package; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Singleton; import org.eclipse.e4.core.di.annotations.Creatable; import org.eclipse.e4.core.di.extensions.Preference; import; import; import; /** * Default implementation of the {@link IPopupNotificationPreferences} interface * that binds to preferences via the Eclipse preference mechanism * * @author James Navin ( */ @Creatable @Singleton public class PopupNotificationPreferences implements IPopupNotificationPreferences { @Inject @Preference(nodePath = QUALIFIER_ID, value = ENABLE_POPUPS) private boolean enabled; @Inject @Preference(nodePath = QUALIFIER_ID, value = SHOW_INFO_NOTIFICATIONS) private boolean infoEnabled; @Inject @Preference(nodePath = QUALIFIER_ID, value = SHOW_WARNING_NOTIFICATIONS) private boolean warningEnabled; @Inject @Preference(nodePath = QUALIFIER_ID, value = SHOW_ERROR_NOTIFICATIONS) private boolean errorEnabled; @Inject @Preference(nodePath = QUALIFIER_ID, value = POPUP_DURATION) private int displayDuration; @Inject @Preference(nodePath = QUALIFIER_ID, value = CATEGORY_FILTER) private String enabledCategories; @Override public boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; } @Override public boolean shouldShow(INotification notification) { if (!enabled || notification == null) { return false; } if (!enabledFor(notification.getLevel())) { return false; } return enabledFor(notification.getCategory()); } private boolean enabledFor(NotificationLevel level) { switch (level) { case INFORMATION: { return enabled && infoEnabled; } case WARNING: { return enabled && warningEnabled; } case ERROR: { return enabled && errorEnabled; } } return false; } private boolean enabledFor(NotificationCategory category) { return enabledCategories == null || enabledCategories.isEmpty() || enabledCategories.contains(category.getId()); } @Override public int getDisplayDuration() { return displayDuration; } }