/* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright terms * detailed in the license directory at the root of the source tree (also * available online at http://fedora-commons.org/license/). */ package org.fcrepo.client.objecteditor; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.CardLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.FileDialog; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JInternalFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JSlider; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel; import javax.swing.border.CompoundBorder; import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder; import javax.swing.border.LineBorder; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import org.fcrepo.client.Administrator; import org.fcrepo.server.types.gen.ArrayOfString; import org.fcrepo.server.types.gen.Datastream; import org.fcrepo.server.utilities.StreamUtility; import org.fcrepo.server.utilities.TypeUtility; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Displays a datastream's attributes, allowing the editing of its state, and * some of the most recent version's attributes. Also provides buttons for * working with the content of the datastream, depending on its type. * * @author Chris Wilper * @version $Id$ */ public class DatastreamPane extends EditingPane implements ChangeListener { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory .getLogger(DatastreamPane.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected String m_pid; private final Datastream m_mostRecent; protected JComboBox<String> m_stateComboBox; static protected String s_stateComboBoxValues[] = {"A", "I", "D"}; protected JComboBox<String> m_versionableComboBox; private JSlider m_versionSlider; private final JPanel m_valuePane; private final CardLayout m_versionCardLayout; protected CurrentVersionPane m_currentVersionPane; protected DatastreamsPane m_owner; private final PurgeButtonListener m_purgeButtonListener; private boolean m_done; private final Dimension m_labelDims; private JTextArea m_dtLabel; private JPanel m_dateLabelAndValue; private final Datastream[] m_versions; protected final static int NEW_VERSION_ON_UPDATE = 0; protected final static int REPLACE_ON_UPDATE = 1; /** * Build the pane. */ public DatastreamPane(ObjectEditorFrame gramps, String pid, List<Datastream> versions, DatastreamsPane owner) throws Exception { super(gramps, owner, versions.get(0).getID()); m_pid = pid; m_versions = versions.toArray(new Datastream[]{}); Datastream mostRecent = versions.get(0); m_mostRecent = mostRecent; m_owner = owner; m_labelDims = new JLabel("Control Group").getPreferredSize(); new TextContentEditor(); // causes it to be registered if not already new ImageContentViewer(); // causes it to be registered if not already new SVGContentViewer(); // causes it to be registered if not already new RDFTupleEditor(); // causes it to be registered if not already // mainPane(commonPane, versionPane) // NORTH: commonPane(state, controlGroup) // LEFT: labels JLabel idLabel = new JLabel("ID"); JLabel stateLabel = new JLabel("State"); JLabel versionableLabel = new JLabel("Versionable"); JLabel controlGroupLabel = new JLabel("Control Group"); JLabel[] leftCommonLabels = new JLabel[] {idLabel, controlGroupLabel, stateLabel, versionableLabel}; // RIGHT: values String[] comboBoxStrings = {"Active", "Inactive", "Deleted"}; m_stateComboBox = new JComboBox<String>(comboBoxStrings); Administrator.constrainHeight(m_stateComboBox); if (mostRecent.getState().equals("A")) { m_stateComboBox.setSelectedIndex(0); m_stateComboBox.setBackground(Administrator.ACTIVE_COLOR); } else if (mostRecent.getState().equals("I")) { m_stateComboBox.setSelectedIndex(1); m_stateComboBox.setBackground(Administrator.INACTIVE_COLOR); } else { m_stateComboBox.setSelectedIndex(2); m_stateComboBox.setBackground(Administrator.DELETED_COLOR); } m_stateComboBox.addActionListener(dataChangeListener); m_stateComboBox.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { String curState; if (m_stateComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1) { curState = "I"; m_stateComboBox.setBackground(Administrator.INACTIVE_COLOR); } else if (m_stateComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 2) { curState = "D"; m_stateComboBox.setBackground(Administrator.DELETED_COLOR); } else { curState = "A"; m_stateComboBox.setBackground(Administrator.ACTIVE_COLOR); } m_owner.colorTabForState(m_mostRecent.getID(), curState); } }); String[] comboBoxStrings2 = {"Updates will create new version", "Updates will replace most recent version"}; m_versionableComboBox = new JComboBox<String>(comboBoxStrings2); Administrator.constrainHeight(m_versionableComboBox); m_versionableComboBox .setSelectedIndex(mostRecent.isVersionable() ? NEW_VERSION_ON_UPDATE : REPLACE_ON_UPDATE); m_versionableComboBox.addActionListener(dataChangeListener); JTextArea controlGroupValueLabel = new JTextArea(getControlGroupString(mostRecent .getControlGroup().toString())); controlGroupValueLabel.setBackground(Administrator.BACKGROUND_COLOR); controlGroupValueLabel.setEditable(false); JComponent[] leftCommonValues = new JComponent[] {new JLabel(mostRecent.getID()), controlGroupValueLabel, m_stateComboBox, m_versionableComboBox}; JPanel leftCommonPane = new JPanel(); GridBagLayout leftCommonGridBag = new GridBagLayout(); leftCommonPane.setLayout(leftCommonGridBag); addLabelValueRows(leftCommonLabels, leftCommonValues, leftCommonGridBag, leftCommonPane); JPanel commonPane = leftCommonPane; // CENTER: versionPane(m_versionSlider, m_valuePane) // NORTH: m_versionSlider // set up the shared button listener for purge m_purgeButtonListener = new PurgeButtonListener(versions); // do