/* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright terms * detailed in the license directory at the root of the source tree (also * available online at http://fedora-commons.org/license/). */ package org.fcrepo.server.security; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.fcrepo.common.Constants; /** * Security configuration for backend services. * * @author Chris Wilper */ public class BESecurityConfig implements Constants { private static final String _CONFIG = "serviceSecurityDescription"; private static final String _INTERNAL_PREFIX = "fedoraInternalCall-"; private final static String _ROLE = "role"; private final static String _CALLSSL = "callSSL"; private final static String _CALLBASICAUTH = "callBasicAuth"; private final static String _CALLUSERNAME = "callUsername"; private final static String _CALLPASSWORD = "callPassword"; private final static String _CALLBACKSSL = "callbackSSL"; private final static String _CALLBACKBASICAUTH = "callbackBasicAuth"; private final static String _IPLIST = "iplist"; /** * The default role configuration, specifying the values to be assumed for * any internal call or SDep configuration value which is null. */ private DefaultRoleConfig m_defaultConfig; /** * Whether Fedora-to-self calls should use SSL. */ private Boolean m_internalSSL; /** * Whether Fedora-to-self calls should use basic auth. */ private Boolean m_internalBasicAuth; /** * The username to be used for basic-authenticaed Fedora-to-self calls. This * value, along with the username, should also be configured in * tomcat-users.xml or whatever other authentication database is in effect. */ private String m_internalUsername; /** * The password to be used for basic-authenticaed Fedora-to-self calls. This * value, along with the password, should also be configured in * tomcat-users.xml or whatever other authentication database is in effect. */ private String m_internalPassword; /** * The list of IP addresses that are allowed for Fedora-to-self calls. This * should normally contain and the external IP address of the * running server, if known. */ private String[] m_internalIPList; /** * A sorted, PID-keyed map of <code>ServiceDeploymentRoleConfig</code>s. */ private final SortedMap<String, ServiceDeploymentRoleConfig> m_sDepConfigs; /** * Create an empty BESecurityConfig with an empty map of * <code>ServiceDeploymentRoleConfig</code>s and <code>null</code> values for * everything else. */ public BESecurityConfig() { m_sDepConfigs = new TreeMap<String, ServiceDeploymentRoleConfig>(); } /** * Get the default role configuration. */ public DefaultRoleConfig getDefaultConfig() { return m_defaultConfig; } /** * Set the default role configuration. */ public void setDefaultConfig(DefaultRoleConfig config) { m_defaultConfig = config; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get whether SSL should be used for Fedora-to-self calls. This should be * true if API-A is only available via SSL. */ public Boolean getInternalSSL() { return m_internalSSL; } /** * Get whether SSL is effectively used for Fedora-to-self calls. This will * be the internalSSL value, if set, or the inherited call value from the * default role, if set, or Boolean.FALSE. */ public Boolean getEffectiveInternalSSL() { if (m_internalSSL != null) { return m_internalSSL; } else if (m_defaultConfig != null) { return m_defaultConfig.getEffectiveCallSSL(); } else { return Boolean.FALSE; } } /** * Set whether SSL is used for Fedora-to-self calls. */ public void setInternalSSL(Boolean value) { m_internalSSL = value; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get whether basic auth should be used for Fedora-to-self calls. This * should be true if API-A requires basic auth. */ public Boolean getInternalBasicAuth() { return m_internalBasicAuth; } /** * Get whether basic auth is effectively used for Fedora-to-self calls. This * will be the internalBasicAuth value, if set, or the inherited call value * from the default role, if set, or Boolean.FALSE. */ public Boolean getEffectiveInternalBasicAuth() { if (m_internalBasicAuth != null) { return m_internalBasicAuth; } else if (m_defaultConfig != null) { return m_defaultConfig.getEffectiveCallBasicAuth(); } else { return Boolean.FALSE; } } /** * Set whether basic auth is used for Fedora-to-self calls. */ public void setInternalBasicAuth(Boolean value) { m_internalBasicAuth = value; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get the internal username. */ public String getInternalUsername() { return m_internalUsername; } /** * Get the effective internal username for basic auth Fedora-to-self calls. * This will be the internal username, if set, or the inherited call value * from the default role, if set, or null. */ public String getEffectiveInternalUsername() { if (m_internalUsername != null) { return m_internalUsername; } else if (m_defaultConfig != null) { return m_defaultConfig.getEffectiveCallUsername(); } else { return null; } } /** * Set the internal username. */ public void setInternalUsername(String username) { m_internalUsername = username; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get the internal password. */ public String getInternalPassword() { return m_internalPassword; } /** * Get the effective internal password for basic auth Fedora-to-self calls. * This will be the internal password, if set, or the inherited call value * from the default role, if set, or null. */ public String getEffectiveInternalPassword() { if (m_internalPassword != null) { return m_internalPassword; } else if (m_defaultConfig != null) { return m_defaultConfig.getEffectiveCallPassword(); } else { return null; } } /** * Set the internal password. */ public void setInternalPassword(String password) { m_internalPassword = password; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get the list of internal IP addresses. */ public String[] getInternalIPList() { return m_internalIPList; } /** * Get the effective list of internal IP addresses. This will be the * internalIPList value, if set, or the inherited value from the default * role, if set, or null. */ public String[] getEffectiveInternalIPList() { if (m_internalIPList != null) { return m_internalIPList; } else if (m_defaultConfig != null) { return m_defaultConfig.getEffectiveIPList(); } else { return null; } } /** * Set the list of internal IP addresses. */ public void setInternalIPList(String[] ips) { m_internalIPList = ips; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get the mutable, sorted, PID-keyed map of <code>ServiceDeploymentRoleConfig</code>s. */ public SortedMap<String, ServiceDeploymentRoleConfig> getServiceDeploymentConfigs() { return m_sDepConfigs; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Add empty sDep and method configurations given by the map if they are * not already already defined. */ public void addEmptyConfigs(Map<String, List<String>> pidToMethodList) { Iterator<String> pIter = pidToMethodList.keySet().iterator(); while (pIter.hasNext()) { String sDepPID = pIter.next(); // add the sDep indicated by the key if it doesn't exist ServiceDeploymentRoleConfig sDepRoleConfig = m_sDepConfigs.get(sDepPID); if (sDepRoleConfig == null) { sDepRoleConfig = new ServiceDeploymentRoleConfig(m_defaultConfig, sDepPID); m_sDepConfigs.put(sDepPID, sDepRoleConfig); } // add each method indicated by the List which doesn't already exist Iterator<String> mIter = pidToMethodList.get(sDepPID).iterator(); while (mIter.hasNext()) { String methodName = (String) mIter.next(); MethodRoleConfig methodRoleConfig = sDepRoleConfig.getMethodConfigs().get(methodName); if (methodRoleConfig == null) { methodRoleConfig = new MethodRoleConfig(sDepRoleConfig, methodName); sDepRoleConfig.getMethodConfigs().put(methodName, methodRoleConfig); } } } } // // Deserialization/serialization to/from XML streams. // /** * Instantiate a <code>BESecurityConfig</code> from an XML stream. */ public static BESecurityConfig fromStream(InputStream in) throws Exception { BESecurityConfig