/* * Copyright 2002-2016 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.aop.interceptor; import java.io.Serializable; import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor; import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation; import org.springframework.aop.Advisor; import org.springframework.aop.support.DefaultPointcutAdvisor; import org.springframework.core.NamedThreadLocal; import org.springframework.core.PriorityOrdered; /** * Interceptor that exposes the current {@link org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation} * as a thread-local object. We occasionally need to do this; for example, when a pointcut * (e.g. an AspectJ expression pointcut) needs to know the full invocation context. * * <p>Don't use this interceptor unless this is really necessary. Target objects should * not normally know about Spring AOP, as this creates a dependency on Spring API. * Target objects should be plain POJOs as far as possible. * * <p>If used, this interceptor will normally be the first in the interceptor chain. * * @author Rod Johnson * @author Juergen Hoeller */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class ExposeInvocationInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor, PriorityOrdered, Serializable { /** Singleton instance of this class */ public static final ExposeInvocationInterceptor INSTANCE = new ExposeInvocationInterceptor(); /** * Singleton advisor for this class. Use in preference to INSTANCE when using * Spring AOP, as it prevents the need to create a new Advisor to wrap the instance. */ public static final Advisor ADVISOR = new DefaultPointcutAdvisor(INSTANCE) { @Override public String toString() { return ExposeInvocationInterceptor.class.getName() +".ADVISOR"; } }; private static final ThreadLocal<MethodInvocation> invocation = new NamedThreadLocal<>("Current AOP method invocation"); /** * Return the AOP Alliance MethodInvocation object associated with the current invocation. * @return the invocation object associated with the current invocation * @throws IllegalStateException if there is no AOP invocation in progress, * or if the ExposeInvocationInterceptor was not added to this interceptor chain */ public static MethodInvocation currentInvocation() throws IllegalStateException { MethodInvocation mi = invocation.get(); if (mi == null) throw new IllegalStateException( "No MethodInvocation found: Check that an AOP invocation is in progress, and that the " + "ExposeInvocationInterceptor is upfront in the interceptor chain. Specifically, note that " + "advices with order HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE will execute before ExposeInvocationInterceptor!"); return mi; } /** * Ensures that only the canonical instance can be created. */ private ExposeInvocationInterceptor() { } @Override public Object invoke(MethodInvocation mi) throws Throwable { MethodInvocation oldInvocation = invocation.get(); invocation.set(mi); try { return mi.proceed(); } finally { invocation.set(oldInvocation); } } @Override public int getOrder() { return PriorityOrdered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE + 1; } /** * Required to support serialization. Replaces with canonical instance * on deserialization, protecting Singleton pattern. * <p>Alternative to overriding the {@code equals} method. */ private Object readResolve() { return INSTANCE; } }