/* * Copyright 2002-2014 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.expression.spel; import org.junit.Test; import org.springframework.expression.ParseException; import org.springframework.expression.spel.standard.SpelExpression; import org.springframework.expression.spel.standard.SpelExpressionParser; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * Parse some expressions and check we get the AST we expect. Rather than inspecting each node in the AST, we ask it to * write itself to a string form and check that is as expected. * * @author Andy Clement */ public class ParsingTests { private SpelExpressionParser parser = new SpelExpressionParser(); // literals @Test public void testLiteralBoolean01() { parseCheck("false"); } @Test public void testLiteralLong01() { parseCheck("37L", "37"); } @Test public void testLiteralBoolean02() { parseCheck("true"); } @Test public void testLiteralBoolean03() { parseCheck("!true"); } @Test public void testLiteralInteger01() { parseCheck("1"); } @Test public void testLiteralInteger02() { parseCheck("1415"); } @Test public void testLiteralString01() { parseCheck("'hello'"); } @Test public void testLiteralString02() { parseCheck("'joe bloggs'"); } @Test public void testLiteralString03() { parseCheck("'Tony''s Pizza'", "'Tony's Pizza'"); } @Test public void testLiteralReal01() { parseCheck("6.0221415E+23", "6.0221415E23"); } @Test public void testLiteralHex01() { parseCheck("0x7FFFFFFF", "2147483647"); } @Test public void testLiteralDate01() { parseCheck("date('1974/08/24')"); } @Test public void testLiteralDate02() { parseCheck("date('19740824T131030','yyyyMMddTHHmmss')"); } @Test public void testLiteralNull01() { parseCheck("null"); } // boolean operators @Test public void testBooleanOperatorsOr01() { parseCheck("false or false", "(false or false)"); } @Test public void testBooleanOperatorsOr02() { parseCheck("false or true", "(false or true)"); } @Test public void testBooleanOperatorsOr03() { parseCheck("true or false", "(true or false)"); } @Test public void testBooleanOperatorsOr04() { parseCheck("true or false", "(true or false)"); } @Test public void testBooleanOperatorsMix01() { parseCheck("false or true and false", "(false or (true and false))"); } // relational operators @Test public void testRelOperatorsGT01() { parseCheck("3>6", "(3 > 6)"); } @Test public void testRelOperatorsLT01() { parseCheck("3<6", "(3 < 6)"); } @Test public void testRelOperatorsLE01() { parseCheck("3<=6", "(3 <= 6)"); } @Test public void testRelOperatorsGE01() { parseCheck("3>=6", "(3 >= 6)"); } @Test public void testRelOperatorsGE02() { parseCheck("3>=3", "(3 >= 3)"); } @Test public void testElvis() { parseCheck("3?:1", "3 ?: 1"); } // public void testRelOperatorsIn01() { // parseCheck("3 in {1,2,3,4,5}", "(3 in {1,2,3,4,5})"); // } // // public void testRelOperatorsBetween01() { // parseCheck("1 between {1, 5}", "(1 between {1,5})"); // } // public void testRelOperatorsBetween02() { // parseCheck("'efg' between {'abc', 'xyz'}", "('efg' between {'abc','xyz'})"); // }// true @Test public void testRelOperatorsIs01() { parseCheck("'xyz' instanceof int", "('xyz' instanceof int)"); }// false // public void testRelOperatorsIs02() { // parseCheck("{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} instanceof List", "({1,2,3,4,5} instanceof List)"); // }// true @Test public void testRelOperatorsMatches01() { parseCheck("'5.0067' matches '^-?\\d+(\\.\\d{2})?$'", "('5.0067' matches '^-?\\d+(\\.\\d{2})?$')"); }// false @Test public void testRelOperatorsMatches02() { parseCheck("'5.00' matches '^-?\\d+(\\.\\d{2})?$'", "('5.00' matches '^-?\\d+(\\.\\d{2})?$')"); }// true // mathematical operators @Test public void testMathOperatorsAdd01() { parseCheck("2+4", "(2 + 4)"); } @Test public void testMathOperatorsAdd02() { parseCheck("'a'+'b'", "('a' + 'b')"); } @Test public void testMathOperatorsAdd03() { parseCheck("'hello'+' '+'world'", "(('hello' + ' ') + 'world')"); } @Test public void testMathOperatorsSubtract01() { parseCheck("5-4", "(5 - 4)"); } @Test public void testMathOperatorsMultiply01() { parseCheck("7*4", "(7 * 4)"); } @Test public void testMathOperatorsDivide01() { parseCheck("8/4", "(8 / 4)"); } @Test public void testMathOperatorModulus01() { parseCheck("7 % 4", "(7 % 4)"); } // mixed operators @Test public void testMixedOperators01() { parseCheck("true and 5>3", "(true and (5 > 3))"); } // collection processors // public void testCollectionProcessorsCount01() { // parseCheck("new String[] {'abc','def','xyz'}.count()"); // } // public void testCollectionProcessorsCount02() { // parseCheck("new int[] {1,2,3}.count()"); // } // // public void testCollectionProcessorsMax01() { // parseCheck("new int[] {1,2,3}.max()"); // } // // public void testCollectionProcessorsMin01() { // parseCheck("new int[] {1,2,3}.min()"); // } // // public void testCollectionProcessorsAverage01() { // parseCheck("new int[] {1,2,3}.average()"); // } // // public void testCollectionProcessorsSort01() { // parseCheck("new