package fr.openwide.core.basicapp.core.config.hibernate; import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass; import org.hibernate.annotations.TypeDef; import org.hibernate.annotations.TypeDefs; import; import; import; import fr.openwide.core.basicapp.core.config.hibernate.type.EmailAddressType; import fr.openwide.core.basicapp.core.config.hibernate.type.PhoneNumberType; import fr.openwide.core.basicapp.core.config.hibernate.type.PostalCodeType; import fr.openwide.core.jpa.hibernate.usertype.StringClobType; /** * Class used to define types with annotations. */ @TypeDefs({ // We use "text" instead of "varchar" for String columns @TypeDef(defaultForType = String.class, typeClass = StringClobType.class), // We declare here the types we want to store as String instead of binary @TypeDef(defaultForType = EmailAddress.class, typeClass = EmailAddressType.class), @TypeDef(defaultForType = PhoneNumber.class, typeClass = PhoneNumberType.class), @TypeDef(defaultForType = PostalCode.class, typeClass = PostalCodeType.class) }) @MappedSuperclass public final class TypeDefinitions { /** * Usage: * <pre> * @Column * @Type(type = TypeDefinitions.STRING_CLOB) * private String myStringClobField; * </pre> */ public static final String STRING_CLOB = StringClobType.TYPENAME; /** * Usage: * <pre> * @Column(length = 4) * @Type(type = TypeDefinitions.STRING_VARCHAR) * private String myStringVarcharField; * </pre> */ public static final String STRING_VARCHAR = "org.hibernate.type.StringType"; private TypeDefinitions() { } }