/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Kelly Campbell <kellyc@google.com> - Hangs in SourceMapper during java proposals - https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=281575 *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.Flags; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClassFile; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IField; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMember; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMethod; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragmentRoot; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ISourceRange; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ITypeParameter; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaConventions; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.SourceRange; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CategorizedProblem; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.IProblemFactory; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ISourceElementRequestor; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.SourceElementParser; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Expression; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ImportReference; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryType; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.DefaultProblemFactory; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.SuffixConstants; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.ReferenceInfoAdapter; /** * A SourceMapper maps source code in a ZIP file to binary types in a JAR. The SourceMapper uses the * fuzzy parser to identify source fragments in a .java file, and attempts to match the source code * with children in a binary type. A SourceMapper is associated with a JarPackageFragment by an * AttachSourceOperation. * * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JarPackageFragment */ public class SourceMapper extends ReferenceInfoAdapter implements ISourceElementRequestor, SuffixConstants { public static boolean VERBOSE= false; /** * Specifies the location of the package fragment roots within the zip (empty specifies the * default root). <code>null</code> is not a valid root path. */ protected ArrayList rootPaths; /** * The binary type source is being mapped for */ protected BinaryType binaryType; /** * The location of the zip file containing source. */ protected IPath sourcePath; /** * Specifies the location of the package fragment root within the zip (empty specifies the * default root). <code>null</code> is not a valid root path. */ protected String rootPath= ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Table that maps a binary method to its parameter names. Keys are the method handles, entries * are <code>char[][]</code>. */ protected HashMap parameterNames; /** * Table that maps a binary element to its <code>SourceRange</code>s. Keys are the element * handles, entries are <code>SourceRange[]</code> which is a two element array; the first being * source range, the second being name range. */ protected HashMap sourceRanges; /* * A map from IJavaElement to String[] */ protected HashMap categories; /** * The unknown source range {-1, 0} */ public static final SourceRange UNKNOWN_RANGE= new SourceRange(-1, 0); /** * The position within the source of the start of the current member element, or -1 if we are * outside a member. */ protected int[] memberDeclarationStart; /** * The <code>SourceRange</code> of the name of the current member element. */ protected SourceRange[] memberNameRange; /** * The name of the current member element. */ protected String[] memberName; /** * The parameter names for the current member method element. */ protected char[][][] methodParameterNames; /** * The parameter types for the current member method element. */ protected char[][][] methodParameterTypes; /** * The element searched for */ protected IJavaElement searchedElement; /** * imports references */ private HashMap importsTable; private HashMap importsCounterTable; /** * Enclosing type information */ IType[] types; int[] typeDeclarationStarts; SourceRange[] typeNameRanges; int[] typeModifiers; int typeDepth; /** * Anonymous counter in case we want to map the source of an anonymous class. */ int anonymousCounter; int anonymousClassName; /** * Options to be used */ String encoding; Map options; /** * Use to handle root paths inference */ private boolean areRootPathsComputed; public SourceMapper() { this.areRootPathsComputed= false; } /** * Creates a <code>SourceMapper</code> that locates source in the zip file at the given location * in the specified package fragment root. */ public SourceMapper(IPath sourcePath, String rootPath, Map options) { this.areRootPathsComputed= false; this.options= options; try { this.encoding= ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getDefaultCharset(); } catch (CoreException e) { // use no encoding } if (rootPath != null) { this.rootPaths= new ArrayList(); this.rootPaths.add(rootPath); } this.sourcePath= sourcePath; this.sourceRanges= new HashMap(); this.parameterNames= new HashMap(); this.importsTable= new HashMap(); this.importsCounterTable= new HashMap(); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void acceptImport( int declarationStart, int declarationEnd, char[][] tokens, boolean onDemand, int modifiers) { char[][] imports= (char[][])this.importsTable.get(this.binaryType); int importsCounter; if (imports == null) { imports= new char[5][]; importsCounter= 0; } else { importsCounter= ((Integer)this.importsCounterTable.get(this.binaryType)).intValue(); } if (imports.length == importsCounter) { System.arraycopy( imports, 0, (imports= new char[importsCounter * 2][]), 0, importsCounter); } char[] name= CharOperation.concatWith(tokens, '.'); if (onDemand) { int nameLength= name.length; System.arraycopy(name, 0, (name= new char[nameLength + 2]), 0, nameLength); name[nameLength]= '.'; name[nameLength + 1]= '*'; } imports[importsCounter++]= name; this.importsTable.put(this.binaryType, imports); this.importsCounterTable.put(this.binaryType, new Integer(importsCounter)); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void acceptLineSeparatorPositions(int[] positions) { //do nothing } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void acceptPackage(ImportReference importReference) { //do nothing } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void acceptProblem(CategorizedProblem problem) { //do nothing } private void addCategories(IJavaElement element, char[][] elementCategories) { if (elementCategories == null) return; if (this.categories == null) this.categories= new HashMap(); this.categories.put(element, CharOperation.toStrings(elementCategories)); } /** * Closes this <code>SourceMapper</code>'s zip file. Once this is done, this * <code>SourceMapper</code> cannot be used again. */ public void close() { this.sourceRanges= null; this.parameterNames= null; } /** * Converts these type names to unqualified signatures. This needs to be done in order to be * consistent with the way the source range is retrieved. * * @see SourceMapper#getUnqualifiedMethodHandle * @see Signature */ private String[] convertTypeNamesToSigs(char[][] typeNames) { if (typeNames == null) return CharOperation.NO_STRINGS; int n= typeNames.length; if (n == 0) return CharOperation.NO_STRINGS; String[] typeSigs= new String[n]; for (int i= 0; i < n; ++i) { char[] typeSig= Signature.createCharArrayTypeSignature(typeNames[i], false); // transforms signatures that contains a qualification into unqualified signatures // e.g. "QX<+QMap.Entry;>;" becomes "QX<+QEntry;>;" StringBuffer simpleTypeSig= null; int start= 0; int dot= -1; int length= typeSig.length; for (int j= 0; j < length; j++) { switch (typeSig[j]) { case Signature.C_UNRESOLVED: if (simpleTypeSig != null) simpleTypeSig.append(typeSig, start, j - start); start= j; break; case Signature.C_DOT: dot= j; break; case Signature.C_GENERIC_START: case Signature.C_NAME_END: if (dot > start) { if (simpleTypeSig == null) simpleTypeSig= new StringBuffer().append(typeSig, 0, start); simpleTypeSig.append(Signature.C_UNRESOLVED); simpleTypeSig.append(typeSig, dot + 1, j - dot - 1); start= j; } break; } } if (simpleTypeSig == null) { typeSigs[i]= new String(typeSig); } else { simpleTypeSig.append(typeSig, start, length - start); typeSigs[i]= simpleTypeSig.toString(); } } return typeSigs; } private synchronized void computeAllRootPaths(IType type) { if (this.areRootPathsComputed) { return; } IPackageFragmentRoot root= (IPackageFragmentRoot)type.getPackageFragment().getParent(); IPath pkgFragmentRootPath= root.getPath(); final HashSet tempRoots= new HashSet(); long time= 0; if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("compute all root paths for " + root.getElementName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ time= System.currentTimeMillis(); } final HashSet firstLevelPackageNames= new HashSet(); boolean containsADefaultPackage= false; boolean containsJavaSource= !pkgFragmentRootPath.equals(this.sourcePath); // used to optimize zip file reading only if source path and root path are equals, otherwise assume that attachment contains Java source String sourceLevel= null; String complianceLevel= null; if (root.isArchive()) { JavaModelManager manager= JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager(); ZipFile zip= null; try { zip= manager.getZipFile(pkgFragmentRootPath); for (Enumeration entries= zip.