package; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.openwide.core.commons.util.functional.converter.StringBigDecimalConverter; import fr.openwide.core.commons.util.functional.converter.StringBooleanConverter; import fr.openwide.core.commons.util.functional.converter.StringDateConverter; import fr.openwide.core.commons.util.functional.converter.StringDateTimeConverter; import fr.openwide.core.commons.util.functional.converter.StringDirectoryFileCreatingConverter; import fr.openwide.core.commons.util.functional.converter.StringLocaleConverter; import fr.openwide.core.commons.util.functional.converter.StringURIConverter; import; import; import; public interface IPropertyRegistry { <T> void register(IMutablePropertyRegistryKey<T> propertyId, Converter<String, T> converter); <T> void register(IMutablePropertyRegistryKey<T> propertyId, Converter<String, T> converter, T defaultValue); <T> void register(IMutablePropertyRegistryKey<T> propertyId, Converter<String, T> converter, Supplier<? extends T> defaultValueSupplier); <T> void register(IImmutablePropertyRegistryKey<T> propertyId, Function<String, ? extends T> function); <T> void register(IImmutablePropertyRegistryKey<T> propertyId, Function<String, ? extends T> function, T defaultValue); <T> void register(IImmutablePropertyRegistryKey<T> propertyId, Function<String, ? extends T> function, Supplier<? extends T> defaultValueSupplier); void registerString(IPropertyRegistryKey<String> propertyId); void registerString(IPropertyRegistryKey<String> propertyId, String defaultValue); /** * Property must use the following format : {@link Long#decode(String)} * @see Longs#stringConverter() */ void registerLong(IPropertyRegistryKey<Long> propertyId); /** * Property must use the following format : {@link Long#decode(String)} * @see Longs#stringConverter() */ void registerLong(IPropertyRegistryKey<Long> propertyId, Long defaultValue); /** * Property must use the following format : {@link Integer#decode(String)} * @see Ints#stringConverter() */ void registerInteger(IPropertyRegistryKey<Integer> propertyId); /** * Property must use the following format : {@link Integer#decode(String)} * @see Ints#stringConverter() */ void registerInteger(IPropertyRegistryKey<Integer> propertyId, Integer defaultValue); /** * Property must use the following format : {@link Float#valueOf(String)} * @see Floats#stringConverter() */ void registerFloat(IPropertyRegistryKey<Float> propertyId); /** * Property must use the following format : {@link Float#valueOf(String)} * @see Floats#stringConverter() */ void registerFloat(IPropertyRegistryKey<Float> propertyId, Float defaultValue); /** * Property must use the following format : {@link Double#valueOf(String)} * @see Doubles#stringConverter() */ void registerDouble(IPropertyRegistryKey<Double> propertyId); /** * Property must use the following format : {@link Double#valueOf(String)} * @see Doubles#stringConverter() */ void registerDouble(IPropertyRegistryKey<Double> propertyId, Double defaultValue); /** * Property must use the following format : {@link BigDecimal#BigDecimal(String)} * @see StringBigDecimalConverter */ void registerBigDecimal(IPropertyRegistryKey<BigDecimal> propertyId); /** * Property must use the following format : {@link BigDecimal#BigDecimal(String)} * @see StringBigDecimalConverter */ void registerBigDecimal(IPropertyRegistryKey<BigDecimal> propertyId, BigDecimal defaultValue); /** * Property must use the following format : true/false, 1/0, yes/no, on/off * @see StringBooleanConverter */ void registerBoolean(IPropertyRegistryKey<Boolean> propertyId); /** * Property must use the following format : true/false, 1/0, yes/no, on/off * @see StringBooleanConverter */ void registerBoolean(IPropertyRegistryKey<Boolean> propertyId, Boolean defaultValue); /** * Property must use the following format : any identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type * @see Enums#stringConverter(Class) */ <E extends Enum<E>> void registerEnum(IPropertyRegistryKey<E> propertyId, Class<E> clazz); /** * Property must use the following format : any identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type * @see Enums#stringConverter(Class) */ <E extends Enum<E>> void registerEnum(IPropertyRegistryKey<E> propertyId, Class<E> clazz, E defaultValue); /** * Property must use the following format : yyyy-MM-dd * @see StringDateConverter */ void registerDate(IPropertyRegistryKey<Date> propertyId); /** * Property and {@code defaultValue} must use the following format : yyyy-MM-dd * @see StringDateConverter */ void registerDate(IPropertyRegistryKey<Date> propertyId, String defaultValue); /** * Property must use the following format : yyyy-MM-dd * @see StringDateConverter */ void registerDate(IPropertyRegistryKey<Date> propertyId, Date defaultValue); /** * Property must use the following format : HH:mm or HH:mm:ss * @see StringTimeConverter */ void registerTime(IPropertyRegistryKey<Date> propertyId); /** * Property and {@code defaultValue} must use the following format : HH:mm or HH:mm:ss * @see StringTimeConverter */ void registerTime(IPropertyRegistryKey<Date> propertyId, String defaultValue); /** * Property must use the following format : HH:mm or HH:mm:ss * @see StringTimeConverter */ void registerTime(IPropertyRegistryKey<Date> propertyId, Date defaultValue); /** * Property must use the following format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss * @see StringDateTimeConverter */ void registerDateTime(IPropertyRegistryKey<Date> propertyId); /** * Property must use the following format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss * @see StringDateTimeConverter */ void registerDateTime(IPropertyRegistryKey<Date> propertyId, Date defaultValue); /** * Property must use the following format : {@link Locale#toLanguageTag()} * @see StringLocaleConverter */ void registerLocale(IPropertyRegistryKey<Locale> propertyId); /** * Property must use the following format : {@link Locale#toLanguageTag()} * @see StringLocaleConverter */ void registerLocale(IPropertyRegistryKey<Locale> propertyId, Locale defaultValue); /** * Property must use the following format : file path * @see StringDirectoryFileCreatingConverter */ void registerFile(IPropertyRegistryKey<File> propertyId, FileFilter filter); /** * Property must use the following format : file path * @see StringDirectoryFileCreatingConverter */ void registerFile(IPropertyRegistryKey<File> propertyId, FileFilter filter, File defaultValue); /** * Property must use the following format : directory path * @see StringDirectoryFileCreatingConverter */ void registerWriteableDirectoryFile(IPropertyRegistryKey<File> propertyId); /** * Property must use the following format : directory path * @see StringDirectoryFileCreatingConverter */ void registerWriteableDirectoryFile(IPropertyRegistryKey<File> propertyId, File defaultValue); /** * Property must use the following format : {@link URI#URI(String)} * @see StringURIConverter */ void registerURI(IPropertyRegistryKey<URI> propertyId); /** * Property must use the following format : {@link URI#URI(String)} * @see StringURIConverter */ void registerURI(IPropertyRegistryKey<URI> propertyId, URI defaultValue); List<IPropertyRegistryKey<?>> listRegistered(); }