package wikilib; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class WikiLib extends Thread { private List<Request> requests; private Pattern removeHtml = Pattern.compile("\\<.*?\\>"); private Pattern findKeywords = Pattern.compile("\\[\\[([\\sa-zA-Z0-9]+)(\\|\\s*([\\sa-zA-Z0-9]+))?\\]\\]"); private Pattern findSpaces = Pattern.compile("\\s"); private Pattern findTitle = Pattern.compile("<h1.*>(.*)</h1>"); public WikiLib() { super("WikiLib Thread"); requests = new ArrayList<Request>(); start(); } // Thread main process @Override public void run() { while (true) { boolean b; synchronized (requests) { b = !requests.isEmpty(); ; } Request req; while (b) { synchronized (requests) { req = requests.remove(0); } searchPage(req); synchronized (requests) { b = !requests.isEmpty(); } } try { sleep(250); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } public void search(Request req) { synchronized (requests) { requests.add(req); } } private void searchPage(Request req) { BufferedReader in; try { in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(req.url.openStream())); String inputLine, content = ""; while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) content += inputLine; in.close(); if (content.indexOf("<div class='searchresults'>") != -1) { req.result = formatSearchResults(content); req.complete(); } else { Matcher ma = findTitle.matcher(content); ma.find(); req.title = formatSymbols(; req.result = formatPage(content); req.complete(); } } catch (IOException e) { req.result = e.toString(); req.complete(); } } private String formatPage(String content) { // clean up the contents so less content to go through (faster) int s = content.indexOf("<!-- start content -->"); int f = content.indexOf("<div class=\"printfooter\">"); content = content.substring(s, f); content = removeSpanSort(content); content = formatTables(content); content = removeScript(content); content = content.replaceAll("\\{", ""); content = content.replaceAll("\\}", ""); content = content.replaceAll("<br/>", "\n"); content = content.replaceAll("</p>", "\n"); content = formatH2(content); content = formatH3(content); content = formatLinks(content); content = formatOL(content); content = formatUL(content); content = this.removeHtml.matcher(content).replaceAll(""); content = formatSymbols(content); return content; } private String formatSymbols(String content) { return content.replaceAll(">", ">").replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(" ", " ").replaceAll("'", "'").replaceAll("&", "&"); } private String formatSearchResults(String content) { String buf = ""; // clean up the contents so less content to go through (faster) content = content.substring(content.indexOf("<div class='searchresults'>"), content.indexOf("<div class=\"printfooter\">")); content = content.replaceAll("\\{", ""); content = content.replaceAll("\\}", ""); // Create each search section String[] h2 = new String[50]; int idx = 0, cnt = 0; while (content.indexOf("<h2>", idx) != -1) { int h2Start = content.indexOf("<h2>", idx); int h2End = content.indexOf("</h2>", h2Start); h2[cnt] = this.removeHtml.matcher(content.substring(h2Start, h2End)).replaceAll(""); idx = h2End; cnt++; } // Get content for each section int idxHeader = 0; cnt = 0; while (content.indexOf("<ul class='mw-search-results'>", idxHeader) != -1) { // Alot of abusing of indexOf cause faster than compiled regex buf += "$size[14]{$b{" + h2[cnt] + ":}}\n\n"; int ulStart = content.indexOf("<ul class='mw-search-results'>", idxHeader); idxHeader = ulStart + 1; String header = content.substring(ulStart, content.indexOf("</ul>", ulStart)); // for each search section create search items int idxItem = header.indexOf("<li>"); while (header.indexOf("<li>", idxItem) != -1) { int liStart = header.indexOf("<li>", idxItem); int liEnd = header.indexOf("</li>", liStart); String itemcnt = header.substring(liStart, liEnd); int descStart = itemcnt.indexOf("<div"); int descEnd = itemcnt.indexOf("</div"); String desc = itemcnt.substring(descStart, descEnd); desc = this.removeHtml.matcher(desc).replaceAll(""); desc = formatKeywords(desc); desc = formatSymbols(desc); String link = itemcnt.substring(itemcnt.indexOf("<a"), itemcnt.indexOf("</a>")); int linkidx = link.indexOf("href=\""); String title = this.removeHtml.matcher(link).replaceAll(""); link = link.substring(linkidx, link.indexOf("\"", linkidx + 6)).replace("href=\"", ""); buf += "$b{$u{$col[0,0,192]{$a[" + link + "]{" + title + "}}}}\n"; buf += desc + "\n\n"; idxItem = liEnd + 1; } cnt++; } return buf; } private String removeSpanSort(String content) { String buf = ""; int idx = 0; int aStart = 0; int aEnd = -7; while (content.indexOf("<span class=\"smwsortkey\">", idx) != -1) { aStart = content.indexOf("<span class=\"smwsortkey\">", idx); buf += content.substring(aEnd + 7, aStart); aEnd = content.indexOf("</span>", aStart); idx = aEnd; } buf += content.substring(aEnd + 7); return buf; } private String