package; import org.apache.wicket.Component; import org.apache.wicket.model.IComponentAssignedModel; import org.apache.wicket.model.IDetachable; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; import org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle; import; import; import; import; import; /** * An object mapped to {@link IModel models}, that allows for simple link generation using these models to determine * the target and parameters of the generated link. * * <p>Re-implementing this interface is not recommended, as it may be extended with additional methods without prior * notice. * <p><strong>Warning:</strong> this interface extends {@link IDetachable}. Thus, it <em>must</em> be detached before * serialization. */ public interface ILinkGenerator extends IDetachable { /** * Creates an {@link AbstractDynamicBookmarkableLink} that points to the same page/resource than this generator, with the same parameters. * <p><strong>Note:</strong> special conditions apply to the rendering of this link if the parameters are invalid. * See {@link AbstractDynamicBookmarkableLink} for more information. * @return An {@link AbstractDynamicBookmarkableLink} matching this link generator. * @see AbstractDynamicBookmarkableLink */ AbstractDynamicBookmarkableLink link(String wicketId); /** * Renders the URL for this link generator. * <p>The resulting string may be relative to the current request's URL, so it <strong>might not</string> include * protocol ("http://"), host and port, but includes a path relative to the current request's path, as well as * query parameters ("?arg0=true"), if any. * @return The URL (relative if possible, absolute otherwise) for this link generator. */ String url() throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException, LinkParameterInjectionRuntimeException, LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException; /** * Renders the URL for this link generator. * <p>The resulting string may be relative to the current request's URL, so it <strong>might not</string> include * protocol ("http://"), host and port, but includes a path relative to the current request's path, as well as * query parameters ("?arg0=true"), if any. * * @return The URL (relative if possible, absolute otherwise) for this link generator. * @param requestCycle The {@link RequestCycle} to use in order to generate the URL. */ String url(RequestCycle requestCycle) throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException, LinkParameterInjectionRuntimeException, LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException; /** * Renders the full (absolute) URL for this link generator. * <p>The resulting string includes protocol ("http://"), host, port, and path, as well as query parameters ("?arg0=true"), if any. * @return The full URL for this link generator. */ String fullUrl() throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException, LinkParameterInjectionRuntimeException, LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException; /** * Renders the full (absolute) URL for this link generator. * <p>The resulting string includes protocol ("http://"), host, port, and path, as well as query parameters ("?arg0=true"), if any. * @return The full URL for this link generator. * @param requestCycle The {@link RequestCycle} to use in order to generate the URL. */ String fullUrl(RequestCycle requestCycle) throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException, LinkParameterInjectionRuntimeException, LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException; /** * Wraps any underlying {@link IComponentAssignedModel} and return the resulting link generator. * * @see org.apache.wicket.model.IComponentAssignedModel.wrapOnAssignment(Component) */ ILinkGenerator wrap(Component component); /** * Returns true if the generation methods ({@link #link(String)}, {@link #newRestartResponseException()}, etc.) * are known not to throw any {@link LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException} or * {@link LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException}. * <p><strong>WARNING:</strong> you should not use this method simply to detect validation errors! If there is no * particular reason this link generator could be invalid, you should rely on exception handling instead. * <p>The result of this method may change over time if the underlying data changes. */ boolean isAccessible(); /** * Returns a link generator that will fall back to <code>other</code> when this link generator is not * {@link #isAccessible() accessible}. */ ILinkGenerator chain(ILinkGenerator other); /** * @deprecated Use {@link LinkDescriptors#invalid()} instead. */ @Deprecated ILinkGenerator INVALID = LinkDescriptors.invalid(); }