/* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright terms * detailed in the license directory at the root of the source tree (also * available online at http://fedora-commons.org/license/). */ package org.fcrepo.server.storage; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.ws.rs.core.StreamingOutput; import org.jrdf.graph.ObjectNode; import org.jrdf.graph.PredicateNode; import org.jrdf.graph.SubjectNode; import org.fcrepo.server.errors.ServerException; import org.fcrepo.server.storage.DOReader; import org.fcrepo.server.storage.types.AuditRecord; import org.fcrepo.server.storage.types.Datastream; import org.fcrepo.server.storage.types.DigitalObject; import org.fcrepo.server.storage.types.ObjectMethodsDef; import org.fcrepo.server.storage.types.RelationshipTuple; import static org.fcrepo.common.Constants.MODEL; /** * A partial implementation of {@link DOReader} for use in unit tests. Add more * mocking to this class as needed, or override methods in sub-classes. * * @author Jim Blake */ public class MockDOReader implements DOReader { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Mocking infrastructure // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- protected final DigitalObject theObject; public MockDOReader(DigitalObject theObject) { this.theObject = theObject; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Mocked methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public DigitalObject getObject() { return theObject; } public Datastream GetDatastream(String datastreamID, Date versDateTime) throws ServerException { List<Datastream> datastreams = new ArrayList<Datastream>(); for (Datastream d : theObject.datastreams(datastreamID)) { datastreams.add(d); } if (datastreams.isEmpty()) { // If no datastreams, return null. return null; } // Sort versions from newest to oldest. Collections.sort(datastreams, new Comparator<Datastream>() { public int compare(Datastream o1, Datastream o2) { return o2.DSCreateDT.compareTo(o1.DSCreateDT); } }); if (versDateTime == null) { // If no date specified, return the newest version. return datastreams.get(0); } else { // If date is specified, return the newest version that is older // than the specified date. for (Datastream datastream : datastreams) { if (datastream.DSCreateDT.before(versDateTime)) { return datastream; } } // If none are old enough, return null. return null; } } public String GetObjectLabel() throws ServerException { return theObject.getLabel(); } public String GetObjectPID() throws ServerException { return theObject.getPid(); } public String GetObjectState() throws ServerException { return theObject.getState(); } public List<String> getContentModels() throws ServerException { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (RelationshipTuple rel : getRelationships(MODEL.HAS_MODEL, null)) { list.add(rel.object); } return list; } public boolean hasContentModel(ObjectNode contentModel) throws ServerException { return hasRelationship(MODEL.HAS_MODEL, contentModel); } public Date getCreateDate() throws ServerException { return theObject.getCreateDate(); } public Date getLastModDate() throws ServerException { return theObject.getLastModDate(); } public String getOwnerId() throws ServerException { return theObject.getOwnerId(); } public boolean hasRelationship(SubjectNode s, PredicateNode p, ObjectNode o) { return theObject.hasRelationship(s, p, o); } public boolean hasRelationship( PredicateNode p, ObjectNode o) { return theObject.hasRelationship(p, o); } public Set<RelationshipTuple> getRelationships(SubjectNode s, PredicateNode p, ObjectNode o) { return theObject.getRelationships(s, p, o); } public Set<RelationshipTuple> getRelationships(PredicateNode p, ObjectNode o) { return theObject.getRelationships(p, o); } public Set<RelationshipTuple> getRelationships() { return theObject.getRelationships(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Un-implemented methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public InputStream ExportObject(String format, String exportContext) throws ServerException { throw new RuntimeException("MockDOReader.ExportObject not implemented"); } public InputStream Export(String format, String exportContext) throws ServerException { throw new RuntimeException("MockDOReader.Export not implemented"); } public StreamingOutput Stream(String format, String exportContext) throws ServerException { throw new RuntimeException("MockDOReader.Export not implemented"); } public Datastream[] GetDatastreams(Date versDateTime, String state) throws ServerException { throw new RuntimeException("MockDOReader.GetDatastreams not implemented"); } public InputStream GetObjectXML() throws ServerException { throw new RuntimeException("MockDOReader.GetObjectXML not implemented"); } public String[] ListDatastreamIDs(String state) throws ServerException { throw new RuntimeException("MockDOReader.ListDatastreamIDs not implemented"); } public List<AuditRecord> getAuditRecords() throws ServerException { throw new RuntimeException("MockDOReader.getAuditRecords not implemented"); } public Datastream getDatastream(String datastreamID, String versionID) throws ServerException { throw new RuntimeException("MockDOReader.getDatastream not implemented"); } public Date[] getDatastreamVersions(String datastreamID) throws ServerException { throw new RuntimeException("MockDOReader.getDatastreamVersions not implemented"); } public String[] getObjectHistory(String PID) throws ServerException { throw new RuntimeException("MockDOReader.getObjectHistory not implemented"); } public RelationshipTuple[] getRelationships(String relationship) throws ServerException { throw new RuntimeException("MockDOReader.getRelationships not implemented"); } public boolean isFedoraObjectType(int type) throws ServerException { throw new RuntimeException("MockDOReader.isFedoraObjectType not implemented"); } public ObjectMethodsDef[] listMethods(Date versDateTime) throws ServerException { throw new RuntimeException("MockDOReader.listMethods not implemented"); } }