package org.pepsoft.worldpainter.biomeschemes; import org.jnbt.CompoundTag; import org.pepsoft.minecraft.MCInterface; import org.pepsoft.minecraft.Material; import org.pepsoft.util.Checksum; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * An {@link MCInterface} which makes use of Minecraft 1.10 jar files to provide * biomes according to the Large Biomes world type. * * <p>Created by Pepijn on 26-6-2016. */ public final class Minecraft1_10LargeBiomeScheme extends Minecraft1_8LargeBiomeScheme implements MCInterface { public Minecraft1_10LargeBiomeScheme(File minecraftJar, File libDir, Checksum md5Sum) { super(minecraftJar, libDir, md5Sum, HASHES_TO_CLASSNAMES); } @Override public Material decodeStructureMaterial(CompoundTag tag) { return helper.decodeStructureMaterial(tag); } @Override protected void init(String[] classNames, ClassLoader classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchFieldException { super.init(classNames, classLoader); String blockDataClassName = classNames[ 4]; String blockClassName = classNames[ 5]; String nbtTagClassName = classNames[ 6]; String nbtCompoundTagClassName = classNames[ 7]; String nbtListTagClassName = classNames[ 8]; String nbtStringTagClassName = classNames[ 9]; String gameProfileSerializerClassName = classNames[10]; Class<?> blockDataClass = classLoader.loadClass(blockDataClassName); Class<?> blockClass = classLoader.loadClass(blockClassName); Class<?> nbtTagClass = classLoader.loadClass(nbtTagClassName); Class<?> nbtCompoundTagClass = classLoader.loadClass(nbtCompoundTagClassName); Class<?> nbtListTagClass = classLoader.loadClass(nbtListTagClassName); Class<?> nbtStringTagClass = classLoader.loadClass(nbtStringTagClassName); Class<?> gameProfileSerializerClass = classLoader.loadClass(gameProfileSerializerClassName); helper = new MC10InterfaceHelper(nbtCompoundTagClass, nbtCompoundTagClass.getMethod("a", String.class, nbtTagClass), nbtListTagClass, nbtListTagClass.getMethod("a", nbtTagClass), nbtStringTagClass.getConstructor(String.class), gameProfileSerializerClass.getMethod("d", nbtCompoundTagClass), blockDataClass.getMethod("t"), blockClass.getMethod("a", blockClass), blockClass.getMethod("e", blockDataClass)); } private MC10InterfaceHelper helper; private static final Map<Checksum, String[]> HASHES_TO_CLASSNAMES = new HashMap<>(); static { // Landscape Initialiser NBT tag NBT list tag // Buffer manager Block data NBT compound tag Game profile serialzer // World generator Block NBT list tag HASHES_TO_CLASSNAMES.put(new Checksum(new byte[] {(byte) 55, (byte) -8, (byte) 13, (byte) 38, (byte) 104, (byte) 114, (byte) -20, (byte) 17, (byte) 86, (byte) 10, (byte) -80, (byte) -119, (byte) 95, (byte) 124, (byte) -10, (byte) 59}), new String[] {"ayo", "aym", "aii", "kq", "ars", "akf", "ef", "dr", "dx", "ee", "eb"}); // 1.10.2 } }