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements();) { ZipEntry entry= (ZipEntry)entries.nextElement(); String entryName= entry.getName(); if (!entry.isDirectory()) { if (Util.isClassFileName(entryName)) { int index= entryName.indexOf('/'); if (index != -1) { String firstLevelPackageName= entryName.substring(0, index); if (!firstLevelPackageNames.contains(firstLevelPackageName)) { if (sourceLevel == null) { IJavaProject project= root.getJavaProject(); sourceLevel= project.getOption(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE, true); complianceLevel= project.getOption(JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE, true); } IStatus status= JavaConventions.validatePackageName(firstLevelPackageName, sourceLevel, complianceLevel); if (status.isOK() || status.getSeverity() == IStatus.WARNING) { firstLevelPackageNames.add(firstLevelPackageName); } } } else { containsADefaultPackage= true; } } else if (!containsJavaSource && org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.Util.isJavaLikeFileName(entryName)) { containsJavaSource= true; } } } } catch (CoreException e) { // ignore } finally { manager.closeZipFile(zip); // handle null case } } else { Object target= JavaModel.getTarget(root.getPath(), true); if (target instanceof IResource) { IResource resource= (IResource)target; if (resource instanceof IContainer) { try { IResource[] members= ((IContainer)resource).members(); for (int i= 0, max= members.length; i < max; i++) { IResource member= members[i]; String resourceName= member.getName(); if (member.getType() == IResource.FOLDER) { if (sourceLevel == null) { IJavaProject project= root.getJavaProject(); sourceLevel= project.getOption(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE, true); complianceLevel= project.getOption(JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE, true); } IStatus status= JavaConventions.validatePackageName(resourceName, sourceLevel, complianceLevel); if (status.isOK() || status.getSeverity() == IStatus.WARNING) { firstLevelPackageNames.add(resourceName); } } else if (Util.isClassFileName(resourceName)) { containsADefaultPackage= true; } else if (!containsJavaSource && org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.Util.isJavaLikeFileName(resourceName)) { containsJavaSource= true; } } } catch (CoreException e) { // ignore } } } } if (containsJavaSource) { // no need to read source attachment if it contains no Java source (see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=190840 ) Object target= JavaModel.getTarget(this.sourcePath, true); if (target instanceof IContainer) { IContainer folder= (IContainer)target; computeRootPath(folder, firstLevelPackageNames, containsADefaultPackage, tempRoots, folder.getFullPath().segmentCount()/*if external folder, this is the linked folder path*/); } else { JavaModelManager manager= JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager(); ZipFile zip= null; try { zip= manager.getZipFile(this.sourcePath); for (Enumeration entries= zip.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements();) { ZipEntry entry= (ZipEntry)entries.nextElement(); String entryName; if (!entry.isDirectory() && org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.Util.isJavaLikeFileName(entryName= entry.getName())) { IPath path= new Path(entryName); int segmentCount= path.segmentCount(); if (segmentCount > 1) { for (int i= 0, max= path.segmentCount() - 1; i < max; i++) { if (firstLevelPackageNames.contains(path.segment(i))) { tempRoots.add(path.uptoSegment(i)); // don't break here as this path could contain other first level package names (see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=74014) } if (i == max - 1 && containsADefaultPackage) { tempRoots.add(path.uptoSegment(max)); } } } else if (containsADefaultPackage) { tempRoots.add(new Path("")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } } catch (CoreException e) { // ignore } finally { manager.closeZipFile(zip); // handle null case } } } int size= tempRoots.size(); if (this.rootPaths != null) { for (Iterator iterator= this.rootPaths.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { tempRoots.add(new Path((String)iterator.next())); } this.rootPaths.clear(); } else { this.rootPaths= new ArrayList(size); } size= tempRoots.size(); if (size > 0) { ArrayList sortedRoots= new ArrayList(tempRoots); if (size > 1) { Collections.sort(sortedRoots, new Comparator() { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { IPath path1= (IPath)o1; IPath path2= (IPath)o2; return path1.segmentCount() - path2.segmentCount(); } }); } for (Iterator iter= sortedRoots.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { IPath path= (IPath)iter.next(); this.rootPaths.add(path.toString()); } } this.areRootPathsComputed= true; if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("Spent " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "ms"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ System.out.println("Found " + size + " root paths"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ int i= 0; for (Iterator iterator= this.rootPaths.