the slider if needed if (versions.size() > 1) { m_versionSlider = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 0, versions.size() - 1, 0); m_versionSlider.addChangeListener(this); m_versionSlider.setMajorTickSpacing(1); m_versionSlider.setSnapToTicks(true); m_versionSlider.setPaintTicks(true); } // CENTER: m_valuePane(one card for each version) m_valuePane = new JPanel(); m_versionCardLayout = new CardLayout(); m_valuePane.setLayout(m_versionCardLayout); JPanel[] valuePanes = new JPanel[versions.size()]; // CARD: valuePanes[0](versionValuePane, versionActionPane) m_currentVersionPane = new CurrentVersionPane(mostRecent); valuePanes[0] = m_currentVersionPane; m_valuePane.add(valuePanes[0], "0"); // CARD: valuePanes[1 to i](versionValuePane, versionActionPane) for (int i = 1; i < versions.size(); i++) { valuePanes[i] = new PriorVersionPane(versions.get(i)); m_valuePane.add(valuePanes[i], "" + i); } JPanel versionPane = new JPanel(); versionPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); if (versions.size() > 1) { // Add a panel to versionPane.NORTH // FlowLayout(SwingConstants.LEFT) // Created Date m_versionSlider m_dateLabelAndValue = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 4, 0)); JLabel createdLabel = new JLabel("Created"); createdLabel.setPreferredSize(m_labelDims); m_dateLabelAndValue.add(createdLabel); m_dateLabelAndValue.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(0)); m_dtLabel = new JTextArea(versions.get(0).getCreateDate() + " "); m_dtLabel.setBackground(Administrator.BACKGROUND_COLOR); m_dtLabel.setEditable(false); m_dateLabelAndValue.add(m_dtLabel); JPanel stretch = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); stretch.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 4, 0)); stretch.add(m_dateLabelAndValue, BorderLayout.WEST); stretch.add(m_versionSlider, BorderLayout.CENTER); versionPane.add(stretch, BorderLayout.NORTH); } versionPane.add(m_valuePane, BorderLayout.CENTER); mainPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); mainPane.add(commonPane, BorderLayout.NORTH); mainPane.add(versionPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); } @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { JSlider source = (JSlider) e.getSource(); if (!source.getValueIsAdjusting()) { m_versionCardLayout.show(m_valuePane, "" + source.getValue()); m_dtLabel.setText(m_versions[source.getValue()].getCreateDate()); } } @Override public boolean isDirty() { if (m_done) { return false; } int stateIndex = 0; if (m_mostRecent.getState().equals("I")) { stateIndex = 1; } if (m_mostRecent.getState().equals("D")) { stateIndex = 2; } if (stateIndex != m_stateComboBox.getSelectedIndex()) { return true; } int versionableIndex = m_mostRecent.isVersionable() ? NEW_VERSION_ON_UPDATE : REPLACE_ON_UPDATE; if (versionableIndex != m_versionableComboBox.getSelectedIndex()) { return true; } if (m_currentVersionPane.isDirty()) { return true; } return false; } private String getControlGroupString(String abbrev) { if (abbrev.equals("M")) { return "Managed Content"; } else if (abbrev.equals("X")) { return "Internal XML Metadata"; } else if (abbrev.equals("R")) { return "Redirect"; } else { return "External Reference"; } } public static String getFormattedChecksumTypeAndChecksum(Datastream m_ds) { if (m_ds.getChecksumType() == null || m_ds.getChecksumType().isEmpty() || m_ds.getChecksumType().equals("none")) { return ""; } if (m_ds.getChecksumType().equals("DISABLED")) { return "DISABLED"; } return m_ds.getChecksumType() + ": " + m_ds.getChecksum(); } @Override public void saveChanges(String logMessage) throws Exception { String state = null; int i = m_stateComboBox.getSelectedIndex(); state = s_stateComboBoxValues[i]; // "A" "I" or "D" if (!state.equals(m_mostRecent.getState())) { Administrator.APIM.setDatastreamState(m_pid, m_mostRecent.getID(), state, logMessage); } if ((m_mostRecent.isVersionable() ? NEW_VERSION_ON_UPDATE : REPLACE_ON_UPDATE) != m_versionableComboBox .getSelectedIndex()) { boolean newVersionableSetting = m_versionableComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == NEW_VERSION_ON_UPDATE ? true : false; Administrator.APIM.setDatastreamVersionable(m_pid, m_mostRecent.getID(), newVersionableSetting, logMessage); } if (m_currentVersionPane.isDirty()) { // defer to the currentVersionPane if anything else changed try { m_currentVersionPane.saveChanges(logMessage, false); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.getMessage() == null || e.getMessage().indexOf(" would invalidate ") == -1) { throw e; } // ask if they want to force it. Object[] options = {"Yes", "No"}; int selected = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog(null, e.getMessage() + "\n\nForce it?", "Warning", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, options, options[1]); if (selected == 0) { m_currentVersionPane.saveChanges(logMessage, true); } } } } @Override public void changesSaved() { m_owner.refresh(m_mostRecent.getID()); m_done = true; } @Override public void undoChanges() { if (m_mostRecent.getState().equals("A")) { m_stateComboBox.setSelectedIndex(0); m_stateComboBox.setBackground(Administrator.ACTIVE_COLOR); } else if (m_mostRecent.getState().equals("I")) { m_stateComboBox.setSelectedIndex(1); m_stateComboBox.setBackground(Administrator.INACTIVE_COLOR); } else if (m_mostRecent.getState().equals("D")) { m_stateComboBox.setSelectedIndex(2); m_stateComboBox.setBackground(Administrator.DELETED_COLOR); } if ((m_mostRecent.isVersionable() ? NEW_VERSION_ON_UPDATE : REPLACE_ON_UPDATE) != m_versionableComboBox .getSelectedIndex()) { m_versionableComboBox .setSelectedIndex(m_mostRecent.isVersionable() ? NEW_VERSION_ON_UPDATE : REPLACE_ON_UPDATE); } m_owner.colorTabForState(m_mostRecent.getID(), m_mostRecent.getState()); m_currentVersionPane.undoChanges(); } protected String getFedoraURL(Datastream ds, boolean withDate) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(Administrator.getProtocol() + "://"); buf.append(Administrator.getHost()); if (Administrator.getPort() != 80) { buf.append(':'); buf.append(Administrator.getPort()); } buf.append("/" + Administrator.getAppServContext() + "/get/"); buf.append(m_pid); buf.append('/'); buf.append(ds.getID()); if (withDate) { buf.append('/'); buf.append(ds.getCreateDate()); } return buf.toString(); } public class CurrentVersionPane extends JPanel implements PotentiallyDirty { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected Datastream m_ds; private JTextField m_locationTextField; protected JTextField m_labelTextField; private String m_origLabel; protected JTextField m_MIMETextField; private String m_origMIME; protected JTextField m_formatURITextField; private String m_origFormatURI; protected JTextField m_altIDsTextField; private final String m_origAltIDs; protected JButton m_editButton; private JButton m_viewButton; protected JButton m_editCustomButton; private JButton m_viewCustomButton; private final JButton m_importButton; protected JButton m_exportButton; private JButton m_separateViewButton; protected JComboBox<String> m_checksumTypeComboBox; protected JTextField m_checksumTextField; private final JPanel m_checksumPanel; protected ContentEditor m_editor; private ContentViewer m_viewer; private boolean m_canEdit; private boolean m_hasCustomEditor; private final boolean m_canView; private File m_importFile; private JLabel m_importLabel; protected JPanel m_actionPane; protected JButton m_purgeButton; private boolean X; private boolean M; private boolean E; private boolean R; public CurrentVersionPane(Datastream ds) { m_ds = ds; // clean up attribute values for presentation in text boxes... // set a null ds label to "" m_origLabel = m_ds.getLabel(); if (m_origLabel == null) { m_origLabel = ""; } // set a null mime type to "" m_origMIME = m_ds.getMIMEType(); if (m_origMIME == null) { m_origMIME = ""; } // set a null format_uri to "" m_origFormatURI = m_ds.getFormatURI(); if (m_origFormatURI == null) { m_origFormatURI = ""; } // create a string from alt ids array m_origAltIDs = getAltIdsString(); if (ds.getControlGroup().toString().equals("X")) { X = true; } else if (ds.getControlGroup().toString().equals("M")) { M = true; } else if (ds.getControlGroup().toString().equals("E")) { E = true; } else if (ds.getControlGroup().toString().equals("R")) { R = true; } // editing is possible if it's XML or Managed content and // not a special datastream and hasEditor(mimeType) // AND the initial state wasn't "D" boolean noEdits = ds.getState().equals("D"); // boolean specialDatastream = ds.getID().equals("METHODMAP") || // ds.getID().equals("DSINPUTSPEC") || // ds.getID().equals("WSDL"); String dsMimetype = getCustomMimeType(m_ds); if ((X || M) && !noEdits) { m_canEdit = ContentHandlerFactory.hasEditor(dsMimetype); } if (!dsMimetype.equals(m_ds.getMIMEType())) { m_hasCustomEditor = true; } m_canView = ContentHandlerFactory.hasViewer(dsMimetype); // whether they're used or not, create these here if (m_hasCustomEditor) { m_editCustomButton = new JButton("Edit"); Administrator.constrainHeight(m_editCustomButton); m_viewCustomButton = new JButton("View"); Administrator.constrainHeight(m_viewCustomButton); m_editButton = new JButton("Edit as Text"); Administrator.constrainHeight(m_editButton); m_viewButton = new JButton("View as Text"); Administrator.constrainHeight(m_viewButton); } else { m_editButton = new JButton("Edit"); Administrator.constrainHeight(m_editButton); m_viewButton = new JButton("View"); Administrator.constrainHeight(m_viewButton); m_editCustomButton = new JButton("Unused Edit"); Administrator.constrainHeight(m_editCustomButton); m_viewCustomButton = new JButton("Unused View"); Administrator.constrainHeight(m_viewCustomButton); } m_importButton = new JButton("Import..."); Administrator.constrainHeight(m_importButton); m_exportButton = new JButton("Export..."); Administrator.constrainHeight(m_exportButton); // How we set this JPanel up depends on: // what control group it is in and // whether it can be edited or viewed setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // do the field panel (NORTH) JLabel labelLabel = new JLabel("Label"); labelLabel.setPreferredSize(m_labelDims); JLabel MIMELabel = new JLabel("MIME Type"); MIMELabel.setPreferredSize(m_labelDims); JLabel formatURILabel = new JLabel("Format URI"); formatURILabel.setPreferredSize(m_labelDims); JLabel altIDsLabel = new JLabel("Alternate IDs"); altIDsLabel.setPreferredSize(m_labelDims); JLabel urlLabel = new JLabel("Fedora URL"); urlLabel.setPreferredSize(m_labelDims); JLabel checksumLabel = new JLabel("Checksum"); checksumLabel.setPreferredSize(m_labelDims); JLabel[] labels; if (R || E) { JLabel locationLabel = new JLabel("Location"); locationLabel.setPreferredSize(m_labelDims); if (m_versionSlider != null) { labels = new JLabel[] {labelLabel, MIMELabel, formatURILabel, altIDsLabel, locationLabel, urlLabel, checksumLabel}; } else { labels = new JLabel[] {new JLabel("Created"), labelLabel, MIMELabel, formatURILabel, altIDsLabel, locationLabel, urlLabel, checksumLabel}; } } else { if (m_versionSlider != null) { labels = new JLabel[] {labelLabel, MIMELabel, formatURILabel, altIDsLabel, urlLabel, checksumLabel}; } else if (m_ds.getCreateDate() == null) { labels = new JLabel[] {labelLabel, MIMELabel, formatURILabel, altIDsLabel, checksumLabel}; } else { labels = new JLabel[] {new