package haven.pathfinder; import static haven.MCache.cmaps; import static haven.MCache.tilesz; import java.util.Random; import haven.Coord; import haven.Gob; import haven.MapView; import haven.Resource; import haven.Resource.Tile; public class Map { public int w = VRANGE*2; public int h = VRANGE*2; public int minWeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public Node nodes[][]; public int playerSize; //boat 26, player 4 public int playerBounds; public static final int VRANGE = 50*tilesz.x; private static Random rng = new Random(); public enum SceneType { ONFOOT, BOAT, GENERIC } public Map(int playerSize) { super(); this.playerSize = playerSize; this.playerBounds = playerSize/2; // not precise... nodes = new Node[w][h]; for(int i=0;i<h;i++){ for(int j=0;j<w;j++){ nodes[j][i] = new Node(j, i); } } } private void setNode(int x, int y, Node.Type type, boolean isTile) { nodes[x][y].type = type; nodes[x][y].isTile = isTile; if (type.getValue() < minWeight) minWeight = type.getValue(); } // each pixel considered as a single node public void createNodesFromHitbox(int x, int y, int width, int height, Node.Type type, boolean isTile) { for (int i = x; i < x+width; i++) { for (int j = y; j < y+height; j++) { if (nodes[i][j].type != Node.Type.BLOCK && nodes[i][j].type != Node.Type.BLOCK_DYNAMIC) setNode(i, j, type, isTile); } } } public void initScene(MapView mv, Gob player, Coord dst, Gob[] gobs, SceneType sceneType) { Coord playerCoord = player.getc().sub(, VRANGE); Node src = nodes[playerCoord.x][playerCoord.y]; Node.srcNode = src; initTiles(mv, sceneType); initGobes(mv, gobs, player, dst); initClearances(); } private void initTiles(MapView mv, SceneType sceneType) { Coord requl =, VRANGE).div(tilesz).div(cmaps); Coord reqbr =, VRANGE).div(tilesz).div(cmaps); Coord cgc = new Coord(0, 0); for(cgc.y = requl.y; cgc.y <= reqbr.y; cgc.y++) { for(cgc.x = requl.x; cgc.x <= reqbr.x; cgc.x++) { if( == null) Coord(cgc)); } } Coord center = new Coord(Node.srcNode.x, Node.srcNode.y); Coord tc =; for(int y = -VRANGE/tilesz.y; y < VRANGE/tilesz.y; y++) { for(int x = -VRANGE/tilesz.x; x < VRANGE/tilesz.x; x++) { Coord ctc = tc.add(new Coord(x, y)); Coord sc = ctc.mul(tilesz).sub(, VRANGE); if (sc.x+tilesz.x >= w || sc.y+tilesz.y >= h || sc.x < 0 || sc.y < 0 ) continue; if ((new Coord(sc.x, sc.y)).dist(center) >= VRANGE) { createNodesFromHitbox(sc.x, sc.y, tilesz.x, tilesz.y, Node.Type.BLOCK, true); continue; } Tile groundTile =; Node.Type tileType = groundTile.resolveTileType(); if (groundTile != null) { if (tileType == Node.Type.NOT_IMPLEMENTED) { System.out.format("TILE: %s %s XxY:%sx%s ctc:%s sc:%s\n", groundTile.getOuter().name, tileType, x, y, ctc, sc); } if (tileType != Node.Type.IGNORE) { int width = tilesz.x; int height = tilesz.x; if (sceneType == SceneType.ONFOOT) { if (tileType == Node.Type.WATER_DEEP) { tileType = Node.Type.BLOCK; } } else if (sceneType == SceneType.BOAT) { if (tileType != Node.Type.WATER_DEEP && tileType != Node.Type.WATER_SHALLOW) { tileType = Node.Type.BLOCK; } //FIXME: probably can be removed now... width += sc.x+width+2 >= w ? 0 : 2; height += sc.y+height+2 >= h ? 