/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2006, 2009 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.complete.CompletionParser; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.complete.CompletionScanner; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ASTVisitor; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Argument; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Block; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ConstructorDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.FieldDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Initializer; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.LocalDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.MethodDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Statement; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BlockScope; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ClassScope; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MethodScope; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Scope; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.SimpleSetOfCharArray; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util; public class UnresolvedReferenceNameFinder extends ASTVisitor { private static final int MAX_LINE_COUNT= 100; private static final int FAKE_BLOCKS_COUNT= 20; public static interface UnresolvedReferenceNameRequestor { public void acceptName(char[] name); } private UnresolvedReferenceNameRequestor requestor; private CompletionEngine completionEngine; private CompletionParser parser; private CompletionScanner completionScanner; private int parentsPtr; private ASTNode[] parents; private int potentialVariableNamesPtr; private char[][] potentialVariableNames; private int[] potentialVariableNameStarts; private SimpleSetOfCharArray acceptedNames= new SimpleSetOfCharArray(); public UnresolvedReferenceNameFinder(CompletionEngine completionEngine) { this.completionEngine= completionEngine; this.parser= completionEngine.parser; this.completionScanner= (CompletionScanner)this.parser.scanner; } private void acceptName(char[] name) { // the null check is added to fix bug https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=166570 if (name == null) return; if (!CharOperation.prefixEquals(this.completionEngine.completionToken, name, false /* ignore case */) && !(this.completionEngine.options.camelCaseMatch && CharOperation.camelCaseMatch(this.completionEngine.completionToken, name))) return; if (this.acceptedNames.includes(name)) return; this.acceptedNames.add(name); // accept result this.requestor.acceptName(name); } public void find( char[] startWith, Initializer initializer, ClassScope scope, int from, char[][] discouragedNames, UnresolvedReferenceNameRequestor nameRequestor) { MethodDeclaration fakeMethod= this.findAfter(startWith, scope, from, initializer.bodyEnd, MAX_LINE_COUNT, false, discouragedNames, nameRequestor); if (fakeMethod != null) fakeMethod.traverse(this, scope); } public void find( char[] startWith, AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDeclaration, int from, char[][] discouragedNames, UnresolvedReferenceNameRequestor nameRequestor) { MethodDeclaration fakeMethod= this.findAfter(startWith, methodDeclaration.scope, from, methodDeclaration.bodyEnd, MAX_LINE_COUNT, false, discouragedNames, nameRequestor); if (fakeMethod != null) fakeMethod.traverse(this, methodDeclaration.scope.classScope()); } public void findAfter( char[] startWith, Scope scope, ClassScope classScope, int from, int to, char[][] discouragedNames, UnresolvedReferenceNameRequestor nameRequestor) { MethodDeclaration fakeMethod= this.findAfter(startWith, scope, from, to, MAX_LINE_COUNT / 2, true, discouragedNames, nameRequestor); if (fakeMethod != null) fakeMethod.traverse(this, classScope); } private MethodDeclaration findAfter( char[] startWith, Scope s, int from, int to, int maxLineCount, boolean outsideEnclosingBlock, char[][] discouragedNames, UnresolvedReferenceNameRequestor nameRequestor) { this.requestor= nameRequestor; // reinitialize completion scanner to be usable as a normal scanner this.completionScanner.cursorLocation= 0; if (!outsideEnclosingBlock) { // compute location of the end of the current block this.completionScanner.resetTo(from + 1, to); this.completionScanner.jumpOverBlock(); to= this.completionScanner.startPosition - 1; } int maxEnd= this.completionScanner.getLineEnd( Util.getLineNumber(from, this.completionScanner.lineEnds, 0, this.completionScanner.linePtr) + maxLineCount); int end; if (maxEnd < 0) { end= to; } else { end= maxEnd < to ? maxEnd : to; } this.parser.startRecordingIdentifiers(from, end); MethodDeclaration fakeMethod= this.parser.parseSomeStatements( from, end, outsideEnclosingBlock ? FAKE_BLOCKS_COUNT : 0, s.compilationUnitScope().referenceContext); this.parser.stopRecordingIdentifiers(); if (!initPotentialNamesTables(discouragedNames)) return null; this.parentsPtr= -1; this.parents= new ASTNode[10]; return fakeMethod; } public void findBefore( char[] startWith, Scope scope, ClassScope classScope, int from, int recordTo, int parseTo, char[][] discouragedNames, UnresolvedReferenceNameRequestor nameRequestor) { MethodDeclaration