JLabel("Created"), labelLabel, MIMELabel, formatURILabel, altIDsLabel, urlLabel, checksumLabel}; } } // set up text fields for ds attributes at version level JComponent[] values; // ds label text field m_labelTextField = new JTextField(m_origLabel); m_labelTextField.getDocument() .addDocumentListener(dataChangeListener); // ds MIME text field m_MIMETextField = new JTextField(m_origMIME); m_MIMETextField.getDocument() .addDocumentListener(dataChangeListener); // ds format URI text field m_formatURITextField = new JTextField(m_origFormatURI); m_formatURITextField.getDocument() .addDocumentListener(dataChangeListener); // ds alternate ids text field m_altIDsTextField = new JTextField(m_origAltIDs); m_altIDsTextField.getDocument() .addDocumentListener(dataChangeListener); // disable text fields for special datastreams that cannot be edited if (noEdits) { // disable formatURI changes for special datastreams m_labelTextField.setEnabled(false); m_MIMETextField.setEnabled(false); m_formatURITextField.setEnabled(false); m_altIDsTextField.setEnabled(false); } // Fedora URL text field JTextField urlTextField = new JTextField(getFedoraURL(m_ds, false)); urlTextField.setEditable(false); // so they can copy, but not modify // Datastream checksum field m_checksumTypeComboBox = new JComboBox<String>(new String[] {"DISABLED", "MD5", "SHA-1", "SHA-256", "SHA-384", "SHA-512"}); setSelectedChecksumType(m_checksumTypeComboBox, ds.getChecksumType()); m_checksumTextField = new JTextField(m_ds.getChecksum()); m_checksumTextField.setEditable(false); m_checksumPanel = new JPanel(); m_checksumPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); m_checksumPanel.add(m_checksumTypeComboBox, BorderLayout.WEST); m_checksumPanel.add(m_checksumTextField, BorderLayout.CENTER); m_checksumTypeComboBox.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { String csType = m_checksumTypeComboBox.getSelectedItem().toString(); dataChangeListener.dataChanged(); if (csType.equals("DISABLED") || !csType.equals(m_ds.getChecksumType())) { if (m_checksumTextField != null) { m_checksumPanel.remove(m_checksumTextField); m_checksumTextField = null; m_checksumPanel.validate(); m_checksumPanel.repaint(); } } else { if (m_checksumTextField != null) { m_checksumPanel.remove(m_checksumTextField); } m_checksumTextField = new JTextField(m_ds.getChecksum()); m_checksumTextField.setEditable(false); m_checksumPanel.add(m_checksumTextField, BorderLayout.CENTER); m_checksumPanel.validate(); m_checksumPanel.repaint(); } } }); // JTextField checksumTextField=new JTextField(getFormattedChecksumTypeAndChecksum(m_ds)); // checksumTextField.setEditable(false); // so they can copy, but not modify // ds location URL text field (R and E datastreams only) if (R || E) { m_locationTextField = new JTextField(m_ds.getLocation()); m_locationTextField.getDocument() .addDocumentListener(dataChangeListener); if (noEdits) { m_locationTextField.setEnabled(false); } if (m_versionSlider != null) { values = new JComponent[] {m_labelTextField, m_MIMETextField, m_formatURITextField, m_altIDsTextField, m_locationTextField, urlTextField, m_checksumPanel}; } else { JTextArea cDateTextArea = new JTextArea(m_ds.getCreateDate()); cDateTextArea.setBackground(Administrator.BACKGROUND_COLOR); cDateTextArea.setEditable(false); values = new JComponent[] {cDateTextArea, m_labelTextField, m_MIMETextField, m_formatURITextField, m_altIDsTextField, m_locationTextField, urlTextField, m_checksumPanel}; } } else { if (m_versionSlider != null) { values = new JComponent[] {m_labelTextField, m_MIMETextField, m_formatURITextField, m_altIDsTextField, urlTextField, m_checksumPanel}; } else if (m_ds.getCreateDate() == null) { values = new JComponent[] {m_labelTextField, m_MIMETextField, m_formatURITextField, m_altIDsTextField, m_checksumPanel}; } else { JTextArea cDateTextArea = new JTextArea(m_ds.getCreateDate()); cDateTextArea.setBackground(Administrator.BACKGROUND_COLOR); cDateTextArea.setEditable(false); values = new JComponent[] {cDateTextArea, m_labelTextField, m_MIMETextField, m_formatURITextField, m_altIDsTextField, urlTextField, m_checksumPanel}; } } JPanel fieldPane = new JPanel(); GridBagLayout grid = new GridBagLayout(); fieldPane.setLayout(grid); addLabelValueRows(labels, values, grid, fieldPane); add(fieldPane, BorderLayout.NORTH); // Do the buttons! m_actionPane = new JPanel(); m_actionPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); if (m_canEdit) { if (m_hasCustomEditor) { m_editCustomButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { // add the editor, and disable the button try { startCustomEditor(); } catch (Exception e) { Administrator.showErrorDialog(Administrator .getDesktop(), "Content Edit Error", e .getMessage(), e); } } }); m_actionPane.add(m_editCustomButton); } // we know it's editable... add a button m_editButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { // add the editor, and disable the button try { startEditor(); } catch (Exception e) { Administrator.showErrorDialog(Administrator .getDesktop(), "Content Edit Error", e .getMessage(), e); } } }); m_actionPane.add(m_editButton); // if a *separate* viewer is also available, add a view button if (!ContentHandlerFactory.viewerIsEditor(dsMimetype)) { m_separateViewButton = new JButton("View"); Administrator.constrainHeight(m_separateViewButton); m_separateViewButton .addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { // open a separate viewing window, using the content // from the *server* if the text is "View", and the // content from the editor if the text is "Preview" try { startSeparateViewer(); } catch (Exception e) { Administrator.showErrorDialog(Administrator .getDesktop(), "Content View Error", e.getMessage(), e); } } }); m_actionPane.add(m_separateViewButton); } } else