fileInputStream.read(buffer, 0, BUFFERLENGTH)) != -1) { String temp = new String(buffer, 0, bytesRead); sbuffer.append(temp); } fileInputStream.close(); contents = new String(sbuffer); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("exception in content read " + e.getMessage()); } return contents; } private static final void packageMetadata(PrintStream out, Properties metadataProperties, String context, String objectname, int indents) { Enumeration<?> elementNames = metadataProperties.propertyNames(); //metadataCategories.keys(); String tabs = "STRING NOT ASSIGNED TO"; { StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < indents; i++) { temp.append("\t"); } tabs = new String(temp); } if (elementNames.hasMoreElements()) { out.println(tabs + "<metadata>"); while (elementNames.hasMoreElements()) { String elementName = (String) elementNames.nextElement(); String directoryName = metadataProperties.getProperty(elementName); //metadataCategories.get(elementName); String parentPath = context + directoryName; String fileName = getFilename(parentPath, objectname); if (fileName != null && !fileName.isEmpty()) { String metadata = getContents(parentPath + FS + fileName); if (metadata != null && !metadata.isEmpty()) { out.println(tabs + "\t<metadata id=\"" + elementName + "\">"); out.println(metadata); out.println(tabs + "\t</metadata>"); //"+ elementName +">"); } } } out.println(tabs + "</metadata>"); } } //batch builders can subclass, overloading this method protected String getHref(String webPrefix, String path) { return webPrefix + "/" + path; } static String getFilename(String parentPath, String objectName) { String filename = null; { File temp = new File(parentPath); if (temp.exists()) { if (!temp.isDirectory()) { System.err.println("bad directory structure " + parentPath + " " + objectName); } else { String[] filenames = (new File(parentPath)).list(); int nFound = 0; int iFound = -1; for (int i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++) { if (filenames[i].startsWith(objectName)) { nFound++; iFound = i; } } if (nFound == 1) { filename = filenames[iFound]; } } } } return filename; } /* package */BatchAdditions(Properties optValues, Properties dataProperties, Properties metadataProperties) throws Exception { this.dataProperties = dataProperties; this.metadataProperties = metadataProperties; String temp = optValues.getProperty(BatchTool.STARTOBJECT); String[] parts = temp.split(":"); objectNameSpace = parts[0]; String startObjectAsString = parts[1]; String urlPath = optValues.getProperty(BatchTool.URLPATH); String dataPath = optValues.getProperty(BatchTool.DATAPATH); stringPrefix = optValues.getProperty(BatchTool.STRINGPREFIX); keyPath = optValues.getProperty(BatchTool.KEYPATH); namespaceDeclarations = optValues.getProperty(BatchTool.DECLARATIONS); metadataPath = optValues.getProperty(BatchTool.METADATAPATH); additionsPath = optValues.getProperty(BatchTool.ADDITIONSPATH); if (!BatchTool.argOK(namespaceDeclarations)) { System.err.println("namespaceDeclarations required"); throw new Exception(); } if (!BatchTool.argOK(objectNameSpace)) { System.err.println("objectNameSpace required"); throw new Exception(); } if (!BatchTool.argOK(startObjectAsString)) { System.err.println("startObject required"); throw new Exception(); } else { try { startObject = Integer.parseInt(startObjectAsString); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("startObject must be integer"); throw new Exception(); } } if (!BatchTool.argOK(keyPath)) { System.err.println("keyPath required"); throw new Exception(); } if (!BatchTool.argOK(metadataPath)) { System.err.println("metadataPath required"); throw new Exception(); } if (!BatchTool.argOK(additionsPath)) { System.err.println("additionsPath required"); throw new Exception(); } if (BatchTool.argOK(urlPath)) { if (BatchTool.argOK(dataPath)) { System.err .println("use either data or url path -- both provided"); throw new Exception(); } else { mediaPath = urlPath; mediaFileContainsUrl = true; } } else if (BatchTool.argOK(dataPath)) { mediaPath = dataPath; mediaFileContainsUrl = false; } else { System.err .println("use either data or url path -- neither provided"); throw new Exception(); } if (!BatchTool.argOK(stringPrefix)) { System.err.println("stringprefix required"); throw new Exception(); } } private boolean good2go = false; final void prep() throws Exception { //get datastream labels from mediaDirectory File mediaDirectory = new File(mediaPath); File[] datastreamDirectories = mediaDirectory.listFiles(); datastreams = new String[datastreamDirectories.length]; for (int i = 0; i < datastreamDirectories.length; i++) { if (datastreamDirectories[i].isDirectory()) { datastreams[i] = datastreamDirectories[i].getName(); } } //get objectnames from keyDirectory File[] files = null; { File keyDirectory = new File(keyPath); files = keyDirectory.listFiles(); } objectnames = new String[files.length]; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { String objectname = null; { String filename = files[i].getName(); int j = filename.lastIndexOf('.'); objectname = j >= 0 ? filename.substring(0, j) : filename; } objectnames[i] = objectname; } good2go = true; } final void process() throws Exception { if (good2go) { int object = startObject; for (String objectname : objectnames) { String objid = objectNameSpace + ":" + object++; PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(additionsPath + FS + objectname)); out.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>"); out.print("<input OBJID=\"" + objid + "\""); out.println(" xmlns:METS=\"" + METS.uri + "\" " + namespaceDeclarations + " >"); packageMetadata(out, metadataProperties, metadataPath + FS, objectname, 1); out.println("\t<datastreams>"); Enumeration<?> ddatastreams = dataProperties.propertyNames(); while (ddatastreams.hasMoreElements()) { String ndatastream = (String) ddatastreams.nextElement(); String datastream = dataProperties.getProperty(ndatastream); String href = mediaFileContainsUrl ? getContents(mediaPath + FS + datastream + FS + objectname) : getHref(stringPrefix, datastream + "/" + getFilename(mediaPath + "/" + datastream, objectname)); out.println("\t\t<datastream id=\"" + ndatastream /* fixup(datastream) */ + "\" href=\"" + href + "\">"); out.println("\t\t</datastream>"); } out.println("\t</datastreams>"); out.println("</input>"); out.close(); } } } public static final void main(String[] args) { try { Properties miscProperties = new Properties(); Properties datastreamProperties = new Properties(); Properties metadataProperties = new Properties(); miscProperties .load(new FileInputStream("c:\\batchdemo\\batchtool.properties")); datastreamProperties .load(new FileInputStream("c:\\batchdemo\\datastream.properties")); metadataProperties .load(new FileInputStream("c:\\batchdemo\\metadata.properties")); BatchAdditions batchAdditions = new BatchAdditions(miscProperties, datastreamProperties, metadataProperties); batchAdditions.prep(); batchAdditions.process(); } catch (Exception e) { } } }