fakeMethod= this.findBefore(startWith, scope, from, recordTo, parseTo, MAX_LINE_COUNT / 2, discouragedNames, nameRequestor); if (fakeMethod != null) fakeMethod.traverse(this, classScope); } private MethodDeclaration findBefore( char[] startWith, Scope s, int from, int recordTo, int parseTo, int maxLineCount, char[][] discouragedNames, UnresolvedReferenceNameRequestor nameRequestor) { this.requestor= nameRequestor; // reinitialize completion scanner to be usable as a normal scanner this.completionScanner.cursorLocation= 0; int minStart= this.completionScanner.getLineStart( Util.getLineNumber(recordTo, this.completionScanner.lineEnds, 0, this.completionScanner.linePtr) - maxLineCount); int start; int fakeBlocksCount; if (minStart <= from) { start= from; fakeBlocksCount= 0; } else { start= minStart; fakeBlocksCount= FAKE_BLOCKS_COUNT; } this.parser.startRecordingIdentifiers(start, recordTo); MethodDeclaration fakeMethod= this.parser.parseSomeStatements( start, parseTo, fakeBlocksCount, s.compilationUnitScope().referenceContext); this.parser.stopRecordingIdentifiers(); if (!initPotentialNamesTables(discouragedNames)) return null; this.parentsPtr= -1; this.parents= new ASTNode[10]; return fakeMethod; } private boolean initPotentialNamesTables(char[][] discouragedNames) { char[][] pvns= this.parser.potentialVariableNames; int[] pvnss= this.parser.potentialVariableNameStarts; int pvnsPtr= this.parser.potentialVariableNamesPtr; if (pvnsPtr < 0) return false; // there is no potential names // remove null and discouragedNames int discouragedNamesCount= discouragedNames == null ? 0 : discouragedNames.length; int j= -1; next: for (int i= 0; i <= pvnsPtr; i++) { char[] temp= pvns[i]; if (temp == null) continue next; for (int k= 0; k < discouragedNamesCount; k++) { if (CharOperation.equals(temp, discouragedNames[k], false)) { continue next; } } pvns[i]= null; pvns[++j]= temp; pvnss[j]= pvnss[i]; } pvnsPtr= j; if (pvnsPtr < 0) return false; // there is no potential names this.potentialVariableNames= pvns; this.potentialVariableNameStarts= pvnss; this.potentialVariableNamesPtr= pvnsPtr; return true; } private void popParent() { this.parentsPtr--; } private void pushParent(ASTNode parent) { int length= this.parents.length; if (this.parentsPtr >= length - 1) { System.arraycopy(this.parents, 0, this.parents= new ASTNode[length * 2], 0, length); } this.parents[++this.parentsPtr]= parent; } private ASTNode getEnclosingDeclaration() { int i= this.parentsPtr; while (i > -1) { ASTNode parent= this.parents[i]; if (parent instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration) { return parent; } else if (parent instanceof Initializer) { return parent; } else if (parent instanceof FieldDeclaration) { return parent; } else if (parent instanceof TypeDeclaration) { return parent; } i--; } return null; } public boolean visit(Block block, BlockScope blockScope) { ASTNode enclosingDeclaration= getEnclosingDeclaration(); removeLocals(block.statements, enclosingDeclaration.sourceStart, block.sourceEnd); pushParent(block); return true; } public boolean visit(ConstructorDeclaration constructorDeclaration, ClassScope classScope) { if (((constructorDeclaration.bits & ASTNode.IsDefaultConstructor) == 0) && !constructorDeclaration.isClinit()) { removeLocals( constructorDeclaration.arguments, constructorDeclaration.declarationSourceStart, constructorDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd); removeLocals( constructorDeclaration.statements, constructorDeclaration.declarationSourceStart, constructorDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd); } pushParent(constructorDeclaration); return true; } public boolean visit(FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, MethodScope methodScope) { pushParent(fieldDeclaration); return true; } public boolean visit(Initializer initializer, MethodScope methodScope) { pushParent(initializer); return true; } public boolean visit(MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration, ClassScope classScope) { removeLocals( methodDeclaration.arguments, methodDeclaration.declarationSourceStart, methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd); removeLocals( methodDeclaration.statements, methodDeclaration.declarationSourceStart, methodDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd); pushParent(methodDeclaration); return true; } public boolean visit(TypeDeclaration localTypeDeclaration, BlockScope blockScope) { removeFields(localTypeDeclaration); pushParent(localTypeDeclaration); return true; } public boolean visit(TypeDeclaration memberTypeDeclaration, ClassScope classScope) { removeFields(memberTypeDeclaration); pushParent(memberTypeDeclaration); return true; } public void endVisit(Block block, BlockScope blockScope) { popParent(); } public void endVisit(Argument argument, BlockScope blockScope) { endVisitRemoved(argument.declarationSourceStart, argument.sourceEnd); } public void endVisit(Argument argument, ClassScope classScope) { endVisitRemoved(argument.declarationSourceStart, argument.sourceEnd); } public void endVisit(ConstructorDeclaration constructorDeclaration, ClassScope classScope) { if (((constructorDeclaration.bits & ASTNode.IsDefaultConstructor) == 0) && !constructorDeclaration.isClinit()) { endVisitPreserved(constructorDeclaration.bodyStart, constructorDeclaration.bodyEnd); } popParent(); } public void endVisit(FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, MethodScope methodScope) { endVisitRemoved(fieldDeclaration.declarationSourceStart, fieldDeclaration.sourceEnd); endVisitPreserved(fieldDeclaration.sourceEnd, fieldDeclaration.declarationEnd); popParent(); } public void endVisit(Initializer initializer, MethodScope methodScope) { endVisitPreserved(initializer.bodyStart, initializer.bodyEnd); popParent(); } public void endVisit(LocalDeclaration localDeclaration, BlockScope blockScope) { endVisitRemoved(localDeclaration.declarationSourceStart, localDeclaration.sourceEnd); } public void endVisit(MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration, ClassScope classScope) { endVisitPreserved( methodDeclaration.bodyStart, methodDeclaration.bodyEnd); popParent(); } public void endVisit(TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration, BlockScope blockScope) { endVisitRemoved(typeDeclaration.sourceStart, typeDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd); popParent(); } public void endVisit(TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration, ClassScope classScope) { endVisitRemoved(typeDeclaration.sourceStart, typeDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd); popParent(); } private int indexOfFisrtNameAfter(int position) { int left= 0; int right= this.potentialVariableNamesPtr; next: while (true) { if (right < left) return -1; int mid= left + (right - left) / 2; int midPosition= this.potentialVariableNameStarts[mid]; if (midPosition < 0) { int nextMid= indexOfNextName(mid); if (nextMid < 0 || right < nextMid) { // no next index or next index is after 'right' right= mid - 1; continue next; } mid= nextMid; midPosition= this.potentialVariableNameStarts[nextMid]; if (mid == right) { // mid and right are at the same index, we must move 'left' int leftPosition= this.potentialVariableNameStarts[left]; if (leftPosition < 0 || leftPosition < position) { // 'left' is empty or 'left' is before the position int nextLeft= indexOfNextName(left); if (nextLeft < 0) return -1; left= nextLeft; continue next; } return left; } } if (left != right) { if (midPosition < position) { left= mid + 1; } else { right= mid; } } else { if (midPosition < position) { return -1; } return mid; } } } private int indexOfNextName(int index) { int nextIndex= index + 1; while (nextIndex <= this.potentialVariableNamesPtr && this.potentialVariableNames[nextIndex] == null) { int jumpIndex= -this.potentialVariableNameStarts[nextIndex]; if (jumpIndex > 0) { nextIndex= jumpIndex; } else { nextIndex++; } } if (this.potentialVariableNamesPtr < nextIndex) { if (index < this.potentialVariableNamesPtr) { this.potentialVariableNamesPtr= index; } return -1; } if (index + 1 < nextIndex) { this.potentialVariableNameStarts[index + 1]= -nextIndex; } return nextIndex; } private void removeNameAt(int index) { this.potentialVariableNames[index]= null; int nextIndex= indexOfNextName(index); if (nextIndex != -1) { this.potentialVariableNameStarts[index]= -nextIndex; } else { this.potentialVariableNamesPtr= index - 1; } } private void endVisitPreserved(int start, int end) { int i= indexOfFisrtNameAfter(start); done: while (i != -1) { int nameStart= this.potentialVariableNameStarts[i]; if (start < nameStart && nameStart < end) { acceptName(this.potentialVariableNames[i]); removeNameAt(i); } if (end < nameStart) break done; i= indexOfNextName(i); } } private void endVisitRemoved(int start, int end) { int i= indexOfFisrtNameAfter(start); done: while (i != -1) { int nameStart= this.potentialVariableNameStarts[i]; if (start < nameStart && nameStart < end) { removeNameAt(i); } if (end < nameStart) break done; i= indexOfNextName(i); } } private void removeLocals(Statement[] statements, int start, int end) { if (statements != null) { for (int i= 0; i < statements.length; i++) { if (statements[i] instanceof LocalDeclaration) { LocalDeclaration localDeclaration= (LocalDeclaration)statements[i]; int j= indexOfFisrtNameAfter(start); done: while (j != -1) { int nameStart= this.potentialVariableNameStarts[j]; if (start <= nameStart && nameStart <= end) { if (CharOperation.equals(this.potentialVariableNames[j], localDeclaration.name, false)) { removeNameAt(j); } } if (end < nameStart) break done; j= indexOfNextName(j); } } } } } private void removeFields(TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration) { int start= typeDeclaration.declarationSourceStart; int end= typeDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd; FieldDeclaration[] fieldDeclarations= typeDeclaration.fields; if (fieldDeclarations != null) { for (int i= 0; i < fieldDeclarations.length; i++) { int j= indexOfFisrtNameAfter(start); done: while (j != -1) { int nameStart= this.potentialVariableNameStarts[j]; if (start <= nameStart && nameStart <= end) { if (CharOperation.equals(this.potentialVariableNames[j], fieldDeclarations[i].name, false)) { removeNameAt(j); } } if (end < nameStart) break done; j= indexOfNextName(j); } } } } }