package; import java.util.Collection; import org.apache.wicket.Component; import org.apache.wicket.Page; import org.apache.wicket.RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException; import org.apache.wicket.RestartResponseException; import org.apache.wicket.core.request.handler.PageProvider; import org.apache.wicket.model.IDetachable; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; import org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle; import org.apache.wicket.request.flow.RedirectToUrlException; import; import; import; import; import fr.openwide.core.wicket.more.markup.html.template.model.NavigationMenuItem; /** * An {@link ILinkGenerator} pointing to a {@link Page}. * * <p>Re-implementing this interface is not recommended, as it may be extended with additional methods without prior notice. * <p><strong>Warning:</strong> this interface extends {@link IDetachable}. Thus, it <em>must</em> be detached before serialization. * * @see ILinkGenerator */ public interface IPageLinkGenerator extends ILinkGenerator, IDetachable { /** * Creates an {@link AbstractDynamicBookmarkableLink} that points to the same page than this descriptor, with the same parameters, * using the given anchor. * <p><strong>Note:</strong> special conditions apply to the rendering of this link if the parameters are invalid. * See {@link AbstractDynamicBookmarkableLink} for more information. * @return An {@link AbstractDynamicBookmarkableLink} matching this link descriptor. * @see AbstractDynamicBookmarkableLink */ AbstractDynamicBookmarkableLink link(String wicketId, String anchor); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override IPageLinkGenerator wrap(Component component); /** * @see #chain(ILinkGenerator) */ IPageLinkGenerator chain(IPageLinkGenerator other); /** * Sets the response page and parameters for the current {@link RequestCycle} to the value of this link descriptor. * @throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException if the target page was invalid (null, for example) * @throws LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException if the parameters validation returned an error * @throws LinkParameterInjectionRuntimeException if an error occurred during parameters injection (most probably during the conversion) * @see RequestCycle#setResponsePage(Class, org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.parameter.PageParameters) */ void setResponsePage() throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException, LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException, LinkParameterInjectionRuntimeException; /** * Creates a {@link RestartResponseException} with the same page and parameters than this link descriptor. * @throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException if the target page was invalid (null, for example) * @throws LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException if the parameters validation returned an error * @throws LinkParameterInjectionRuntimeException if an error occurred during parameters injection (most probably during the conversion) * @see RestartResponseException */ RestartResponseException newRestartResponseException() throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException, LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException, LinkParameterInjectionRuntimeException; /** * Creates a {@link RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException} with the same page and parameters than this link descriptor. * @throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException if the target page was invalid (null, for example) * @throws LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException if the parameters validation returned an error * @throws LinkParameterInjectionRuntimeException if an error occurred during parameters injection (most probably during the conversion) * @see RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException */ RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException newRestartResponseAtInterceptPageException() throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException, LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException, LinkParameterInjectionRuntimeException; /** * Creates a {@link RedirectToUrlException} with the same page and parameters than this link descriptor. * @throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException if the target page was invalid (null, for example) * @throws LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException if the parameters validation returned an error * @throws LinkParameterInjectionRuntimeException if an error occurred during parameters injection (most probably during the conversion) * @see RedirectToUrlException */ RedirectToUrlException newRedirectToUrlException() throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException, LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException, LinkParameterInjectionRuntimeException; /** * Creates a {@link RedirectToUrlException} with the same page and parameters than this link descriptor. * @throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException if the target page was invalid (null, for example) * @throws LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException if the parameters validation returned an error * @throws LinkParameterInjectionRuntimeException if an error occurred during parameters injection (most probably during the conversion) * @see RedirectToUrlException */ RedirectToUrlException newRedirectToUrlException(String anchor) throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException, LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException, LinkParameterInjectionRuntimeException; /** * Returns a NavigationMenyItem with the same page and parameters than this link descriptor. * @throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException if the target page was invalid (null, for example) * @throws LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException if the parameters validation returned an error * @see NavigationMenuItem */ NavigationMenuItem navigationMenuItem(IModel<String> labelModel) throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException, LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException; /** * Returns a NavigationMenyItem with the same page and parameters than this link descriptor. * @throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException if the target page was invalid (null, for example) * @throws LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException if the parameters validation returned an error * @see NavigationMenuItem */ NavigationMenuItem navigationMenuItem(IModel<String> labelModel, Collection<NavigationMenuItem> subMenuItems) throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException, LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException; /** * Returns true if the page pointed by the page link descriptor is equals to the one passed as parameter. * @return */ boolean isActive(Class<? extends Page> selectedPage); PageProvider newPageProvider() throws LinkInvalidTargetRuntimeException, LinkParameterValidationRuntimeException; /** * Provided as a backward compatibility workaround for application that relies on the fact that fullUrl * bypasses permissions. This method disables permission checking for this generator. * * Not available on newer implementations (>= 0.12) as no backward compatibility is needed. * * {@link IPageLinkGenerator#isAccessible()} keeps permission processing even if bypassPermissions is called. * * @return this (chainable method) */ @Deprecated IPageLinkGenerator bypassPermissions(); }