if (m_canView) { if (m_hasCustomEditor) { m_viewCustomButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { // add the editor, and disable the button try { startCustomViewer(); } catch (Exception e) { Administrator.showErrorDialog(Administrator .getDesktop(), "Content Edit Error", e .getMessage(), e); } } }); m_actionPane.add(m_viewCustomButton); } // it's not editable, but it's VIEWable... add a button m_viewButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { // add the viewer, and disable the view button try { startViewer(); } catch (Exception e) { Administrator.showErrorDialog(Administrator .getDesktop(), "Content View Error", e .getMessage(), e); } } }); m_actionPane.add(m_viewButton); } // should we add the Import button? If we can set content, yes. if ((X || M) && !noEdits) { m_actionPane.add(m_importButton); m_importButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { // remember what we did so we can back out if needed boolean startedEditor = false; boolean startedViewer = false; try { // prompt for the file or URL: ImportDialog imp = new ImportDialog(); if (imp.file != null) { File file = imp.file; String url = imp.url; Administrator.setLastDir(file.getParentFile()); // remember the dir for next time if (m_canEdit) { if (m_editor == null) { if (m_hasCustomEditor) { startCustomEditor(); } else { startEditor(); } startedEditor = true; } // set content of existing edit widget m_editor.setContent(new FileInputStream(file)); // if that went ok, then remember the file m_importFile = file; // and send the signal dataChangeListener.dataChanged(); } else if (m_canView) { if (m_viewer == null) { if (m_hasCustomEditor) { startCustomViewer(); } else { startViewer(); } startedViewer = true; } // set the content of the existing viewer widget m_viewer.setContent(new FileInputStream(file)); // if that went ok, then remember the file m_importFile = file; // and send the signal dataChangeListener.dataChanged(); } else { // can't view or edit, so put a label if (url != null) { m_importLabel = new JLabel("Will import " + url); } else { m_importLabel = new JLabel("Will import " + file.getPath()); } add(m_importLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER); validate(); // if that went ok, then remember the file m_importFile = file; // and send the signal dataChangeListener.dataChanged(); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (startedEditor) { // restore the original ui state m_editButton.setEnabled(true); remove(m_editor.getComponent()); m_editor = null; } if (startedViewer) { // restore the original ui state m_viewButton.setEnabled(true); remove(m_viewer.getComponent()); m_viewer = null; } Administrator.showErrorDialog(Administrator .getDesktop(), "Content Import Failure", e .getMessage(), e); } } }); } // export is always possible! m_actionPane.add(m_exportButton); m_exportButton.addActionListener(new ExportActionListener(m_ds)); // and purge is, too m_purgeButton = new JButton("Purge..."); Administrator.constrainHeight(m_purgeButton); m_purgeButton.addActionListener(m_purgeButtonListener); m_purgeButton.setActionCommand(m_ds.getCreateDate()); m_actionPane.add(m_purgeButton); add(m_actionPane, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } private String getAltIdsString() { String altIDStr = ""; ArrayOfString altIDs = m_ds.getAltIDs(); if (altIDs != null && altIDs.getItem() != null) { for (int z = 0; z < altIDs.getItem().size(); z++) { if (z > 0) { altIDStr += " "; } altIDStr += altIDs.getItem().get(z); } } return altIDStr; } private void setSelectedChecksumType(JComboBox<String> typeComboBox, String checksumType) { for (int i = 0; i < typeComboBox.getItemCount(); i++) { if (typeComboBox.getItemAt(i).toString().equals(checksumType)) { typeComboBox.setSelectedIndex(i); break; } } } public Datastream getDatastream() { return m_ds; } /** * Bring up the editing pane, initialized with this datastream's * content. */ private void startEditor() throws Exception { InputStream curContent = null; if (m_editor != null) { if (m_editor.isDirty()) { curContent = m_editor.getContent(); } remove(m_editor.getComponent()); m_editor = null; } InputStream origContent = getDatastreamContent(m_pid, m_ds.getID(), m_ds.getCreateDate()); m_editor = ContentHandlerFactory.getEditor(m_ds.getMIMEType(), origContent); m_editor.setContentChangeListener(dataChangeListener); if (curContent != null) { m_editor.setContent(curContent); } m_editor.setPIDAndDSID(m_pid, m_ds.getID()); add(m_editor.getComponent(), BorderLayout.CENTER); m_editButton.setEnabled(false); m_editCustomButton.setEnabled(true); validate(); } public void startViewer() throws Exception { if (m_viewer != null) { remove(m_viewer.getComponent()); m_viewer = null; } m_viewer = ContentHandlerFactory .getViewer(m_ds.getMIMEType(), getDatastreamContent(m_pid, m_ds.getID(), m_ds.getCreateDate())); add(m_viewer.getComponent(), BorderLayout.CENTER); m_viewButton.setEnabled(false); m_viewCustomButton.setEnabled(true); validate(); } /** * Bring up the editing pane, initialized with this datastream's * content. */ private void startCustomEditor() throws Exception { InputStream curContent = null; if (m_editor != null) { if (m_editor.isDirty()) { curContent = m_editor.getContent(); } remove(m_editor.getComponent()); m_editor = null; } InputStream origContent = getDatastreamContent(m_pid, m_ds.getID(), m_ds.getCreateDate()); m_editor = ContentHandlerFactory.getEditor(getCustomMimeType(m_ds), origContent); m_editor.setContentChangeListener(dataChangeListener); if (curContent != null) { m_editor.setContent(curContent); } m_editor.setPIDAndDSID(m_pid, m_ds.getID()); add(m_editor.getComponent(), BorderLayout.CENTER); m_editCustomButton.setEnabled(false); m_editButton.setEnabled(true); validate(); } public