/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Oakland Software Incorporated - added getSessionProperties and getPersistentProperties *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.core.internal.resources; import java.io.*; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.core.internal.localstore.FileStoreRoot; import org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.*; import org.eclipse.core.internal.watson.IElementTreeData; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.QualifiedName; /** * A data structure containing the in-memory state of a resource in the workspace. */ public class ResourceInfo implements IElementTreeData, ICoreConstants, IStringPoolParticipant { protected static final int LOWER= 0xFFFF; protected static final int UPPER= 0xFFFF0000; /** * This field stores the resource modification stamp in the lower two bytes, and the character * set generation count in the higher two bytes. */ protected volatile int charsetAndContentId= 0; /** * The file system root that this resource is stored in */ protected FileStoreRoot fileStoreRoot; /** Set of flags which reflect various states of the info (used, derived, ...). */ protected int flags= 0; /** Local sync info */ // thread safety: (Concurrency004) protected volatile long localInfo= I_NULL_SYNC_INFO; /** * This field stores the sync info generation in the lower two bytes, and the marker generation * count in the upper two bytes. */ protected volatile int markerAndSyncStamp; /** The collection of markers for this resource. */ protected MarkerSet markers= null; /** Modification stamp */ protected long modStamp= 0; /** Unique node identifier */ // thread safety: (Concurrency004) protected volatile long nodeId= 0; /** * The properties which are maintained for the lifecycle of the workspace. * <p> * This field is declared as the implementing class rather than the interface so we ensure that * we get it right since we are making certain assumptions about the object type w.r.t. casting. */ protected ObjectMap sessionProperties= null; /** * The table of sync information. * <p> * This field is declared as the implementing class rather than the interface so we ensure that * we get it right since we are making certain assumptions about the object type w.r.t. casting. */ protected ObjectMap syncInfo= null; /** * Returns the integer value stored in the indicated part of this info's flags. */ protected static int getBits(int flags, int mask, int start) { return (flags & mask) >> start; } /** * Returns the type setting for this info. Valid values are FILE, FOLDER, PROJECT, */ public static int getType(int flags) { return getBits(flags, M_TYPE, M_TYPE_START); } /** * Returns true if all of the bits indicated by the mask are set. */ public static boolean isSet(int flags, int mask) { return (flags & mask) == mask; } /** * Clears all of the bits indicated by the mask. */ public void clear(int mask) { flags&= ~mask; } public void clearModificationStamp() { modStamp= IResource.NULL_STAMP; } public synchronized void clearSessionProperties() { sessionProperties= null; } public Object clone() { try { return super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { return null; // never gets here. } } public int getCharsetGenerationCount() { return charsetAndContentId >> 16; } public int getContentId() { return charsetAndContentId & LOWER; } public FileStoreRoot getFileStoreRoot() { return fileStoreRoot; } /** * Returns the set of flags for this info. */ public int getFlags() { return flags; } /** * Gets the local-relative sync information. */ public long getLocalSyncInfo() { return localInfo; } /** * Returns the marker generation count. The count is incremented whenever markers on the * resource change. */ public int getMarkerGenerationCount() { return markerAndSyncStamp >> 16; } /** * Returns a copy of the collection of makers on this resource. <code>null</code> is returned if * there are none. */ public MarkerSet getMarkers() { return getMarkers(true); } /** * Returns the collection of makers on this resource. <code>null</code> is returned if there are * none. */ public MarkerSet getMarkers(boolean makeCopy) { if (markers == null) return null; return makeCopy ? (MarkerSet)markers.clone() : markers; } public long getModificationStamp() { return modStamp; } public long getNodeId() { return nodeId; } /** * Returns the property store associated with this info. The return value may be null. */ public Object getPropertyStore() { return null; } /** * Returns a copy of the map of this resource session properties. An empty map is returned if * there are none. */ public Map getSessionProperties() { // thread safety: (Concurrency001) ObjectMap temp= sessionProperties; if (temp == null) temp= new ObjectMap(5); else temp= (ObjectMap)sessionProperties.clone(); return temp; } /** * Returns the value of the identified session property */ public Object getSessionProperty(QualifiedName name) { // thread safety: (Concurrency001) Map temp= sessionProperties; if (temp == null) return null; return temp.get(name); } /** * The parameter to this method is the implementing class rather than the interface so we ensure * that we get it right since we are making certain assumptions about the object type w.r.t. * casting. */ public synchronized ObjectMap getSyncInfo(boolean makeCopy) { if (syncInfo == null) return null; return makeCopy ? (ObjectMap)syncInfo.clone() : syncInfo; } public synchronized byte[] getSyncInfo(QualifiedName id, boolean makeCopy) { // thread safety: (Concurrency001) byte[] b; if (syncInfo == null) return null; b= (byte[])syncInfo.get(id); return