package; import static; import static; import static; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Date; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener; import org.springframework.context.event.ContextRefreshedEvent; import; import; import fr.openwide.core.jpa.exception.SecurityServiceException; import fr.openwide.core.jpa.exception.ServiceException; import; import; import; import; /** * @deprecated Parameters are deprecated in favor of properties. * @see IPropertyService */ @Deprecated public class AbstractParameterServiceImpl extends GenericEntityServiceImpl<Long, Parameter> implements ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent>, IAbstractParameterService { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractParameterServiceImpl.class); @Deprecated public static final String PARAMETER_DATA_UPGRADE_PREFIX_DEFAULT = "dataUpgrade."; private IParameterDao dao; @Autowired private IPropertyService propertyService; public AbstractParameterServiceImpl(IParameterDao dao) { super(dao); this.dao = dao; } /** * @deprecated Use propertyService.get(JpaMorePropertyIds.DATABASE_INITIALIZED) */ @Deprecated @Override public boolean isDatabaseInitialized() { return propertyService.get(DATABASE_INITIALIZED); } /** * @deprecated Use propertyService.set(JpaMorePropertyIds.DATABASE_INITIALIZED, value) */ @Deprecated @Override public void setDatabaseInitialized(boolean databaseInitialized) throws ServiceException, SecurityServiceException { propertyService.set(DATABASE_INITIALIZED, databaseInitialized); } /** * @deprecated Use propertyService.get(JpaMorePropertyIds.dataUpgrade(upgrade)) */ @Deprecated @Override public boolean isDataUpgradeDone(IDataUpgrade upgrade) { return propertyService.get(dataUpgrade(upgrade)); } /** * @deprecated Use propertyService.set(JpaMorePropertyIds.dataUpgrade(upgrade), value) */ @Deprecated @Override public void setDataUpgradeDone(IDataUpgrade upgrade, boolean dataUpgradeDone) throws ServiceException, SecurityServiceException { propertyService.set(dataUpgrade(upgrade), dataUpgradeDone); } /** * @deprecated Use propertyService.get(JpaMorePropertyIds.MAINTENANCE) */ @Deprecated @Override public boolean isInMaintenance() { return propertyService.get(MAINTENANCE); } /** * @deprecated Use propertyService.set(JpaMorePropertyIds.MAINTENANCE, value) */ @Deprecated @Override public void setParameterMaintenance(boolean value) throws ServiceException, SecurityServiceException { propertyService.set(MAINTENANCE, value); } @Deprecated protected Parameter getByName(String name) { return dao.getByName(name); } @Deprecated protected boolean getBooleanValue(String name, boolean defaultValue) { Parameter parameter = getByName(name); if (parameter != null && parameter.getBooleanValue() != null) { return parameter.getBooleanValue().booleanValue(); } else { return defaultValue; } } @Deprecated protected String getStringValue(String name, String defaultValue) { Parameter parameter = getByName(name); if (parameter != null && parameter.getStringValue() != null) { return parameter.getStringValue(); } else { return defaultValue; } } @Deprecated protected String getStringValue(String name) { Parameter parameter = getByName(name); if (parameter != null) { return parameter.getStringValue(); } else { return null; } } @Deprecated protected int getIntegerValue(String name, int defaultValue) { Parameter parameter = getByName(name); if (parameter != null && parameter.getIntegerValue() != null) { return parameter.getIntegerValue().intValue(); } else { return defaultValue; } } @Deprecated protected float getFloatValue(String name, float defaultValue) { Parameter parameter = getByName(name); if (parameter != null && parameter.getFloatValue() != null) { return parameter.getFloatValue().floatValue(); } else { return defaultValue; } } @Deprecated protected Date getDateValue(String name) { Parameter parameter = getByName(name); if (parameter != null) { return parameter.getDateValue(); } else { return null; } } @Deprecated protected BigDecimal getBigDecimalValue(String name) { return getBigDecimalValue(name, null); } @Deprecated protected BigDecimal getBigDecimalValue(String name, BigDecimal defaultValue) { Parameter parameter = getByName(name); if (parameter != null) { try { return new BigDecimal(parameter.getStringValue()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { LOGGER.error("Error while retrieving BigDecimal from String", e); return null; } } else { return defaultValue; } } @Override @Deprecated public final void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent event) { // si l'événement est un refresh et que la source de l'événement est un application context SANS // parent alors on lance l'import de la configuration dans la base // (ceci pour distinguer le contexte du -core qui ne possède pas de // parent // et qui est celui qui nous intéresse, et le contexte du -web, qui // possède // un parent et pour lequel il est superflu de lancer l'import). if (event != null && event.getSource() != null && AbstractApplicationContext.class.isAssignableFrom(event.getSource().getClass()) && ((AbstractApplicationContext) event.getSource()).getParent() == null) { // On peut avoir besoin de charger un certain nombre de paramètres // du fichier de configuration // dans la base pour par exemple pouvoir y accéder via du pl/pgsql. try {"Loading properties into the database."); doOnApplicationEvent(); } catch (RuntimeException | ServiceException | SecurityServiceException e) { LOGGER.error("Unable to load the properties into the database.", e); } } } @Deprecated protected void doOnApplicationEvent() throws ServiceException, SecurityServiceException { } @Deprecated protected final void updateBooleanValue(String name, Boolean booleanValue) throws ServiceException, SecurityServiceException { Parameter parameter = getByName(name); if (parameter != null) { parameter.setBooleanValue(booleanValue); update(parameter); } else { create(new Parameter(name, booleanValue)); } } @Deprecated protected final void updateIntegerValue(String name, Integer integerValue) throws ServiceException, SecurityServiceException { Parameter parameter = getByName(name); if (parameter != null) { parameter.setIntegerValue(integerValue); update(parameter); } else { create(new Parameter(name, integerValue)); } } @Deprecated protected final void updateIntegerValue(String name, Float floatValue) throws ServiceException, SecurityServiceException { Parameter parameter = getByName(name); if (parameter != null) { parameter.setFloatValue(floatValue); update(parameter); } else { create(new Parameter(name, floatValue)); } } @Deprecated protected final void updateStringValue(String name, String stringValue) throws ServiceException, SecurityServiceException { Parameter parameter = getByName(name); if (parameter != null) { parameter.setStringValue(stringValue); update(parameter); } else { create(new Parameter(name, stringValue)); } } @Deprecated protected final void updateDateValue(String name, Date dateValue) throws ServiceException, SecurityServiceException { Parameter parameter = getByName(name); if (parameter != null) { parameter.setDateValue(dateValue); update(parameter); } else { create(new Parameter(name, dateValue)); } } @Deprecated protected final void updateBigDecimalValue(String name, BigDecimal bigDecimalValue) throws ServiceException, SecurityServiceException { Parameter parameter = getByName(name); if (parameter != null) { parameter.setStringValue(bigDecimalValue != null ? bigDecimalValue.toString() : null); update(parameter); } else { create(new Parameter(name, bigDecimalValue != null ? bigDecimalValue.toString() : null)); } } @Deprecated protected String getDataUpgradeParameterPrefix() { // On permet la surcharge pour les applications pré-existantes. return PARAMETER_DATA_UPGRADE_PREFIX_DEFAULT; } }