void startCustomViewer() throws Exception { if (m_viewer != null) { remove(m_viewer.getComponent()); m_viewer = null; } m_viewer = ContentHandlerFactory .getViewer(getCustomMimeType(m_ds), getDatastreamContent(m_pid, m_ds.getID(), m_ds.getCreateDate())); add(m_viewer.getComponent(), BorderLayout.CENTER); m_viewCustomButton.setEnabled(false); m_viewButton.setEnabled(true); validate(); } public void startSeparateViewer() throws Exception { InputStream contentStream; if (m_separateViewButton.getText().equals("Preview")) { // the editor will provide the content contentStream = m_editor.getContent(); } else { // the server will provide the content contentStream = getDatastreamContent(m_pid, m_ds.getID(), m_ds.getCreateDate()); } ContentViewer separateViewer = ContentHandlerFactory.getViewer(getCustomMimeType(m_ds), contentStream); // now open up a new JInternalFrame and put the v.getComponent() // in it. JInternalFrame viewFrame = new JInternalFrame(m_separateViewButton.getText() + "ing " + m_ds.getID() + " datastream from object " + m_pid, true, true, true, true); //viewFrame.setFrameIcon(new ImageIcon(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("images/standard/general/Edit16.gif"))); JPanel myPanel = new JPanel(); myPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); myPanel.add(separateViewer.getComponent(), BorderLayout.CENTER); viewFrame.getContentPane().add(myPanel); viewFrame.setSize(720, 520); Administrator.getDesktop().add(viewFrame); viewFrame.setVisible(true); viewFrame.toFront(); } public void saveChanges(String logMessage, boolean force) throws Exception { String label = m_labelTextField.getText().trim(); String mimeType = m_MIMETextField.getText().trim(); String formatURI = m_formatURITextField.getText().trim(); String[] altIDs = m_altIDsTextField.getText().trim().split(" "); String checksumType = m_checksumTypeComboBox.getSelectedItem().toString(); if (checksumType.equals(m_ds.getChecksumType())) { checksumType = null; } if (X) { byte[] content = new byte[0]; if (m_editor != null && m_editor.isDirty()) { InputStream in = m_editor.getContent(); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); StreamUtility.pipeStream(in, out, 4096); content = out.toByteArray(); } Administrator.APIM .modifyDatastreamByValue(m_pid, m_ds.getID(), TypeUtility .convertStringtoAOS(altIDs), label, mimeType, formatURI, TypeUtility .convertBytesToDataHandler(content), checksumType, null, // checksum logMessage, false); } else if (M) { String loc = null; // if not set, server will not change content if (m_importFile != null) { // upload the import file, getting a temporary ref loc = Administrator.UPLOADER.upload(m_importFile); } else if (m_editor != null && m_editor.isDirty()) { // They've edited managed content that came up in an editor... // use its content loc = Administrator.UPLOADER.upload(m_editor.getContent()); } Administrator.APIM.modifyDatastreamByReference(m_pid, m_ds.getID(), TypeUtility .convertStringtoAOS(altIDs), label, mimeType, formatURI, loc, checksumType, null, // checksum logMessage, false); } else { // external ref or redirect Administrator.APIM .modifyDatastreamByReference(m_pid, m_ds.getID(), TypeUtility .convertStringtoAOS(altIDs), label, mimeType, formatURI, m_locationTextField .getText(), checksumType, null, // checksum logMessage, false); } } @Override public boolean isDirty() { if (m_editor != null) { if (m_editor.isDirty()) { // ensure the button label for view is right, if it's there if (m_separateViewButton != null) { if (m_separateViewButton.getText().equals("View")) { m_separateViewButton.setText("Preview"); } } return true; } else { // ensure the button label for view is right, if it's there if (m_separateViewButton != null) { if (m_separateViewButton.getText().equals("Preview")) { m_separateViewButton.setText("View"); } } } } if (!m_ds.getLabel().equals(m_labelTextField.getText())) { return true; } if (!m_origMIME.equals(m_MIMETextField.getText())) { return true; } if (!m_origFormatURI.equals(m_formatURITextField.getText())) { return true; } if (!m_origAltIDs.equals(m_altIDsTextField.getText())) { return true; } if (m_locationTextField != null && !m_locationTextField.getText() .equals(m_ds.getLocation())) { return true; } if (!m_checksumTypeComboBox.getSelectedItem().toString() .equals(m_ds.getChecksumType())) { return true; } if (m_importFile != null) { return true; } return false; } public void undoChanges() { m_labelTextField.setText(m_origLabel); m_MIMETextField.setText(m_origMIME); m_formatURITextField.setText(m_origFormatURI); m_altIDsTextField.setText(m_origAltIDs); if (m_locationTextField != null) { m_locationTextField.setText(m_ds.getLocation()); } if (m_editor != null) { m_editor.undoChanges(); } setSelectedChecksumType(m_checksumTypeComboBox, m_ds.getChecksumType()); if (m_importFile != null) { m_importFile = null; // and remove the viewer if it's up, and re-enable the view // button if (m_canView) { // must be viewing, so remove the viewer and re-enable the // view button m_viewButton.setEnabled(true); remove(m_viewer.getComponent()); m_viewer = null; } else { // remove the JLabel remove(m_importLabel); m_importLabel = null; } } } } public class PriorVersionPane extends JPanel { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private boolean E; private boolean R; private final Datastream m_ds; private String m_priorLabel; private String m_priorMIME; private String m_priorFormatURI; private String m_priorAltIDs; private JButton m_viewButton; private JButton m_viewTextButton; public PriorVersionPane(Datastream ds) { m_ds = ds; // clean up attribute values for presentation in text boxes... // set