/* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright terms * detailed in the license directory at the root of the source tree (also * available online at http://fedora-commons.org/license/). */ package org.fcrepo.server.storage; import java.io.InputStream; import org.fcrepo.server.Context; import org.fcrepo.server.errors.ServerException; import org.fcrepo.server.errors.StorageDeviceException; import org.fcrepo.server.search.FieldSearchQuery; import org.fcrepo.server.search.FieldSearchResult; /** * A RepositoryReader that provides facilities for creating and modifying * objects within the repository, as well as a query facility. * * @author Chris Wilper */ public interface DOManager extends RepositoryReader { /** * Relinquishes control of a DOWriter back to the DOManager. * * <p>When a DOManager provides a DOWriter, it creates a session lock. This * is used to guarantee that there will never be concurrent changes to the * same object. To release the session lock, a DOWriter user calls this * method. * * @param writer * an instance of a digital object writer. * @throws ServerException * if an error occurs in obtaining a writer. */ public abstract void releaseWriter(DOWriter writer) throws ServerException; /** * Gets a DOWriter for an existing digital object. * * @param context * The context of this request. * @param pid * The PID of the object. * @return A writer, or null if the pid didn't point to an accessible * object. * @throws ServerException * If anything went wrong. */ public abstract DOWriter getWriter(boolean cachedObjectRequired, Context context, String pid) throws ServerException; /** * Creates a copy of the digital object given by the InputStream, with * either a new PID or the PID indicated by the InputStream. * * @param context * The context of this request. * @param in * A serialization of the digital object. * @param format * The format of the serialization. * @param encoding * The character encoding. * @param pid * Whether a new PID should be generated or the one indicated by the * InputStream should be used. If set to "new", a new pid will be generated. * @return a writer. * @throws ServerException * If anything went wrong. */ public abstract DOWriter getIngestWriter(boolean cachedObjectRequired, Context context, InputStream in, String format, String encoding, String pid) throws ServerException; public boolean objectExists(String pid) throws StorageDeviceException; public FieldSearchResult findObjects(Context context, String[] resultFields, int maxResults, FieldSearchQuery query) throws ServerException; public FieldSearchResult resumeFindObjects(Context context, String sessionToken) throws ServerException; public String[] getNextPID(int numPIDs, String namespace) throws ServerException; public String lookupDeploymentForCModel(String cModelPid, String sDefPid); /** * Reserve a series of PIDs so that they are never used for subsequent PID * generations. */ public void reservePIDs(String[] pidList) throws ServerException; /** * Get a "hash" of the repository. This value can be compared to a previous * value to determine whether the content of the repository has changed. It * is not necessary for this value to precisely reflect the state of the * repository, but if the repository hasn't changed, subsequent calls should * return the same value. */ public String getRepositoryHash() throws ServerException; }