package org.pepsoft.worldpainter.dynmap; import org.dynmap.DynmapChunk; import org.dynmap.DynmapLocation; import org.dynmap.DynmapWorld; import org.dynmap.utils.MapChunkCache; import org.pepsoft.minecraft.Level; import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.*; import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Dimension; import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.exporting.MinecraftWorld; import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.exporting.MinecraftWorldImpl; import javax.vecmath.Point3i; import java.awt.*; import; import; import java.util.List; /** * A {@link DynmapWorld} implementation which wraps a {@link MinecraftWorld} for * use with the dynmap API. * * <p>Use the static factory methods to obtain correctly configured instances * for various kinds of <code>MinecraftWorld</code> * * <p>Created by Pepijn Schmitz on 05-06-15. */ public class WPDynmapWorld extends DynmapWorld { private WPDynmapWorld(MinecraftWorld world, String name, int waterLevel) { super(name, world.getMaxHeight(), waterLevel); = world; chunkCache = new WPMapChunkCache(this, world); } @Override public boolean isNether() { return dim == Constants.DIM_NETHER || dim == Constants.DIM_NETHER_CEILING; } @Override public DynmapLocation getSpawnLocation() { return spawnLocation; } @Override public long getTime() { return 10000; // Noon } @Override public boolean hasStorm() { return false; } @Override public boolean isThundering() { return false; } @Override public boolean isLoaded() { return false; } @Override public void setWorldUnloaded() { // Do nothing } @Override public int getLightLevel(int x, int y, int z) { return world.getBlockLightLevel(x, z, y); } @Override public int getHighestBlockYAt(int x, int z) { return world.getHighestNonAirBlock(x, z); } @Override public boolean canGetSkyLightLevel() { return true; } @Override public int getSkyLightLevel(int x, int y, int z) { return world.getSkyLightLevel(x, z, y); } @Override public String getEnvironment() { switch (dim) { case Constants.DIM_NORMAL: case Constants.DIM_NORMAL_CEILING: return "normal"; case Constants.DIM_END: case Constants.DIM_END_CEILING: return "the_end"; case Constants.DIM_NETHER: case Constants.DIM_NETHER_CEILING: return "nether"; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dimension " + dim + " not supported"); } } @Override public MapChunkCache getChunkCache(List<DynmapChunk> chunks) { return chunkCache; } public static WPDynmapWorld forDimension(MinecraftWorld minecraftWorld, Dimension dimension) { int waterLevel; TileFactory tileFactory = dimension.getTileFactory(); if (tileFactory instanceof HeightMapTileFactory) { waterLevel = ((HeightMapTileFactory) tileFactory).getWaterHeight(); } else { waterLevel = 62; } World2 wpWorld = dimension.getWorld(); Point spawnPoint = wpWorld.getSpawnPoint(); return forMinecraftWorld(minecraftWorld, wpWorld.getName() + " - " + dimension.getName(), dimension.getDim(), waterLevel, new Point3i(spawnPoint.x, spawnPoint.y, dimension.getIntHeightAt(spawnPoint.x, spawnPoint.y))); } public static WPDynmapWorld forMinecraftMap(File worldDir, int dim) throws IOException { File levelDatFile = new File(worldDir, "level.dat"); Level level = Level.load(levelDatFile); return forMinecraftWorld(new MinecraftWorldImpl(worldDir, dim, level.getMaxHeight(), level.getVersion(), true, 256), level.getName(), dim, 62, new Point3i(level.getSpawnX(), level.getSpawnZ(), level.getSpawnY())); } public static WPDynmapWorld forMinecraftWorld(MinecraftWorld minecraftWorld, String name, int dim, int waterLevel, Point3i spawnPoint) { WPDynmapWorld world = new WPDynmapWorld(minecraftWorld, name, waterLevel); world.dim = dim; if (spawnPoint != null) { world.spawnLocation = new DynmapLocation(name, spawnPoint.x, spawnPoint.z, spawnPoint.y); } return world; } private final MinecraftWorld world; private final WPMapChunkCache chunkCache; private int dim; private DynmapLocation spawnLocation; }