b == null ? null : (makeCopy ? (byte[])b.clone() : b); } /** * Returns the sync information generation count. The count is incremented whenever sync info on * the resource changes. */ public int getSyncInfoGenerationCount() { return markerAndSyncStamp & LOWER; } /** * Returns the type setting for this info. Valid values are FILE, FOLDER, PROJECT, */ public int getType() { return getType(flags); } /** * Increments the charset generation count. The count is incremented whenever the encoding on * the resource changes. */ public void incrementCharsetGenerationCount() { //increment high order bits charsetAndContentId= ((charsetAndContentId + LOWER + 1) & UPPER) + (charsetAndContentId & LOWER); } /** * Mark this resource info as having changed content */ public void incrementContentId() { //increment low order bits charsetAndContentId= (charsetAndContentId & UPPER) + ((charsetAndContentId + 1) & LOWER); } /** * Increments the marker generation count. The count is incremented whenever markers on the * resource change. */ public void incrementMarkerGenerationCount() { //increment high order bits markerAndSyncStamp= ((markerAndSyncStamp + LOWER + 1) & UPPER) + (markerAndSyncStamp & LOWER); } /** * Change the modification stamp to indicate that this resource has changed. The exact value of * the stamp doesn't matter, as long as it can be used to distinguish two arbitrary resource * generations. */ public void incrementModificationStamp() { modStamp++; } /** * Increments the sync information generation count. The count is incremented whenever sync info * on the resource changes. */ public void incrementSyncInfoGenerationCount() { //increment low order bits markerAndSyncStamp= (markerAndSyncStamp & UPPER) + ((markerAndSyncStamp + 1) & LOWER); } /** * Returns true if all of the bits indicated by the mask are set. */ public boolean isSet(int mask) { return (flags & mask) == mask; } public void readFrom(int newFlags, DataInput input) throws IOException { // The flags for this info are read by the visitor (flattener). // See Workspace.readElement(). This allows the reader to look ahead // and see what type of info is being loaded. this.flags= newFlags; localInfo= input.readLong(); nodeId= input.readLong(); charsetAndContentId= input.readInt() & LOWER; modStamp= input.readLong(); } /** * Sets all of the bits indicated by the mask. */ public void set(int mask) { flags|= mask; } /** * Sets the value of the indicated bits to be the given value. */ protected void setBits(int mask, int start, int value) { int baseMask= mask >> start; int newValue= (value & baseMask) << start; // thread safety: (guarantee atomic assignment) int temp= flags; temp&= ~mask; temp|= newValue; flags= temp; } public void setFileStoreRoot(FileStoreRoot fileStoreRoot) { this.fileStoreRoot= fileStoreRoot; } /** * Sets the flags for this info. */ protected void setFlags(int value) { flags= value; } /** * Sets the local-relative sync information. */ public void setLocalSyncInfo(long info) { localInfo= info; } /** * Sets the collection of makers for this resource. <code>null</code> is passed in if there are * no markers. */ public void setMarkers(MarkerSet value) { markers= value; } /** * Sets the resource modification stamp. */ public void setModificationStamp(long value) { this.modStamp= value; } /** * */ public void setNodeId(long id) { nodeId= id; } /** * Sets the property store associated with this info. The value may be null. */ public void setPropertyStore(Object value) { // needs to be implemented on subclasses } /** * Sets the identified session property to the given value. If the value is null, the property * is removed. */ public synchronized void setSessionProperty(QualifiedName name, Object value) { // thread safety: (Concurrency001) if (value == null) { if (sessionProperties == null) return; ObjectMap temp= (ObjectMap)sessionProperties.clone(); temp.remove(name); if (temp.isEmpty()) sessionProperties= null; else sessionProperties= temp; } else { ObjectMap temp= sessionProperties; if (temp == null) temp= new ObjectMap(5); else temp= (ObjectMap)sessionProperties.clone(); temp.put(name, value); sessionProperties= temp; } } /** * The parameter to this method is the implementing class rather than the interface so we ensure * that we get it right since we are making certain assumptions about the object type w.r.t. * casting. */ protected void setSyncInfo(ObjectMap syncInfo) { this.syncInfo= syncInfo; } public synchronized void setSyncInfo(QualifiedName id, byte[] value) { if (value == null) { //delete sync info if (syncInfo == null) return; syncInfo.remove(id); if (syncInfo.isEmpty()) syncInfo= null; } else { //add sync info if (syncInfo == null) syncInfo= new ObjectMap(5); syncInfo.put(id, value.clone()); } } /** * Sets the type for this info to the given value. Valid values are FILE, FOLDER, PROJECT */ public void setType(int value) { setBits(M_TYPE, M_TYPE_START, value); } /* (non-Javadoc * Method declared on IStringPoolParticipant */ public void shareStrings(StringPool set) { ObjectMap map= syncInfo; if (map != null) map.shareStrings(set); map= sessionProperties; if (map != null) map.shareStrings(set); MarkerSet markerSet= markers; if (markerSet != null) markerSet.shareStrings(set); } public void writeTo(DataOutput output) throws IOException { // The flags for this info are written by the visitor (flattener). // See SaveManager.writeElement(). This allows the reader to look ahead // and see what type of info is being loaded. output.writeLong(localInfo); output.writeLong(nodeId); output.writeInt(getContentId()); output.writeLong(modStamp); } }