package fr.openwide.core.wicket.more.markup.html.form; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import org.apache.wicket.Component; import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxEventBehavior; import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget; import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget.AbstractListener; import org.apache.wicket.behavior.Behavior; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponent; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; import org.apache.wicket.util.lang.Args; import org.apache.wicket.util.visit.ClassVisitFilter; import org.apache.wicket.util.visit.IVisit; import org.apache.wicket.util.visit.IVisitFilter; import org.apache.wicket.util.visit.IVisitor; import org.apache.wicket.util.visit.Visits; import; import; import; import; import fr.openwide.core.commons.util.functional.SerializablePredicate; import fr.openwide.core.wicket.more.condition.Condition; import; import; import fr.openwide.core.wicket.more.util.model.Detachables; import fr.openwide.core.wicket.more.util.visit.VisitFilters; /** * Performs abstract actions on the attached component according to the actual, client-side content of a given {@link FormComponent}.<br> * This Behavior takes into account the fact that, in some cases, the model of a FormComponent may not reflect * the actual value entered by the user on the client side (especially when form validation fails).<br> * Upon the attached component's {@link #onConfigure(Component) configuration}, the Behavior perform one of two set of (abstract) actions * based on the current value for the <code>prerequisiteField</code>, which is the {@link {@link FormComponent#getConvertedInput() converted input} * if there was a user input, or the {@link FormComponent#getModelObject() model object} otherwise.<br> * <br> * This Behavior will automatically add an {@link AjaxEventBehavior} to the <code>prerequisiteField</code> to enable Ajax * updates on the attached component when the <code>prerequisiteField</code> {@link StateEvent#CHANGE changes}. You can override {@link #getAjaxTarget(Component)} * in order to specify which component must be added to the {@link AjaxRequestTarget target} * (this can be useful for example when the attached component is a Select2 drop-down choice).<br> * <br> * The <code>prerequisiteField</code> model object is guaranteed NOT to be updated upon client-side ajax calls. * If this is needed in your case, this Behavior is clearly overkill for you, since you do not need to inspect the <code>prerequisiteField</code>'s input.<br> * <br> * The sets of actions that will be performed upon the attached component's configuration are the following (each one can be overriden) : * <ul> * <li>{@link #setUpAttachedComponent(Component)} when {@link #shouldSetUpAttachedComponent()} is true and * {@link #isConvertedInputSatisfyingRequirements(FormComponent, Object)} or {@link #isCurrentModelSatisfyingRequirements(FormComponent, IModel)} * is true (which one is called depends on whether there was a user input or not). * <li>{@link #cleanDefaultModelObject(Component)} followed by {@link #takeDownAttachedComponent(Component)} otherwise * </ul> * * * @param <T> The model object type of the <code>prerequisiteField</code>. */ public abstract class AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> extends Behavior { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4689707482303046984L; private final FormComponent<T> prerequisiteField; private final IFormComponentChangeObserver observer = new IFormComponentChangeObserver() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void onChange(AjaxRequestTarget target) { AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior.this.onPrerequisiteFieldChange(target); } }; private final Collection<Component> attachedComponents = Lists.newArrayList(); private Condition defaultWhenPrerequisiteInvisibleCondition = Condition.alwaysTrue(); private boolean useWicketValidation = false; private boolean updatePrerequisiteModel = false; private Predicate<? super T> resetAttachedModelPredicate = Predicates.alwaysFalse(); private Predicate<? super T> resetAttachedFormComponentsPredicate = Predicates.alwaysFalse(); /** * @deprecated This should disappear soon, along with the {@link #cleanDefaultModelObject(Component)} method. */ @Deprecated private boolean resetAttachedModelOnConfigure = true; private boolean refreshParent = false; private final Collection<AbstractListener> onChangeListeners = Lists.newArrayList(); private Predicate<? super T> objectValidPredicate = Predicates.notNull(); private Condition forceSetUpConditon = null; private Condition forceTakeDownConditon = null; private Resetter resetter = new DefaultResetter(); public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior(FormComponent<T> prerequisiteField) { super(); Args.notNull(prerequisiteField, "prerequisiteField"); this.prerequisiteField = prerequisiteField; } @Override public void detach(Component component) { super.detach(component); Detachables.detach( defaultWhenPrerequisiteInvisibleCondition, forceSetUpConditon, forceTakeDownConditon ); } /** * Sets whether the attached component should be set up (when condition is <code>true</code>) or taken down (when condition * is <code>false</code>) when the prerequisiteField is invisible. * <p>Default is <code>Condition.alwaysTrue()</code>. */ public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> setDefaultWhenPrerequisiteInvisible(Condition setUpCondition) { this.defaultWhenPrerequisiteInvisibleCondition = setUpCondition; return this; } /** * Sets whether the attached component should be set up (<code>true</code>) or taken down (<code>false</code>) * when the prerequisiteField is invisible. * <p>Default is <code>true</code>. */ public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> setDefaultWhenPrerequisiteInvisible(boolean defaultToSetUp) { this.defaultWhenPrerequisiteInvisibleCondition = Condition.constant(defaultToSetUp); return this; } /** * Sets whether wicket validation ({@link FormComponent#validate()} method) is to be taken into account before * trying to apply the {@code #setObjectValidPredicate(Predicate) objectValidPredicate}. * <p><strong>WARNING:</strong> The wicket validation relies solely on input, and not on the model object. Thus any wicket validation * will systematically deem a field invalid when there is no input. In particular, this means that the prerequisite field will systematically be deemed invalid on * the first page rendering, which means this feature is not suitable for "editing" forms, where the form is filled before the first rendering. * @deprecated Avoid using this, for the reasons mentioned above. */ @Deprecated public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> setUseWicketValidation(boolean validatePrerequisiteInput) { this.useWicketValidation = validatePrerequisiteInput; return this; } /** * Sets whether the prerequisite field model is to be updated when the prerequisite field input changes. */ public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> setUpdatePrerequisiteModel(boolean updatePrerequisiteModel) { this.updatePrerequisiteModel = updatePrerequisiteModel; return this; } /** * Sets whether the attached component's models are to be set to null when the prerequisite model changes. * @deprecated Use {@link #setResetAttachedFormComponentsIfInvalid(boolean) instead. Be aware that, on contrary to * this method, the other also applies to descendants of the attached component and clears FormComponent inputs. */ @Deprecated public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> setResetAttachedModel(boolean resetAttachedModel) { this.resetAttachedModelPredicate = resetAttachedModel ? Predicates.alwaysTrue() : Predicates.alwaysFalse(); return this; } /** * Sets whether the attached component's models are to be set to null when the prerequisite model is updated <em>and its new object is invalid</em>. * @deprecated Use {@link #setResetAttachedFormComponentsIfInvalid(boolean) instead. Be aware that, on contrary to * this method, the other also applies to descendants of the attached component and clears FormComponent inputs. */ @Deprecated public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> setResetAttachedModelIfInvalid(boolean resetAttachedModel) { this.resetAttachedModelPredicate = new SerializablePredicate<T>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public boolean apply(T input) { return !objectValidPredicate.apply(input); } }; return this; } /** * Sets a predicate to determine, based on the prerequisite model value, whether the attached component's * models are to be set to null when the prerequisite model changes. * <p>Note that FormComponents children will not be reset (allowing the use of FormComponentPanels, which should * handle input clearing of their children themselves). * @deprecated Use {@link #setResetAttachedFormComponentsIfInvalid(boolean) instead. Be aware that, on contrary to * this method, the other also applies to descendants of the attached component and clears FormComponent inputs. */ @Deprecated public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> setResetAttachedModelPredicate(Predicate<? super T> resetAttachedModelPredicate) { this.resetAttachedModelPredicate = resetAttachedModelPredicate; return this; } /** * Sets whether the attached component and all its children are to be reset if they are FormComponents, i.e. their * model are to be set to null and their convertedInput are to be cleared, when the prerequisite model changes. * <p>Note that FormComponents children will not be reset (allowing the use of FormComponentPanels, which should * handle input clearing of their children themselves). */ public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> setResetAttachedFormComponents() { this.resetAttachedFormComponentsPredicate = Predicates.alwaysTrue(); return this; } /** * Sets whether the attached component and all its children are to be reset if they are FormComponents, i.e. their * model are to be set to null and their convertedInput are to be cleared, when the prerequisite model changes * <em>and its new object is invalid</em>. * <p>Note