package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.codecranachan.asteroidpush.base.input.Controllable; import org.codecranachan.asteroidpush.base.input.Controller; import org.codecranachan.asteroidpush.base.simulation.RigidBody; import org.codecranachan.asteroidpush.base.simulation.RigidBodyFactory; import org.codecranachan.asteroidpush.base.simulation.command.Command; import org.codecranachan.asteroidpush.base.visuals.Representation; import org.codecranachan.asteroidpush.utils.NewtonianState; import org.codecranachan.asteroidpush.utils.OrthogonalCoordinate; public class ActorSkeleton implements Controllable { private BodyGraph graph; private Map<OrthogonalCoordinate, BodyVertex> mesh; private BodyAssociationManager bodyManager; public ActorSkeleton() { graph = new BodyGraph(); mesh = new HashMap<OrthogonalCoordinate, BodyVertex>(); bodyManager = new BodyAssociationManager(graph); graph.addGraphListener(bodyManager); } /** * Delegates the update callback to all behaviors attached to the skeleton. * * Warning: This will only trigger behaviors that have bodies plugged on * index 0. At the time, this seemed the easiest way to prevent behaviors * getting updated twice in a single frame. * * @param frame * The current simulation frame number */ public Collection<Command> update(int frame) { Collection<Command> commands = new LinkedList<Command>(); for (BodyVertex vertex : graph.vertexSet()) { for (Plug plug : vertex.getPlugs()) { if (plug.getIndex() == 0) { commands.addAll(plug.getBehavior().update(frame)); } } } return commands; } /** * Retrieves the representations of all behaviors attached to the skeleton. * * @return A collection of representations */ public Collection<Representation> getRepresentations() { Collection<Representation> representations = new LinkedList<Representation>(); for (BodyVertex vertex : graph.vertexSet()) { for (Plug plug : vertex.getPlugs()) { if (plug.getIndex() == 0) { representations.addAll(plug.getBehavior().getRepresentations()); } } } return representations; } public void insertVertex(BodyVertex addedVertex, Collection<OrthogonalCoordinate> links) { assert addedVertex != null; assert links != null; graph.addVertex(addedVertex); for (OrthogonalCoordinate item : links) { BodyVertex linkVertex; if (mesh.containsKey(item)) { linkVertex = mesh.get(item); } else { linkVertex = new BodyVertex(); mesh.put(item, linkVertex); graph.addVertex(linkVertex); } graph.addEdge(addedVertex, linkVertex); } } public void spawnBodies(NewtonianState initialState, RigidBodyFactory factory) { bodyManager.spawnMissingBodies(initialState, factory); } public Set<RigidBody> getBodies() { Set<RigidBody> bodies = new HashSet<RigidBody>(); for (BodyVertex vertex : graph.vertexSet()) { bodies.add(vertex.getBody()); } return bodies; } public void setController(Controller controller) { for (BodyVertex vertex : graph.vertexSet()) { for (Plug plug : vertex.getPlugs()) { plug.getBehavior().setController(controller, plug.getIndex()); } } } public void explode() { for (BodyVertex link : mesh.values()) { graph.removeVertex(link); } } }