/* The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright terms * detailed in the license directory at the root of the source tree (also * available online at http://fedora-commons.org/license/). */ package org.fcrepo.server.journal; import org.fcrepo.server.Context; import org.fcrepo.server.Module; import org.fcrepo.server.Server; import org.fcrepo.server.errors.ModuleInitializationException; import org.fcrepo.server.errors.ModuleShutdownException; import org.fcrepo.server.errors.ServerException; import org.fcrepo.server.management.Management; import org.fcrepo.server.management.ManagementDelegate; import org.fcrepo.server.messaging.PName; import org.fcrepo.server.storage.types.Datastream; import org.fcrepo.server.storage.types.RelationshipTuple; import org.fcrepo.server.storage.types.Validation; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import javax.ws.rs.core.StreamingOutput; /** * A Management module that decorates a ManagementDelegate module with code that * either creates a Journal or consumes a Journal, depending on the startup * parameters. * * @author Jim Blake */ public class Journaler extends Module implements Management, JournalConstants { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Journaler.class); private JournalWorker worker; private boolean inRecoveryMode; private ServerInterface serverInterface; public Journaler(Map<String, String> moduleParameters, Server server, String role) throws ModuleInitializationException { super(moduleParameters, server, role); } /** * Augment the parameters with values obtained from System Properties, and * create the proper worker (JournalCreator or JournalConsumer) for the * current mode. */ @Override public void initModule() throws ModuleInitializationException { Map<String, String> parameters = getParameters(); copyPropertiesOverParameters(parameters); serverInterface = new ServerWrapper(getServer()); logger.info("Journaling parameters: " + parameters); parseParameters(parameters); if (inRecoveryMode) { worker = new JournalConsumer(parameters, getRole(), serverInterface); } else { worker = new JournalCreator(parameters, getRole(), serverInterface); } logger.info("Journal worker module is: " + worker.toString()); } /** * Get the ManagementDelegate module and pass it to the worker. */ @Override public void postInitModule() throws ModuleInitializationException { ManagementDelegate delegate = serverInterface.getManagementDelegate(); if (delegate == null) { throw new ModuleInitializationException("Can't get a ManagementDelegate from Server.getModule()", getRole()); } worker.setManagementDelegate(delegate); } /** * Tell the worker to shut down. */ @Override public void shutdownModule() throws ModuleShutdownException { worker.shutdown(); } /** * Augment, and perhaps override, the server parameters, using any System * Property whose name begins with "fedora.journal.". So, for example, a * System Property of "fedora.journal.mode" will override a server parameter * of "mode". */ private void copyPropertiesOverParameters(Map<String, String> parameters) { Properties properties = System.getProperties(); for (Object object : properties.keySet()) { String key = (String) object; if (key.startsWith(SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PREFIX)) { parameters.put(key.substring(SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PREFIX.length()), properties.getProperty(key)); } } } /** * Check the parameters for required values and for acceptable values. At * this point, the only parameter we care about is "mode". */ private void parseParameters(Map<String, String> parameters) throws ModuleInitializationException { logger.info("Parameters: " + parameters); String mode = parameters.get(PARAMETER_JOURNAL_MODE); if (mode == null) { inRecoveryMode = false; } else if (mode.equals(VALUE_JOURNAL_MODE_NORMAL)) { inRecoveryMode = false; } else if (mode.equals(VALUE_JOURNAL_MODE_RECOVER)) { inRecoveryMode = true; } else { throw new ModuleInitializationException("'" + PARAMETER_JOURNAL_MODE + "' parameter must be '" + VALUE_JOURNAL_MODE_NORMAL + "'(default) or '" + VALUE_JOURNAL_MODE_RECOVER + "'", getRole()); } } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Delegate all of the "Management" methods to the worker. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public String ingest(Context context, InputStream serialization, String logMessage, String format, String encoding, String pid) throws ServerException { return worker.ingest(context, serialization, logMessage, format, encoding, pid); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public Date modifyObject(Context context, String pid, String state, String label, String ownerId, String logMessage, Date lastModifiedDate) throws ServerException { return worker.modifyObject(context, pid, state, label, ownerId, logMessage, lastModifiedDate); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public InputStream getObjectXML(Context context, String pid, String encoding) throws ServerException { return worker.getObjectXML(context, pid, encoding); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public InputStream export(Context context, String pid, String format, String exportContext, String encoding) throws ServerException { return worker.export(context, pid, format, exportContext, encoding); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public