package; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.fcrepo.common.Constants; /** * A utility class to hold some static methods used by both the REST and SOAP authZ handlers * * @author Benjamin Armintor */ public abstract class ResourceAttributes { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory .getLogger(ResourceAttributes.class); public static Map<URI, AttributeValue> getRepositoryResources() { Map<URI, AttributeValue> resAttr = new HashMap<URI, AttributeValue>(); resAttr.put(Constants.OBJECT.PID.getURI(), Constants.FEDORA_REPOSITORY_PID.getStringAttribute()); resAttr.put(Constants.XACML1_RESOURCE.ID.getURI(), Constants.FEDORA_REPOSITORY_PID.getURIAttribute()); return resAttr; } public static Map<URI, AttributeValue> getResources(String pid) { Map<URI, AttributeValue> resAttr = new HashMap<URI, AttributeValue>(); if (pid != null && !pid.isEmpty()) { resAttr.put(Constants.OBJECT.PID.getURI(), new StringAttribute(pid)); try{ resAttr.put(Constants.XACML1_RESOURCE.ID.attributeId, new AnyURIAttribute(new URI(pid))); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { logger.warn("pid {} is not a valid uri; write policies against the StringAttribute {} instead.", pid, Constants.OBJECT.PID.uri); resAttr.put(Constants.XACML1_RESOURCE.ID.attributeId, new StringAttribute(pid)); } } return resAttr; } public static Map<URI, AttributeValue> getResources(String[] parts) { Map<URI, AttributeValue> resAttr; if (parts.length > 1) { String pid = parts[1]; if (pid.endsWith(".xml")) pid = pid.substring(0,pid.length()-4); resAttr = getResources(pid); if (parts.length > 3){ if ("datastreams".equals(parts[2])) { String dsID = parts[3]; if (dsID.endsWith(".xml")) dsID = dsID.substring(0,dsID.length()-4); if (dsID != null && !dsID.isEmpty()) { resAttr.put(Constants.DATASTREAM.ID.getURI(), new StringAttribute(dsID)); } } } } else { resAttr = new HashMap<URI, AttributeValue>(); } return resAttr; } }