/* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright terms * detailed in the license directory at the root of the source tree (also * available online at http://fedora-commons.org/license/). */ package org.fcrepo.server.oai; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.fcrepo.oai.BadResumptionTokenException; import org.fcrepo.oai.CannotDisseminateFormatException; import org.fcrepo.oai.DateGranularitySupport; import org.fcrepo.oai.DeletedRecordSupport; import org.fcrepo.oai.IDDoesNotExistException; import org.fcrepo.oai.MetadataFormat; import org.fcrepo.oai.NoMetadataFormatsException; import org.fcrepo.oai.NoRecordsMatchException; import org.fcrepo.oai.NoSetHierarchyException; import org.fcrepo.oai.OAIProvider; import org.fcrepo.oai.Record; import org.fcrepo.oai.RepositoryException; import org.fcrepo.server.Module; import org.fcrepo.server.Server; import org.fcrepo.server.errors.ModuleInitializationException; import org.fcrepo.server.search.FieldSearch; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * <p>An OAIProvider that acts as a server module and wraps FedoraOAIProvider. * </p> * * @author Chris Wilper */ public class FedoraOAIProviderModule extends Module implements OAIProvider { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FedoraOAIProviderModule.class); private FedoraOAIProvider m_wrappedOAIProvider; public FedoraOAIProviderModule(Map<String, String> params, Server server, String role) throws ModuleInitializationException { super(params, server, role); } @Override public void postInitModule() throws ModuleInitializationException { String repositoryName = getParameter("repositoryName"); if (repositoryName == null) { throw new ModuleInitializationException("repositoryName must be specified.", getRole()); } String repositoryDomainName = getParameter("repositoryDomainName"); if (repositoryDomainName == null) { throw new ModuleInitializationException("repositoryDomainName must be specified.", getRole()); } String host = getServer().getParameter("fedoraServerHost"); if (host == null) { throw new ModuleInitializationException("fedoraServerHost must be specified as primary server config element.", getRole()); } String context = getServer().getParameter("fedoraAppServerContext"); if (context == null) { throw new ModuleInitializationException("fedoraAppServerContext must be specified as primary server config element.", getRole()); } String port = getServer().getParameter("fedoraServerPort"); if (port == null) { throw new ModuleInitializationException("fedoraServerPort must be specified as primary server config element.", getRole()); } Module mgr = getServer().getModule("org.fcrepo.server.storage.DOManager"); if (mgr == null) { throw new ModuleInitializationException("DOManager is required (for pidNamespace param), but isn't loaded.", getRole()); } String pidNamespace = mgr.getParameter("pidNamespace"); if (pidNamespace == null) { throw new ModuleInitializationException("DOManager did not specify a pidNamespace, but this module requires that it does.", getRole()); } String aes = getParameter("adminEmails"); if (aes == null) { throw new ModuleInitializationException("adminEmails must be specified.", getRole()); } HashSet<String> adminEmails = new HashSet<String>(); if (aes.indexOf(" ") == -1) { adminEmails.add(aes); } else { String[] emails = aes.split(" "); for (String element : emails) { adminEmails.add(element); } } HashSet<String> friends = new HashSet<String>(); if (getParameter("friends") != null) { String f = getParameter("friends"); if (f.indexOf(" ") == -1) { friends.add(f); } else { String[] fs = f.split(" "); for (String element : fs) { friends.add(element); } } } FieldSearch fieldSearch = (FieldSearch) getServer() .getModule("org.fcrepo.server.search.FieldSearch"); if (fieldSearch == null) { throw new ModuleInitializationException("FieldSearch module was not loaded, but is required.", getRole()); } Module fsModule = getServer().getModule("org.fcrepo.server.search.FieldSearch"); if (fsModule.getParameter("maxResults") == null) { throw new ModuleInitializationException("maxResults parameter must be specified in FieldSearch module's configuration.", getRole()); } int maxResults = 0; try { maxResults = Integer.parseInt(fsModule.getParameter("maxResults")); if (maxResults < 1) { throw new NumberFormatException(""); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new