that FormComponents children will not be reset (allowing the use of FormComponentPanels, which should * handle input clearing of their children themselves). */ public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> setResetAttachedFormComponentsIfInvalid() { this.resetAttachedFormComponentsPredicate = new SerializablePredicate<T>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public boolean apply(T input) { return !objectValidPredicate.apply(input); } }; return this; } /** * Sets whether the attached component and all its children are to be reset if they are FormComponents, i.e. their * model are to be set to null and their convertedInput are to be cleared, when the prerequisite model changes and * the given predicate does not apply to the prerequisite model value anymore. */ public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> setResetAttachedFormComponentsPredicate(Predicate<? super T> resetAttachedFormComponentsPredicate) { this.resetAttachedFormComponentsPredicate = resetAttachedModelPredicate; return this; } /** * Sets whether the attached component's model are to be set to null when calling onConfigure if the prerequisite model is invalid. * <p>This should be used only to prevent a legacy behavior. */ public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> setNoResetAttachedModelOnConfigure() { this.resetAttachedModelOnConfigure = false; return this; } /** * Sets the predicate used to determine whether the prerequisite field value is valid. * <strong>Note:</strong> the predicate must be {@link Serializable}. */ public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> setObjectValidPredicate(Predicate<? super T> objectValidPredicate) { this.objectValidPredicate = objectValidPredicate; return this; } /** * Sets the condition under which the attached component will be "set up" regardless of the value of the prerequisite field. */ public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> setForceSetUpCondition(Condition condition) { this.forceSetUpConditon = condition; return this; } /** * Sets the condition under which the attached component will be "taken down" regardless of the value of the prerequisite field. */ public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> setForceTakeDownCondition(Condition condition) { this.forceTakeDownConditon = condition; return this; } /** * Sets whether the ajax refresh should target the attached component's parent instead of the component itself. * <p>This is useful for components that use javascript to generate siblings in the DOM tree, such as Select2. */ public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> setRefreshParent(boolean refreshParent) { this.refreshParent = refreshParent; return this; } /** * Sets attached components resetter. */ public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> setResetter(Resetter resetter) { if (resetter != null) { this.resetter = resetter; } return this; } public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> onChange(AbstractListener listener) { this.onChangeListeners.add(listener); return this; } public AbstractAjaxInputPrerequisiteBehavior<T> onChange(Collection<AbstractListener> listeners) { this.onChangeListeners.addAll(listeners); return this; } @Override public final void bind(Component component) { if (attachedComponents.isEmpty()) { // Make sure that the attached component will be updated when the content of the prerequisiteField changes. FormComponentChangeAjaxEventBehavior.get(prerequisiteField).subscribe(observer); } attachedComponents.add(component); } @Override public final void unbind(Component component) { attachedComponents.remove(component); if (attachedComponents.isEmpty()) { FormComponentChangeAjaxEventBehavior.get(prerequisiteField).unsubscribe(observer); } } private void onPrerequisiteFieldChange(AjaxRequestTarget target) { T convertedInput = getPrerequisiteFieldConvertedInput(); for (Component attachedComponent : attachedComponents) { Component reloadedComponent = getAjaxTarget(attachedComponent); if (VisitFilters.renderedComponents().visitObject(reloadedComponent)) { target.add(reloadedComponent); } boolean hasReset = false; if (resetAttachedModelPredicate.apply(convertedInput)) { attachedComponent.setDefaultModelObject(null); hasReset = true; } if (resetAttachedFormComponentsPredicate.apply(convertedInput)) { resetFormComponents(attachedComponent); hasReset = true; } if (hasReset) { // Handle chained prerequisites FormComponentChangeAjaxEventBehavior behavior = FormComponentChangeAjaxEventBehavior.getExisting(attachedComponent); if (behavior != null) { behavior.notify(target); } } } for (AbstractListener onChangeListener : onChangeListeners) { target.addListener(onChangeListener); } onPrerequisiteFieldChange(target, prerequisiteField, Collections.unmodifiableCollection(attachedComponents)); } private void resetFormComponents(Component attachedComponent) { visit(attachedComponent, resetFormComponentsVisitor, new ClassVisitFilter(FormComponent.class)); } // Visits.visit is screwed: it does not accept Components, but only Iterable<Component>, on contrary to Visits.visitPostOrder private static final <T extends Component, R> R visit(Component component, IVisitor<T, R> visitor, IVisitFilter filter) { return Visits.visitChildren(Collections.