package fr.openwide.core.wicket.more; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Locale; import org.apache.wicket.Component; import org.apache.wicket.RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException; import org.apache.wicket.Session; import org.apache.wicket.authroles.authentication.AuthenticatedWebSession; import org.apache.wicket.authroles.authorization.strategies.role.Roles; import org.apache.wicket.injection.Injector; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; import org.apache.wicket.request.Request; import org.apache.wicket.spring.injection.annot.SpringBean; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.openwide.core.jpa.exception.SecurityServiceException; import fr.openwide.core.jpa.exception.ServiceException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.openwide.core.wicket.more.model.threadsafe.SessionThreadSafeGenericEntityModel; public abstract class AbstractCoreSession<U extends GenericUser<U, ?>> extends AuthenticatedWebSession { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2591467597835056981L; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractCoreSession.class); private static final String REDIRECT_URL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "redirectUrl"; private static final String REDIRECT_PAGE_LINK_DESCRIPTOR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "redirectPageLinkDescriptor"; @SpringBean(name="personService") protected IGenericUserService<U> userService; @SpringBean(name="authenticationService") protected IAuthenticationService authenticationService; @SpringBean(name="authenticationManager") protected AuthenticationManager authenticationManager; @SpringBean(name="propertyService") protected IPropertyService propertyService; private final IModel<U> userModel = new SessionThreadSafeGenericEntityModel<Long, U>(); private final IModel<Locale> localeModel = new IModel<Locale>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4356509005738585888L; @Override public Locale getObject() { return AbstractCoreSession.this.getLocale(); } @Override public void setObject(Locale object) { AbstractCoreSession.this.setLocale(object); } @Override public void detach() { // Nothing to do } }; private Roles roles = new Roles(); private boolean rolesInitialized = false; private Collection<? extends Permission> permissions = Lists.newArrayList(); private boolean permissionsInitialized = false; private boolean isSuperUser = false; private boolean isSuperUserInitialized = false; public AbstractCoreSession(Request request) { super(request); Injector.get().inject(this); // Override browser locale with mapped locale // setLocale process locale to map to one available locale setLocale(getLocale()); } public static AbstractCoreSession<?> get() { return (AbstractCoreSession<?>) Session.get(); } /** * Attempts to authenticate a user that has provided the given username and * password. * * @param username * current username * @param password * current password * @return <code>true</code> if authentication succeeds, throws an exception if not * * @throws BadCredentialsException if password doesn't match with username * @throws UsernameNotFoundException if user name was not found * @throws DisabledException if user was found but disabled */ @Override public boolean authenticate(String username, String password) throws BadCredentialsException, UsernameNotFoundException, DisabledException { doAuthenticate(username, password); doInitializeSession(); return true; } protected Authentication doAuthenticate(String username, String password) { Authentication authentication = authenticationManager .authenticate(new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(username, password)); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication); return authentication; } protected void doInitializeSession() { U user = userService.getByUserName(authenticationService.getUserName()); if (user == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find the signed in user."); } userModel.setObject(user); try { if (user.getLastLoginDate() == null) { onFirstLogin(user); } userService.updateLastLoginDate(user); Locale locale = user.getLocale(); if (locale != null) { setLocale(user.getLocale()); } else { // si la personne ne possède pas de locale // alors on enregistre celle mise en place // automatiquement par le navigateur. userService.updateLocale(user, getLocale()); } } catch (RuntimeException | ServiceException | SecurityServiceException e) { LOGGER.error(String.format("Unable to update the user information on sign in: %1$s", user), e); } Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities = authenticationService.getAuthorities(); roles = new Roles(); for (GrantedAuthority authority : authorities) { roles.add(authority.getAuthority()); } rolesInitialized = true; permissions = authenticationService.getPermissions(); permissionsInitialized = true; isSuperUser = authenticationService.isSuperUser(); isSuperUserInitialized = true; } protected void onFirstLogin(U user) { } public IModel<U> getUserModel() { return userModel; } /** * @return the currently logged in user, or null when no user is logged in */ public String getUserName() { String userName = null; if (isSignedIn()) { userName = userModel.getObject().getUserName(); } return userName; } public U getUser() { U person = null; if (isSignedIn()) { person = userModel.getObject(); } return person; } /** * Returns the current user roles. * * @return current user roles */ @Override public Roles getRoles() { if (!rolesInitialized) { Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities = authenticationService.getAuthorities(); for (GrantedAuthority authority : authorities) { roles.add(authority.getAuthority()); } rolesInitialized = true; } return roles; } public boolean hasRole(String authority) { return getRoles().contains(authority); } public boolean hasRoleAdmin() { return hasRole(CoreAuthorityConstants.ROLE_ADMIN); } public boolean hasRoleAuthenticated() { return hasRole(CoreAuthorityConstants.ROLE_AUTHENTICATED); } public boolean hasRoleSystem() { return hasRole(CoreAuthorityConstants.ROLE_SYSTEM); } public boolean hasRoleAnonymous() { return hasRole(CoreAuthorityConstants.ROLE_ANONYMOUS); } protected Collection<? extends Permission> getPermissions() { if (!permissionsInitialized) { permissions = authenticationService.getPermissions(); permissionsInitialized = true; } return permissions; } public boolean hasPermission(Permission permission) { if (isSuperUser()) { return true; } return getPermissions().contains(permission); } protected boolean isSuperUser() { if (!isSuperUserInitialized) { isSuperUser = authenticationService.isSuperUser(); isSuperUserInitialized = true; } return isSuperUser; } /** * Sign out the user. If you want to completely invalidate the session, call invalidate() instead. * After a signout, you should redirect the browser to the home or sign in page. */ @Override public void signOut() { signOutWithoutCleaningUpRedirectUrl(); removeAttribute(REDIRECT_URL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); } /** * @deprecated Only useful when using OWSI-Core's redirection mechanism, which is deprecated. * * @see {@link #registerRedirectUrl(String)} for information about alternative mechanisms. */ @Deprecated public void signOutWithoutCleaningUpRedirectUrl() { userModel.setObject(null); roles = new Roles(); rolesInitialized = false; permissions = Lists.newArrayList(); permissionsInitialized = false; authenticationService.signOut(); super.signOut(); } /** * @deprecated This was OWSI-Core's own redirection mechanism, which is now deprecated in favor of more standard * mechanisms. * You may use instead: * <ul> * <li>Wicket's * {@link RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException} mechanism * ({@link Component#redirectToInterceptPage(org.apache.wicket.Page)}, * {@link Component#continueToOriginalDestination()}), if redirecting within the same session (without login/logout * during the redirection process). * <li>Spring Security's saved requests mechanisms, triggered by an {@link AccessDeniedException}, if redirecting * after an authentication/authorization error. Beware that most cases are already handled in OWSI-Core through the * {@link CoreDefaultExceptionMapper}, so you normally shouldn't have to do this. * <li>Or you own implementation with an URL as a page parameter, for the most specific needs. * </ul> */ @Deprecated public void registerRedirectUrl(String url) { // le bind() est obligatoire pour demander à wicket de persister la session // si on ne le fait pas, la session possède comme durée de vie le temps de // la requête. if (isTemporary()) { bind(); } setAttribute(REDIRECT_URL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, url); } /** * @deprecated This was OWSI-Core's own redirection mechanism, which is now deprecated in favor of more standard * mechanisms. * @see {@link #registerRedirectUrl(String)} for information about alternative mechanisms. */ public String getRedirectUrl() { return (String) getAttribute(REDIRECT_URL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); } /** * @deprecated This was OWSI-Core's own redirection mechanism, which is now deprecated in favor of more standard * mechanisms. * @see {@link #registerRedirectUrl(String)} for information about alternative mechanisms. */ public String consumeRedirectUrl() { String redirectUrl = getRedirectUrl(); removeAttribute(REDIRECT_URL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); return redirectUrl; } /** * @deprecated This was OWSI-Core's own redirection mechanism, which is now deprecated in favor of more standard * mechanisms. * @see {@link #registerRedirectUrl(String)} for information about alternative mechanisms. */ public void registerRedirectPageLinkDescriptor(IPageLinkDescriptor pageLinkDescriptor) { // le bind() est obligatoire pour demander à wicket de persister la session // si on ne le fait pas, la session possède comme durée de vie le temps de // la requête. if (isTemporary()) { bind(); } setAttribute(REDIRECT_PAGE_LINK_DESCRIPTOR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, pageLinkDescriptor); } /** * @deprecated This was OWSI-Core's own redirection mechanism, which is now deprecated in favor of more standard * mechanisms. * @see {@link #registerRedirectUrl(String)} for information about alternative mechanisms. */ public IPageLinkDescriptor getRedirectPageLinkDescriptor() { IPageLinkDescriptor pageLinkDescriptor = (IPageLinkDescriptor) getAttribute(REDIRECT_PAGE_LINK_DESCRIPTOR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); removeAttribute(REDIRECT_PAGE_LINK_DESCRIPTOR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); return pageLinkDescriptor; } /** * <p>Override to provide locale mapping to available application locales.</p> * @return */ @Override public Session setLocale(Locale locale) { return super.setLocale(propertyService.toAvailableLocale(locale)); } public IModel<Locale> getLocaleModel() { return localeModel; } @Override public void detach() { super.detach(); userModel.detach(); localeModel.detach(); } @Override public void internalDetach() { super.internalDetach(); userModel.detach(); localeModel.detach(); } @SpringBean private DefaultJpaSecurityConfig defaultJpaSecurityConfig; @SpringBean(name = "userDetailsService") private UserDetailsService userDetailsService; /** * Utilisé pour garder l'authentification de l'utilisateur lorsqu'il se connecte en tant qu'un autre utilisateur. */ private Authentication originalAuthentication = null; public Authentication getOriginalAuthentication() { return originalAuthentication; } public boolean hasSignInAsPermissions(U utilisateurConnecte, U utilisateurCible) { return authenticationService.hasPermission(NamedPermission.ADMIN_SIGN_IN_AS); } /** * @see AbstractCoreSession#authenticate(String, String) */ public void signInAs(String username) throws UsernameNotFoundException { // on charge l'utilisateur // on le passe dans une méthode surchargeable -> implémentation par défaut à faire // Sitra -> revoir l'implémentation par défaut if (!hasSignInAsPermissions(getUser(), userService.getByUserName(username))) { throw new SecurityException("L'utilisateur n'a pas les permissions nécessaires"); } UserDetails userDetails = userDetailsService.loadUserByUsername(username); RunAsUserToken token = new RunAsUserToken(defaultJpaSecurityConfig.getRunAsKey(), userDetails, "runAs", userDetails.getAuthorities(), null); // On garde l'authentification de l'utilisateur pour pouvoir lui proposer de se reconnecter. Authentication previousAuthentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); if (!(previousAuthentication instanceof AnonymousAuthenticationToken)) { originalAuthentication = previousAuthentication; } signOut(); Authentication authentication = authenticationManager.authenticate(token); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication); doInitializeSession(); bind(); signIn(true); } public void signInAsMe() throws BadCredentialsException, SecurityException { if (originalAuthentication == null) { throw new BadCredentialsException("Pas d'authentification originelle"); } SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(originalAuthentication); doInitializeSession(); bind(); signIn(true); originalAuthentication = null; } }