StreamingOutput stream(Context context, String pid, String format, String exportContext, String encoding) throws ServerException { return worker.stream(context, pid, format, exportContext, encoding); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public Date purgeObject(Context context, String pid, String logMessage) throws ServerException { return worker.purgeObject(context, pid, logMessage); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public String addDatastream(Context context, String pid, String dsID, String[] altIDs, String dsLabel, boolean versionable, String MIMEType, String formatURI, String location, String controlGroup, String dsState, String checksumType, String checksum, String logMessage) throws ServerException { return worker.addDatastream(context, pid, dsID, altIDs, dsLabel, versionable, MIMEType, formatURI, location, controlGroup, dsState, checksumType, checksum, logMessage); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public Date modifyDatastreamByReference(Context context, String pid, String datastreamID, String[] altIDs, String dsLabel, String mimeType, String formatURI, String dsLocation, String checksumType, String checksum, String logMessage, Date lastModifiedDate) throws ServerException { return worker.modifyDatastreamByReference(context, pid, datastreamID, altIDs, dsLabel, mimeType, formatURI, dsLocation, checksumType, checksum, logMessage, lastModifiedDate); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public Date modifyDatastreamByValue(Context context, String pid, String datastreamID, String[] altIDs, String dsLabel, String mimeType, String formatURI, InputStream dsContent, String checksumType, String checksum, String logMessage, Date lastModifiedDate ) throws ServerException { return worker.modifyDatastreamByValue(context, pid, datastreamID, altIDs, dsLabel, mimeType, formatURI, dsContent, checksumType, checksum, logMessage, null ); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public Date[] purgeDatastream(Context context, String pid, String datastreamID, Date startDT, Date endDT, String logMessage) throws ServerException { return worker.purgeDatastream(context, pid, datastreamID, startDT, endDT, logMessage); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public Datastream getDatastream(Context context, String pid, String datastreamID, Date asOfDateTime) throws ServerException { return worker.getDatastream(context, pid, datastreamID, asOfDateTime); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public Datastream[] getDatastreams(Context context, String pid, Date asOfDateTime, String dsState) throws ServerException { return worker.getDatastreams(context, pid, asOfDateTime, dsState); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public Datastream[] getDatastreamHistory(Context context, String pid, String datastreamID) throws ServerException { return worker.getDatastreamHistory(context, pid, datastreamID); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public String putTempStream(Context context, InputStream in) throws ServerException { return worker.putTempStream(context, in); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public InputStream getTempStream(String id) throws ServerException { return worker.getTempStream(id); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public Date setDatastreamState(Context context, String pid, String dsID, String dsState, String logMessage) throws ServerException { return worker.setDatastreamState(context, pid, dsID, dsState, logMessage); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public Date setDatastreamVersionable(Context context, String pid, String dsID, boolean versionable, String logMessage) throws ServerException { return worker.setDatastreamVersionable(context, pid, dsID, versionable, logMessage); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public String compareDatastreamChecksum(Context context, String pid, String dsID, Date versionDate) throws ServerException { return worker .compareDatastreamChecksum(context, pid, dsID, versionDate); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public String[] getNextPID(Context context, int numPIDs, String namespace) throws ServerException { return worker.getNextPID(context, numPIDs, namespace); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public RelationshipTuple[] getRelationships(Context context, String pid, String relationship) throws ServerException { return worker.getRelationships(context, pid, relationship); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public boolean addRelationship(Context context, String pid, String relationship, String object, boolean isLiteral, String datatype) throws ServerException { return worker.addRelationship(context, pid, relationship, object, isLiteral, datatype); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public boolean purgeRelationship(Context context, String pid, String relationship, String object, boolean isLiteral, String datatype) throws ServerException { return worker.purgeRelationship(context, pid, relationship, object, isLiteral, datatype); } /** * Delegate to the JournalWorker. */ public Validation validate(@PName("context") Context context, @PName("pid") String pid, @PName("asOfDateTime") Date asOfDateTime) throws ServerException { return worker.validate(context, pid, asOfDateTime); } }