package fr.openwide.core.wicket.more.notification.service; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import org.apache.wicket.Component; import org.apache.wicket.core.util.string.ComponentRenderer; import org.apache.wicket.util.lang.Args; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import fr.openwide.core.commons.util.context.IExecutionContext.ITearDownHandle; import fr.openwide.core.context.IContextualService; import fr.openwide.core.jpa.more.rendering.service.IRendererService; /** * @deprecated You may instead :<ul> * <li>Extend {@link AbstractNotificationContentDescriptorFactory}, if you need to render e-mail notifications. * <li>Extend {@link AbstractWicketRendererServiceImpl}, if you only need to render components/strings * </ul> */ @Deprecated public abstract class AbstractNotificationPanelRendererServiceImpl implements IContextualService { private IWicketContextProvider wicketContextProvider; @Autowired private IRendererService rendererService; public AbstractNotificationPanelRendererServiceImpl(IWicketContextProvider wicketContextProvider) { this.wicketContextProvider = wicketContextProvider; } protected IWicketContextProvider getWicketContextProvider() { return wicketContextProvider; } @Override public <T> T runWithContext(Callable<T> callable) throws Exception { return wicketContextProvider.context().run(callable); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #renderComponent(Supplier, Locale, String)} instead. Caught exceptions (if any) should be handled by the supplier. */ @Deprecated protected final String renderComponent(final Callable<Component> componentTask, Locale locale) { return renderComponent( new Supplier<Component>() { @Override public Component get() { try { return; } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof InterruptedException) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } throw new RuntimeException(e); // Do wrap } } }, locale ); } protected final String renderComponent(final Supplier<Component> componentSupplier, Locale locale) { return renderComponent(componentSupplier, locale, null); } /** * @param componentSupplier A supplier for the component to be rendered. * @param locale The locale to use when rendering. * @param variation A string identifier that will be passed to {@link #postProcessHtml(Component, Locale, String, String)}. * @return The component returned by <code>componenentSupplier</code>, rendered in HTML with the given <code>locale</code> */ protected String renderComponent(final Supplier<Component> componentSupplier, final Locale locale, final String variation) { Args.notNull(componentSupplier, "componentTask"); try (ITearDownHandle handle = wicketContextProvider.context(locale).open()) { Component component = componentSupplier.get(); Args.notNull(component, "component"); String htmlBody = ComponentRenderer.renderComponent(component).toString(); return postProcessHtml(component, locale, variation, htmlBody); } } protected String postProcessHtml(Component component, Locale locale, String variation, String htmlBodyToProcess) { return htmlBodyToProcess; } /** * @deprecated Use {@link IRendererService#localize(String, Locale, Object, Object...)} instead */ @Deprecated protected String renderString(final String messageKey, Locale locale, final Object parameter, final Object ... positionalParameters) { return rendererService.localize(messageKey, locale, parameter, positionalParameters); } }