package org.fcrepo.server.validation.ecm; import org.fcrepo.server.Context; import org.fcrepo.server.errors.LowlevelStorageException; import org.fcrepo.server.errors.ServerException; import; import; import; import; import; import org.fcrepo.server.validation.ecm.jaxb.DsCompositeModel; import org.fcrepo.server.validation.ecm.jaxb.DsTypeModel; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.apibinding.OWLManager; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.*; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.OWLClassExpressionVisitorAdapter; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.OWLOntologyMerger; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.xml.bind.JAXB; import; import java.util.*; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: abr * Date: Aug 4, 2010 * Time: 10:50:52 AM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class OwlValidator { private RepositoryReader doMgr; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OwlValidator.class); public OwlValidator(RepositoryReader doMgr) { //To change body of created methods use File | Settings | File Templates. this.doMgr = doMgr; } /** * This is one complex method. * <br> * 1. retrieve the list of content models from the object. * 2. retrieve the ontology datastreams from each of these content models * * @param context * @param asOfDateTime * @param currentObjectReader * @param validation * @throws org.fcrepo.server.errors.ServerException * */ public void validate(Context context, Date asOfDateTime, DOReader currentObjectReader, Validation validation) throws ServerException { OWLOntologyManager owlManager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager(); List<String> contentmodels = currentObjectReader.getContentModels(); for (String contentmodel : contentmodels) { contentmodel = contentmodel.substring("info:fedora/".length()); DOReader contentmodelReader; try { contentmodelReader = doMgr.getReader(false, context, contentmodel); } catch (LowlevelStorageException e) {//content model could not be found continue; } if (asOfDateTime != null) { //disregard content models created after the asOfDateTime if (!contentmodelReader.getCreateDate().before(asOfDateTime)) { continue; } } Datastream ontologyDS = contentmodelReader.GetDatastream("ONTOLOGY", asOfDateTime); if (ontologyDS == null) {//No ontology in the content model, continue continue; } InputStream ontologyStream = ontologyDS.getContentStream(); try { owlManager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(ontologyStream); } catch (OWLOntologyCreationException e) { logger.debug("Failed to load ontology for object " + currentObjectReader.GetObjectPID(), e); } } OWLOntologyMerger merger = new OWLOntologyMerger(owlManager); IRI mergedOntologyIRI = IRI.create(""); OWLOntology mergedOntology = null; try { mergedOntology = merger.createMergedOntology(owlManager, mergedOntologyIRI); } catch (OWLOntologyCreationException e) { logger.debug("Failed to load ontology for object " + currentObjectReader.GetObjectPID(), e); } //Make a new restrition visitor. RestrictionVisitor restrictionVisitor = new RestrictionVisitor(Collections.singleton(mergedOntology)); Set<RelationshipTuple> relations = currentObjectReader.getRelationships(); for (String contentmodel : contentmodels) { List<String> datastreamNames = getDatastreamNames(context, contentmodel, asOfDateTime); for (String datastreamName : datastreamNames) { IRI datastreamDeclaration = toIRI(contentmodel, datastreamName); OWLClass datastreamClass = owlManager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLClass(datastreamDeclaration); for (OWLSubClassOfAxiom ax : mergedOntology.getSubClassAxiomsForSubClass(datastreamClass)) { OWLClassExpression superCls = ax.getSuperClass(); // Ask our superclass to accept a visit from the RestrictionVisitor - if it is an // existential restiction then our restriction visitor will answer it - if not our // visitor will ignore it superCls.accept(restrictionVisitor); } String datastream = "info:fedora/" + currentObjectReader.GetObjectPID() + "/" + datastreamName; /* NodeList relationsNodes = xpathselector .selectNodeList(relsint, "/rdf:RDF/rdf:Description[@rdf:about='" + datastream + "']*/ /*"); */ Set<RelationshipTuple> relationsAbout = getRelationsSubjectTo(relations, datastream); checkMinCardinality(datastream, relationsAbout, restrictionVisitor, validation); checkMaxCardinality(datastream, relationsAbout, restrictionVisitor, validation); checkExactCardinality(datastream, relationsAbout, restrictionVisitor, validation); checkSomeValuesFrom(datastream, relationsAbout, restrictionVisitor, validation, context); checkAllValuesFrom(datastream, relationsAbout, restrictionVisitor, validation, context); restrictionVisitor.reset(); } } for (String contentmodel : contentmodels) { IRI objectDeclaration = toIRI(contentmodel, null); OWLClass objectClass = owlManager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLClass(objectDeclaration); for (OWLSubClassOfAxiom ax : mergedOntology.getSubClassAxiomsForSubClass(objectClass)) { OWLClassExpression superCls = ax.getSuperClass(); // Ask our superclass to accept a visit from the RestrictionVisitor - if it is an // existential restiction then our restriction visitor will answer it - if not our // visitor will ignore it superCls.accept(restrictionVisitor); } String pid = "info:fedora/" + currentObjectReader.GetObjectPID(); Set<RelationshipTuple> relationsAbout = getRelationsSubjectTo(relations, pid); checkMinCardinality(pid, relationsAbout, restrictionVisitor, validation); checkMaxCardinality(pid, relationsAbout, restrictionVisitor, validation); checkExactCardinality(pid, relationsAbout, restrictionVisitor, validation); checkSomeValuesFrom(pid, relationsAbout, restrictionVisitor, validation, context); checkAllValuesFrom(pid, relationsAbout, restrictionVisitor, validation, context); restrictionVisitor.reset(); } } private Set<RelationshipTuple> getRelationsSubjectTo(Set<RelationshipTuple> relations, String datastream) { HashSet<RelationshipTuple> found = new HashSet<RelationshipTuple>(); for (RelationshipTuple relation : relations) { if (relation.subject.equals(datastream)){ found.add(relation); } } return found; } private void checkAllValuesFrom(String subject, Set<RelationshipTuple> relations, RestrictionVisitor restrictionVisitor, Validation validation, Context context) throws ServerException { Map<OWLObjectProperty, OWLClass> map = restrictionVisitor.getAllValuesFrom(); for (OWLObjectProperty owlObjectProperty : map.keySet()) { String ontologyrelation = owlObjectProperty.getIRI().toString(); OWLClass requiredclass = map.get(owlObjectProperty); String requiredTarget = requiredclass.getIRI().toString(); for (RelationshipTuple relation : relations) { String objectRelationName = relation.predicate; if (objectRelationName.equals(ontologyrelation)) {//This is one of the restricted relations String target = relation.object; List<String> classes; try { classes = getClassesOfTarget(target, context); } catch (ServerException e){ validation.setValid(false); validation.getObjectProblems().add(Errors.missingObjectViolation(subject,objectRelationName,requiredTarget, target)); continue; } boolean found = false; for (String aClass : classes) { if (aClass.equals(requiredclass.getIRI().toString())){ found = true; break; } } if (!found) { validation.setValid(false); validation.getObjectProblems().add(Errors.allValuesFromViolation(subject, ontologyrelation,requiredTarget)); } } } } } private List<String> getClassesOfTarget(String target, Context context) throws ServerException { List<String> classes = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!target.startsWith("info:fedora/")) { return new ArrayList<String>(); } else { target = target.substring("info:fedora/".length()); } int lastIndexOfSlash = target.lastIndexOf("/"); String targetPid; String dsname = ""; if (lastIndexOfSlash > 0) {//target is a datastream targetPid = target.substring(0, lastIndexOfSlash); dsname = "datastreams/"+target.substring(lastIndexOfSlash+1)+"/"; } else { //target is an object targetPid = target; } List<String> targetContentModels; DOReader targetReader = doMgr.getReader(false, context, targetPid); targetContentModels = targetReader.getContentModels(); for (String targetContentModel : targetContentModels) { targetContentModel = targetContentModel+"#" +dsname+"class"; classes.add(targetContentModel); } return classes; } private void checkSomeValuesFrom(String subject, Set<RelationshipTuple> relations, RestrictionVisitor restrictionVisitor, Validation validation, Context context) throws ServerException { Map<OWLObjectProperty, OWLClass> map = restrictionVisitor.getSomeValuesFrom(); for (OWLObjectProperty owlObjectProperty : map.keySet()) { String ontologyrelation = owlObjectProperty.getIRI().toString(); OWLClass requiredclass = map.get(owlObjectProperty); String requiredTarget = requiredclass.getIRI().toString(); int count = countRelations(ontologyrelation, relations); if (count < 1) { validation.setValid(false); validation.getObjectProblems().add(Errors.someValuesFromViolationNoSuchRelation(subject, ontologyrelation,requiredTarget)); continue; } boolean found = false; for (RelationshipTuple relation : relations) { String objectRelationName = relation.predicate; if (objectRelationName.equals(ontologyrelation)) {//This is one of the restricted relations String target = relation.object; List<String> classes; try { classes = getClassesOfTarget(target, context); } catch (ServerException e){ //object not found. So, continue to next continue; } for (String aClass : classes) { if (aClass.equals(requiredclass.getIRI().toString())){ found = true; break; } } } else { continue; } } if (!found) { validation.setValid(false); validation.getObjectProblems().add( Errors.someValuesFromViolationWrongClassOfTarget(subject, ontologyrelation, requiredTarget)); } } } private void checkMinCardinality(String subject, Set<RelationshipTuple> relations, RestrictionVisitor restrictionVisitor, Validation validation) { Map<OWLObjectProperty, Integer> map = restrictionVisitor.getMinCardinality(); for (OWLObjectProperty owlObjectProperty : map.keySet()) { String ontologyrelation = owlObjectProperty.getIRI().toString(); int count = countRelations(ontologyrelation, relations); int min = map.get(owlObjectProperty); if (count < min) { validation.setValid(false); validation.getObjectProblems() .add(Errors.minCardinalityViolation(subject, ontologyrelation,min)); } } } private void checkMaxCardinality(String subject, Set<RelationshipTuple> relations, RestrictionVisitor restrictionVisitor, Validation validation) { Map<OWLObjectProperty, Integer> map = restrictionVisitor.getMaxCardinality(); for (OWLObjectProperty owlObjectProperty : map.keySet()) { String ontologyrelation = owlObjectProperty.getIRI().toString(); int count = countRelations(ontologyrelation, relations); int max = map.get(owlObjectProperty); if (count > max) { validation.setValid(false); validation.getObjectProblems() .add(Errors.maxCardinalityViolation(subject, ontologyrelation,max)); } } } private void checkExactCardinality(String subject, Set<RelationshipTuple> relations, RestrictionVisitor restrictionVisitor, Validation validation) { Map<OWLObjectProperty, Integer> map = restrictionVisitor.getCardinality(); for (OWLObjectProperty owlObjectProperty : map.keySet()) { String ontologyrelation = owlObjectProperty.getIRI().toString(); int count; count = countRelations(ontologyrelation, relations); Integer exact = map.get(owlObjectProperty); if (count != exact) { validation.setValid(false); validation.getObjectProblems() .add(Errors.exactCardinalityViolation(subject, ontologyrelation,exact)); } } } /** * Private utility method. Counts the number of relations with a given name in a list of relatiosn * * @param relationName the relation name * @param objectRelations the list of relations * @return the number of relations with relationName in the list */ private int countRelations(String relationName, Set<RelationshipTuple> objectRelations) { int count = 0; if (objectRelations == null) { return 0; } for (RelationshipTuple objectRelation : objectRelations) { if (objectRelation.predicate.equals(relationName)) {//This is one of the restricted relations count++; } } return count; } private IRI toIRI(String contentmodel, String datastreamName) { if (!contentmodel.startsWith("info:fedora/")) { contentmodel = "info:fedora/" + contentmodel; } if (datastreamName != null) { datastreamName = "datastreams/" + datastreamName+"/"; } else { datastreamName = ""; } return IRI.create(contentmodel + "#"+datastreamName+"class"); } private List<String> getDatastreamNames(Context context, String contentmodel, Date asOfDateTime) throws ServerException { ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); if (contentmodel.startsWith("info:fedora/")) { contentmodel = contentmodel.substring("info:fedora/".length()); } DOReader reader = doMgr.getReader(false, context, contentmodel); Datastream dscompmodelDS = reader.GetDatastream("DS-COMPOSITE-MODEL", asOfDateTime); if (dscompmodelDS == null) {//NO ds composite model, thats okay, continue to next content model return names; } DsCompositeModel dscompobject = JAXB.unmarshal(dscompmodelDS.getContentStream(context), DsCompositeModel.class); for (DsTypeModel typeModel : dscompobject.getDsTypeModel()) { names.add(typeModel.getID()); } return names; } /** * Visits restrictions and collects the properties which are restricted */ private static class RestrictionVisitor extends OWLClassExpressionVisitorAdapter { private boolean processInherited = true; private Set<OWLClass> processedClasses; private Map<OWLObjectProperty, OWLClass> someValuesFrom; private Map<OWLObjectProperty, OWLClass> allValuesFrom; private Map<OWLObjectProperty, Integer> minCardinality; private Map<OWLObjectProperty, Integer> cardinality; private Map<OWLObjectProperty, Integer> maxCardinality; private Set<OWLOntology> onts; public RestrictionVisitor(Set<OWLOntology> onts) { someValuesFrom = new HashMap<OWLObjectProperty, OWLClass>(); allValuesFrom = new HashMap<OWLObjectProperty, OWLClass>(); minCardinality = new HashMap<OWLObjectProperty, Integer>(); cardinality = new HashMap<OWLObjectProperty, Integer>(); maxCardinality = new HashMap<OWLObjectProperty, Integer>(); processedClasses = new HashSet<OWLClass>(); this.onts = onts; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void setProcessInherited(boolean processInherited) { this.processInherited = processInherited; } public void visit(OWLClass desc) { if (processInherited && !processedClasses.contains(desc)) { // If we are processing inherited restrictions then // we recursively visit named supers. Note that we // need to keep track of the classes that we have processed // so that we don't get caught out by cycles in the taxonomy processedClasses.add(desc); for (OWLOntology ont : onts) { for (OWLSubClassOfAxiom ax : ont.getSubClassAxiomsForSubClass(desc)) { ax.getSuperClass().accept(this); } } } } public void reset() { processedClasses.clear(); someValuesFrom.clear(); allValuesFrom.clear(); minCardinality.clear(); cardinality.clear(); maxCardinality.clear(); } public void visit(OWLObjectExactCardinality desc) { cardinality.put(desc.getProperty().asOWLObjectProperty(), desc.getCardinality()); } public void visit(OWLObjectMaxCardinality desc) { maxCardinality.put(desc.getProperty().asOWLObjectProperty(), desc.getCardinality()); } public void visit(OWLObjectMinCardinality desc) { minCardinality.put(desc.getProperty().asOWLObjectProperty(), desc.getCardinality()); } public void visit(OWLObjectAllValuesFrom desc) { allValuesFrom.put(desc.getProperty().asOWLObjectProperty(), desc.getFiller().asOWLClass()); } public void visit(OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom desc) { // This method gets called when a class expression is an // existential (someValuesFrom) restriction and it asks us to visit it someValuesFrom.put(desc.getProperty().asOWLObjectProperty(), desc.getFiller().asOWLClass()); } public void visit(OWLDataSomeValuesFrom desc) { } public void visit(OWLDataAllValuesFrom desc) { } public void visit(OWLDataMinCardinality desc) { } public void visit(OWLDataExactCardinality desc) { } public void visit(OWLDataMaxCardinality desc) { } public Map<OWLObjectProperty, OWLClass> getSomeValuesFrom() { return someValuesFrom; } public Map<OWLObjectProperty, OWLClass> getAllValuesFrom() { return allValuesFrom; } public Map<OWLObjectProperty, Integer> getMinCardinality() { return minCardinality; } public Map<OWLObjectProperty, Integer> getCardinality() { return cardinality; } public Map<OWLObjectProperty, Integer> getMaxCardinality() { return maxCardinality; } } }