package; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.codecranachan.asteroidpush.base.simulation.RigidBody; import org.codecranachan.asteroidpush.base.simulation.RigidBodyFactory; import org.codecranachan.asteroidpush.utils.NewtonianState; import org.jgrapht.alg.ConnectivityInspector; import org.jgrapht.event.GraphEdgeChangeEvent; import org.jgrapht.event.GraphListener; import org.jgrapht.event.GraphVertexChangeEvent; public class BodyAssociationManager implements GraphListener<BodyVertex, BodyEdge> { private BodyGraph graph; public BodyAssociationManager(BodyGraph graph) { this.graph = graph; } /** * This will create bodies for connected sets of BodyVertices which do not * have any Bodies attached. * * @param initialState * The world coordinates of where to spawn the bodies. * @param factory * The RigidBodyFactory to use for spawning new bodies. */ public void spawnMissingBodies(NewtonianState initialState, RigidBodyFactory factory) { ConnectivityInspector<BodyVertex, BodyEdge> inspector = new ConnectivityInspector<BodyVertex, BodyEdge>( graph); for (Set<BodyVertex> set : inspector.connectedSets()) { RigidBody assignedBody = findAssignedBody(set); if (assignedBody == null) { RigidBody newBody = factory.createDynamicBody(initialState); Set<RigidBody> replacedBodies = replaceBodiesInSet(newBody, set); assert replacedBodies.size() == 0; } } } private RigidBody findAssignedBody(Set<BodyVertex> set) { boolean bodyLocked = false; RigidBody foundBody = null; for (BodyVertex vertex : set) { if (bodyLocked) { assert vertex.getBody() == foundBody; } else { bodyLocked = true; foundBody = vertex.getBody(); } } return foundBody; } public void vertexAdded(GraphVertexChangeEvent<BodyVertex> event) { } public void vertexRemoved(GraphVertexChangeEvent<BodyVertex> event) { } public void edgeAdded(GraphEdgeChangeEvent<BodyVertex, BodyEdge> event) { if (event.getType() != GraphEdgeChangeEvent.BEFORE_EDGE_ADDED) { return; } BodyVertex first = event.getEdgeSource(); BodyVertex second = event.getEdgeSource(); // Possible cases: // - Neither has a body attached // - Both have the same body attached // - Only one has a body attached // - Both have a different body attached if (first.getBody() == second.getBody()) { // Both vertices are attached to the same body (or both are null), // nothing needs to be done return; } else { // Vertices are attached to different bodies or one of both is null, // merge bodies and attach all nodes to new body. RigidBody merged = mergeBodies(first.getBody(), second.getBody()); assert merged != null; Set<RigidBody> replacedBodies = new HashSet<RigidBody>(); if (first.getBody() != merged) { replacedBodies.addAll(replaceBodiesOnConnected(first, merged)); } if (second.getBody() != merged) { replacedBodies.addAll(replaceBodiesOnConnected(second, merged)); } // If everything works as intended, there should only ever be a single // body that is being replaced. assert replacedBodies.size() <= 1; for (RigidBody deletee : replacedBodies) { deletee.destroy(); } } } private RigidBody mergeBodies(RigidBody first, RigidBody second) { if (first == null) { return second; } else if (second == null) { return first; } else { return first; } } private Set<RigidBody> replaceBodiesOnConnected(BodyVertex vertex, RigidBody newBody) { ConnectivityInspector<BodyVertex, BodyEdge> inspector = new ConnectivityInspector<BodyVertex, BodyEdge>( graph); Set<RigidBody> replacedBodies = replaceBodiesInSet(newBody, inspector .connectedSetOf(vertex)); return replacedBodies; } private Set<RigidBody> replaceBodiesInSet(RigidBody newBody, Set<BodyVertex> connectedSet) { Set<RigidBody> replacedBodies = new HashSet<RigidBody>(); for (BodyVertex connected : connectedSet) { RigidBody oldBody = connected.getBody(); // Track replaced bodies if (oldBody != null) { assert connected.getBody() != newBody; replacedBodies.add(oldBody); } // Detach behaviors from old body and attach them to the new body for (Plug changedPlug : connected.getPlugs()) { if (oldBody != null) { changedPlug.notifyDetach(oldBody); } changedPlug.notifyAttach(newBody); } connected.setBody(newBody); } return replacedBodies; } public void edgeRemoved(GraphEdgeChangeEvent<BodyVertex, BodyEdge> event) { if (event.getType() != GraphEdgeChangeEvent.EDGE_REMOVED) { return; } BodyVertex first = event.getEdgeSource(); BodyVertex second = event.getEdgeTarget(); // Possible cases: // - both vertices are still in the same connecting set // - they are not connected any more... // - and the separating vertices have a body attached // - and the separating vertices do not have a body attached ConnectivityInspector<BodyVertex, BodyEdge> inspector = new ConnectivityInspector<BodyVertex, BodyEdge>( graph); if (inspector.connectedSetOf(first).contains(second)) { // both vertices are still in the same connected set, // nothing needs to be done return; } else { // the vertices have been disconnected, shallow clone the attached body // and replace all body references in the connected set of one of the // vertices. assert first.getBody() == second.getBody(); if (first.getBody() != null) { RigidBody clone = first.getBody().shallowClone(); replaceBodiesOnConnected(second, clone); } } } }