ModuleInitializationException("maxResults specified in FieldSearch module's configuration must be a positive integer.", getRole()); } long maxSets = 100; // unused for now, but passed in the constructor anyway long maxRecords = maxResults; long maxHeaders = maxResults; String maxRecordsString = getParameter("maxRecords"); if (maxRecordsString != null) { try { maxRecords = Long.parseLong(maxRecordsString); if (maxRecords > maxResults) { logger.warn("maxRecords was over the limit given by the FieldSearch module, using highest possible value: " + maxResults); maxRecords = maxResults; } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new ModuleInitializationException("maxRecords value is invalid.", getRole()); } } String maxHeadersString = getParameter("maxHeaders"); if (maxHeadersString != null) { try { maxHeaders = Long.parseLong(maxHeadersString); if (maxHeaders > maxResults) { logger.warn("maxHeaders was over the limit given by the FieldSearch module, using highest possible value: " + maxResults); maxHeaders = maxResults; } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new ModuleInitializationException("maxHeaders value is invalid.", getRole()); } } m_wrappedOAIProvider = new FedoraOAIProvider(repositoryName, repositoryDomainName, host, "/" + context + "/oai", adminEmails, friends, pidNamespace, maxSets, maxRecords, maxHeaders, fieldSearch); } public String getRepositoryName() { return m_wrappedOAIProvider.getRepositoryName(); } public String getBaseURL(String protocol, String port) { return m_wrappedOAIProvider.getBaseURL(protocol, port); } public String getProtocolVersion() { return m_wrappedOAIProvider.getProtocolVersion(); } public Date getEarliestDatestamp() { return m_wrappedOAIProvider.getEarliestDatestamp(); } public DeletedRecordSupport getDeletedRecordSupport() { return m_wrappedOAIProvider.getDeletedRecordSupport(); } public DateGranularitySupport getDateGranularitySupport() { return m_wrappedOAIProvider.getDateGranularitySupport(); } public Set<String> getAdminEmails() { return m_wrappedOAIProvider.getAdminEmails(); } public Set<String> getSupportedCompressionEncodings() { return m_wrappedOAIProvider.getSupportedCompressionEncodings(); } public Set<String> getDescriptions() { return m_wrappedOAIProvider.getDescriptions(); } public Record getRecord(String identifier, String metadataPrefix) throws CannotDisseminateFormatException, IDDoesNotExistException, RepositoryException { return m_wrappedOAIProvider.getRecord(identifier, metadataPrefix); } public List<?> getRecords(Date from, Date until, String metadataPrefix, String set) throws CannotDisseminateFormatException, NoRecordsMatchException, NoSetHierarchyException, RepositoryException { return m_wrappedOAIProvider .getRecords(from, until, metadataPrefix, set); } public List<?> getRecords(String resumptionToken) throws CannotDisseminateFormatException, NoRecordsMatchException, NoSetHierarchyException, BadResumptionTokenException, RepositoryException { return m_wrappedOAIProvider.getRecords(resumptionToken); } public List<?> getHeaders(Date from, Date until, String metadataPrefix, String set) throws CannotDisseminateFormatException, NoRecordsMatchException, NoSetHierarchyException, RepositoryException { return m_wrappedOAIProvider .getHeaders(from, until, metadataPrefix, set); } public List<?> getHeaders(String resumptionToken) throws CannotDisseminateFormatException, NoRecordsMatchException, NoSetHierarchyException, BadResumptionTokenException, RepositoryException { return m_wrappedOAIProvider.getHeaders(resumptionToken); } public List<?> getSets() throws NoSetHierarchyException, RepositoryException { return m_wrappedOAIProvider.getSets(); } public List<?> getSets(String resumptionToken) throws BadResumptionTokenException, NoSetHierarchyException, RepositoryException { return m_wrappedOAIProvider.getSets(resumptionToken); } public Set<MetadataFormat> getMetadataFormats(String id) throws NoMetadataFormatsException, IDDoesNotExistException, RepositoryException { return m_wrappedOAIProvider.getMetadataFormats(id); } public long getMaxSets() throws RepositoryException { return m_wrappedOAIProvider.getMaxSets(); } public long getMaxRecords() throws RepositoryException { return m_wrappedOAIProvider.getMaxRecords(); } public long getMaxHeaders() throws RepositoryException { return m_wrappedOAIProvider.getMaxHeaders(); } }