package; import org.apache.wicket.Page; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; import org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.parameter.PageParameters; import org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference; import org.javatuples.Tuple; import fr.openwide.core.wicket.more.condition.Condition; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.openwide.core.wicket.more.markup.html.factory.IDetachableFactory; /** * A state where some mappable parameters were {@link IMappableParameterDeclarationState declared} and some were * {@link ITwoOrMoreMappableParameterNoneChosenChoiceState#pickFirst() chosen}. * <p>From this state, one may: * <ul> * <li>map model parameters ({@link IModel}) to link parameters ({@link PageParameters}) * <li>add parameter-dependent validation to the link. * <li>build a link descriptor mapper with a parameter-dependent target. * </ul> */ public interface IChosenParameterState < TInitialState, TTuple extends Tuple, TLateTargetDefinitionPageResult, TLateTargetDefinitionResourceResult, TLateTargetDefinitionImageResourceResult > { /** * Register a {@link ILinkParameterMappingEntry} that will handle the process of mapping HTTP query parameters * to its internal models. * <p>The {@link ILinkParameterMappingEntry} will be created by the given factory when the model parameters will be * fully known. * @param parameterMappingEntryFactory The factory for creating the object responsible for mapping parameters. * @return A builder state where you will decide whether the newly created mapping is either mandatory or optional. */ IAddedParameterMappingState<TInitialState> map( ILinkParameterMappingEntryFactory<? super TTuple> parameterMappingEntryFactory); /** * Add a validator to the resulting link descriptor. * <p>The validator will be created by the given factory when the model parameters will be fully known. * <p>The validator will be executed each time a link will get {@link ILinkGenerator generated} or link parameters * will get {@link ILinkParametersExtractor extracted}. * <p>This method has the advantage over {@link #validator(IDetachableFactory)} that it allows for validation * of raw parameters, not only model parameters. * @param parameterValidatorFactory The factory for creating the validator. * @return The original state (without any chosen parameter) for chaining calls. * @see ILinkParameterValidatorFactory * @see ILinkParameterValidator */ TInitialState validator(ILinkParameterValidatorFactory<? super TTuple> parameterValidatorFactory); /** * {@link #validator(ILinkParameterValidatorFactory) Add a validator to the resulting link descriptor} that will * pass validation if and only if the given condition is <code>true</code>, and raise an error otherwise. * <p>The condition, and thus the validator, will be created by the given factory when the model parameters will be * fully known. * @param condition The condition on which the validation should pass. * @return The original state (without any chosen parameter) for chaining calls. * @see ConditionLinkParameterValidator */ TInitialState validator(IDetachableFactory<? super TTuple, ? extends Condition> conditionFactory); /** * A version of {@link ILateTargetDefinitionTerminalState#page(Class)} with a parameter-dependent target. */ TLateTargetDefinitionPageResult page( IDetachableFactory<? super TTuple, ? extends IModel<? extends Class<? extends Page>>> pageClassFactory); /** * A version of {@link ILateTargetDefinitionTerminalState#resource(ResourceReference)} with a * parameter-dependent target. */ TLateTargetDefinitionResourceResult resource( IDetachableFactory<? super TTuple, ? extends IModel<? extends ResourceReference>> resourceReferenceFactory); /** * A version of {@link ILateTargetDefinitionTerminalState#imageResource(ResourceReference)} with a * parameter-dependent target. */ TLateTargetDefinitionImageResourceResult imageResource( IDetachableFactory<? super TTuple, ? extends IModel<? extends ResourceReference>> resourceReferenceFactory); }