package haven.pathfinder; import haven.Coord; import java.util.*; // A* with Manhattan/Chebyshev distance heuristics. // public class AStar implements PathFinder { protected ArrayList<Node> open; protected HashSet<Node> closed; private static final int MAX_ITERATIONS = 100000; protected int mode; private static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 100; private static final int PATH_CAPACITY = 100; private static final int FAST_MODE_D = 3; public AStar() { super(); } public List<Node> find(Map map, Coord destination, boolean isFast) { Node.dstNode = map.nodes[destination.x][destination.y]; mode = isFast?FAST_MODE_D:map.minWeight; open = new ArrayList<Node>(INITIAL_CAPACITY); open.add(Node.getSrc()); closed = new HashSet<Node>(); boolean found = false; int iter = 0; while(iter < MAX_ITERATIONS && !found) { iter++; Node dst = Node.getDst(); double min = Double.MAX_VALUE; Node best = (Node)open.get(open.size() - 1); Node now; for(int i = 0; i < open.size(); i++) { now = (Node)open.get(i); if(!closed.contains(now)) { double f = now.distFromSrc() + distChebyshev(now.x, now.y, dst.x, dst.y, mode); if(f < min) { min = f; best = now; } } } now = best; open.remove(now); closed.add(now); Node next[] = map.getAdjacent8(now); for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ Node nxt = next[i]; if(nxt != null) { // NOTE: since when on boat actual clearance against tiles is lower // than against gobs, we just need to check char (4x4) clearance if(nxt.type != Node.Type.BLOCK && nxt.type != Node.Type.BLOCK_DYNAMIC && nxt.clearance >= (nxt.isTile ? 4/2 : map.playerBounds)) { nxt.addToPathFromSrc(now.distFromSrc()); nxt.pathTraversed = true; if(!open.contains(nxt) && !closed.contains(nxt)) open.add(nxt); } if(nxt == dst) { found = true; break; } } } if (open.size() == 0) break; } // if path has been found mark all the nodes within it if(found) { List<Node> path = new ArrayList<Node>(PATH_CAPACITY); Node cur = Node.getDst(); Node end = Node.getSrc(); while(cur != end) { path.add(cur); cur.addToPathFromDst(cur.distFromDst()); cur = cur.parent; cur.setPartOfPath(true); } path.add(end); List<Node> simplified = simplifyAndReverse(path); List<Node> smoothed = smooth(simplified, map); return smoothed; } return null; } private enum Dir { NONE, H, V, NESW, NWSE } private List<Node> simplifyAndReverse(List<Node> nodes) { Dir curDir = Dir.NONE; List<Node> simplified = new ArrayList<Node>(); Node prev = nodes.get(nodes.size() - 1); for (int i = nodes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Node n = nodes.get(i); if ((n.x == prev.x+1 || n.x == prev.x-1) && n.y == prev.y) { // horizontal if (curDir != Dir.H) { curDir = Dir.H; simplified.add(prev); } prev = n; } else if ((n.y == prev.y+1 || n.y == prev.y-1) && n.x == prev.x) { // vertical if (curDir != Dir.V) { curDir = Dir.V; simplified.add(prev); } prev = n; } else if ((n.y == prev.y-1 && n.x == prev.x + 1) || (n.y == prev.y+1 && n.x == prev.x-1)) { // NE-SW if (curDir != Dir.NESW) { curDir = Dir.NESW; simplified.add(prev); } prev = n; } else if ((n.y == prev.y-1 && n.x == prev.x - 1) || (n.y == prev.y+1 && n.x == prev.x+1)) { // NW-SE if (curDir != Dir.NWSE) { curDir = Dir.NWSE; simplified.add(prev); } prev = n; } } simplified.add(prev); return simplified; } private List<Node> smooth(List<Node> path, Map map) { if (path.size() < 2) return path; List<Node> smoothed = new ArrayList<Node>(path); Node checkPoint = path.get(0); Node currentPoint = path.get(1); for (int i = 2; i < path.size(); i++) { Node nxt = path.get(i); if (isTraversable(map, checkPoint.x, checkPoint.y, nxt.x, nxt.y)) { smoothed.remove(currentPoint); currentPoint = nxt; } else { if (i+1 == path.size()) break; checkPoint = currentPoint; currentPoint = path.get(i+1); i++; } } return smoothed; } private boolean isTraversable(Map map, int ax, int ay, int bx, int by) { List<Node> line = bresenhamLine(map, ax, ay, bx, by); for (Node n : line) { if (n.type == Node.Type.BLOCK || n.type == Node.Type.BLOCK_DYNAMIC || n.clearance < map.playerBounds) return false; } return true; } public List<Node> bresenhamLine(Map map, int ax, int ay, int bx, int by) { List<Node> line = new ArrayList<Node>(); int dx = Math.abs(bx - ax); int dy = Math.abs(by - ay); int sx = ax < bx ? 1 : -1; int sy = ay < by ? 1 : -1; int err = dx-dy; int e2; int curX = ax; int curY = ay; while(true) { line.add(map.nodes[curX][curY]); if(curX == bx && curY == by) { break; } e2 = 2*err; if(e2 > -1 * dy) { err = err - dy; curX = curX + sx; } if(e2 < dx) { err = err + dx; curY = curY + sy; } } return line; } public int distManhattan(int ax, int ay, int bx, int by, int d) { return d * (Math.abs(ax - bx) + Math.abs(ay - by)); } public int distChebyshev(int ax, int ay, int bx, int by, int d) { return d * Math.max(Math.abs(ax - bx), Math.abs(ay - by)); } // should be added to H function public int preferStraightLines(int sx, int sy, int curx, int cury, int dx, int dy) { int dx1 = curx - dx; int dy1 = cury - dy; int dx2 = sx - dx; int dy2 = sy - dy; int cross = Math.abs(dx1*dy2 - dx2*dy1); return (int) (cross*0.001); } // non-diagonal step is x2 over diagonal // public int distLowerDiagonal(int ax, int ay, int bx, int by, int d, int d2) { int dx = Math.abs(ax - bx); int dy = Math.abs(ay - by); return d * (dx + dy) + (d2 - 2 * d) * Math.min(dx, dy); } }