/* * Copyright 2002-2016 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.expression.spel.testresources; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils; ///CLOVER:OFF @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class Inventor { private String name; public String _name; public String _name_; public String publicName; private PlaceOfBirth placeOfBirth; private Date birthdate; private int sinNumber; private String nationality; private String[] inventions; public String randomField; public Map<String,String> testMap; private boolean wonNobelPrize; private PlaceOfBirth[] placesLived; private List<PlaceOfBirth> placesLivedList = new ArrayList<>(); public ArrayContainer arrayContainer; public boolean publicBoolean; private boolean accessedThroughGetSet; public List<Integer> listOfInteger = new ArrayList<>(); public List<Boolean> booleanList = new ArrayList<>(); public Map<String,Boolean> mapOfStringToBoolean = new LinkedHashMap<>(); public Map<Integer,String> mapOfNumbersUpToTen = new LinkedHashMap<>(); public List<Integer> listOfNumbersUpToTen = new ArrayList<>(); public List<Integer> listOneFive = new ArrayList<>(); public String[] stringArrayOfThreeItems = new String[]{"1","2","3"}; private String foo; public int counter; public Inventor(String name, Date birthdate, String nationality) { this.name = name; this._name = name; this._name_ = name; this.birthdate = birthdate; this.nationality = nationality; this.arrayContainer = new ArrayContainer(); testMap = new HashMap<>(); testMap.put("monday", "montag"); testMap.put("tuesday", "dienstag"); testMap.put("wednesday", "mittwoch"); testMap.put("thursday", "donnerstag"); testMap.put("friday", "freitag"); testMap.put("saturday", "samstag"); testMap.put("sunday", "sonntag"); listOneFive.add(1); listOneFive.add(5); booleanList.add(false); booleanList.add(false); listOfNumbersUpToTen.add(1); listOfNumbersUpToTen.add(2); listOfNumbersUpToTen.add(3); listOfNumbersUpToTen.add(4); listOfNumbersUpToTen.add(5); listOfNumbersUpToTen.add(6); listOfNumbersUpToTen.add(7); listOfNumbersUpToTen.add(8); listOfNumbersUpToTen.add(9); listOfNumbersUpToTen.add(10); mapOfNumbersUpToTen.put(1,"one"); mapOfNumbersUpToTen.put(2,"two"); mapOfNumbersUpToTen.put(3,"three"); mapOfNumbersUpToTen.put(4,"four"); mapOfNumbersUpToTen.put(5,"five"); mapOfNumbersUpToTen.put(6,"six"); mapOfNumbersUpToTen.put(7,"seven"); mapOfNumbersUpToTen.put(8,"eight"); mapOfNumbersUpToTen.put(9,"nine"); mapOfNumbersUpToTen.put(10,"ten"); } public void setPlaceOfBirth(PlaceOfBirth placeOfBirth2) { placeOfBirth = placeOfBirth2; this.placesLived = new PlaceOfBirth[] { placeOfBirth2 }; this.placesLivedList.add(placeOfBirth2); } public String[] getInventions() { return inventions; } public void setInventions(String[] inventions) { this.inventions = inventions; } public PlaceOfBirth getPlaceOfBirth() { return placeOfBirth; } public int throwException(int valueIn) throws Exception { counter++; if (valueIn==1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("IllegalArgumentException for 1"); } if (valueIn==2) { throw new RuntimeException("RuntimeException for 2"); } if (valueIn==4) { throw new TestException(); } return valueIn; } @SuppressWarnings("serial") static class TestException extends Exception {} public String throwException(PlaceOfBirth pob) { return pob.getCity(); } public String getName() { return name; } public boolean getWonNobelPrize() { return wonNobelPrize; } public void setWonNobelPrize(boolean wonNobelPrize) { this.wonNobelPrize = wonNobelPrize; } public PlaceOfBirth[] getPlacesLived() { return placesLived; } public void setPlacesLived(PlaceOfBirth[] placesLived) { this.placesLived = placesLived; } public List<PlaceOfBirth> getPlacesLivedList() { return placesLivedList; } public void setPlacesLivedList(List<PlaceOfBirth> placesLivedList) { this.placesLivedList = placesLivedList; } public String echo(Object o) { return o.toString(); } public String sayHelloTo(String person) { return "hello " + person; } public String printDouble(Double d) { return d.toString(); } public String printDoubles(double[] d) { return ObjectUtils.nullSafeToString(d); } public List<String> getDoublesAsStringList() { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); result.add("14.35"); result.add("15.45"); return result; } public String joinThreeStrings(String a, String b, String c) { return a + b + c; } public int aVarargsMethod(String... strings) { if (strings == null) return 0; return strings.length; } public int aVarargsMethod2(int i, String... strings) { if (strings == null) return i; return strings.length + i; } public Inventor(String... strings) { } public boolean getSomeProperty() { return accessedThroughGetSet; } public void setSomeProperty(boolean b) { this.accessedThroughGetSet = b; } public Date getBirthdate() { return birthdate;} public String getFoo() { return foo; } public void setFoo(String s) { foo = s; } public String getNationality() { return nationality; } }