int[] {3,2,1}.sort()"); // } // // public void testCollectionProcessorsNonNull01() { // parseCheck("{'a','b',null,'d',null}.nonNull()"); // } // // public void testCollectionProcessorsDistinct01() { // parseCheck("{'a','b','a','d','e'}.distinct()"); // } // references @Test public void testReferences01() { parseCheck("@foo"); parseCheck("@'foo.bar'"); parseCheck("@\"foo.bar.goo\"","@'foo.bar.goo'"); } @Test public void testReferences03() { parseCheck("@$$foo"); } // properties @Test public void testProperties01() { parseCheck("name"); } @Test public void testProperties02() { parseCheck("placeofbirth.CitY"); } @Test public void testProperties03() { parseCheck("a.b.c.d.e"); } // inline list creation @Test public void testInlineListCreation01() { parseCheck("{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}", "{1,2,3,4,5}"); } @Test public void testInlineListCreation02() { parseCheck("{'abc','xyz'}", "{'abc','xyz'}"); } // inline map creation @Test public void testInlineMapCreation01() { parseCheck("{'key1':'Value 1','today':DateTime.Today}"); } @Test public void testInlineMapCreation02() { parseCheck("{1:'January',2:'February',3:'March'}"); } // methods @Test public void testMethods01() { parseCheck("echo(12)"); } @Test public void testMethods02() { parseCheck("echo(name)"); } @Test public void testMethods03() { parseCheck("age.doubleItAndAdd(12)"); } // constructors @Test public void testConstructors01() { parseCheck("new String('hello')"); } // public void testConstructors02() { // parseCheck("new String[3]"); // } // array construction // public void testArrayConstruction01() { // parseCheck("new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}", "new int[] {1,2,3,4,5}"); // } // // public void testArrayConstruction02() { // parseCheck("new String[] {'abc','xyz'}", "new String[] {'abc','xyz'}"); // } // variables and functions @Test public void testVariables01() { parseCheck("#foo"); } @Test public void testFunctions01() { parseCheck("#fn(1,2,3)"); } @Test public void testFunctions02() { parseCheck("#fn('hello')"); } // projections and selections // public void testProjections01() { // parseCheck("{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}.!{#isEven()}"); // } // public void testSelections01() { // parseCheck("{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}.?{#isEven(#this) == 'y'}", // "{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}.?{(#isEven(#this) == 'y')}"); // } // public void testSelectionsFirst01() { // parseCheck("{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}.^{#isEven(#this) == 'y'}", // "{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}.^{(#isEven(#this) == 'y')}"); // } // public void testSelectionsLast01() { // parseCheck("{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}.${#isEven(#this) == 'y'}", // "{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}.${(#isEven(#this) == 'y')}"); // } // assignment @Test public void testAssignmentToVariables01() { parseCheck("#var1='value1'"); } // ternary operator @Test public void testTernaryOperator01() { parseCheck("1>2?3:4","(1 > 2) ? 3 : 4"); } // public void testTernaryOperator01() { // parseCheck("{1}.#isEven(#this) == 'y'?'it is even':'it is odd'", // "({1}.#isEven(#this) == 'y') ? 'it is even' : 'it is odd'"); // } // // public void testLambdaMax() { // parseCheck("(#max = {|x,y| $x > $y ? $x : $y }; #max(5,25))", "(#max={|x,y| ($x > $y) ? $x : $y };#max(5,25))"); // } // // public void testLambdaFactorial() { // parseCheck("(#fact = {|n| $n <= 1 ? 1 : $n * #fact($n-1) }; #fact(5))", // "(#fact={|n| ($n <= 1) ? 1 : ($n * #fact(($n - 1))) };#fact(5))"); // } // 120 // Type references @Test public void testTypeReferences01() { parseCheck("T(java.lang.String)"); } @Test public void testTypeReferences02() { parseCheck("T(String)"); } @Test public void testInlineList1() { parseCheck("{1,2,3,4}"); } /** * Parse the supplied expression and then create a string representation of the resultant AST, it should be the same * as the original expression. * * @param expression the expression to parse *and* the expected value of the string form of the resultant AST */ public void parseCheck(String expression) { parseCheck(expression, expression); } /** * Parse the supplied expression and then create a string representation of the resultant AST, it should be the * expected value. * * @param expression the expression to parse * @param expectedStringFormOfAST the expected string form of the AST */ public void parseCheck(String expression, String expectedStringFormOfAST) { try { SpelExpression e = parser.parseRaw(expression); if (e != null && !e.toStringAST().equals(expectedStringFormOfAST)) { SpelUtilities.printAbstractSyntaxTree(System.err, e); } if (e == null) { fail("Parsed exception was null"); } assertEquals("String form of AST does not match expected output", expectedStringFormOfAST, e.toStringAST()); } catch (ParseException ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); fail("Unexpected Exception: " + ee.getMessage()); } } }