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { System.out.println("root[" + i + "]=" + ((String)iterator.next()));//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ i++; } } } private void computeRootPath(IContainer container, HashSet firstLevelPackageNames, boolean hasDefaultPackage, Set set, int sourcePathSegmentCount) { try { IResource[] resources= container.members(); for (int i= 0, max= resources.length; i < max; i++) { IResource resource= resources[i]; if (resource.getType() == IResource.FOLDER) { if (firstLevelPackageNames.contains(resource.getName())) { IPath fullPath= container.getFullPath(); IPath rootPathEntry= fullPath.removeFirstSegments(sourcePathSegmentCount).setDevice(null); if (rootPathEntry.segmentCount() >= 1) { set.add(rootPathEntry); } computeRootPath((IFolder)resource, firstLevelPackageNames, hasDefaultPackage, set, sourcePathSegmentCount); } else { computeRootPath((IFolder)resource, firstLevelPackageNames, hasDefaultPackage, set, sourcePathSegmentCount); } } if (i == max - 1 && hasDefaultPackage) { // check if one member is a .java file boolean hasJavaSourceFile= false; for (int j= 0; j < max; j++) { if (org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.Util.isJavaLikeFileName(resources[i].getName())) { hasJavaSourceFile= true; break; } } if (hasJavaSourceFile) { IPath fullPath= container.getFullPath(); IPath rootPathEntry= fullPath.removeFirstSegments(sourcePathSegmentCount).setDevice(null); set.add(rootPathEntry); } } } } catch (CoreException e) { // ignore e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void enterType(TypeInfo typeInfo) { this.typeDepth++; if (this.typeDepth == this.types.length) { // need to grow System.arraycopy( this.types, 0, this.types= new IType[this.typeDepth * 2], 0, this.typeDepth); System.arraycopy( this.typeNameRanges, 0, this.typeNameRanges= new SourceRange[this.typeDepth * 2], 0, this.typeDepth); System.arraycopy( this.typeDeclarationStarts, 0, this.typeDeclarationStarts= new int[this.typeDepth * 2], 0, this.typeDepth); System.arraycopy( this.memberName, 0, this.memberName= new String[this.typeDepth * 2], 0, this.typeDepth); System.arraycopy( this.memberDeclarationStart, 0, this.memberDeclarationStart= new int[this.typeDepth * 2], 0, this.typeDepth); System.arraycopy( this.memberNameRange, 0, this.memberNameRange= new SourceRange[this.typeDepth * 2], 0, this.typeDepth); System.arraycopy( this.methodParameterTypes, 0, this.methodParameterTypes= new char[this.typeDepth * 2][][], 0, this.typeDepth); System.arraycopy( this.methodParameterNames, 0, this.methodParameterNames= new char[this.typeDepth * 2][][], 0, this.typeDepth); System.arraycopy( this.typeModifiers, 0, this.typeModifiers= new int[this.typeDepth * 2], 0, this.typeDepth); } if (typeInfo.name.length == 0) { this.anonymousCounter++; if (this.anonymousCounter == this.anonymousClassName) { this.types[this.typeDepth]= getType(this.binaryType.getElementName()); } else { this.types[this.typeDepth]= getType(new String(typeInfo.name)); } } else { this.types[this.typeDepth]= getType(new String(typeInfo.name)); } this.typeNameRanges[this.typeDepth]= new SourceRange(typeInfo.nameSourceStart, typeInfo.nameSourceEnd - typeInfo.nameSourceStart + 1); this.typeDeclarationStarts[this.typeDepth]= typeInfo.declarationStart; IType currentType= this.types[this.typeDepth]; // type parameters if (typeInfo.typeParameters != null) { for (int i= 0, length= typeInfo.typeParameters.length; i < length; i++) { TypeParameterInfo typeParameterInfo= typeInfo.typeParameters[i]; ITypeParameter typeParameter= currentType.getTypeParameter(new String(typeParameterInfo.name)); setSourceRange( typeParameter, new SourceRange( typeParameterInfo.declarationStart, typeParameterInfo.declarationEnd - typeParameterInfo.declarationStart + 1), new SourceRange( typeParameterInfo.nameSourceStart, typeParameterInfo.nameSourceEnd - typeParameterInfo.nameSourceStart + 1)); } } // type modifiers this.typeModifiers[this.typeDepth]= typeInfo.modifiers; // categories addCategories(currentType, typeInfo.categories); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void enterCompilationUnit() { // do nothing } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void enterConstructor(MethodInfo methodInfo) { enterAbstractMethod(methodInfo); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void enterField(FieldInfo fieldInfo) { if (this.typeDepth >= 0) { this.memberDeclarationStart[this.typeDepth]= fieldInfo.declarationStart; this.memberNameRange[this.typeDepth]= new SourceRange(fieldInfo.nameSourceStart, fieldInfo.nameSourceEnd - fieldInfo.nameSourceStart + 1); String fieldName= new String(fieldInfo.name); this.memberName[this.typeDepth]= fieldName; // categories IType currentType= this.types[this.typeDepth]; IField field= currentType.getField(fieldName); addCategories(field, fieldInfo.categories); } } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void enterInitializer( int declarationSourceStart, int