package; import; import java.util.Date; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.fcrepo.common.Constants; import org.fcrepo.server.Context; import org.fcrepo.server.MultiValueMap; import org.fcrepo.server.errors.authorization.AuthzException; import org.fcrepo.server.errors.authorization.AuthzOperationalException; import; import; public class FESLAuthorization implements Authorization { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FESLAuthorization.class); private PolicyEnforcementPoint m_pep; public FESLAuthorization(PolicyEnforcementPoint pep) { m_pep = pep; } @Override public void reloadPolicies(Context context) throws Exception { // TODO Implement policy loading for non-web actions } @Override public void enforceAddDatastream(Context context, String pid, String dsId, String[] altIDs, String MIMEType, String formatURI, String dsLocation, String controlGroup, String dsState, String checksumType, String checksum) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceExport(Context context, String pid, String format, String exportContext, String exportEncoding) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceExportObject(Context context, String pid, String format, String exportContext, String exportEncoding) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceGetDatastream(Context context, String pid, String datastreamId, Date asOfDateTime) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceGetDatastreamHistory(Context context, String pid, String datastreamId) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceGetDatastreams(Context context, String pid, Date asOfDate, String state) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceGetNextPid(Context context, String namespace, int nNewPids) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceGetObjectXML(Context context, String pid, String objectXmlEncoding) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceIngest(Context context, String pid, String format, String ingestEncoding) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceIngestObject(Context context, String pid, String format, String ingestEncoding) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceListObjectInFieldSearchResults(Context context, String pid) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceListObjectInResourceIndexResults(Context context, String pid) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceModifyDatastreamByReference(Context context, String pid, String datastreamId, String[] altIDs, String mimeType, String formatURI, String datastreamNewLocation, String checksumType, String checksum) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceModifyDatastreamByValue(Context context, String pid, String datastreamId, String[] altIDs, String mimeType, String formatURI, String checksumType, String checksum) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceModifyObject(Context context, String pid, String objectState, String ownerId) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforcePurgeDatastream(Context context, String pid, String datastreamId, Date endDT) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforcePurgeObject(Context context, String pid) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceSetDatastreamState(Context context, String pid, String datastreamId, String datastreamNewState) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceSetDatastreamVersionable(Context context, String pid, String datastreamId, boolean versionableNewState) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceCompareDatastreamChecksum(Context context, String pid, String datastreamId, Date versionDate) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceGetRelationships(Context context, String pid, String predicate) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceAddRelationship(Context context, String pid, String predicate, String object, boolean isLiteral, String datatype) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforcePurgeRelationship(Context context, String pid, String predicate, String object, boolean isLiteral, String datatype) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceDescribeRepository(Context context) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceFindObjects(Context context) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceRIFindObjects(Context context) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceGetDatastreamDissemination(Context context, String pid, String datastreamId, Date asOfDate) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceGetDissemination(Context context, String pid, String sDefPID, String methodName, Date asOfDate, String authzAux_objState, String authzAux_sdefState, String authzAux_sDepPID, String authzAux_sDepState, String authzAux_dissState) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceGetObjectHistory(Context context, String pid) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceGetObjectProfile(Context context, String pid, Date asOfDate) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceListDatastreams(Context context, String pid, Date asOfDate) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceListMethods(Context context, String pid, Date ofAsDate) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceServerStatus(Context context) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceOAIRespond(Context context) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceUpload(Context context) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforce_Internal_DSState(Context context, String PID, String state) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceResolveDatastream(Context context, Date ticketDateTime) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceReloadPolicies(Context context) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } @Override public void enforceRetrieveFile(Context context, String fileURI) throws AuthzException { try { logger.debug("Entered enforceRetrieveFile for {}", fileURI); String target = Constants.ACTION.RETRIEVE_FILE.uri; context.setActionAttributes(null); context.setResourceAttributes(null); MultiValueMap<URI> resourceAttributes = new MultiValueMap<URI>(); try { resourceAttributes.setReturn(Constants.DATASTREAM.FILE_URI.attributeId, fileURI); } catch (Exception e) { context.setResourceAttributes(null); throw new AuthzOperationalException(target + " couldn't be set " + Constants.DATASTREAM.FILE_URI.attributeId, e); } context.setResourceAttributes(resourceAttributes); m_pep.enforce(context .getSubjectValue(Constants.SUBJECT.LOGIN_ID.uri), target, Constants.ACTION.APIM.uri, "", extractNamespace(fileURI), context); } finally { logger.debug("Exiting enforceRetrieveFile"); } } @Override public void enforceValidate(Context context, String pid, Date asOfDateTime) throws AuthzException { // TODO Determine whether FESL auth checks should be performed at the module level } private final String extractNamespace(String pid) { String namespace = ""; int colonPosition = pid.indexOf(':'); if (-1 < colonPosition) { namespace = pid.substring(0, colonPosition); } return namespace; } }