package haven; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; public class FoodMeterWidget extends Widget { public static final String NAME = "FoodMeterWdg"; private static final Coord initPos = new Coord(10, 175); boolean dm = false; public Coord doff; int cap; List<El> els = new LinkedList<El>(); private class El { String id; int amount; Color col; public El(String id, int amount, Color col) { = id; this.amount = amount; this.col = col; } } public FoodMeterWidget(Coord c, Widget parent) { super(c,, parent); if (!Config.fepbar) visible = false; loadpos(); } public void draw(GOut g) { if (Config.fepbar) { g.chcolor(Color.BLACK); g.frect(new Coord(4, 4), sz.add(-8, -8)); g.chcolor(255, 255, 255, 128); g.image(CharWnd.foodmimg, Coord.z); g.chcolor(); synchronized (els) { int x = 4; for (El el : els) { int w = (174 * el.amount) / cap; g.chcolor(el.col); g.frect(new Coord(x, 4), new Coord(w, 24)); x += w; } g.chcolor(); } g.chcolor(255, 255, 255, 128); g.image(CharWnd.foodmimg, Coord.z); g.chcolor(); super.draw(g); } } public void update(Object... args) { cap = (Integer) args[0]; int sum = 0; synchronized (els) { els.clear(); for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i += 3) { String id = (String) args[i]; int amount = (Integer) args[i + 1]; Color col = (Color) args[i + 2]; els.add(new El(id, amount, col)); sum += amount; } } if (els.size() == 0) { tooltip = String.format("0 of %.1f", cap / 10.0); } else { String tt = ""; for (El el : els) tt += String.format("%.1f %s + ", el.amount / 10.0,; tt = tt.substring(0, tt.length() - 3); tooltip = String.format("(%s) = %.1f of %.1f", tt, sum / 10.0, cap / 10.0); } } @Override public boolean mousedown(Coord c, int button) { parent.setfocus(this); raise(); if (super.mousedown(c, button)) return (true); if (button == 1) { ui.grabmouse(this); dm = true; doff = c; } return (true); } @Override public boolean mouseup(Coord c, int button) { if (dm) { ui.grabmouse(null); dm = false; storepos(); } else { super.mouseup(c, button); } return (true); } @Override public void mousemove(Coord c) { if (dm) { this.c = this.c.add(c.add(doff.inv())); List<SessionData> sesList = MaidFrame.getSessionList(); for (SessionData s : sesList) { if (s != null && s.charWnd != null && s.charWnd.fmw != null) s.charWnd.fmw.c = this.c; } } else { super.mousemove(c); } } private void storepos() { Config.setWindowOpt(NAME + "_pos", c.toString()); } private void loadpos() { c = new Coord(Config.window_props.getProperty(NAME + "_pos", initPos.toString())); } }