modifiers) { //do nothing } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void enterMethod(MethodInfo methodInfo) { enterAbstractMethod(methodInfo); } private void enterAbstractMethod(MethodInfo methodInfo) { if (this.typeDepth >= 0) { this.memberName[this.typeDepth]= new String(methodInfo.name); this.memberNameRange[this.typeDepth]= new SourceRange(methodInfo.nameSourceStart, methodInfo.nameSourceEnd - methodInfo.nameSourceStart + 1); this.memberDeclarationStart[this.typeDepth]= methodInfo.declarationStart; IType currentType= this.types[this.typeDepth]; int currenTypeModifiers= this.typeModifiers[this.typeDepth]; char[][] parameterTypes= methodInfo.parameterTypes; if (methodInfo.isConstructor && currentType.getDeclaringType() != null && !Flags.isStatic(currenTypeModifiers)) { IType declaringType= currentType.getDeclaringType(); String declaringTypeName= declaringType.getElementName(); if (declaringTypeName.length() == 0) { IClassFile classFile= declaringType.getClassFile(); int length= parameterTypes != null ? parameterTypes.length : 0; char[][] newParameterTypes= new char[length + 1][]; declaringTypeName= classFile.getElementName(); declaringTypeName= declaringTypeName.substring(0, declaringTypeName.indexOf('.')); newParameterTypes[0]= declaringTypeName.toCharArray(); if (length != 0) { System.arraycopy(parameterTypes, 0, newParameterTypes, 1, length); } this.methodParameterTypes[this.typeDepth]= newParameterTypes; } else { int length= parameterTypes != null ? parameterTypes.length : 0; char[][] newParameterTypes= new char[length + 1][]; newParameterTypes[0]= declaringTypeName.toCharArray(); if (length != 0) { System.arraycopy(parameterTypes, 0, newParameterTypes, 1, length); } this.methodParameterTypes[this.typeDepth]= newParameterTypes; } } else { this.methodParameterTypes[this.typeDepth]= parameterTypes; } this.methodParameterNames[this.typeDepth]= methodInfo.parameterNames; IMethod method= currentType.getMethod( this.memberName[this.typeDepth], convertTypeNamesToSigs(this.methodParameterTypes[this.typeDepth])); // type parameters if (methodInfo.typeParameters != null) { for (int i= 0, length= methodInfo.typeParameters.length; i < length; i++) { TypeParameterInfo typeParameterInfo= methodInfo.typeParameters[i]; ITypeParameter typeParameter= method.getTypeParameter(new String(typeParameterInfo.name)); setSourceRange( typeParameter, new SourceRange( typeParameterInfo.declarationStart, typeParameterInfo.declarationEnd - typeParameterInfo.declarationStart + 1), new SourceRange( typeParameterInfo.nameSourceStart, typeParameterInfo.nameSourceEnd - typeParameterInfo.nameSourceStart + 1)); } } // categories addCategories(method, methodInfo.categories); } } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void exitType(int declarationEnd) { if (this.typeDepth >= 0) { IType currentType= this.types[this.typeDepth]; setSourceRange( currentType, new SourceRange( this.typeDeclarationStarts[this.typeDepth], declarationEnd - this.typeDeclarationStarts[this.typeDepth] + 1), this.typeNameRanges[this.typeDepth]); this.typeDepth--; } } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void exitCompilationUnit(int declarationEnd) { //do nothing } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void exitConstructor(int declarationEnd) { exitAbstractMethod(declarationEnd); } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void exitField(int initializationStart, int declarationEnd, int declarationSourceEnd) { if (this.typeDepth >= 0) { IType currentType= this.types[this.typeDepth]; setSourceRange( currentType.getField(this.memberName[this.typeDepth]), new SourceRange( this.memberDeclarationStart[this.typeDepth], declarationEnd - this.memberDeclarationStart[this.typeDepth] + 1), this.memberNameRange[this.typeDepth]); } } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void exitInitializer(int declarationEnd) { // implements abstract method } /** * @see ISourceElementRequestor */ public void exitMethod(int declarationEnd, Expression defaultValue) { exitAbstractMethod(declarationEnd); } private void exitAbstractMethod(int declarationEnd) { if (this.typeDepth >= 0) { IType currentType= this.types[this.typeDepth]; SourceRange sourceRange= new SourceRange( this.memberDeclarationStart[this.typeDepth], declarationEnd - this.memberDeclarationStart[this.typeDepth] + 1); IMethod method= currentType.getMethod( this.memberName[this.typeDepth], convertTypeNamesToSigs(this.methodParameterTypes[this.typeDepth])); setSourceRange( method, sourceRange, this.memberNameRange[this.typeDepth]); setMethodParameterNames( method, this.methodParameterNames[this.typeDepth]); } } /** * Locates and returns source code for the given (binary) type, in this SourceMapper's ZIP file, * or returns <code>null</code> if source code cannot be found. */ public char[] findSource(IType type, IBinaryType info) { if (!type.isBinary()) { return