a null ds label to "" m_priorLabel = m_ds.getLabel(); if (m_priorLabel == null) { m_priorLabel = ""; } // set a null MIME type to "" m_priorMIME = m_ds.getMIMEType(); if (m_priorMIME == null) { m_priorMIME = ""; } // set a null format_uri to "" m_priorFormatURI = m_ds.getFormatURI(); if (m_priorFormatURI == null) { m_priorFormatURI = ""; } // create a string from alt ids array m_priorAltIDs = ""; ArrayOfString altIDs = m_ds.getAltIDs(); if (altIDs != null && altIDs.getItem() != null) { for (int z = 0; z < altIDs.getItem().size(); z++) { if (z > 0) { m_priorAltIDs += " "; } m_priorAltIDs += altIDs.getItem().get(z); } } if (ds.getControlGroup().toString().equals("E")) { E = true; } else if (ds.getControlGroup().toString().equals("R")) { R = true; } setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // NORTH: fieldPanel // disabled labels and values // ds label... JLabel labelLabel = new JLabel("Label"); labelLabel.setMinimumSize(m_labelDims); JTextField labelValue = new JTextField(); labelValue.setText(m_priorLabel); labelValue.setEditable(false); // ds MIME type... JLabel MIMELabel = new JLabel("MIME Type"); MIMELabel.setMinimumSize(m_labelDims); JTextField MIMEValue = new JTextField(); MIMEValue.setText(m_priorMIME); MIMEValue.setEditable(false); // ds format URI... JLabel formatURILabel = new JLabel("Format URI"); formatURILabel.setMinimumSize(m_labelDims); JTextField formatURIValue = new JTextField(); formatURIValue.setText(m_priorFormatURI); formatURIValue.setEditable(false); // ds alternate ids... JLabel altIDsLabel = new JLabel("Alternate IDs"); altIDsLabel.setMinimumSize(m_labelDims); JTextField altIDsValue = new JTextField(); altIDsValue.setText(m_priorAltIDs); altIDsValue.setEditable(false); // ds Fedora URL... JLabel urlLabel = new JLabel("Fedora URL"); urlLabel.setPreferredSize(m_labelDims); JTextField urlTextField = new JTextField(getFedoraURL(m_ds, true)); urlTextField.setEditable(false); // so they can copy, but not modify // Datastream checksum field JLabel checksumLabel = new JLabel("Checksum"); checksumLabel.setPreferredSize(m_labelDims); JTextField checksumTextField = new JTextField(getFormattedChecksumTypeAndChecksum(m_ds)); checksumTextField.setEditable(false); // so they can copy, but not modify JLabel[] labels; JComponent[] values; if (E || R) { labels = new JLabel[] {labelLabel, MIMELabel, formatURILabel, altIDsLabel, new JLabel("Location"), urlLabel, checksumLabel}; JTextField refValue = new JTextField(); refValue.setText(ds.getLocation()); refValue.setEditable(false); values = new JComponent[] {labelValue, MIMEValue, formatURIValue, altIDsValue, refValue, urlTextField, checksumTextField}; } else { labels = new JLabel[] {labelLabel, MIMELabel, formatURILabel, altIDsLabel, urlLabel, checksumLabel}; values = new JComponent[] {labelValue, MIMEValue, formatURIValue, altIDsValue, urlTextField, checksumTextField}; } JPanel fieldPanel = new JPanel(); GridBagLayout fieldGrid = new GridBagLayout(); fieldPanel.setLayout(fieldGrid); addLabelValueRows(labels, values, fieldGrid, fieldPanel); add(fieldPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); // SOUTH: buttonPanel JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); buttonPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); if (ds.getMIMEType() != getCustomMimeType(ds)) // Has Custom Viuwer { if (ContentHandlerFactory.hasViewer(ds.getMIMEType())) { m_viewButton = new JButton("View"); Administrator.constrainHeight(m_viewButton); // CENTER: populated on view m_viewButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { JButton btn = (JButton) evt.getSource(); try { ContentViewer v = ContentHandlerFactory .getViewer(getCustomMimeType(m_ds), Administrator.DOWNLOADER .getDatastreamContent(m_pid, m_ds.getID(), m_ds.getCreateDate())); add(v.getComponent(), BorderLayout.CENTER); btn.setEnabled(false); m_viewTextButton.setEnabled(true); validate(); } catch (Exception e) { Administrator.showErrorDialog(Administrator .getDesktop(), "Content View Failure", e.getMessage(), e); } } }); buttonPanel.add(m_viewButton); m_viewTextButton = new JButton("View as Text"); Administrator.constrainHeight(m_viewTextButton); // CENTER: populated on view m_viewTextButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { JButton btn = (JButton) evt.getSource(); try { ContentViewer v = ContentHandlerFactory.getViewer(m_ds.getMIMEType(), Administrator.DOWNLOADER .getDatastreamContent(m_pid, m_ds.getID(), m_ds.getCreateDate())); add(v.getComponent(), BorderLayout.CENTER); btn.setEnabled(false); m_viewButton.setEnabled(true); validate(); } catch (Exception e) { Administrator.showErrorDialog(Administrator .getDesktop(), "Content View Failure", e.getMessage(), e); } } }); buttonPanel.add(m_viewTextButton); } } else // No Custom Viewer { if (ContentHandlerFactory.hasViewer(ds.getMIMEType())) { m_viewButton = new JButton("View"); Administrator.constrainHeight(m_viewButton); // CENTER: populated on view m_viewButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { JButton btn = (JButton) evt.getSource(); try { ContentViewer v = ContentHandlerFactory .getViewer(getCustomMimeType(m_ds), Administrator.DOWNLOADER .getDatastreamContent(m_pid, m_ds.getID(), m_ds.getCreateDate())); add(v.getComponent(), BorderLayout.CENTER); btn.setEnabled(false); validate(); } catch (Exception e) { Administrator.showErrorDialog(Administrator .getDesktop(), "Content View Failure", e.getMessage(), e); } } }); buttonPanel.add(m_viewButton); } } JButton exportButton = new JButton("Export..."); Administrator.constrainHeight(exportButton); exportButton.addActionListener(new ExportActionListener(m_ds)); buttonPanel.add(exportButton); JButton purgeButton = new