config = new BESecurityConfig(); // instantiate DOM DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setNamespaceAware(false); factory.setValidating(false); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.parse(in); Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); // set default role configuration DefaultRoleConfig defaultRoleConfig = new DefaultRoleConfig(); setValuesFromElement(defaultRoleConfig, root); config.setDefaultConfig(defaultRoleConfig); // get all child config nodes for repeated use NodeList nodes = root.getElementsByTagName(_CONFIG); // parse and add all explicitly configured sdef configurations // while also parsing fedoraInternalCall-1 and setting appropriate vals for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Element e = (Element) nodes.item(i); String role = e.getAttribute(_ROLE); if (role.indexOf(":") != -1 && role.indexOf("/") == -1) { ServiceDeploymentRoleConfig sDepRoleConfig = new ServiceDeploymentRoleConfig(defaultRoleConfig, role); setValuesFromElement(sDepRoleConfig, e); config.getServiceDeploymentConfigs().put(role, sDepRoleConfig); } else if (role.equals(_INTERNAL_PREFIX + "1")) { config.setInternalSSL(getBoolean(e, _CALLSSL)); config.setInternalBasicAuth(getBoolean(e, _CALLBASICAUTH)); config.setInternalUsername(getString(e, _CALLUSERNAME)); config.setInternalPassword(getString(e, _CALLPASSWORD)); config.setInternalIPList(getStringArray(e, _IPLIST)); } } // finally, parse and add all configured methods, first adding // a blank sdef role configuration if needed for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Element e = (Element) nodes.item(i); String[] parts = e.getAttribute(_ROLE).split("/"); if (parts.length == 2) { String sDepPID = parts[0]; String methodName = parts[1]; ServiceDeploymentRoleConfig sDepRoleConfig = config.getServiceDeploymentConfigs().get(sDepPID); if (sDepRoleConfig == null) { sDepRoleConfig = new ServiceDeploymentRoleConfig(defaultRoleConfig, sDepPID); config.getServiceDeploymentConfigs().put(sDepPID, sDepRoleConfig); } MethodRoleConfig methodRoleConfig = new MethodRoleConfig(sDepRoleConfig, methodName); setValuesFromElement(methodRoleConfig, e); sDepRoleConfig.getMethodConfigs().put(methodName, methodRoleConfig); } } return config; } private static void setValuesFromElement(BERoleConfig roleConfig, Element e) throws Exception { roleConfig.setCallSSL(getBoolean(e, _CALLSSL)); roleConfig.setCallBasicAuth(getBoolean(e, _CALLBASICAUTH)); roleConfig.setCallUsername(getString(e, _CALLUSERNAME)); roleConfig.setCallPassword(getString(e, _CALLPASSWORD)); roleConfig.setCallbackSSL(getBoolean(e, _CALLBACKSSL)); roleConfig.setCallbackBasicAuth(getBoolean(e, _CALLBACKBASICAUTH)); roleConfig.setIPList(getStringArray(e, _IPLIST)); } private static String getString(Element e, String name) { Attr a = e.getAttributeNode(name); if (a != null) { return a.getValue(); } else { return null; } } private static Boolean getBoolean(Element e, String name) { String s = getString(e, name); if (s != null) { return new Boolean(s); } else { return null; } } private static String[] getStringArray(Element e, String name) { String s = getString(e, name); if (s != null) { String[] array = s.split(" +"); if (array.length == 1 && array[0].length() == 0) { return null; } return array; } else { return null; } } /** * Serialize to the given stream, closing it when finished. If * skipNonOverrides is true, any configuration whose values are all null * will not be written. */ public void toStream(boolean skipNonOverrides, OutputStream out) throws Exception { PrintWriter writer = null; try { writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8")); write(skipNonOverrides, true, writer); } finally { try { writer.close(); } catch (Throwable th) { } try { out.close(); } catch (Throwable th) { } } } /** * Serialize to the given writer, keeping it open when finished. If * skipNonOverrides is true, any configuration whose values are all null * will not be written. */ public void write(boolean skipNonOverrides, boolean withXMLDeclaration, PrintWriter writer) { final String indent = " "; // header if (withXMLDeclaration) { writer.