package org.springframework.aop.framework; /** * Definitions of testing types for use in within this package. * Wherever possible, test types should be defined local to the java * file that makes use of them. In some cases however, a test type may * need to be shared across tests. Such types reside here, with the * intention of reducing the surface area of java files within this * package. This allows developers to think about tests first, and deal * with these second class testing artifacts on an as-needed basis. * * Types here should be defined as package-private top level classes in * order to avoid needing to fully qualify, e.g.: _TestTypes$Foo. * * @author Chris Beams */ final class _TestTypes { } interface IEcho { int echoException(int i, Throwable t) throws Throwable; int getA(); void setA(int a); } class Echo implements IEcho { private int a; @Override public int echoException(int i, Throwable t) throws Throwable { if (t != null) throw t; return i; } @Override public void setA(int a) { this.a = a; } @Override public int getA() { return a; } }