null; } String simpleSourceFileName= ((BinaryType)type).getSourceFileName(info); if (simpleSourceFileName == null) { return null; } return findSource(type, simpleSourceFileName); } /** * Locates and returns source code for the given (binary) type, in this SourceMapper's ZIP file, * or returns <code>null</code> if source code cannot be found. The given simpleSourceFileName * is the .java file name (without the enclosing folder) used to create the given type (e.g. * "A.java" for x/y/A$Inner.class) */ public char[] findSource(IType type, String simpleSourceFileName) { long time= 0; if (VERBOSE) { time= System.currentTimeMillis(); } PackageFragment pkgFrag= (PackageFragment)type.getPackageFragment(); String name= org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.Util.concatWith(pkgFrag.names, simpleSourceFileName, '/'); char[] source= null; JavaModelManager javaModelManager= JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager(); try { javaModelManager.cacheZipFiles(this); // Cache any zip files we open during this operation if (this.rootPath != null) { source= getSourceForRootPath(this.rootPath, name); } if (source == null) { computeAllRootPaths(type); if (this.rootPaths != null) { loop: for (Iterator iterator= this.rootPaths.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String currentRootPath= (String)iterator.next(); if (!currentRootPath.equals(this.rootPath)) { source= getSourceForRootPath(currentRootPath, name); if (source != null) { // remember right root path this.rootPath= currentRootPath; break loop; } } } } } } finally { javaModelManager.flushZipFiles(this); // clean up cached zip files. } if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("spent " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "ms for " + type.getElementName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } return source; } private char[] getSourceForRootPath(String currentRootPath, String name) { String newFullName; if (!currentRootPath.equals(IPackageFragmentRoot.DEFAULT_PACKAGEROOT_PATH)) { if (currentRootPath.endsWith("/")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ newFullName= currentRootPath + name; } else { newFullName= currentRootPath + '/' + name; } } else { newFullName= name; } return this.findSource(newFullName); } public char[] findSource(String fullName) { char[] source= null; Object target= JavaModel.getTarget(this.sourcePath, true); if (target instanceof IContainer) { IResource res= ((IContainer)target).findMember(fullName); if (res instanceof IFile) { try { source= org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.Util.getResourceContentsAsCharArray((IFile)res); } catch (JavaModelException e) { // ignore } } } else { // try to get the entry ZipEntry entry= null; ZipFile zip= null; JavaModelManager manager= JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager(); try { zip= manager.getZipFile(this.sourcePath); entry= zip.getEntry(fullName); if (entry != null) { // now read the source code source= readSource(entry, zip); } } catch (CoreException e) { return null; } finally { manager.closeZipFile(zip); // handle null case } } return source; } /** * Returns the SourceRange for the name of the given element, or {-1, -1} if no source range is * known for the name of the element. */ public SourceRange getNameRange(IJavaElement element) { switch (element.getElementType()) { case IJavaElement.METHOD: if (((IMember)element).isBinary()) { IJavaElement[] el= getUnqualifiedMethodHandle((IMethod)element, false); if (el[1] != null && this.sourceRanges.get(el[0]) == null) { element= getUnqualifiedMethodHandle((IMethod)element, true)[0]; } else { element= el[0]; } } break; case IJavaElement.TYPE_PARAMETER: IJavaElement parent= element.getParent(); if (parent.getElementType() == IJavaElement.METHOD) { IMethod method= (IMethod)parent; if (method.isBinary()) { IJavaElement[] el= getUnqualifiedMethodHandle(method, false); if (el[1] != null && this.sourceRanges.get(el[0]) == null) { method= (IMethod)getUnqualifiedMethodHandle(method, true)[0]; } else { method= (IMethod)el[0]; } element= method.getTypeParameter(element.getElementName()); } } } SourceRange[] ranges= (SourceRange[])this.sourceRanges.get(element); if (ranges == null) { return UNKNOWN_RANGE; } else { return ranges[1]; } } /** * Returns parameters names for the given method, or null if no parameter names are known for * the method. */ public char[][] getMethodParameterNames(IMethod method) { if (method.isBinary()) { IJavaElement[] el= getUnqualifiedMethodHandle(method, false); if (el[1] != null && this.parameterNames.get(el[0]) == null) { method= (IMethod)getUnqualifiedMethodHandle(method, true)[0]; } else { method= (IMethod)el[0]; } } char[][] parameters= (char[][])this.parameterNames.get(method); if (parameters == null) { return null; } else { return parameters; } } /** * Returns the <code>SourceRange</code> for