JButton("Purge..."); Administrator.constrainHeight(purgeButton); purgeButton.addActionListener(m_purgeButtonListener); purgeButton.setActionCommand(m_ds.getCreateDate()); buttonPanel.add(purgeButton); add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } public Datastream getDatastream() { return m_ds; } } protected class PurgeButtonListener implements ActionListener { Datastream[] m_versions; Object[] m_dateStrings; HashMap<String, Integer> m_dsIndex; public PurgeButtonListener(List<Datastream> versions) { m_versions = versions.toArray(new Datastream[]{}); m_dateStrings = new Object[versions.size()]; m_dsIndex = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < versions.size(); i++) { m_dateStrings[i] = versions.get(i).getCreateDate(); m_dsIndex.put(versions.get(i).getCreateDate(), new Integer(i)); } } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { int sIndex1 = 0; int sIndex2 = 0; boolean canceled = false; if (m_versions.length > 1) { String defaultValue = evt.getActionCommand(); // default date string PurgeDataStreamDialog purgeDialog = new PurgeDataStreamDialog(Administrator.getInstance(), m_versions[0].getID(), defaultValue, m_dateStrings); if (purgeDialog.isCanceled()) { canceled = true; } else { sIndex1 = (m_dsIndex.get(purgeDialog.getStartDate())) .intValue(); sIndex2 = (m_dsIndex.get(purgeDialog.getEndDate())) .intValue(); } } if (!canceled) { // do warning boolean removeAll = false; String detail; if (sIndex1 == 0 && sIndex2 == m_dsIndex.size() - 1) { detail = "the entire datastream."; removeAll = true; } else if (sIndex1 == sIndex2) { detail = "one version of the datastream."; } else { int num = sIndex2 - sIndex1 + 1; detail = "" + num + " versions of the datastream."; } int n = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog(Administrator.getDesktop(), "This will permanently remove " + detail + "\n" + "Are you sure you want to do this?", "Confirmation", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, //don't use a custom Icon new Object[] {"Yes", "No"}, //the titles of buttons "Yes"); //default button title if (n == 0) { try { Administrator.APIM .purgeDatastream(m_pid, m_versions[sIndex1].getID(), m_versions[sIndex2] .getCreateDate(), m_versions[sIndex1] .getCreateDate(), "DatastreamPane generated this logMessage.", // DEFAULT_LOGMESSAGE false); if (removeAll) { m_owner.remove(m_versions[0].getID()); m_done = true; } else { m_owner.refresh(m_versions[0].getID()); m_done = true; } } catch (Exception e) { Administrator .showErrorDialog(Administrator.getDesktop(), "Purge error", e.getMessage(), e); } } } } } public class PurgeDataStreamDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; Object startDate, endDate; boolean canceled; private final JList<?> list; public PurgeDataStreamDialog(JFrame parent, String datastreamName, String defaultVal, Object[] dateStrings) { super(parent, "Purge Datastream", true); JLabel label = new JLabel("Choose versions of datastream " + datastreamName + " to purge:"); getContentPane().add(label, BorderLayout.NORTH); label.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(10, 10, 0, 10)); list = new JList<Object>(dateStrings); list.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION); JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(list); scroll.setBorder(new CompoundBorder(new EmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10), new LineBorder(Color.BLACK))); getContentPane().add(scroll, BorderLayout.CENTER); for (int i = 0; i < dateStrings.length; i++) { if (dateStrings[i].toString().equals(defaultVal)) { list.setSelectionInterval(i, i); } } JPanel buttons = new JPanel(); getContentPane().add(buttons, BorderLayout.SOUTH); JButton purge = new JButton("Purge"); purge.addActionListener(this); JButton cancel = new JButton("Cancel"); cancel.addActionListener(this); buttons.add(purge); buttons.add(cancel); list.setSize(500, 600); pack(); setLocation(Administrator.getInstance().getCenteredPos(getWidth(), getHeight())); canceled = true; setVisible(true); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getActionCommand() == "Purge") { canceled = false; List<?> sel = list.getSelectedValuesList(); startDate = sel.get(0); endDate = sel.get(sel.size() - 1); setVisible(false); } if (e.getActionCommand() == "Cancel") { canceled = true; setVisible(false); } } public Object getEndDate() { return endDate; } public Object getStartDate() { return startDate; } public boolean isCanceled() { return canceled; } } public class ExportActionListener implements ActionListener { Datastream m_ds; public ExportActionListener(Datastream ds) { m_ds = ds; } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { try { FileDialog dlg = new FileDialog(Administrator.INSTANCE, "Export Datastream Content to...", FileDialog.SAVE); if (Administrator.getLastDir() != null) { dlg.setDirectory(Administrator.getLastDir().getPath()); } dlg.setVisible(true); if (dlg.getFile() != null) { File file = new File(new File(dlg.getDirectory()), dlg.getFile()); logger.debug("Exporting to " + file.getPath()); Administrator.setLastDir(file.getParentFile()); // remember the dir for next time Administrator.DOWNLOADER .getDatastreamContent(m_pid, m_ds.getID(), m_ds.getCreateDate(), new FileOutputStream(file)); } } catch (Exception e) { Administrator.showErrorDialog(Administrator.getDesktop(), "Content Export Failure", e.getMessage(), e); } } } public String getCustomMimeType(Datastream ds) { String dsMimetype = ds.getMIMEType(); if (ds.getID().equals("RELS-EXT")) { dsMimetype = "application/rdf+xml"; } return dsMimetype; } public InputStream getDatastreamContent(String pid, String id, String createDate) throws IOException { return Administrator.DOWNLOADER.getDatastreamContent(pid, id, createDate); } }