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"); } writer.println("<" + _CONFIG + " xmlns=\"" + BE_SECURITY.uri + "\""); writer.println(indent + " xmlns:xsi=\"" + XSI.uri + "\""); writer.println(indent + " xsi:schemaLocation=\"" + BE_SECURITY.uri + " " + BE_SECURITY1_0.xsdLocation + "\""); // default values writer.print(indent); write(m_defaultConfig, false, skipNonOverrides, writer); writer.println(">"); // fedoraInternalCall-1 and -2 writeInternalConfig(1, m_internalSSL, m_internalBasicAuth, m_internalUsername, m_internalPassword, m_internalIPList, writer); writeInternalConfig(2, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.FALSE, null, null, m_internalIPList, writer); // sDep roles Iterator<String> bIter = m_sDepConfigs.keySet().iterator(); while (bIter.hasNext()) { String role = bIter.next(); ServiceDeploymentRoleConfig bConfig = m_sDepConfigs.get(role); write(bConfig, true, skipNonOverrides, writer); // per-method roles Iterator<String> mIter = bConfig.getMethodConfigs().keySet().iterator(); while (mIter.hasNext()) { String methodName = mIter.next(); MethodRoleConfig mConfig = bConfig.getMethodConfigs().get(methodName); write(mConfig, true, skipNonOverrides, writer); } } // closing element for entire doc writer.println("</" + _CONFIG + ">"); } private static void writeInternalConfig(int n, Boolean ssl, Boolean basicAuth, String username, String password, String[] ipList, PrintWriter writer) { writer.print(" <" + _CONFIG); writeAttribute(_ROLE, _INTERNAL_PREFIX + n, writer); writeAttribute(_CALLSSL, ssl, writer); writeAttribute(_CALLBASICAUTH, basicAuth, writer); writeAttribute(_CALLUSERNAME, username, writer); writeAttribute(_CALLPASSWORD, password, writer); writeAttribute(_CALLBACKSSL, ssl, writer); writeAttribute(_CALLBACKBASICAUTH, basicAuth, writer); writeAttribute(_IPLIST, ipList, writer); writer.println("/>"); } /** * Write all the defined attributes of the given <code>BERoleConfig</code>, * surrounding them with the appropriate element start/end text if * <code>wholeElement</code> is true. Skip the entire element if * skipIfAllNull is true. */ private static void write(BERoleConfig config, boolean wholeElement, boolean skipIfAllNull, PrintWriter writer) { if (wholeElement) { if (skipIfAllNull && config.getCallSSL() == null && config.getCallBasicAuth() == null && config.getCallUsername() == null && config.getCallPassword() == null && config.getCallbackSSL() == null && config.getCallbackBasicAuth() == null && config.getIPList() == null) { return; } writer.print(" <" + _CONFIG); } writeAttribute(_ROLE, config.getRole(), writer); writeAttribute(_CALLSSL, config.getCallSSL(), writer); writeAttribute(_CALLBASICAUTH, config.getCallBasicAuth(), writer); writeAttribute(_CALLUSERNAME, config.getCallUsername(), writer); writeAttribute(_CALLPASSWORD, config.getCallPassword(), writer); writeAttribute(_CALLBACKSSL, config.getCallbackSSL(), writer); writeAttribute(_CALLBACKBASICAUTH, config.getCallbackBasicAuth(), writer); writeAttribute(_IPLIST, config.getIPList(), writer); if (wholeElement) { writer.println("/>"); } } /** * Write (space)name="value" to the given PrintWriter if value is defined. */ private static void writeAttribute(String name, Object value, PrintWriter writer) { if (value != null) { String s; if (value instanceof String || value instanceof Boolean) { // for String/Boolean we can just use toString() s = value.toString(); } else { // otherwise its a String[], so space-delimit the values String[] tokens = (String[]) value; int bufLen = tokens.length - 1; for (String token: tokens) bufLen += token.length(); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(bufLen); for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { buf.append(' '); } buf.append(tokens[i]); } s = buf.toString(); } writer.print(" " + name + "=\"" + s + "\""); } } }