package fr.openwide.core.wicket.more.model.threadsafe.impl; import; import; import; import org.apache.wicket.Session; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; import org.apache.wicket.model.LoadableDetachableModel; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import fr.openwide.core.wicket.more.model.threadsafe.SessionThreadSafeDerivedSerializableStateLoadableDetachableModel; import fr.openwide.core.wicket.more.model.threadsafe.SessionThreadSafeSimpleLoadableDetachableModel; import fr.openwide.core.wicket.more.util.model.LoadableDetachableModelExtendedDebugInformation; /** * An alternative implementation of {@link LoadableDetachableModel} that is thread-safe, and may thus be used in multiple request cycles at the same time. * <p>This class should be used as an abstract base class for loadable/detachable models when the models are stored in a global object, such as the {@link Session wicket session}. * <p>Two subclasses are provided to ease implementation : {@link SessionThreadSafeSimpleLoadableDetachableModel} (simple use) and {@link SessionThreadSafeDerivedSerializableStateLoadableDetachableModel} (advanced use). * * @param <T> The type of the model object. */ public abstract class AbstractThreadSafeLoadableDetachableModel<T, TThreadContext extends LoadableDetachableModelThreadContext<T>> implements IModel<T> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6859907414385876596L; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractThreadSafeLoadableDetachableModel.class); private static final boolean EXTENDED_DEBUG_INFO; static { EXTENDED_DEBUG_INFO = LOGGER.isDebugEnabled(); if (EXTENDED_DEBUG_INFO) { LOGGER.warn("Extended debug info for AbstractThreadSafeLoadableDetachableModel is enabled." + " This may cause a significant performance hit."); } } private transient LoadableDetachableModelExtendedDebugInformation extendedDebugInformation; /** * The loading context, local to each thread. * <p>Will be null if the model is not currently attached. */ private transient ThreadLocal<TThreadContext> threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<TThreadContext>(); public AbstractThreadSafeLoadableDetachableModel() { if (EXTENDED_DEBUG_INFO) { this.extendedDebugInformation = new LoadableDetachableModelExtendedDebugInformation(); } } public AbstractThreadSafeLoadableDetachableModel(T object) { this(); setObject(object); } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { in.defaultReadObject(); threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<>(); if (EXTENDED_DEBUG_INFO) { this.extendedDebugInformation = new LoadableDetachableModelExtendedDebugInformation(); } } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { TThreadContext threadContext = threadLocal.get(); if (threadContext == null) { threadLocal.remove(); // Revert the side-effet of the call to get() } else { LOGGER.warn( "Serializing an attached AbstractThreadSafeLoadableDetachableModel with threadContext={}", threadContext ); if (EXTENDED_DEBUG_INFO) { LOGGER.debug( "StackTrace from the latest attach (setObject() or load()): \n{}", extendedDebugInformation.getLatestAttachInformation() ); } } out.defaultWriteObject(); } protected abstract TThreadContext newThreadContext(); @Override public final T getObject() { TThreadContext threadContext = threadLocal.get(); if (threadContext == null) { // If not attached yet threadContext = newThreadContext(); threadLocal.set(threadContext); // Attach model threadContext.setTransientModelObject(load(threadContext)); // Populate model value if (EXTENDED_DEBUG_INFO) { extendedDebugInformation.onAttach(); } } return threadContext.getTransientModelObject(); } @Override public final void setObject(T object) { TThreadContext threadContext = threadLocal.get(); if (threadContext == null) { // If not attached yet threadContext = newThreadContext(); threadLocal.set(threadContext); // Attach model if (EXTENDED_DEBUG_INFO) { extendedDebugInformation.onAttach(); } } threadContext.setTransientModelObject(wrap(object)); // Populate model value onSetObject(threadContext); } /** * Updates the threadContext as needed. */ protected abstract void onSetObject(TThreadContext threadContext); /** * Loads the model object value from the implementation-defined data source, updating the threadContext as needed. */ protected abstract T load(TThreadContext threadContext); /** * Wraps the model object value when the model is {@link #setObject(Object) set} , if needed. * <p>This method is not called when the model object value is obtained using {@link #load()}. */ protected T wrap(T object) { return object; } @Override public final void detach() { try { if (EXTENDED_DEBUG_INFO) { extendedDebugInformation.onDetach(); } TThreadContext threadContext = threadLocal.get(); if (threadContext != null) { // If attached onDetach(threadContext); } else { onDetachDetached(); } } finally { threadLocal.remove(); } } protected abstract void onDetach(TThreadContext threadContext); /** * Perform any necessary adjustment on implementation-defined detached data when detach() is called, but the * model is already detached. */ protected abstract void onDetachDetached(); }