the given element, or {-1, -1} if no source range is * known for the element. */ public SourceRange getSourceRange(IJavaElement element) { switch (element.getElementType()) { case IJavaElement.METHOD: if (((IMember)element).isBinary()) { IJavaElement[] el= getUnqualifiedMethodHandle((IMethod)element, false); if (el[1] != null && this.sourceRanges.get(el[0]) == null) { element= getUnqualifiedMethodHandle((IMethod)element, true)[0]; } else { element= el[0]; } } break; case IJavaElement.TYPE_PARAMETER: IJavaElement parent= element.getParent(); if (parent.getElementType() == IJavaElement.METHOD) { IMethod method= (IMethod)parent; if (method.isBinary()) { IJavaElement[] el= getUnqualifiedMethodHandle(method, false); if (el[1] != null && this.sourceRanges.get(el[0]) == null) { method= (IMethod)getUnqualifiedMethodHandle(method, true)[0]; } else { method= (IMethod)el[0]; } element= method.getTypeParameter(element.getElementName()); } } } SourceRange[] ranges= (SourceRange[])this.sourceRanges.get(element); if (ranges == null) { return UNKNOWN_RANGE; } else { return ranges[0]; } } /** * Returns the type with the given <code>typeName</code>. Returns inner classes as well. */ protected IType getType(String typeName) { if (typeName.length() == 0) { IJavaElement classFile= this.binaryType.getParent(); String classFileName= classFile.getElementName(); StringBuffer newClassFileName= new StringBuffer(); int lastDollar= classFileName.lastIndexOf('$'); for (int i= 0; i <= lastDollar; i++) newClassFileName.append(classFileName.charAt(i)); newClassFileName.append(Integer.toString(this.anonymousCounter)); PackageFragment pkg= (PackageFragment)classFile.getParent(); return new BinaryType(new ClassFile(pkg, newClassFileName.toString()), typeName); } else if (this.binaryType.getElementName().equals(typeName)) return this.binaryType; else return this.binaryType.getType(typeName); } /** * Creates a handle that has parameter types that are not fully qualified so that the correct * source is found. */ protected IJavaElement[] getUnqualifiedMethodHandle(IMethod method, boolean noDollar) { boolean hasDollar= false; String[] qualifiedParameterTypes= method.getParameterTypes(); String[] unqualifiedParameterTypes= new String[qualifiedParameterTypes.length]; for (int i= 0; i < qualifiedParameterTypes.length; i++) { StringBuffer unqualifiedTypeSig= new StringBuffer(); getUnqualifiedTypeSignature(qualifiedParameterTypes[i], 0/*start*/, qualifiedParameterTypes[i].length(), unqualifiedTypeSig, noDollar); unqualifiedParameterTypes[i]= unqualifiedTypeSig.toString(); hasDollar|= unqualifiedParameterTypes[i].lastIndexOf('$') != -1; } IJavaElement[] result= new IJavaElement[2]; result[0]= ((IType)method.getParent()).getMethod( method.getElementName(), unqualifiedParameterTypes); if (hasDollar) { result[1]= result[0]; } return result; } private int getUnqualifiedTypeSignature(String qualifiedTypeSig, int start, int length, StringBuffer unqualifiedTypeSig, boolean noDollar) { char firstChar= qualifiedTypeSig.charAt(start); int end= start + 1; boolean sigStart= false; firstPass: for (int i= start; i < length; i++) { char current= qualifiedTypeSig.charAt(i); switch (current) { case Signature.C_ARRAY: case Signature.C_SUPER: case Signature.C_EXTENDS: unqualifiedTypeSig.append(current); start= i + 1; end= start + 1; firstChar= qualifiedTypeSig.charAt(start); break; case Signature.C_RESOLVED: case Signature.C_UNRESOLVED: case Signature.C_TYPE_VARIABLE: if (!sigStart) { start= ++i; sigStart= true; } break; case Signature.C_NAME_END: case Signature.C_GENERIC_START: end= i; break firstPass; case Signature.C_STAR: unqualifiedTypeSig.append(current); start= i + 1; end= start + 1; firstChar= qualifiedTypeSig.charAt(start); break; case Signature.C_GENERIC_END: return i; case Signature.C_DOT: start= ++i; break; case Signature.C_BOOLEAN: case Signature.C_BYTE: case Signature.C_CHAR: case Signature.C_DOUBLE: case Signature.C_FLOAT: case Signature.C_INT: case Signature.C_LONG: case Signature.C_SHORT: if (!sigStart) { unqualifiedTypeSig.append(current); return i + 1; } } } switch (firstChar) { case Signature.C_RESOLVED: case Signature.C_UNRESOLVED: case Signature.C_TYPE_VARIABLE: unqualifiedTypeSig.append(Signature.C_UNRESOLVED); if (noDollar) { int lastDollar= qualifiedTypeSig.lastIndexOf('$', end); if (lastDollar > start) start= lastDollar + 1; } for (int i= start; i < length; i++) { char current= qualifiedTypeSig.charAt(i); switch (current) { case Signature.C_GENERIC_START: unqualifiedTypeSig.append(current); i++; do { i= getUnqualifiedTypeSignature(qualifiedTypeSig, i, length, unqualifiedTypeSig, noDollar); } while (qualifiedTypeSig.charAt(i) != Signature.C_GENERIC_END); unqualifiedTypeSig.append(Signature.C_GENERIC_END); break; case Signature.C_NAME_END: unqualifiedTypeSig.append(current); return i + 1; default: unqualifiedTypeSig.append(current); break; } } return