<Component>singleton(component), visitor, filter); } private IVisitor<FormComponent<?>, Void> resetFormComponentsVisitor = new ResetFormComponentsVisitor(); private class ResetFormComponentsVisitor implements IVisitor<FormComponent<?>, Void>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2038057558891912818L; @Override public void component(FormComponent<?> object, IVisit<Void> visit) { if (attachedComponents.contains(object)) { resetter.reset(object); } else { IModel<?> model = object.getDefaultModel(); if (model != null) { model.setObject(null); } } object.clearInput(); visit.dontGoDeeper(); } } private Component getAjaxTarget(Component componentToRender) { if (refreshParent) { return componentToRender.getParent(); } else { return componentToRender; } } /** * Ajax call triggered by a change on the prerequisite field. * Called after adding the attached components to the target, and before generating the response. * @deprecated Use {@link #onChange(AbstractListener)} instead. */ @Deprecated protected void onPrerequisiteFieldChange(AjaxRequestTarget target, FormComponent<T> prerequisiteField, Collection<Component> attachedComponents) { } private boolean hasPrerequisiteFieldInputChanged() { return prerequisiteField.isEnabledInHierarchy() && prerequisiteField.isVisibleInHierarchy() && ( prerequisiteField.getForm().isSubmitted() || FormComponentChangeAjaxEventBehavior.getExisting(prerequisiteField).isBeingSubmitted() ); } private T getPrerequisiteFieldConvertedInput() { prerequisiteField.inputChanged(); prerequisiteField.validate(); // Performs input conversion T converted = prerequisiteField.getConvertedInput(); prerequisiteField.getFeedbackMessages().clear(); return converted; } @Override public final void onConfigure(Component component) { super.onConfigure(component); if (prerequisiteField.isVisibleInHierarchy()) { if (forceTakeDownConditon != null && forceTakeDownConditon.applies()) { cleanDefaultModelObject(component); takeDownAttachedComponent(component); } else if (forceSetUpConditon != null && forceSetUpConditon.applies()) { setUpAttachedComponent(component); } else { if (hasPrerequisiteFieldInputChanged()) { // The prerequisiteField input has changed : the rendering of the attached component was triggered either by our // InputPrerequisiteAjaxEventBehavior or by a form submit. // We will decide whether the attached component should be set up or taken down based on the prerequisiteField's input. prerequisiteField.validate(); // Performs input conversion updateModelIfNecessary(prerequisiteField); if (isConvertedInputSatisfyingRequirements(prerequisiteField, prerequisiteField.getConvertedInput())) { setUpAttachedComponent(component); } else { if (resetAttachedModelOnConfigure) { cleanDefaultModelObject(component); } takeDownAttachedComponent(component); } // Clearing the input seems useless here, and may harm if the input is used when rendering the form component. // prerequisiteField.clearInput(); } else { if (useWicketValidation) { // TODO YRO : see if anyone is still using this, and drop it if not. This is dangerous since [...] // it may result in using wicket to validate input even though the form was not submitted. prerequisiteField.validate(); // Performs input conversion } if (isCurrentModelSatisfyingRequirements(prerequisiteField, prerequisiteField.getModel())) { setUpAttachedComponent(component); } else { if (resetAttachedModelOnConfigure) { cleanDefaultModelObject(component); } takeDownAttachedComponent(component); } } if (useWicketValidation) { // We need to clear the message that may have been added during the validation, since they are not relevant to the user (no form was submitted) prerequisiteField.getFeedbackMessages().clear(); } } } else { if (defaultWhenPrerequisiteInvisibleCondition.applies()) { setUpAttachedComponent(component); } else { takeDownAttachedComponent(component); } } } private void updateModelIfNecessary(FormComponent<T> prerequisiteField) { if (updatePrerequisiteModel) { prerequisiteField.updateModel(); } } protected final boolean isConvertedInputSatisfyingRequirements(FormComponent<T> prerequisiteField, T convertedInput) { return (!useWicketValidation || prerequisiteField.isValid()) && isObjectValid(convertedInput); } protected final boolean isCurrentModelSatisfyingRequirements(FormComponent<T> prerequisiteField, IModel<T> currentModel) { return (!useWicketValidation || prerequisiteField.isValid()) && isObjectValid(currentModel.getObject()); } protected final boolean isObjectValid(T object) { return objectValidPredicate.apply(object); } /** * @deprecated Use the various setReset*() methods instead. */ @Deprecated protected void cleanDefaultModelObject(Component attachedComponent) { resetter.reset(attachedComponent); } protected abstract void setUpAttachedComponent(Component attachedComponent); protected abstract void takeDownAttachedComponent(Component attachedComponent); }