/* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright terms * detailed in the license directory at the root of the source tree (also * available online at http://fedora-commons.org/license/). */ package org.fcrepo.server.journal.readerwriter.multifile; import java.io.File; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.stream.XMLEventWriter; import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException; import org.fcrepo.server.journal.JournalException; import org.fcrepo.server.journal.JournalWriter; import org.fcrepo.server.journal.ServerInterface; import org.fcrepo.server.journal.entry.CreatorJournalEntry; import org.fcrepo.server.journal.helpers.JournalHelper; import org.fcrepo.server.journal.helpers.ParameterHelper; /** * An implementation of JournalWriter that writes a series of Journal files to a * specified directory. New files are begun when the current file becomes too * large or too old. * * @author Jim Blake */ public class MultiFileJournalWriter extends JournalWriter implements MultiFileJournalConstants { /** the directory that will hold the journal files. */ private final File journalDirectory; /** journal file names will start with this string. */ private final String filenamePrefix; /** number of bytes before we start a new file - 0 means no limit */ private final long sizeLimit; /** number of milliseconds before we start a new file - 0 means no limit */ private final long ageLimit; /** the current journal file - start with a dummy that is already closed. */ private JournalOutputFile currentJournal = JournalOutputFile.DUMMY_FILE; private boolean open = true; /** * Parse the parameters to find out how we are operating. */ public MultiFileJournalWriter(Map<String, String> parameters, String role, ServerInterface server) throws JournalException { super(parameters, role, server); journalDirectory = ParameterHelper .parseParametersForWritableDirectory(parameters, PARAMETER_JOURNAL_DIRECTORY); filenamePrefix = ParameterHelper.parseParametersForFilenamePrefix(parameters); sizeLimit = ParameterHelper.parseParametersForSizeLimit(parameters); ageLimit = ParameterHelper.parseParametersForAgeLimit(parameters); checkForPotentialFilenameConflict(); } /** * Look at the list of files in the current directory, and make sure that * any new files we create won't conflict with them. */ private void checkForPotentialFilenameConflict() throws JournalException { File[] journalFiles = MultiFileJournalHelper .getSortedArrayOfJournalFiles(journalDirectory, filenamePrefix); if (journalFiles.length == 0) { return; } String newestFilename = journalFiles[journalFiles.length - 1].getName(); String potentialFilename = JournalHelper.createTimestampedFilename(filenamePrefix, new Date()); if (newestFilename.compareTo(potentialFilename) > 0) { throw new JournalException("The name of one or more existing files in the journal " + "directory (e.g. '" + newestFilename + "') may conflict with new Journal " + "files. Has the system clock changed?"); } } /** * Before writing an entry, check to see whether we need to close the * current file and/or open a new one. */ @Override public void prepareToWriteJournalEntry() throws JournalException { if (open) { currentJournal.closeIfAppropriate(); if (!currentJournal.isOpen()) { currentJournal = new JournalOutputFile(this, filenamePrefix, journalDirectory, sizeLimit, ageLimit); } } } /** * We've prepared for the entry, so just write it, but remember to * synchronize on the file, so we don't get an asynchronous close while * we're writing. After writing the entry, flush the file. */ @Override public void writeJournalEntry(CreatorJournalEntry journalEntry) throws JournalException { if (open) { try { synchronized (JournalWriter.SYNCHRONIZER) { XMLEventWriter xmlWriter = currentJournal.getXmlWriter(); super.writeJournalEntry(journalEntry, xmlWriter); xmlWriter.flush(); currentJournal.closeIfAppropriate(); } } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new JournalException(e); } } } /** * Close the current journal file. */ @Override public void shutdown() throws JournalException { if (open) { currentJournal.close(); open = false; } } /** * A convenience method so the JournalOutputFile can request its own header. */ void getDocumentHeader(XMLEventWriter xmlWriter) throws JournalException { super.writeDocumentHeader(xmlWriter); } /** * A convenience method so the JournalOutputFile can request its own * trailer. */ void getDocumentTrailer(XMLEventWriter xmlWriter) throws JournalException { super.writeDocumentTrailer(xmlWriter); } /** * Create an informative message for debugging purposes. */ @Override public String toString() { return super.toString() + ", journalDirectory='" + journalDirectory + "', filenamePrefix='" + filenamePrefix + "', sizeLimit=" + sizeLimit + "(bytes), ageLimit=" + ageLimit + "(msec)"; } }