removeScript(String content) { String buf = ""; int idx = 0; int aStart = 0; int aEnd = -9; while (content.indexOf("<script", idx) != -1) { aStart = content.indexOf("<script", idx); buf += content.substring(aEnd + 9, aStart); aEnd = content.indexOf("</script>", aStart); idx = aEnd; } buf += content.substring(aEnd + 9); return buf; } private String formatTables(String content) { String buf = ""; int idx = 0; int aStart = 0; int aEnd = -8; while (content.indexOf("<table", idx) != -1) { aStart = content.indexOf("<table", idx); buf += content.substring(aEnd + 8, aStart); idx = content.indexOf(">", aStart) + 1; aEnd = content.indexOf("</table>", idx); if (content.substring(aStart, idx).indexOf("toc") < 0) { aStart = idx; buf += formatTR(content.substring(aStart, aEnd).replaceAll("<th", "<td").replaceAll("</th", "</td")); buf += "\n\n"; } idx = aEnd; } buf += content.substring(aEnd + 8); return buf; } private String formatTR(String content) { String buf = ""; int idx = 0; int aStart = 0; int aEnd = -5; while (content.indexOf("<tr", idx) != -1) { aStart = content.indexOf("<tr", idx); // buf += content.substring(aEnd+5, aStart); aStart = content.indexOf(">", aStart) + 1; aEnd = content.indexOf("</tr>", aStart); buf += "\n" + formatTD(content.substring(aStart, aEnd)) + " |"; idx = aEnd; } // buf += content.substring(aEnd+5); return buf; } private String formatTD(String content) { String buf = ""; int idx = 0; int aStart = 0; int aEnd = -5; int i = 0; while (content.indexOf("<td", idx) != -1) { i++; aStart = content.indexOf("<td", idx); aStart = content.indexOf(">", aStart) + 1; // buf += content.substring(aEnd+5, aStart); aEnd = content.indexOf("</td>", aStart); buf += " | " + content.substring(aStart, aEnd); idx = aEnd; } // buf += content.substring(aEnd+5); return buf; } private String formatLinks(String content) { String buf = ""; int idx = 0; int aStart = 0; int aEnd = -4; while (content.indexOf("<a", idx) != -1) { aStart = content.indexOf("<a", idx); buf += content.substring(aEnd + 4, aStart); aEnd = content.indexOf("</a>", aStart); String link = content.substring(aStart, aEnd); int linkidx = link.indexOf("href=\""); String title = this.removeHtml.matcher(link).replaceAll(""); link = link.substring(linkidx, link.indexOf("\"", linkidx + 6)).replace("href=\"", ""); buf += "$u{$col[0,0,192]{$a[" + link + "]{" + title + "}}}"; idx = aEnd; } buf += content.substring(aEnd + 4); return buf; } private String formatOL(String content) { String buf = ""; int idx = 0; int aStart = 0; int aEnd = -5; while (content.indexOf("<ol>", idx) != -1) { aStart = content.indexOf("<ol>", idx); buf += content.substring(aEnd + 5, aStart); aEnd = content.indexOf("</ol>", aStart); buf += "\n" + formatLI(content.substring(aStart + 4, aEnd), true); idx = aEnd; } buf += content.substring(aEnd + 5); return buf; } private String formatUL(String content) { String buf = ""; int idx = 0; int aStart = 0; int aEnd = -5; while (content.indexOf("<ul>", idx) != -1) { aStart = content.indexOf("<ul>", idx); buf += content.substring(aEnd + 5, aStart); aEnd = content.indexOf("</ul>", aStart); buf += "\n" + formatLI(content.substring(aStart + 4, aEnd), false); idx = aEnd; } buf += content.substring(aEnd + 5); return buf; } private String formatLI(String content, boolean ordered) { String buf = ""; int idx = 0; int aStart = 0; int aEnd = -5; int i = 0; while (content.indexOf("<li>", idx) != -1) { i++; aStart = content.indexOf("<li>", idx); buf += content.substring(aEnd + 5, aStart); aEnd = content.indexOf("</li>", aStart); buf += "$b{" + (ordered ? i + "." : "•") + "} " + content.substring(aStart + 4, aEnd) + "\n"; idx = aEnd; } buf += content.substring(aEnd + 5); return buf; } private String formatH2(String content) { String buf = ""; int idx = 0; int aStart = 0; int aEnd = -5; while (content.indexOf("<h2>", idx) != -1) { aStart = content.indexOf("<h2>", idx); buf += content.substring(aEnd + 5, aStart); aEnd = content.indexOf("</h2>", aStart); buf += "\n$size[13]{$b{" + content.substring(aStart + 4, aEnd) + "}}\n\n"; idx = aEnd; } buf += content.substring(aEnd + 5); return buf; } private String formatH3(String content) { String buf = ""; int idx = 0; int aStart = 0; int aEnd = -5; while (content.indexOf("<h3>", idx) != -1) { aStart = content.indexOf("<h3>", idx); buf += content.substring(aEnd + 5, aStart); aEnd = content.indexOf("</h3>", aStart); buf += "\n$b{" + content.substring(aStart + 4, aEnd) + "}"; idx = aEnd; } buf += content.substring(aEnd + 5); return buf; } private String formatKeywords(String text) { Matcher ma = this.findKeywords.matcher(text); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(text.length()); while (ma.find()) { String link = "/wiki/"; link += this.findSpaces.matcher("_"); String title = ( == null) ? :; link = "$u{$col[0,0,192]{$a[" + link + "]{" + title + "}}}"; ma.appendReplacement(buffer, Matcher.quoteReplacement(link)); } ma.appendTail(buffer); return buffer.toString(); } }