0 : 2; } createNodesFromHitbox(sc.x, sc.y, width, height, tileType, true); } } } } } private void initGobes(MapView mv, Gob[] gobs, Gob player, Coord dst) { Coord playerCoord = player.getc().sub(, VRANGE); for (Gob g : gobs) { Node.Type t = g.resolveObType(mv); Resource.Neg neg = g.getneg(); if (neg == null) continue; // NOTE: for objects with hitbox - bs.x and bs.y > 0 but not for all. e.g. straw bed. Coord a = g.getc().add(neg.bc).sub(, VRANGE); Coord c = g.getc().add(neg.bc).add(, VRANGE); if (t == Node.Type.NOT_IMPLEMENTED) { System.out.format("[NEG] cc:%s bs:%s bc:%s sz:%s\n",,, neg.bc.toString(),; System.out.format("[GOB] getc():%s sc:%s %s\n", g.getc(), != null ? : "null", g.getres() != null? g.getres().name : "res is null"); System.out.format("[HB] a:%s c:%s\n", a, c); } // so we don't block ourself with gear gobs, boats, etc. if (player.getc().equals(g.getc()) || playerCoord.x <= c.x && playerCoord.x >= a.x && playerCoord.y <= c.y && playerCoord.y >= a.y) // sometimes obj pos lags behind so it's not exactly same coord continue; // make sure the destination is not blocked by gob hitbox if (dst != null && dst.equals(g.getc())) { continue; } if (t != Node.Type.IGNORE && a.x + (c.x-a.x) < w && a.y + (c.y-a.y) < h && a.x >= 0 && a.y >= 0 && c.x >= 0 && c.y >= 0) { // NOTE: since we calculate clearances by expanding East-South // we need to account for upper and left player hitbox bounds int width = c.x+playerBounds+1 >= w ? w-a.x : c.x-a.x+playerBounds+1; int height = c.y+playerBounds+1 >= h ? h-a.y : c.y-a.y+playerBounds+1; createNodesFromHitbox(a.x, a.y, width, height, t, false); } } } // Initialize clearance values for an object with bound playerBounds (player = 4/2+1, boat = 26/2+1). // Final node clearance will be either NO_CLEARANCE or 'playerBounds'. // // NOTE: Nodes with clearance=NO_CLEARANCE could be actually traversed by objects of size < 'playerBounds' // hence, the clearance values need to be recomputed each time for objects of different size. private void initClearances() { for (int x = w - 1; x >= 0; x--) { for (int y = h - 1; y >= 0; y--) { if (x+playerBounds >= w || y+playerBounds >= h) { nodes[x][y].clearance = 1; } else { boolean allClear = true; int i; for (i = 0; i < playerBounds; i++) { if (nodes[x+i][y].type == Node.Type.BLOCK || nodes[x+i][y].type == Node.Type.BLOCK_DYNAMIC || nodes[x][y+i].type == Node.Type.BLOCK || nodes[x][y+i].type == Node.Type.BLOCK_DYNAMIC || nodes[x+i][y+i].type == Node.Type.BLOCK || nodes[x+i][y+i].type == Node.Type.BLOCK_DYNAMIC) { allClear = false; break; } } nodes[x][y].clearance = allClear ? playerBounds : i-1; } } } } public Node[] getAdjacent4(Node n){ Node next[] = new Node[4]; // top if(n.y > 0 && !nodes[n.x][n.y-1].pathTraversed) { next[0] = nodes[n.x][n.y-1]; next[0].parent = n; } // right if(n.x+1 < w && !nodes[n.x+1][n.y].pathTraversed) { next[1] = nodes[n.x+1][n.y]; next[1].parent = n; } // bottom if(n.y+1 < h && !nodes[n.x][n.y+1].pathTraversed) { next[2] = nodes[n.x][n.y+1]; next[2].parent = n; } // left if(n.x > 0 && !nodes[n.x-1][n.y].pathTraversed) { next[3] = nodes[n.x-1][n.y]; next[3].parent = n; } return next; } public Node[] getAdjacent8(Node n){ Node next[] = new Node[8]; // top if(n.y > 0 && !nodes[n.x][n.y-1].pathTraversed) { next[0] = nodes[n.x][n.y-1]; next[0].parent = n; } // right if(n.x+1 < w && !nodes[n.x+1][n.y].pathTraversed) { next[1] = nodes[n.x+1][n.y]; next[1].parent = n; } // bottom if(n.y+1 < h && !nodes[n.x][n.y+1].pathTraversed) { next[2] = nodes[n.x][n.y+1]; next[2].parent = n; } // left if(n.x > 0 && !nodes[n.x-1][n.y].pathTraversed) { next[3] = nodes[n.x-1][n.y]; next[3].parent = n; } // WN if(n.y > 0 && n.x > 0 && !nodes[n.x-1][n.y-1].pathTraversed) { next[4] = nodes[n.x-1][n.y-1]; next[4].parent = n; } // NE if(n.y > 0 && n.x+1 < w && !nodes[n.x+1][n.y-1].pathTraversed) { next[5] = nodes[n.x+1][n.y-1]; next[5].parent = n; } // ES if(n.y+1 < h && n.x+1 < w && !nodes[n.x+1][n.y+1].pathTraversed) { next[6] = nodes[n.x+1][n.y+1]; next[6].parent = n; } // SW if(n.y+1 < h && n.x > 0 && !nodes[n.x-1][n.y+1].pathTraversed){ next[7] = nodes[n.x-1][n.y+1]; next[7].parent = n; } return next; } public Coord findLandMark(Coord currentPos, int distanceToIgnore) { int X = w-1; int Y = h-1; int x=currentPos.x, y=currentPos.y, dx = 0, dy = -1; int t = Math.max(X,Y); int maxI = t*t; for (int i=0; i < maxI; i++){ if ((-X/2 <= x) && (x <= X/2) && (-Y/2 <= y) && (y <= Y/2)) { System.out.println(x+","+y); if (x+tilesz.x < w && nodes[x][y].type == Node.Type.PAVEMENT && nodes[x+tilesz.x][y].type == Node.Type.PAVEMENT) { return new Coord(x, y); } } if( (x == y) || ((x < 0) && (x == -y)) || ((x > 0) && (x == 1-y))) { t=dx; dx=-dy; dy=t; } x+=dx; y+=dy; } return null; } public boolean isEnoughSpace(int xp, int yp, int objSize) { for (int x = xp - objSize/2; x < xp+objSize/2; x++) { for (int y = yp - objSize/2; y < yp+objSize/2; y++) { if (x >= w || y >= h || x < 0 || y < 0 || nodes[x][y].type == Node.Type.WATER_DEEP || nodes[x][y].type == Node.Type.WATER_SHALLOW || nodes[x][y].type == Node.Type.BLOCK || nodes[x][y].type == Node.Type.BLOCK_DYNAMIC) { return false; } } } return true; } //FIXME not efficient! public Coord findEmptyGroundTile(Coord currentPos, int objSize) { Coord closest = new Coord(0,0); for (int x = currentPos.x+playerSize+tilesz.x; x < currentPos.x+playerSize+50*tilesz.x; x+=tilesz.x) { for (int y = currentPos.y+playerSize+tilesz.y; y < currentPos.y+playerSize+50*tilesz.y; y+=tilesz.y) { if (x+1 < w && y+1 < h && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_DEEP && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_SHALLOW && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.BLOCK && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.BLOCK_DYNAMIC) { if (isEnoughSpace(x, y, objSize) && new Coord(x, y).dist(currentPos) < closest.dist(currentPos)) closest = new Coord(x, y); } } } for (int x = currentPos.x+playerSize+tilesz.x; x < currentPos.x+playerSize+50*tilesz.x; x+=tilesz.x) { for (int y = currentPos.y-playerSize-+tilesz.y; y > currentPos.y-playerSize+50*tilesz.y; y-=tilesz.y) { if (x+1 < w && y >= 0 && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_DEEP && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_SHALLOW && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.BLOCK && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.BLOCK_DYNAMIC) { if (isEnoughSpace(x, y, objSize) && new Coord(x, y).dist(currentPos) < closest.dist(currentPos)) closest = new Coord(x, y); } } } for (int x = currentPos.x-playerSize-tilesz.x; x > currentPos.x-playerSize-50*tilesz.x; x-=tilesz.x) { for (int y = currentPos.y+playerSize+tilesz.y; y < currentPos.y+playerSize+50*tilesz.y; y+=tilesz.y) { if (x >= 0 && y+1 < h && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_DEEP && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_SHALLOW && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.BLOCK && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.BLOCK_DYNAMIC) { if (isEnoughSpace(x, y, objSize) && new Coord(x, y).dist(currentPos) < closest.dist(currentPos)) closest = new Coord(x, y); } } } for (int x = currentPos.x-playerSize-tilesz.x; x > currentPos.x-playerSize-50*tilesz.x; x-=tilesz.x) { for (int y = currentPos.y-playerSize-tilesz.y; y > currentPos.y-playerSize-50*tilesz.x; y-=tilesz.y) { if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_DEEP && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_SHALLOW && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.BLOCK && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.BLOCK_DYNAMIC) { if (isEnoughSpace(x, y, objSize) && new Coord(x, y).dist(currentPos) < closest.dist(currentPos)) closest = new Coord(x, y); } } } return closest; } // find random water tile N tiles away from the given position public Coord findRandomWaterTile(Coord currentPos) { int DIST_FROM_CUR = 33*tilesz.x; int BORDER_LIMIT = 3*tilesz.x; for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { int xlow, xhigh; if (rng.nextBoolean()) { xlow = BORDER_LIMIT; xhigh = currentPos.x-DIST_FROM_CUR; } else { xlow = currentPos.x+DIST_FROM_CUR; xhigh = w - BORDER_LIMIT; } if (xhigh-xlow < 1) continue; int xr = rng.nextInt(xhigh-xlow)+xlow; int ylow, yhigh; if (rng.nextBoolean()) { ylow = currentPos.y+DIST_FROM_CUR; yhigh = h - BORDER_LIMIT; } else { ylow = BORDER_LIMIT; yhigh = currentPos.y-DIST_FROM_CUR; } if (yhigh-ylow < 1) continue; int yr = rng.nextInt(yhigh-ylow)+ylow; if (nodes[xr][yr].type == Node.Type.WATER_DEEP) { return new Coord(xr, yr); } } return null; } // find a shallow tile at the defined DISTANCE. public Coord findNextShallowTile(Coord currentPos, Coord prevPos) { int DISTANCE = 10*tilesz.x; // ugly fix for avoiding getting stuck at small islands inside a lake int range = (3 - 1) + 1; // [1,3] DISTANCE += ((int)(Math.random() * range) + 1)*tilesz.x; int cornerX = currentPos.x-DISTANCE; int cornerY = currentPos.y-DISTANCE; for (int i = 0; i <= DISTANCE*2; i+=tilesz.x) { // x top Coord tilePos = nextShallowTileCheck(DISTANCE, currentPos, prevPos, cornerX+i, currentPos.y-DISTANCE); if (tilePos != null) return tilePos; // x bottom tilePos = nextShallowTileCheck(DISTANCE, currentPos, prevPos, cornerX+i, currentPos.y+DISTANCE); if (tilePos != null) return tilePos; // y left tilePos = nextShallowTileCheck(DISTANCE, currentPos, prevPos, currentPos.x-DISTANCE, cornerY+i); if (tilePos != null) return tilePos; // y right tilePos = nextShallowTileCheck(DISTANCE, currentPos, prevPos, currentPos.x+DISTANCE, cornerY+i); if (tilePos != null) return tilePos; } return null; } public Coord findClosesWaterFromShore(Coord currentPos) { for (int DISTANCE = tilesz.x; DISTANCE < tilesz.x*10; DISTANCE+=tilesz.x) { int cornerX = currentPos.x-DISTANCE; int cornerY = currentPos.y-DISTANCE; for (int i = tilesz.x/2; i <= DISTANCE*2; i+=tilesz.x) { // x top if (isWaterTileCloseToShore(cornerX+i, currentPos.y-DISTANCE)) return new Coord(cornerX+i, currentPos.y-DISTANCE); // x bottom if (isWaterTileCloseToShore(cornerX+i, currentPos.y+DISTANCE)) return new Coord(cornerX+i, currentPos.y+DISTANCE); // y left if (isWaterTileCloseToShore(currentPos.x-DISTANCE, cornerY+i)) return new Coord(currentPos.x-DISTANCE, cornerY+i); // y right if (isWaterTileCloseToShore(currentPos.x+DISTANCE, cornerY+i)) return new Coord(currentPos.x+DISTANCE, cornerY+i); } } return null; } private boolean isWaterTileCloseToShore(int x, int y) { if (x-tilesz.x > 0 && y-tilesz.x > 0 && x+tilesz.x < w && y+tilesz.x < h && nodes[x][y].type == Node.Type.WATER_SHALLOW) { // follow only outer shallow waters if (nodes[x+tilesz.x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_DEEP && nodes[x+tilesz.x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_SHALLOW || nodes[x][y+tilesz.x].type != Node.Type.WATER_DEEP && nodes[x][y+tilesz.x].type != Node.Type.WATER_SHALLOW || nodes[x-tilesz.x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_DEEP && nodes[x-tilesz.x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_SHALLOW || nodes[x][y-tilesz.x].type != Node.Type.WATER_DEEP && nodes[x][y-tilesz.x].type != Node.Type.WATER_SHALLOW) { return true; } } return false; } private Coord nextShallowTileCheck(int distance, Coord currentPos, Coord prevPos, int x, int y) { Coord newPos = new Coord(x, y); if (x-tilesz.x > 0 && y-tilesz.x > 0 && x+tilesz.x < w && y+tilesz.x < h && nodes[x][y].type == Node.Type.WATER_SHALLOW && newPos.dist(prevPos) >= newPos.dist(currentPos)) { // follow only outer shallow waters if (nodes[x+tilesz.x][y].type == Node.Type.WATER_DEEP || nodes[x][y+tilesz.x].type == Node.Type.WATER_DEEP || nodes[x-tilesz.x][y].type == Node.Type.WATER_DEEP || nodes[x][y-tilesz.x].type == Node.Type.WATER_DEEP) { return newPos; } } return null; } public Coord findClosestShoreTile(Coord currentPos) { Coord closest = new Coord(0,0); for (int x = currentPos.x+playerSize; x < currentPos.x+playerSize+50*tilesz.x; x+=tilesz.x) { for (int y = currentPos.y+playerSize; y < currentPos.y+playerSize+50*tilesz.y; y+=tilesz.y) { if (x+1 < w && y+1 < h && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_DEEP && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_SHALLOW && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.BLOCK && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.BLOCK_DYNAMIC) { if (new Coord(x, y).dist(currentPos) < closest.dist(currentPos)) closest = new Coord(x, y); } } } for (int x = currentPos.x+playerSize; x < currentPos.x+playerSize+50*tilesz.x; x+=tilesz.x) { for (int y = currentPos.y-playerSize; y > currentPos.y-playerSize+50*tilesz.y; y-=tilesz.y) { if (x+1 < w && y >= 0 && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_DEEP && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_SHALLOW && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.BLOCK && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.BLOCK_DYNAMIC) { if (new Coord(x, y).dist(currentPos) < closest.dist(currentPos)) closest = new Coord(x, y); } } } for (int x = currentPos.x-playerSize; x > currentPos.x-playerSize-50*tilesz.x; x-=tilesz.x) { for (int y = currentPos.y+playerSize; y < currentPos.y+playerSize+50*tilesz.y; y+=tilesz.y) { if (x >= 0 && y+1 < h && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_DEEP && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_SHALLOW && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.BLOCK && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.BLOCK_DYNAMIC) { if (new Coord(x, y).dist(currentPos) < closest.dist(currentPos)) closest = new Coord(x, y); } } } for (int x = currentPos.x-playerSize; x > currentPos.x-playerSize-50*tilesz.x; x-=tilesz.x) { for (int y = currentPos.y-playerSize; y > currentPos.y-playerSize-50*tilesz.x; y-=tilesz.y) { if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_DEEP && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.WATER_SHALLOW && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.BLOCK && nodes[x][y].type != Node.Type.BLOCK_DYNAMIC) { if (new Coord(x, y).dist(currentPos) < closest.dist(currentPos)) closest = new Coord(x, y); } } } return closest; } }