length; default: // primitive type or wildcard unqualifiedTypeSig.append(qualifiedTypeSig.substring(start, end)); return end; } } /** * Maps the given source code to the given binary type and its children. */ public void mapSource(IType type, char[] contents, IBinaryType info) { this.mapSource(type, contents, info, null); } /** * Maps the given source code to the given binary type and its children. If a non-null java * element is passed, finds the name range for the given java element without storing it. */ public synchronized ISourceRange mapSource( IType type, char[] contents, IBinaryType info, IJavaElement elementToFind) { this.binaryType= (BinaryType)type; // check whether it is already mapped if (this.sourceRanges.get(type) != null) return (elementToFind != null) ? getNameRange(elementToFind) : null; this.importsTable.remove(this.binaryType); this.importsCounterTable.remove(this.binaryType); this.searchedElement= elementToFind; this.types= new IType[1]; this.typeDeclarationStarts= new int[1]; this.typeNameRanges= new SourceRange[1]; this.typeModifiers= new int[1]; this.typeDepth= -1; this.memberDeclarationStart= new int[1]; this.memberName= new String[1]; this.memberNameRange= new SourceRange[1]; this.methodParameterTypes= new char[1][][]; this.methodParameterNames= new char[1][][]; this.anonymousCounter= 0; HashMap oldSourceRanges= null; if (elementToFind != null) { oldSourceRanges= (HashMap)this.sourceRanges.clone(); } try { IProblemFactory factory= new DefaultProblemFactory(); SourceElementParser parser= null; this.anonymousClassName= 0; if (info == null) { try { info= (IBinaryType)this.binaryType.getElementInfo(); } catch (JavaModelException e) { return null; } } boolean isAnonymousClass= info.isAnonymous(); char[] fullName= info.getName(); if (isAnonymousClass) { String eltName= this.binaryType.getParent().getElementName(); eltName= eltName.substring(eltName.lastIndexOf('$') + 1, eltName.length()); try { this.anonymousClassName= Integer.parseInt(eltName); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // ignore } } boolean doFullParse= hasToRetrieveSourceRangesForLocalClass(fullName); parser= new SourceElementParser(this, factory, new CompilerOptions(this.options), doFullParse, true/*optimize string literals*/); parser.javadocParser.checkDocComment= false; // disable javadoc parsing IJavaElement javaElement= this.binaryType.getCompilationUnit(); if (javaElement == null) javaElement= this.binaryType.getParent(); parser.parseCompilationUnit( new BasicCompilationUnit(contents, null, this.binaryType.sourceFileName(info), javaElement), doFullParse, null/*no progress*/); if (elementToFind != null) { ISourceRange range= getNameRange(elementToFind); return range; } else { return null; } } finally { if (elementToFind != null) { this.sourceRanges= oldSourceRanges; } this.binaryType= null; this.searchedElement= null; this.types= null; this.typeDeclarationStarts= null; this.typeNameRanges= null; this.typeDepth= -1; } } private char[] readSource(ZipEntry entry, ZipFile zip) { try { byte[] bytes= Util.getZipEntryByteContent(entry, zip); if (bytes != null) { return Util.bytesToChar(bytes, this.encoding); } } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } return null; } /** * Sets the mapping for this method to its parameter names. * * @see #parameterNames */ protected void setMethodParameterNames( IMethod method, char[][] parameterNames) { if (parameterNames == null) { parameterNames= CharOperation.NO_CHAR_CHAR; } this.parameterNames.put(method, parameterNames); } /** * Sets the mapping for this element to its source ranges for its source range and name range. * * @see #sourceRanges */ protected void setSourceRange( IJavaElement element, SourceRange sourceRange, SourceRange nameRange) { this.sourceRanges.put(element, new SourceRange[] { sourceRange, nameRange }); } /** * Return a char[][] array containing the imports of the attached source for the binary type */ public char[][] getImports(BinaryType type) { char[][] imports= (char[][])this.importsTable.get(type); if (imports != null) { int importsCounter= ((Integer)this.importsCounterTable.get(type)).intValue(); if (imports.length != importsCounter) { System.arraycopy( imports, 0, (imports= new char[importsCounter][]), 0, importsCounter); } this.importsTable.put(type, imports); } return imports; } private boolean hasToRetrieveSourceRangesForLocalClass(char[] eltName) { /* * A$1$B$2 : true * A$B$B$2 : true * A$C$B$D : false * A$F$B$D$1$F : true * A$F$B$D$1F : true * A$1 : true * A$B : false */ if (eltName == null) return false; int length= eltName.length; int dollarIndex= CharOperation.indexOf('$', eltName, 0); while (dollarIndex != -1) { int nameStart= dollarIndex + 1; if (nameStart == length) return false; if (Character.isDigit(eltName[nameStart])) return true; dollarIndex= CharOperation.indexOf('$', eltName, nameStart); } return false; } }