package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; /** * The default implementation of the {@link INotification} interface * <p/> * Provides a threadsafe implementation that is essentially immutable. Only the * acknowledgement indicators may change after object creation, and they can * only be changed through a call {@link #acknowledge()}, which is an idempotent * operation. * * @author James Navin ( */ public class Notification implements INotification { private long id; private NotificationLevel level; private NotificationCategory category; private long creationTimestamp; private String title; private String text; private INotificationAction[] actions; private boolean requiresAcknowledgement = false; private boolean acknowledged = false; private INotificationAction acknowledgementAction; private long acknowledgementTimestamp = -1; private Throwable throwable; /** * Create a basic general notification that has no associated actions and * does not require user acknowledgement * * @param level * The level of the notification * @param title * The title for the notification * @param text * The text to include in the notification */ public Notification(NotificationLevel level, String title, String text) { this(level, NotificationCategory.GENERAL, title, text, null, false, null, null); } /** * Create a notification that has associated actions, but does not require * user acknowledgement * * @param level * The level of the notification * @param category * The category of the notification * @param title * The title for the notification * @param text * The text to include in the notification * @param actions * The list of actions to include in the notification */ public Notification(NotificationLevel level, NotificationCategory category, String title, String text, INotificationAction... actions) { this(level, category, title, text, actions, false, null, null); } /** * Create a fully configured notification * * @param level * The level of the notification * @param title * The title for the notification * @param text * The text to include in the notification * @param actions * The list of actions to include in the notification * @param requiresAcknowledgement * Whether or not this notification requires acknowledgement from * the user * @param acknowledgementAction * The action to associate with user acknowledgement */ public Notification(NotificationLevel level, NotificationCategory category, String title, String text, INotificationAction[] actions, boolean requiresAcknowledgement, INotificationAction acknowledgementAction, Throwable throwable) { this.level = level; this.category = category; this.title = title; this.text = text; this.actions = actions == null ? null : Arrays.copyOf(actions, actions.length); this.requiresAcknowledgement = requiresAcknowledgement; this.acknowledgementAction = acknowledgementAction; this.creationTimestamp = new Date().getTime(); = UUID.randomUUID().getLeastSignificantBits(); this.throwable = throwable; } @Override public NotificationLevel getLevel() { return level; } @Override public NotificationCategory getCategory() { return category; } @Override public long getId() { return id; } @Override public String getTitle() { return title; } @Override public String getText() { return text; } @Override public INotificationAction[] getActions() { return actions; } @Override public boolean requiresAcknowledgment() { return requiresAcknowledgement; } @Override public INotificationAction getAcknowledgementAction() { return acknowledgementAction; } @Override public synchronized boolean isAcknowledged() { return acknowledged; } @Override public Date getCreationTimestamp() { return new Date(creationTimestamp); } @Override public synchronized Date getAcknowledgementTimestamp() { if (acknowledgementTimestamp < 0) { return null; } return new Date(acknowledgementTimestamp); } @Override public synchronized void acknowledge() { if (isAcknowledged()) { return; } acknowledged = true; acknowledgementTimestamp = new Date().getTime(); if (acknowledgementAction != null) {; } } @Override public Throwable getThrowable() { return throwable; } /** * Create a new {@link Notification} instance using a builder * * @param level * The level of the notification * @param title * The title for the notification * @param text * The text to include in the notification */ public static Builder create(NotificationLevel level, String title, String text) { return new Builder(level, title, text); } /** * A builder class for Notification instances that provides a convenient * fluent interface */ public static class Builder { private NotificationLevel level; private NotificationCategory category; private String title; private String text; private List<INotificationAction> actions = new ArrayList<INotificationAction>(); private boolean requiresAcknowledgement = false; private INotificationAction acknowledgementAction; private Throwable throwable; /** * @see INotification#getLevel() * @see INotification#getTitle() * @see INotification#getText() */ public Builder(NotificationLevel level, String title, String text) { this.level = level; this.title = title; this.text = text; } public Builder(IStatus status) { this.text = status.getMessage(); this.title = status.getMessage(); this.level = getLevel(status.getSeverity()); } private NotificationLevel getLevel(int statusSeverity) { switch (statusSeverity) { case IStatus.ERROR: return NotificationLevel.ERROR; case IStatus.WARNING: return NotificationLevel.WARNING; case IStatus.INFO: return NotificationLevel.INFORMATION; default: return NotificationLevel.INFORMATION; } } /** * @see INotification#getCategory() */ public Builder inCategory(NotificationCategory category) { this.category = category; return this; } /** * @see INotification#getActions() */ public Builder withAction(INotificationAction action) { if (action == null) { return this; } this.actions.add(action); return this; } /** * @see INotification#getActions() */ public Builder withActions(INotificationAction... actions) { if (actions == null) { return this; } this.actions.addAll(Arrays.asList(actions)); return this; } public Builder requiringAcknowledgement(boolean required) { this.requiresAcknowledgement = required; this.acknowledgementAction = required ? new DefaultAcknowledgementAction() : null; return this; } /** * @see INotification#requiresAcknowledgment() * @see INotification#getAcknowledgementAction() */ public Builder requiringAcknowledgement() { return requiringAcknowledgement(true); } /** * @see INotification#requiresAcknowledgment() * @see INotification#getAcknowledgementAction() */ public Builder requiringAcknowledgement(INotificationAction acknowledgementAction) { this.requiresAcknowledgement = true; this.acknowledgementAction = acknowledgementAction; return this; } /** * @see INotification#getThrowable() */ public Builder withThrowable(Throwable t) { this.throwable = t; return this; } public Notification build() { if (requiresAcknowledgement && acknowledgementAction == null) { acknowledgementAction = new DefaultAcknowledgementAction(); } return new Notification(level, category, title, text, actions.toArray(new INotificationAction[actions .size()]), requiresAcknowledgement, acknowledgementAction, throwable); } } private static class DefaultAcknowledgementAction implements INotificationAction { @Override public String getText() { return Messages.Notification_DefaultActionText; } @Override public String getTooltip() { return null; } @Override public void run() { // NOOP } } }